500,514 research outputs found

    MT+TM+QA : the future is ours

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    Aquest article fa prediccions sobre el futur de la traducció automàtica i els sistemes de memòries de traducció i el paper dels traductors com a garantia de qualitat. Els ordinadors adquiriran un paper cada cop més important en el processament mecanitzat de corpus de bitextuals existents, mentre que als traductors se'ls demanarà funcions de més nivell.Este artículo hace predicciones sobre el futuro de la traducción automática y los sistemas de gestión de memorias de traducción por un lado, y de los traductores como garantes de la calidad, por el otro. Los ordenadores adquirirán un papel cada vez más importantes en el proceso mecanizado de corpus bitextuales existentes, mientras que a los traductores se les pedirá funciones de mayor nivel.This paper makes predictions about the future of machine translation and translation memory systems and the role of human translators in quality assurance. Computers will take a bigger role in mechanically processing existing bitext corpora, while human translators will be called on to perform higher level functions

    Growth, Environment and Uncertain Future Preferences

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    The attitude of future generations towards environmental assets may well be different from ours, and it is necessary to take into account this possibility explicitly in the current debate about environmental policy. The question we are addressing here is: should uncertainty about future preferences lead to a more conservative attitude towards environment? Previous literature shows that it is the case when society expects that on average future preferences will be more in favor of environment than ours, but this result relies heavily on the assumption of a separability between consumption and environmental quality in the utility function. We show that things are less simple when preferences are non-separable: the attitude of the society now depends not only on the expectation of the change in preferences but also on the characteristics of the economy (impatience, intertemporal flexibility, natural capacities of regeneration of the environment, relative preference for the environment), on its history (initial level of the environmental quality) and on the date at which preferences are expected to change (near or far future).Growth ; Environment ; Preferences ; Uncertainty c ° 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

    Like a Hurricane: A Brief Narrative on the Recent Developments of the Print Reference Collection at the University of Winnipeg

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    A paper presented by Michael Hohner as part of the panel session Print Reference Collections: The Future is Ours

    Robustness of the Estimates of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve

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    Galí and Gertler (1999) developed a hybrid variant of the New Keynesian Phillips curve that relates inflation to real marginal cost, expected future inflation and lagged inflation. GMM estimates of the model suggest that forward looking behavior is dominant: The coefficient on expected future inflation substantially exceeds the coefficient on lagged inflation. While the latter differs significantly from zero, it is quantitatively modest. Several authors have suggested that our results are the product of specification bias or suspect estimation methods. Here we show that these claims are incorrect, and that our results are robust to a variety of estimation procedures, including GMM estimation of the closed form, and nonlinear instrumental variables. Also, as we discuss, many others have obtained very similar results to ours using a systems approach, including FIML techniques. Hence, the conclusions of GG and others regarding the importance of forward looking behavior remain robust.

    Relativistic model for the nonmesonic weak decay of single-lambda hypernuclei

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    Having in mind its future extension for theoretical investigations related to charmed nuclei, we develop a relativistic formalism for the nonmesonic weak decay of single-Λ\Lambda hypernuclei in the framework of the independent-particle shell model and with the dynamics represented by the (π,K)(\pi,K) one-meson-exchange model. Numerical results for the one-nucleon-induced transition rates of Λ12C{}^{12}_{\Lambda}\textrm{C} are presented and compared with those obtained in the analogous nonrelativistic calculation. There is satisfactory agreement between the two approaches, and the most noteworthy difference is that the ratio Γn/Γp\Gamma_{n}/\Gamma_{p} is appreciably higher and closer to the experimental value in the relativistic calculation. Large discrepancies between ours and previous relativistic calculations are found, for which we do not encounter any fully satisfactory explanation. The most recent experimental data is well reproduced by our results. In summary, we have achieved our purpose to develop a reliable model for the relativistic calculation of the nonmesonic weak decay of Λ\Lambda-hypernuclei, which can now be extended to evaluate similar processes in charmed nuclei

    Protein Transduction Method for Cerebrovascular Disorders

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    Many studies have shown that a motif of 11 consecutive arginines (11R) is one of the most effective protein transduction domains (PTD) for introducing proteins into the cell membrane. By conjugating this &#34;11R&#34;, all sorts of proteins can effectively and harmlessly be transferred into any kind of cell. We therefore examined the transduction efficiency of 11R in cerebral arteries and obtained results showing that 11R fused enhanced green fluorescent protein (11R-EGFP) immediately and effectively penetrated all layers of the rat basilar artery (BA), especially the tunica media. This method provides a revolutionary approach to cerebral arteries and ours is the first study to demonstrate the successful transductionof a PTD fused protein into the cerebral arteries. In this review, we present an outline of our studies and other key studies related to cerebral vasospasm and 11R, problems to be overcome, and predictions regarding future use of the 11R protein transduction method for cerebral vasospasm (CV).</p