6 research outputs found

    Maker Networks Fighting Covid-19: Design Guidelines for Redistributed Manufacturing (RDM) Models

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    Maker Networks indicate how society organizes itself to overcome significant challenges, such as the lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze initiatives that produced PPE for frontline health staff to propose design guidelines for implementing RDM-Maker Networks: networks of people and organizations in the Maker Movement that collaboratively produce goods or services organized in a redistributed manufacturing (RDM) model. This paper has two main results: five Maker Networks in Brazil analyzed in terms of their RDM features and the subsequent design guidelines. We selected cases through several criteria like their location and the type of one of their nodes. Those criteria also represent limitations that further works can address

    Co-creating FabLab La Campana: Empowering a marginalised community in the North of Mexico

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    FabLabs are a celebrated approach to formal and informal learning through making with digital fabrication tools. This paper discusses the co-creation of a FabLab with a marginalised community in Monterrey, Mexico. One of the main challenges in establishing these Makerspaces is in sustaining the activities and community engagement on an ongoing basis. In responding to this challenge, this process focused on the empowerment of community members to make the changes they desire, either for themselves or their community. Beyond skills for making and playful engagement in STEAM learning, makerspaces also facilitate the building of networks and partnerships, and the development of social competencies and soft skills, that are often overlooked in the process of empowerment and social mobility. Primary insights from the co-creation process of the La Campana FabLab are reported here. A Mexican higher education institution with a strong social responsibility agenda facilitated the process, securing funds and connecting project partners, locally and globally. Framing the co-creation of the FabLab with the partners was and is an ongoing process. Key factors included the donation of a safe space and tools for the community to host and run the FabLab. Establishing the role of the FabLab in the community from the participants’ point-of-view and committing to regular ongoing educational dialogue was important in forming an equitable partnership between institutions and community. Beyond the physical space, equipment and educational activities, a community architecture intervention demonstrated the large-scale impact digital fabrication could have in creating spaces shaped by and for the community

    Co-creating FabLab La Campana: Empowering a Marginalised Community in the North of Mexico

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    FabLabs are a celebrated approach to formal and informal learning through making with digital fabrication tools. This paper discusses the co-creation of a FabLab with a marginalised community in Monterrey, Mexico. One of the main challenges in establishing these Makerspaces is in sustaining the activities and community engagement on an ongoing basis. In responding to this challenge, this process focused on the empowerment of community members to make the changes they desire, either for themselves or their community. Beyond skills for making and playful engagement in STEAM learning, makerspaces also facilitate the building of networks and partnerships, and the development of social competencies and soft skills, that are often overlooked in the process of empowerment and social mobility. Primary insights from the co-creation process of the La Campana FabLab are reported here. A Mexican higher education institution with a strong social responsibility agenda facilitated the process, securing funds and connecting project partners, locally and globally. Framing the cocreation of the FabLab with the partners was and is an ongoing process. Key factors included the donation of a safe space and tools for the community to host and run the FabLab. Establishing the role of the FabLab in the community from the participants’ point-of-view and committing to regular ongoing educational dialogue was important in forming an equitable partnership between institutions and community. Beyond the physical space, equipment and educational activities, a community architecture intervention demonstrated the large-scale impact digital fabrication could have in creating spaces shaped by and for the community

    Bibliotecas e makerspaces : um espaço de colaboração e criação

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    O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) identifica experiências e caracteriza o movimento maker expressando sua concepção através de espaços de criação e inovação nas bibliotecas escolares, públicas e universitárias. Com isso busca caracterizar os espaços chamados makerspaces que investem em tecnologia, criatividade, colaboração e dessa forma tem influenciado bibliotecários e usuários a ressignificar a função social e educativa nos serviços oferecidos pelas bibliotecas. Como metodologia, caracteriza-se como um estudo exploratório e como delineamento, utiliza a pesquisa bibliográfica. Para análise dos dados, utiliza a análise de conteúdo, a partir das recentes publicações da área da Ciência da Informação. Conclui-se que os valores do movimento maker estimulam a criatividade, imaginação, autonomia e busca pelo conhecimento. Logo, a oferta de makerspaces são um serviço possível na biblioteca e que atrai mais usuários e aproxima bibliotecários engajados em promover ações de forma criativa e significativas para as bibliotecas escolares, públicas e universitárias e suas comunidades.This monograph describes the maker movement identifies related experiences by conceptualizing the movement through spaces for creation and innovation in school, public, and university libraries. It discusses the so-called makerspaces that invest in technology, creativity and collaboration, and have thus influenced librarians and users to give new meaning to the social and educational function of the services provided by libraries. Methodologically, this is an exploratory study based on a literature review, using content analysis techniques to analyze the data from recent Information Sciences publications. It concludes that the values of the maker movement foster creativity, imagination, autonomy and the pursuit of knowledge. Therefore, makerspaces represent one possible service that libraries could provide to its users to increase their numbers, bringing in engaged librarians to promote meaningful, creative actions for school, public and university libraries, as well as their communities

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 1: Change, Voices, Open

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 1 includes papers from Change, Voices and Open tracks of the conference

    Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Економіка» : науковий журнал

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    Журнал додано до переліку наукових фахових видань України з економіки на підставі Наказу Міністерства освіти і науки України № 515 від 16 травня 2016 р. Журнал зареєстровано в Міжнародному центрі періодичних видань (ISSN International Centre. Paris, Franse): ISSN 2311-5149 (друкований) Журнал входить до «Переліку наукових фахових видань, в яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертаційних робіт на здобуття наукових ступенів доктора і кандидата наук» на підставі Наказу МОН України № 975 від 11.07.2019 – категорія «Б»