183,661 research outputs found


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    The focus on the effectiveness of teaching computer graphics in the developed countries of the world is growing due to the importance of making significant changes in the development and globalization of computer technology, determining the development of advanced technologies. Today, the visualization of computer graphics education in the world's leading universities, the creation of favorable conditions for the training of specialists in the field, such as CAD master, animator, the development of design culture of future professionals play an important role in the education of sustainable development

    Graphics calculators and the school mathematics curriculum: Perspectives and issues from three countries

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    Over the past two decades, graphics calculators have been prominent in many discussions of technology in mathematics education. This paper describes how they have become part of teaching, learning and assessment in school mathematics in each of three different countries: Australia, Singapore and the United States of America, as well as directions for future use. Critical issues associated with effective implementation of graphics calculators into the school mathematics curriculum are highlighted, including the nature of school mathematics, examination practices, Computer Algebra Systems, the support of teachers and students, curriculum change and development, the focus on learning, dealing with inherent limitations of graphics calculators, school and university differences, future technologies

    Motivating change: An Interactive journey in sustainability in environmental concerns

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    Despite the grave environmental issues facing the world, little is being done to educate our future generation of consumers on resource consumption and waste generation. There is a need for major change in the approach to education about sustainability. In the classroom, environmental education has been presented statically through traditional teaching methods. Environmental education is evolving to include information on how a person\u27s efforts and behavior can affect global change. However, changes in education are not happening as rapidly as the deterioration of the environment. The sustainability of the environment requires action and reaction, therefore it requires a more interactive approach to education. Can education through interactivity result in major changes? Can the inclusion of computer graphics as an alternative approach to education promote and motivate change in a person\u27s behavior in relation to the environment? This thesis is an exploration of the role Computer Graphics can play in environmental education. It is divided into two main components, Design Center and Action Toolkit. Through interactive engagement of the user this thesis offers experiential learning that successfully communicates the issue of sustainability of the environment, creating the opportunity to develop a lasting change in their daily behavior

    Формування проектно-конструкторської компетентності майбутніх інженерів засобами ІКТ

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    У статті розглянуто графічні програми, що застосовують задля формування проектно-конструк- торської компетентності майбутніх інженерів. Виділено етапи використання інформаційно-комуніка- ційних технологій в процесі графічної підготовки: малюнки в поєднанні з дизайном; креслення в по- єднанні з комп’ютерною графікою; інтерактивне навчання в мережі Інтернет.В статье рассмотрены графические программы, которые применяются для формирования проектно-конструкторской компетентности будущих инженеров. Выделены этапы использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий в процессе графической подготовки: рисунки в сочетании с дизайном; чертежи в сочетании с компьютерной графикой; интерактивное обучение в сети Интернет.It has been considered the graphics programs that are used for the formation of design competence of future engineers. The stages of information use and communication technologies in the process of the preparation of graphics have been singled out, they are drawings in combination with the design; drawings in combination with computer graphics; interactive education on the Internet

    Cross-Platform Methods in Computer Graphics That Boost Experimental Film Making

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    Computer graphics arts such as animations, video games, and special effects in live-action movies have become essential for people seeking entertainment and education. This study aims to explore the potential for experimental film in presenting scientific theory as well as assessing different production strategies in 3D image creation. To invite people into some abstract or complicated scientific topics more readily, non-narrative film form is a viable method to relay this type of information. It\u27s crucial to look at how independent filmmakers employ various ways to fulfill their particular creative purposes. I’ll be demonstrating how these processes worked in making my film, Discontinuity, a short 3-D animated experimental work that attempts to illuminate some of the mysteries of quantum theory for an audience. I plan to use my analysis of the film’s production time, the overall quality and the feedback it received to build ideas for future research as well as an overall vision for computer graphics arts

