512 research outputs found

    Modeling, Control and Estimation of Reconfigurable Cable Driven Parallel Robots

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    The motivation for this thesis was to develop a cable-driven parallel robot (CDPR) as part of a two-part robotic device for concrete 3D printing. This research addresses specific research questions in this domain, chiefly, to present advantages offered by the addition of kinematic redundancies to CDPRs. Due to the natural actuation redundancy present in a fully constrained CDPR, the addition of internal mobility offers complex challenges in modeling and control that are not often encountered in literature. This work presents a systematic analysis of modeling such kinematic redundancies through the application of reciprocal screw theory (RST) and Lie algebra while further introducing specific challenges and drawbacks presented by cable driven actuators. It further re-contextualizes well-known performance indices such as manipulability, wrench closure quality, and the available wrench set for application with reconfigurable CDPRs. The existence of both internal redundancy and static redundancy in the joint space offers a large subspace of valid solutions that can be condensed through the selection of appropriate objective priorities, constraints or cost functions. Traditional approaches to such redundancy resolution necessitate computationally expensive numerical optimization. The control of both kinematic and actuation redundancies requires cascaded control frameworks that cannot easily be applied towards real-time control. The selected cost functions for numerical optimization of rCDPRs can be globally (and sometimes locally) non-convex. In this work we present two applied examples of redundancy resolution control that are unique to rCDPRs. In the first example, we maximize the directional wrench ability at the end-effector while minimizing the joint torque requirement by utilizing the fitness of the available wrench set as a constraint over wrench feasibility. The second example focuses on directional stiffness maximization at the end-effector through a variable stiffness module (VSM) that partially decouples the tension and stiffness. The VSM introduces an additional degrees of freedom to the system in order to manipulate both reconfigurability and cable stiffness independently. The controllers in the above examples were designed with kinematic models, but most CDPRs are highly dynamic systems which can require challenging feedback control frameworks. An approach to real-time dynamic control was implemented in this thesis by incorporating a learning-based frameworks through deep reinforcement learning. Three approaches to rCDPR training were attempted utilizing model-free TD3 networks. Robustness and safety are critical features for robot development. One of the main causes of robot failure in CDPRs is due to cable breakage. This not only causes dangerous dynamic oscillations in the workspace, but also leads to total robot failure if the controllability (due to lack of cables) is lost. Fortunately, rCDPRs can be utilized towards failure tolerant control for task recovery. The kinematically redundant joints can be utilized to help recover the lost degrees of freedom due to cable failure. This work applies a Multi-Model Adaptive Estimation (MMAE) framework to enable online and automatic objective reprioritization and actuator retasking. The likelihood of cable failure(s) from the estimator informs the mixing of the control inputs from a bank of feedforward controllers. In traditional rigid body robots, safety procedures generally involve a standard emergency stop procedure such as actuator locking. Due to the flexibility of cable links, the dynamic oscillations of the end-effector due to cable failure must be actively dampened. This work incorporates a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) based feedback stabilizer into the failure tolerant control framework that works to stabilize the non-linear system and dampen out these oscillations. This research contributes to a growing, but hitherto niche body of work in reconfigurable cable driven parallel manipulators. Some outcomes of the multiple engineering design, control and estimation challenges addressed in this research warrant further exploration and study that are beyond the scope of this thesis. This thesis concludes with a thorough discussion of the advantages and limitations of the presented work and avenues for further research that may be of interest to continuing scholars in the community

    Shared control of an aerial cooperative transportation system with a cable-suspended payload

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    This paper presents a novel bilateral shared framework for a cooperative aerial transportation and manipulation system composed by a team of micro aerial vehicles with a cable-suspended payload. The human operator is in charge of steering the payload and he/she can also change online the desired shape of the formation of robots. At the same time, an obstacle avoidance algorithm is in charge of avoiding collisions with the static environment. The signals from the user and from the obstacle avoidance are blended together in the trajectory generation module, by means of a tracking controller and a filter called dynamic input boundary (DIB). The DIB filters out the directions of motions that would bring the system too close to singularities, according to a suitable metric. The loop with the user is finally closed with a force feedback that is informative of the mismatch between the operator’s commands and the trajectory of the payload. This feedback intuitively increases the user’s awareness of obstacles or configurations of the system that are close to singularities. The proposed framework is validated by means of realistic hardware-in-the-loop simulations with a person operating the system via a force-feedback haptic interface

