8 research outputs found

    Configuring the Older Non-User: Between Research, Policy and Practice of Digital Exclusion

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    Older adults face significant barriers when accessing the Internet. What can be done to address these barriers? This article analyses existing strategies to tackle the age-related digital divide on three different levels: research, policy and practice. It analyses (1) scientific conceptualisations that are used when studying Internet use and non-use in later life, (2) policies that address older adults’ Internet (non-)use in Austria and (3) characteristics of older Austrian non-users of the Internet based on the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE, wave 6). Analysis shows that Austrian policy tends to emphasise the individual responsibility to learn digital technologies, while placing a lower priority on structural issues, such as investments in infrastructure. However, SHARE data shows that only a small percentage of older non-users of the Internet is in fact reached with such interventions. Thus, this article suggests that policy needs to base its strategies on more refined understandings of Internet use and non-use in later life as well as a more nuanced image of the older non-user. A perspective of critical-cultural gerontology, as laid out in this article, highlights that technology adoption is a domestication process that takes place in the everyday lives of older adults, and it is these processes that interventions that tackle the age-related digital divide should take as a starting point


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    The assessment of an ICT project impact should consider not only the benefits but also their relevance for the beneficiaries. Such a system is likely to reduce the time needed to perform certain operations, reduce the cash need, increase the transparency, etc.; yet these benefits should be analyzed and calibrated with their relevance for the beneficiaries. Increased cloud and grid usage are also supported by falling prices for this type of service, increased reliability and interoperability (it is not difficult to change the provider of such services in order to avoid a potential dependence between the customer and supplier). As it is mostly the case, the adoption of new solutions is faster for private organizations (for which the share of the acquisition of tangible assets in the analyzed operational projects accounted for only 11% of the value of the project compared to 31% for public institutions)

    Digital exclusion of seniors as a barrier to leading a productive life in the fourth industrial revolution

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    Purpose – Analysis of the reasons for cyber exclusion of the elderly and a statistical illustration of this phenomenon in Poland Research method – Literature review, analysis of current statistical data, synthesis. Results – The introduction of modern ICT-based solutions can significantly help older people to remain independent and maintain a high quality of life. This is facilitated by strategic initiatives funded by the European Union, encouraging public units to take action to increase digital competences in society. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – Highlighting the role of public governance units in creating an ecosystem of support for building access to ICTs and increasing digital competence.This article is the result of a project funded by the University of Economics in Katowice 2021–2023 BEYOND BARRIERS – The digital economy – a model departure to support the inclusion of cyber-excluded older people in the use of social services provided in a postpandemic world by ICT-enabled public management entities.Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka: [email protected] Zrałek: [email protected] Ostrowska: [email protected] Frączkiewicz-Wronka - University of Economics, KatowiceMaria Zrałek - Humanitas University, SosnowiecSabina Ostrowska - University of Economics, KatowiceAmpuja M., Koivisto J., 2014, From ‘Post-Industrial’ to ‘Network Society’ and Beyond: The Political Conjunctures and Current Crisis of Information Society Theory, “Economics triple C: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society triple C”, No. 12(2), pp. 447–463, DOI: 10.31269/TRIPLEC.V12I2.568Arendt Ł., Wykluczenie cyfrowe – zagadnienia teoretyczno-empiryczne, [in:] Wykluczenie cyfrowe na rynku pracy, Kryńska E., Arendt Ł. (eds.), IPiSS, Warszawa 2010.Bakaev M., Ponomarev V., Prokhorova L., 2008, E-learning and older people: Barriers and benefits, [in:] Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Novosibirsk Scientific Centre, Novosibirsk, pp. 110–113.Batorski D., 2009, Wykluczenie cyfrowe w Polsce, [in:] Społeczeństwo informacyjne, Grodzka D. (ed.), “Studia BAS”, No. 3(19).Batorski D., Płoszaj A., 2012, Diagnoza i rekomendacje w obszarze kompetencji cyfrowych społeczeństwa i przeciwdziałania wykluczeniu cyfrowemu w kontekście zaprogramowania wsparcia w latach 2014–2020, Warszawa.Cattaneo M., Malighetti P., Spinelli D., 2016, The impact of university of the third age courses on ICT adoption, “Computers in Human Behavior”, No. 63, pp. 613–619, DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.087.Černá M., Svobodová L., 2018, Development of computer competence courses in seniors: Shift from learning space with computer-based activities to virtual platform – Case study, [in:] Blended learning. Enhancing learning success, Cheung S.K.S., Kwok L.-F., Kubota K., Lee L.-K., Tokito J. (eds.), pp. 416–425, Springer, Berlin.Charness N., Boot W.R., 2009, Aging and information technology use: Potential and barriers. “Current Directions in Psychological Science”, No. 18(5), pp. 253–258, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8721.2009.01647.x.Cresci M.K., Yarandi H.N., Morrell R.W., 2010, Pro-nets versus no-nets: Differences in urban older adults’ predilections for internet use, “Educational Gerontology”, No. 36(6), pp. 500–520, DOI: 10.1080/03601270903212476.Damodaran L., Olphert W., Phipps S., 2013, Keeping silver surfers on the crest of a wave: Older people’s ICT learning and support needs, “Working with Older People”, No. 17(1), pp. 32–36.Esteller-Curto R., Escuder-Mollon P., 2012, Nonpractical ICT courses for seniors for a comprehensive involvement to provide a global understanding of the Knowledge Society, “Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences”, No. 46, pp. 2356–2361, DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.05.484.Fernández C., Esteban G., Conde M.Á., Rodríguez Lera F.J., 2016, ICT for older people to learn about ICT: Application and evaluation, [in:] Lecture notes in computer science, Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. 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Studia i Dyskusje”, No. 5.Hunsaker A., Hargittai E., 2018, A review of Internet use among older adults, “New Media & Society”, No. 20(10), pp. 3937–3954, DOI: 10.1177/1461444818787348.Hussain D., Ross P., Bednar P., 2017, The perception of the benefits and drawbacks of Internet usage by the elderly people, [in:] Digital technology and organizational change, Rossignoli C., Virili F. (eds.), Springer, Cham, pp. 199–212.Kamin S.T., Lang F.R., Beyer A., 2017, Subjective technology adaptivity predicts technology use in old age, “Gerontology”, No. 63(4), pp. 385–392, DOI: 10.1159/000471802.Kokol P., Stiglic G., 2011, PRIMER ICT: A new blended learning paradigm for teaching ICT skills to older people, [in:] Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, IEEE, Bristol, pp. 1–5.Lee B., Chen Y., Hewitt L., 2011, Age differences in constraints encountered by seniors in their use of computers and the internet, “Computers in Human Behavior”, No. 27(3), pp. 1231–1237, DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2011.01.003.Lelkes, O., 2013, Happier and less isolated: Internet use in old age, “Journal of Poverty and Social Justice”, No. 21(1), pp. 33–46, DOI: 10.1332/175982713X664047.Maier M.W., Emery D., Hilliard R., 2001, Software architecture: introducing IEEE standard 1471. “Computer”, No. 34(4), pp. 107–109.Neves B.B., Amaro F., 2012, Too old for technology? 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Schyłek siły roboczej na świecie i początek ery postrynkowej, Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie, Wrocław.Schulz R., Wahl H.-W., Matthews J.T., de Vito Dabbs A., Beach S.R., Czaja S.J., 2015, Advancing the aging and technology agenda in gerontology, “The Gerontologist”, No. 55(5), pp. 724–734, DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnu071.Schwab K., 2018, Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa, Wydawnictwo Studio EMKA, Warszawa 2018.Seifert A., Rössel J., 2019, Digital participation, [in:] Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging, Gu D., Dupre M. E. 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    Creativity based on new technologies in design of age-friendly cities: Polish seniors about their needs – research reflection

