122 research outputs found

    Ontology-based semantic interpretation of cylindricity specification in the next-generation GPS

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    Cylindricity specification is one of the most important geometrical specifications in geometrical product development. This specification can be referenced from the rules and examples in tolerance standards and technical handbooks in practice. These rules and examples are described in the form of natural language, which may cause ambiguities since different designers may have different understandings on a rule or an example. To address the ambiguous problem, a categorical data model of cylindricity specification in the next-generation Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) was proposed at the University of Huddersfield. The modeling language used in the categorical data model is category language. Even though category language can develop a syntactically correct data model, it is difficult to interpret the semantics of the cylindricity specification explicitly. This paper proposes an ontology-based approach to interpret the semantics of cylindricity specification on the basis of the categorical data model. A scheme for translating the category language to the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) is presented in this approach. Through such a scheme, the categorical data model is translated into a semantically enriched model, i.e. an OWL 2 ontology for cylindricity specification. This ontology can interpret the semantics of cylindricity specification explicitly. As the benefits of such semantic interpretation, consistency checking, inference procedures and semantic queries can be performed on the OWL 2 ontology. The proposed approach could be easily extended to support the semantic interpretations of other kinds of geometrical specifications

    Effect of combined Ce and Er Addition on Solidification, Microstructure of the Al-7Si-alloy

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    This paper highlights the effects of the additions of two rare earth elements (REEs) (Ce and Er) on microstructure and to investigate the characteristic temperatures during solidification of the modified alloy. Five changes of Al-7Si alloys with xEr+xCe additions (x=0.15, 0.25, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.75) were produced by casting technique via the solidification parameters examined using computer-aided cooling curve thermal analysis (CA-CCTA). The thermal analysis tests were carried out for each one by using a thermal analysis system that includes (K-type Thermocouple, EPAD-TH8-K, EPAD-Baes2 and Laptop with Dewesoft-7.5-Lt). To estimate the change in microstructure and solidification as a result of adding (Ce+Er) additions, the obtained result showed that the growth TG Al-Phase and nucleation TN Al-Phase temperatures decreased to lower temperatures 614.7°C and 615.5°C respectively as the amount Ce, Er increased

    A Content Analysis on Quality for Cad Based Product Design: Developing a Framework for Malaysian Technical Teacher Training Institute

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    Product design is a complicated process and requires a systematic requirement and specification to produce sufficient quality to remain competitive. One of the most important components in the design process is Computer-Aided Design (CAD), which renders a detailed drawing in either two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional modeling (3D). This paper discusses the conception of quality design to produce a creative design product. This study employed a systematic review to produce a framework of quality product design based on Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Out of 210 papers that were identified, 102 were reviewed and also 12 other relevant articles, books, reports, and documents, hence a total of 114 papers were included in this review. The reviews revealed that there are main aspect drivers of the product design, design process, design quality, customer need on the product, product evaluation, and design concept of quality products. The study also showed that the initial stage of idea-generating is an essential phase to produce innovative, creative and quality product design. This framework is useful as a guide for teachers to standardize product design concept and to assist Malaysian design and technology trainee teachers in producing a quality product design. Finally, this research proposes a conceptual framework based on our propositions. The proposed quality product design framework is beneficial to be used as a guideline for the Malaysian Technical Teacher Training Institute and policy makers to enhance the skills in the development of a quality product

    Application of a conceptual stages design protocol for early collaborative design through computer based mediation.

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    Effective conceptual and collaborative design process in architecture is a prerequisite for efficient overall project development. This can be facilitated by computer mediation methods, including emerging augmented reality technologies and tactile and tangible interfaces. With the current paradigm of conceptual design process being disorganised and quite often overpowered by communication gaps between the different design professionals, collaborative conceptual design is essential to be understood and most importantly effectively managed. Bridging the conceptual design stage with the later detailed design ones by using digital technologies can effectively assist transferring the information and initial ideas between the different design stages and bridge the communication gap between the different stakeholders, like the design professionals i.e. architects, engineers, design managers, etc., as early as possible. This paper is focused on reviewing different design processes and on presenting a predefined Conceptual Design Protocol (CDP) as a descriptive model that illustrates the steps of the design process as sequences of actions that occur during design and eventually manages the conceptual design process. Two studies illustrate the evolution from the current paradigm to the proposed design process and are both briefly presented in the paper. The preliminary study showcases a multidisciplinary conceptual design approach. During the second study, the design process is managed to follow the CPD and the participants utilise a design application developed specifically for the particular study and installed on a tangible user interface (TUI). The nature of design progression and collaboration is recorded and analysed, allowing for a number of conclusions to be drawn regarding the conceptual design process, the role of digital technologies and the application of the CPD

    A Framework to Collect and Reuse Engineering Knowledge in the Context of Design for Additive Manufacturing

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    Design for AM (DfAM) requires the definition of Design Actions (DAs) to optimize AM manufacturing processes. However, AM understanding is still very blurred. Often designers are challenged by selecting the right design parameters. A method to list and collect DfAM DAs is currently missing. The paper aims at providing a framework to collect DfAM DAs according to a developed ontology to create databases (DBs). DBs were tested with two real case studies and geometric features to improve identified. Future developments aim at widening the database to provide all-around support for AM processes

    Externalising, sharing and comparing perceptions in design

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    There is a need for organisations and the leaders within them to explore, recognise, build and exploit new capabilities. Some of this ‘new’ capability could be better utilisation of the resources already at their disposal. For example, highly skilled designers and engineers. This paper explores the notion of knowledge models in design with two driving motivations. Firstly, a new urgency in the light of the forth industrial revolution, from a digitisation perspective: can we integrate designer’s thoughts with AI. Secondly, a longer-standing concern, from the point of view of the inherent need to communicate and express and model clearly in achieve the objective of design. An analysis of the role of models in design is presented before a potential new approach is proposed

    Temporal Shape Changes and Future Trends in European Automotive Design

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    Evolution produces genuine novelty in morphology through the selection of competing designs as phenotypes. When applied to human creativity, the evolutionary paradigm can provide insight into the ways that our technology and its design are modified through time. The shape of European utilitarian cars in the past 60 years was analyzed in order to determine whether changes occur in a gradual fashion or through saltation, clarifying which are the more conserved and more variable parts of the designs. We also attempted to predict the future appearances of the cars within the next decade, discussing all results within the framework of relevant evolutionary-like equivalences. Here, we analyzed the modification in the shape of European utilitarian cars in the past 60 years by three-dimensional geometric morphometrics to test whether these changes occurred in a gradual or more saltatory fashion. The geometric morphometric shape analysis showed that even though car brands have always been preserving distinct shapes, all followed a gradual pattern of evolution which is now converging toward a more similar fusiform and compact asset. This process was described using Darwinian evolution as a metaphor to quantify and interpret changes over time and the societal pressures promoting them.This research was funded by project RITFIM (ref. CTM2010-16274, of the Spanish national RTD program. J. Aguzzi is a postdoctoral Fellow of the Spanish Ramón y Cajal Program (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe
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