    Reconfigurable cable driven parallel mechanism

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    Due to the fast growth in industry and in order to reduce manufacturing budget, increase the quality of products and increase the accuracy of manufactured products in addition to assure the safety of workers, people relied on mechanisms for such purposes. Recently, cable driven parallel mechanisms (CDPMs) have attracted much attention due to their many advantages over conventional parallel mechanisms, such as the significantly large workspace and the dynamics capacity. In addition, it has lower mass compared to other parallel mechanisms because of its negligible mass cables compared to the rigid links. In many applications it is required that human interact with machines and robots to achieve tasks precisely and accurately. Therefore, a new domain of scientific research has been introduced, that is human robot interaction, where operators can share the same workspace with robots and machines such as cable driven mechanisms. One of the main requirements due to this interaction that robots should respond to human actions in accurate, harmless way. In addition, the trajectory of the end effector is coming now from the operator and it is very essential that the initial trajectory is kept unchanged to perform tasks such assembly, operating or pick and place while avoiding the cables to interfere with each other or collide with the operator. Accordingly, many issues have been raised such as control, vibrations and stability due the contact between human and robot. Also, one of the most important issues is to guarantee collision free space (to avoid collision between cables and operator and to avoid collisions between cables itself). The aim of this research project is to model, design, analysis and implement reconfigurable six degrees of freedom parallel mechanism driven by eight cables. The main contribution of this work will be as follow. First, develop a nonlinear model and solve the forward and inverse kinematics issue of a fully constrained CDPM given that the attachment points on the rails are moving vertically (conventional cable driven mechanisms have fixed attachment points on the rails) while controlling the cable lengths. Second, the new idea of reconfiguration is then used to avoid interference between cables and between cables and operator limbs in real time by moving one cable’s attachment point on the frame to increase the shortest distance between them while keeping the trajectory of the end effector unchanged. Third, the new proposed approach was tested by creating a simulated intended cable-cable and cable-human interference trajectory, hence detecting and avoiding cable-cable and cable-human collision using the proposed real time reconfiguration while maintaining the initial end effector trajectory. Fourth, study the effect of relocating the attachment points on the constant-orientation wrench feasible workspace of the CDPM. En raison de la croissance de la demande de produits personnalisĂ©s et de la nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts de fabrication tout en augmentant la qualitĂ© des produits et en augmentant la personnalisation des produits fabriquĂ©s en plus d'assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© des travailleurs, les concepteurs se sont appuyĂ©s sur des mĂ©canismes robotiques afin d’atteindre ces objectifs. RĂ©cemment, les mĂ©canismes parallĂšles entraĂźnĂ©s par cĂąble (MPEC) ont attirĂ© beaucoup d'attention en raison de leurs nombreux avantages par rapport aux mĂ©canismes parallĂšles conventionnels, tels que l'espace de travail considĂ©rablement grand et la capacitĂ© dynamique. De plus, ce mĂ©canisme a une masse plus faible par rapport Ă  d'autres mĂ©canismes parallĂšles en raison de ses cĂąbles de masse nĂ©gligeable comparativement aux liens rigides. Dans de nombreuses applications, il est nĂ©cessaire que l’humain interagisse avec les machines et les robots pour rĂ©aliser des tĂąches avec prĂ©cision et rapiditĂ©. Par consĂ©quent, un nouveau domaine de recherche scientifique a Ă©tĂ© introduit, Ă  savoir l'interaction humain-robot, oĂč les opĂ©rateurs peuvent partager le mĂȘme espace de travail avec des robots et des machines telles que les mĂ©canismes entraĂźnĂ©s par des cĂąbles. L'une des principales exigences en raison de cette interaction que les robots doivent rĂ©pondre aux actions humaines d'une maniĂšre sĂ©curitaire et collaboratif. En consĂ©quence, de nombreux problĂšmes ont Ă©tĂ© soulevĂ©s tels que la commande et la stabilitĂ© dues au contact physique entre l’humain et le robot. Aussi, l'un des enjeux les plus importants est de garantir un espace sans collision (pour Ă©viter les collisions entre des cĂąbles et un opĂ©rateur et Ă©viter les collisions entre les cĂąbles entre eux). Le but de ce projet de recherche est de modĂ©liser, concevoir, analyser et mettre en Ɠuvre un mĂ©canisme parallĂšle reconfigurable Ă  six degrĂ©s de libertĂ© entraĂźnĂ© par huit cĂąbles. La principale contribution de ces travaux de recherche est de dĂ©velopper un modĂšle non linĂ©aire et rĂ©solvez le problĂšme de cinĂ©matique direct et inverse d'un CDPM entiĂšrement contraint Ă©tant donnĂ© que les points d'attache sur les rails se dĂ©placent verticalement (les mĂ©canismes entraĂźnĂ©s par des cĂąbles conventionnels ont des points d'attache fixes sur les rails) tout en contrĂŽlant les longueurs des cĂąbles. Dans une deuxiĂšme Ă©tape, l’idĂ©e de la reconfiguration est ensuite utilisĂ©e pour Ă©viter les interfĂ©rences entre les cĂąbles et entre les cĂąbles et les membres d’un opĂ©rateur en temps rĂ©el en dĂ©plaçant un point de fixation du cĂąble sur le cadre pour augmenter la distance la plus courte entre eux tout en gardant la trajectoire de l'effecteur terminal inchangĂ©e. TroisiĂšmement, la nouvelle approche proposĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e et testĂ©e en crĂ©ant une trajectoire d'interfĂ©rence cĂąble-cĂąble et cĂąble-humain simulĂ©e, dĂ©tectant et Ă©vitant ainsi les collisions cĂąble-cĂąble et cĂąble-humain en utilisant la reconfiguration en temps rĂ©el proposĂ©e tout en conservant la trajectoire effectrice finale. Enfin la derniĂšre Ă©tape des travaux de recherche consiste Ă  Ă©tudiez l'effet du dĂ©placement des points d'attache sur l'espace de travail rĂ©alisable du CDPM