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    The identified changes in age structure on a global and local scale pose a major challenge for modern societies. And so, the issue of adapting urban spaces to the needs of older people has become of particular interest. But the intensity of changes requires a creative approach to this matter. One of the responses to this phenomenon has been the World Health Organization proposal to build age-friendly cities and communities. It details how to effectively reduce social and spatial exclusion experienced by older people. Importantly, the needs of the elderly are increasingly being taken into consideration during the design process. This article provides the theoretical explanation of the issues related to the creative solutions based on new technologies in the perspective of building an age-friendly city. The empirical section presents selected survey results conducted among Polish seniors which focus on three main aspects of new technologies: the current importance for seniors; the current state of solutions in the city; the predicted importance in the future

    Envejecer bien, definición mediante validación del modelo multidimensional y promoción del buen envejecimiento

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud. Fecha de lectura: 13-09-2017Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 13-03-201

    Tecnologías de la Información, Comunicación, Aprendizaje y Conocimiento (TIC/TAC): Comprensión de las subjetividades en jóvenes universitarios de Montería -Tránsitos educativos en dos universidades

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    Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.El objetivo de la investigación fue comprender las subjetividades generadas por un grupo de jóvenes de dos universidades de Montería, a causa de las Tecnologías de la Información, la Comunicación, el Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento (TIC/TAC), y los tránsitos educativos emergentes en la Universidad de Córdoba y la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Montería. La perspectiva epistemológica se basó en la Epistemología del sujeto conocido, la metodología tuvo una orientación cualitativa, el tipo de investigación se centró en el estudio de caso. Las técnicas de recolección de información utilizadas fueron los grupos focales, las historias de vida, las narrativas digitales y la observación participante en las dos universidades seleccionadas. Como estrategia de interpretación se trabajó a través análisis de contenido. Entre las conclusiones se incorpora en la tesis un término, Jóvenes Ciber-Applicados (App de Aplicaciones), tomando como base lo planteado por (Garner & Davis, 2014) de Generación APP. Se deriva de jóvenes que usan el ciberespacio como espacio de socialización y de nuevas formas de relacionamiento y donde las Aplicaciones o App, son fundamentales en procesos de subjetivaciones, donde se usan de acuerdo a los intereses y necesidades. Debemos tener presente que, las paradojas de la pluralidad no se dan de forma lineal en el desarrollo del tiempo, y en ciudades caribeñas del trópico colombiano- como es Montería-; se debe propender desde los procesos académicos que los jóvenes produzcan contenidos constituidos entre la tradición y la innovación tecnológica de forma diversa y las TIC/TAC son fundamentales en dicho proceso