    HOLOGRAPHICS: Combining Holograms with Interactive Computer Graphics

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    Among all imaging techniques that have been invented throughout the last decades, computer graphics is one of the most successful tools today. Many areas in science, entertainment, education, and engineering would be unimaginable without the aid of 2D or 3D computer graphics. The reason for this success story might be its interactivity, which is an important property that is still not provided efficiently by competing technologies – such as holography. While optical holography and digital holography are limited to presenting a non-interactive content, electroholography or computer generated holograms (CGH) facilitate the computer-based generation and display of holograms at interactive rates [2,3,29,30]. Holographic fringes can be computed by either rendering multiple perspective images, then combining them into a stereogram [4], or simulating the optical interference and calculating the interference pattern [5]. Once computed, such a system dynamically visualizes the fringes with a holographic display. Since creating an electrohologram requires processing, transmitting, and storing a massive amount of data, today’s computer technology still sets the limits for electroholography. To overcome some of these performance issues, advanced reduction and compression methods have been developed that create truly interactive electroholograms. Unfortunately, most of these holograms are relatively small, low resolution, and cover only a small color spectrum. However, recent advances in consumer graphics hardware may reveal potential acceleration possibilities that can overcome these limitations [6]. In parallel to the development of computer graphics and despite their non-interactivity, optical and digital holography have created new fields, including interferometry, copy protection, data storage, holographic optical elements, and display holograms. Especially display holography has conquered several application domains. Museum exhibits often use optical holograms because they can present 3D objects with almost no loss in visual quality. In contrast to most stereoscopic or autostereoscopic graphics displays, holographic images can provide all depth cues—perspective, binocular disparity, motion parallax, convergence, and accommodation—and theoretically can be viewed simultaneously from an unlimited number of positions. Displaying artifacts virtually removes the need to build physical replicas of the original objects. In addition, optical holograms can be used to make engineering, medical, dental, archaeological, and other recordings—for teaching, training, experimentation and documentation. Archaeologists, for example, use optical holograms to archive and investigate ancient artifacts [7,8]. Scientists can use hologram copies to perform their research without having access to the original artifacts or settling for inaccurate replicas. Optical holograms can store a massive amount of information on a thin holographic emulsion. This technology can record and reconstruct a 3D scene with almost no loss in quality. Natural color holographic silver halide emulsion with grain sizes of 8nm is today’s state-of-the-art [14]. Today, computer graphics and raster displays offer a megapixel resolution and the interactive rendering of megabytes of data. Optical holograms, however, provide a terapixel resolution and are able to present an information content in the range of terabytes in real-time. Both are dimensions that will not be reached by computer graphics and conventional displays within the next years – even if Moore’s law proves to hold in future. Obviously, one has to make a decision between interactivity and quality when choosing a display technology for a particular application. While some applications require high visual realism and real-time presentation (that cannot be provided by computer graphics), others depend on user interaction (which is not possible with optical and digital holograms). Consequently, holography and computer graphics are being used as tools to solve individual research, engineering, and presentation problems within several domains. Up until today, however, these tools have been applied separately. The intention of the project which is summarized in this chapter is to combine both technologies to create a powerful tool for science, industry and education. This has been referred to as HoloGraphics. Several possibilities have been investigated that allow merging computer generated graphics and holograms [1]. The goal is to combine the advantages of conventional holograms (i.e. extremely high visual quality and realism, support for all depth queues and for multiple observers at no computational cost, space efficiency, etc.) with the advantages of today’s computer graphics capabilities (i.e. interactivity, real-time rendering, simulation and animation, stereoscopic and autostereoscopic presentation, etc.). The results of these investigations are presented in this chapter

    Modern Educational Technologies of Language Training of Future Service Sector Specialists : methodical book

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    The authors describe the peculiarities of modern educational technologies in the process of language teaching and learning of future specialists of service sector, namely they reveal the essence of “educational technology”, “pedagogical technology”, and “technology of education” notions. Educational concept of language training in Ukraine are presented; the possibilities of using modern educational technology in language training of vocational schools pupils are suggested. The authors pay much attention to information and communication technologies, nameli-foreign language learning with the help of computer (Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Call)), when a foreign language is studied in model language environment using multimedia authentic materials (video, sound, graphics and text ones)

    Analysis of formation methods of graphic competence of future engineering teachers

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    The article substantiates the need to improve the formation methods of graphic competence of future engineering teachers by means of digital technologies. To achieve the goal of the article the analysis of normative documents of training of future engineering teachers in the field of digital technologies, methods of teaching graphic disciplines in Higher Education Institutionі, prospects of improving graphic training of future engineering teachers by means of digital technologies are determined. Based on the analysis of work programs of the cycle of disciplines of graphic training, we conclude that today the method of formation of graphic competence in future engineering teachers in the field of digital technologies needs to be improved. It is established that the most effective way to reform the system of training future engineering teachers in the field of digital technologies is the use of modern learning technologies, which include design, research, integrative technologies that provide personality-oriented learning and graphic competence of future engineering teachers in the field digital technologies. It is determined that it is necessary to improve the teaching methods of the discipline "Engineering Computer Graphics", which will include the study of two-dimensional graphics, three-dimensional spatial modeling, 3D printing technologies and the creation of 4D objects in KOMPAS-3D

    Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни «Гірничо-комп’ютерна графіка» для студентів спеціальності 184 "Гірництво". Program of the Discipline «MINING AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS» Specialty 184 «Mining»

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    Дисципліна «Гірничо-комп’ютерна графіка» є однією з навчальних дисциплін професійної підготовки студентів спеціальності «Гірництво». Майбутні виробничі функції бакалавра зі спеціальності гірництво тісно пов’язані з використання засобів гірничо-комп’ютерної графіки при проектуванні та моніторингу гірничих робіт. Студенти повинні оволодіти основними прийомами комп’ютерної графіки та застосування їх у курсових та дипломних проектах. На сьогоднішній день графічні програмні продукти є самими розповсюдженими для роботи з графікою. Вони стали незамінними інструментами в арсеналі фахового гірничого інженера. Курс дисципліни сприяє вихованню загальнокультурного та фахово-інформаційного рівня, навчає розглядати та оцінювати прийоми побудови 3D-моделей та графічних зображень. Висновки та знання, отримані під час навчання, безпосередньо використовуються в навчально-проектних завданнях та майбутній професійній діяльності студента. Вивчення дисципліни полягає в ознайомленні студентів з роллю графічного проектування в утворенні мовного середовища, розкриття принципів функціонування графічних програм та ознайомлення студентів з пакетами графічних програм для гірництва. The discipline "Mining-Computer Graphics" is one of the educational disciplines of professional training of students of the specialty "Mining". Future production functions of the bachelor's degree in mining are closely linked to the use of mining and computer graphics in the design and monitoring of mining operations. Students must master the basic techniques of computer graphics and apply them in coursework and graduate projects. Today's graphic software products are the most widely used graphics. They have become indispensable tools in the arsenal of a professional mining engineer. The course of discipline promotes the education of the general cultural and professional-information level, teaches to consider and evaluate the methods of constructing 3D models and graphic images. Conclusions and knowledge gained during the training are directly used in the teaching and design tasks and future professional activities of the student. Studying the discipline is to familiarize students with the role of graphic design in the formation of the linguistic environment, the disclosure of the principles of the functioning of graphic programs and acquaint students with the packages of graphic programs for mining


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    The computerization of graphics training at universities requires new forms of self-study. Self-study should not have only reproductive function, but it should also encourage students’ self-education and prepare them for future professional activity. The use of computer graphics tasks with the elements of entertainment while training students some graphics disciplines enhances cognitive activity of students and provides thorough study of the subject. The paper aimed to design and test the technique of computer graphics used in descriptive geometry training to activate the students’ creativity. We used generalization and systematization of best teaching practices in training students of graphics disciplines with modern computer technologies. A new original graphics assignment on descriptive geometry is offered. The usage of graphics tasks reflecting the future professional activity of students is proved to increase the efficiency of the educational process. The task developed can be used for learning the basics of 3D computer modeling.Компьютеризация геометро-графической подготовки студентов требует новых форм самостоятельной работы. Самостоятельная работа должна нести не только репродуктивные функции по закреплению пройденного материала, но и побуждать студентов к активному самообразованию, творческой подготовке к эффективной профессиональной деятельности. Использование компьютерных графических заданий с элементами занимательности при обучении студентов графическим дисциплинам способствует повышению уровня познавательной активности студентов, развитию творческих способностей и углубленному изучению предмета. Целью являются разработка и апробация методики применения компьютерной графики при изучении начертательной геометрии для активизации учебно-творческой деятельности студентов. Для решения поставленной задачи использовались систематизация и обобщение передового педагогического опыта по обучению студентов графическим дисциплинам с использованием современных компьютерных технологий. Предложено новое оригинальное графическое задание по начертательной геометрии с использованием компьютерных технологий. Обосновано, что включение в учебный процесс графического задания, разработанного с учетом профессиональной направленности обучающихся, повышает его эффективность. Выполняемое в течение первого семестра задание способствует закреплению и углубленному изучению материала, освоению компьютерной графики. Может быть использовано при изучении основ 3D компьютерного геометрического моделирования