    Disturbance Robustness Measures and Wrench-Feasible Workspace Generation Techniques for Cable-Driven Robots

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    Cable robots are a type of robotic manipulator that has recently attracted interest for large workspace manipulation tasks. Cable robots are relatively simple in form, with multiple cables attached to a mobile platform or end-effector. The end-effector is manipulated by motors that can extend or retract the cables. Cable robots have many desirable characteristics, including low inertial properties, high payload-to-weight ratios, potentially vast workspaces, transportability, ease of disassembly/reassembly, reconfigurability and economical construction and maintenance. However, relatively few analytical tools are available for analyzing and designing these manipulators. This thesis focuses on expanding the existing theoretical framework for the design and analysis of cable robots in two areas: disturbance robustness and workspace generation. Underconstrained cable robots cannot resist arbitrary external disturbances acting on the end-effector. Thus a disturbance robustness measure for general underconstrained single-body and multi-body cable robots is presented. This measure captures the robustness of the manipulator to both static and impulsive disturbances. Additionally, a wrench-based method of analyzing cable robots has been developed and is used to formulate a method of generating the Wrench-Feasible Workspace of cable robots. This workspace consists of the set of all poses of the manipulator where a specified set of wrenches (force/moment combinations) can be exerted. For many applications the Wrench-Feasible Workspace constitutes the set of all usable poses. The concepts of robustness and workspace generation are then combined to introduce a new workspace: the Specified Robustness Workspace. This workspace consists of the set of all poses of the manipulator that meet or exceed a specified robustness value.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. Imme Ebert-Uphoff; Committee Member: Dr. Harvey Lipkin; Committee Member: Dr. Jarek Rossignac; Committee Member: Dr. Magnus Egerstedt; Committee Member: Dr. William Singhos

    Low Mobility Cable Robot with Application to Robotic Warehousing

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    Cable-based robots consist of a rigid mobile platform connected via flexible links (cables, wires, tendons) to a surrounding static platform. The use of cables simplifies the mechanical structure and reduces the inertia, allowing the mobile platform to reach high motion acceleration in large workspaces. These attributes give, in principle, an advantage over conventional robots used for industrial applications, such as the pick and place of objects inside factories or similar exterior large workspaces. However, unique cable properties involve new theoretical and technical challenges: all cables must be in tension to avoid collapse of the mobile platform. In addition, positive tensions applied to cables may affect the overall stiffness, that is, cable stretch might result in unacceptable oscillations of the mobile platform. Fully constrained cable-based robots can be distinguished from other types of cable-based robots because the motion and force generation of the mobile platform is accomplished by controlling both the cable lengths and the positive cable tensions. Fully constrained cable-based robots depend on actuator redundancy, that is, the addition of one or more actuated cables than end-effector degrees of freedom. Redundancy has proved to be beneficial to expand the workspace, remove some types of singularities, increase the overall stiffness, and support high payloads in several proposed cable-based robot designs. Nevertheless, this strategy demands the development of efficient controller designs for real-time applications. This research deals with the design and control of a fully constrained cable-based parallel manipulator for large-scale high-speed warehousing applications. To accomplish the design of the robot, a well-ordered procedure to analyze the cable tensions, stiffness and workspace will be presented to obtain an optimum structure. Then, the control problem will be investigated to deal with the redundancy solution and all-positive cable tension condition. The proposed control method will be evaluated through simulation and experimentation in a prototype manufactured for testing

    Application of a differentiator-based adaptive super-twisting controller for a redundant cable-driven parallel robot

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    In this paper we present preliminary, experimental results of an Adaptive Super-Twisting Sliding-Mode Controller with time-varying gains for redundant Cable-Driven Parallel Robots. The sliding-mode controller is paired with a feed-forward action based on dynamics inversion. An exact sliding-mode differentiator is implemented to retrieve the velocity of the end-effector using only encoder measurements with the properties of finite-time convergence, robustness against perturbations and noise filtering. The platform used to validate the controller is a robot with eight cables and six degrees of freedom powered by 940 W compact servo drives. The proposed experiment demonstrates the performance of the controller, finite-time convergence and robustness in tracking a trajectory while subject to external disturbances up to approximately 400% the mass of the end-effector

    Contributions to Open Problems on Cable Driven Robots and Persistent Manifolds for the Synthesis of Mechanisms

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    Although many efforts are continuously devoted to the advancement of robotics, there are still many open and unresolved problems to be faced. This thesis, therefore, sets out to tackle some of them with the aim of scratching the surface and look a little further for new ideas or solutions. The topics covered are mainly two. The first part deals with the development and improvement of control techniques for cable-driven robots. The second focuses on the study of persistent manifolds seen as constituting aspects of theoretical kinematics. In detail, -Part I deals with cable-driven platforms. In it, both techniques for selecting cable tensions and the design of a robust controller are developed. The aim is, therefore, to enhance the two building blocks of the overall control scheme in order to improve the performance of these robots during the execution of tracking tasks. -- The first chapter introduces to open problems and recalls the main concepts necessary to understand the following chapters; -- the contribution of the second chapter consists of the introduction of the Analytic Centre. It allows the generation of continuous and differentiable tension profiles while taking into account non-linear phenomena such as friction in the computation of tensions to be applied; -- the third chapter, although still at a preliminary stage, introduces sensitivity for tension calculation methods, offering perspectives of considerable interest for tension control in the current scientific context; -- the fourth chapter proposes the design of an adaptive controller. It allows external disturbances and/or uncertainties in the model to be faced such that the task can be performed with as little error as possible. The controller architecture is the innovative peculiarity conferring autonomy to cable systems. Initially applied to counteract wind in aerial systems it is now also used for cable breakage scenarios; -- the conclusions, at first, draw together the results obtained. In addition, they emphasise the lack of the techniques introduced in order to outline possible future paths and topics that need further investigation. - Part II delves into theoretical kinematics. The discovery and classification of invariant screw systems shed light on numerous aspects of robot mobility and synthesis. Nevertheless, this generated the emergence of new ideas and questions that are still unresolved. Among them, one of the more notable concerns the identification and classification of 5-dimensional persistent manifolds. -- Similarly to the first part, the first chapter provides an overview of the problems addressed and the theoretical notions necessary to understand the subsequent contributions; -- the second chapter contributes by directly tackling the above-mentioned question by exploiting the properties of dual quaternions, the Study quadric and differential geometry. A library of 5-persistent varieties, so far missing in the literature, is presented along with theorems that complete and generalise previous ones in the literature; -- an original work, concerning line motions and synthesis of mechanisms that generate them, is reported in the third chapter as a spin-off of the studies on persistent manifolds; -- the conclusions wrap up the obtained results trying to highlight gaps and deficiencies to be dealt with in the future. Here, two small sections are dedicated to ongoing works regarding the persistence definition and the screw systems' invariants and subvariants

    Integrated Trajectory-Tracking and Vibration Control of Kinematically-Constrained Warehousing Cable Robots

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    With the explosion of e-commerce in recent years, there is a strong desire for automated material handling solutions including warehousing robots. Cable driven parallel robots (CDPRs) are a relatively new concept which has yet to be explored for high-speed pick-&-place applications in the industry. Compared to rigid-link parallel robots, a CDPR possesses significant advantages including: large workspace, low moving inertia, high-speed motion, low power consumption, and incurring minimal maintenance cost. On the other hand, the main disadvantages of the CDPRs are the cable’s unilateral force exerting capability and low rigidity which is resulting in undesired vibrations of their moving platform. Kinematically-constrained CDPRs (KC-CDPRs) include a special class of CDPRs which provide a considerably higher level of stiffness in undesired degrees of freedom (DOFs) via connecting a set of constrained cables to the same actuator. Nevertheless, undesired vibrations of the moving platform are still their main problem which request more attention and investigation. Dynamic modeling, stiffness optimization, vibration and trajectory-tracking control, and stiffness-based trajectory-planning of redundant KC-CDPRs are studied in this thesis. As a new technique, we separate the moving platform’s vibration equations from its desired (nominal) equations of motion. The obtained vibration model forms a linear parametric variable (LPV) dynamic system which is based for the following contributions: 1) Proposing a new tension optimization approach to minimize undesired perturbations under external disturbances in a desired direction; and demonstrating the effectiveness of kinematically-constrained actuation method in vibration attenuation of CDPRs in undesired DOFs. 2) Providing the opportunity of using a wide class of well-established robust and optimal LPV-based control methods, such as H∞ control techniques, for trajectory-tracking control of CDPRs to minimize the effect of disturbances on the robot operation; and showing the effectiveness of kinematically-constrained actuation method in control design simplification of such robots. 3) Proposing the concept of stiffness-based trajectory-planning to find the stiffness-optimum geometry of trajectories for KC-CDPRs; and designing a time-optimal zero-to-zero continuous-jerk motion to track such trajectories. All the proposed concepts are developed for a generic KC-CDPR and verified via numerical analysis and experimental tests of a real planar warehousing KC-CDPR

    Path and Motion Planning for Autonomous Mobile 3D Printing

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    Autonomous robotic construction was envisioned as early as the ‘90s, and yet, con- struction sites today look much alike ones half a century ago. Meanwhile, highly automated and efficient fabrication methods like Additive Manufacturing, or 3D Printing, have seen great success in conventional production. However, existing efforts to transfer printing technology to construction applications mainly rely on manufacturing-like machines and fail to utilise the capabilities of modern robotics. This thesis considers using Mobile Manipulator robots to perform large-scale Additive Manufacturing tasks. Comprised of an articulated arm and a mobile base, Mobile Manipulators, are unique in their simultaneous mobility and agility, which enables printing-in-motion, or Mobile 3D Printing. This is a 3D printing modality, where a robot deposits material along larger-than-self trajectories while in motion. Despite profound potential advantages over existing static manufacturing-like large- scale printers, Mobile 3D printing is underexplored. Therefore, this thesis tack- les Mobile 3D printing-specific challenges and proposes path and motion planning methodologies that allow this printing modality to be realised. The work details the development of Task-Consistent Path Planning that solves the problem of find- ing a valid robot-base path needed to print larger-than-self trajectories. A motion planning and control strategy is then proposed, utilising the robot-base paths found to inform an optimisation-based whole-body motion controller. Several Mobile 3D Printing robot prototypes are built throughout this work, and the overall path and motion planning strategy proposed is holistically evaluated in a series of large-scale 3D printing experiments
