305,489 research outputs found

    Usability requirements for architectural analysis tool to support CBD

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    Component-based development is an architecture-centric process that relies on the integration of pre-fabricated software components. These are often blackbox components whose functionality and configuration may not match the “ideal” system architecture. Systematic architectural analysis can help ensure that risks resulting from architectural adaptations and trade-offs do not adversely affect critical system qualities (e.g. performance, security and modifiability). However, architectural analysis is a complex activity that involves planning, analysis, negotiation and assessment of large amounts of interrelated, often conflicting information. Good tool support is therefore essential for effective architectural analysis. However, the success of a tool depended not only on powerful analysis methods but also on the quality of the toolset's usability. This paper presents functional and non-functional requirements of the tool’s user interface, and discusses the HCI design principles and guidelines in designing a high-quality user interface that would allow developers to parse, analyse and modify architecture specification easily and effectively

    Design and engineering of a simplified workflow execution for the MG5aMC event generator on GPUs and vector CPUs

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    Physics event generators are essential components of the data analysis software chain of high energy physics experiments, and important consumers of their CPU resources. Improving the software performance of these packages on modern hardware architectures, such as those deployed at HPC centers, is essential in view of the upcoming HL-LHC physics programme. In this paper, we describe an ongoing activity to reengineer the Madgraph5_aMC@NLO physics event generator, primarily to port it and allow its efficient execution on GPUs, but also to modernize it and optimize its performance on vector CPUs. We describe the motivation, engineering process and software architecture design of our developments, as well as the current challenges and future directions for this project. This paper is based on our submission to vCHEP2021 in March 2021,complemented with a few preliminary results that we presented during the conference. Further details and updated results will be given in later publications.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, submitted to vCHEP2021 proceedings in EPJ Web of Conferences; minor changes to address comments from the EPJWOC reviewe

    Towards secure cyber-physical systems for autonomous vehicles

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    Cyber-Physical systems have become ubiquitous. These systems integrate different functionalities to satisfy the performance requirements and take advantage of the available processing power of multi-core systems. Safety critical applications such as autonomous vehicles or medical devices rely not only on proving correct functionality of cyber-physical systems as essential certification criteria but they must also satisfy other design constraints such as energy efficiency, low power consumption and reliability. Their need to connect to the internet have created new challenges which means addressing the security vulnerabilities has become as the first-class design concern. In this talk, first a hardware/software co-design approach for two critical tasks, real-time pedestrian and vehicle detections, which are essential in advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving systems (ADS) is presented. We use partial dynamic reconfiguration on FPGA for adaptive vehicle detection. In the second part of this talk, a system-level security-aware design approach is presented to avoid or confine the impact of security compromises on the critical components of the cyber-physical systems implemented in multiprocessor systems on chip. Our system-level security approach considers the described system architecture for a specific application and analyzes its security vulnerability based on the specified security rules to generate an impact analysis report. Then, it creates a new system architecture configuration to protect the critical components of the system by providing isolation of tasks without the need to trust a central authority at run-time for heterogeneous multiprocessor system. This approach allows safe use of shared IP with direct memory access, as well as shared libraries by regulating memory accesses and the communications between the system components

    Design-time performance analysis of component-based real-time systems

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    In current real-time systems, performance metrics are one of the most challenging properties to specify, predict and measure. Performance properties depend on various factors, like environmental context, load profile, middleware, operating system, hardware platform and sharing of internal resources. Performance failures and not satisfying related requirements cause delays, cost overruns, and even abandonment of projects. In order to avoid these performancerelated project failures, the performance properties should be obtained and analyzed already at the early design phase of a project. In this thesis we employ principles of component-based software engineering (CBSE), which enable building software systems from individual components. The advantage of CBSE is that individual components can be modeled, reused and traded. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a method that enables to predict the performance properties of a system, based on the performance properties of the involved individual components. The prediction method serves rapid prototyping and performance analysis of the architecture or related alternatives, without performing the usual testing and implementation stages. The involved research questions are as follows. How should the behaviour and performance properties of individual components be specified in order to enable automated composition of these properties into an analyzable model of a complete system? How to synthesize the models of individual components into a model of a complete system in an automated way, such that the resulting system model can be analyzed against the performance properties? The thesis presents a new framework called DeepCompass, which realizes the concept of predictable assembly throughout all phases of the system design. The cornerstones of the framework are the composable models of individual software components and hardware blocks. The models are specified at the component development time and shipped in a component package. At the component composition phase, the models of the constituent components are synthesized into an executable system model. Since the thesis focuses on performance properties, we introduce performance-related types of component models, such as behaviour, performance and resource models. The dynamics of the system execution are captured in scenario models. The essential advantage of the introduced models is that, through the behaviour of individual components and scenario models, the behaviour of the complete system is synthesized in the executable system model. Further simulation-based analysis of the obtained executable system model provides application-specific and system-specific performance property values. To support the performance analysis, we have developed a CARAT software toolkit that provides and automates the algorithms for model synthesis and simulation. Besides this, the toolkit provides graphical tools for designing alternative architectures and visualization of obtained performance properties. We have conducted an empirical case study on the use of scenarios in the industry to analyze the system performance at the early design phase. It was found that industrial architects make extensive use of scenarios for performance evaluation. Based on the inputs of the architects, we have provided a set of guidelines for identification and use of performance-critical scenarios. At the end of this thesis, we have validated the DeepCompass framework by performing three case studies on performance prediction of real-time systems: an MPEG-4 video decoder, a Car Radio Navigation system and a JPEG application. For each case study, we have constructed models of the individual components, defined the SW/HW architecture, and used the CARAT toolkit to synthesize and simulate the executable system model. The simulation provided the predicted performance properties, which we later compared with the actual performance properties of the realized systems. With respect to resource usage properties and average task latencies, the variation of the prediction error showed to be within 30% of the actual performance. Concerning the pick loads on the processor nodes, the actual values were sometimes three times larger than the predicted values. As a conclusion, the framework has proven to be effective in rapid architecture prototyping and performance analysis of a complete system. This is valid, as in the case studies we have spent not more than 4-5 days on the average for the complete iteration cycle, including the design of several architecture alternatives. The framework can handle different architectural styles, which makes it widely applicable. A conceptual limitation of the framework is that it assumes that the models of individual components are already available at the design phase

    Mining Architectural Responsibilities and Components from Textual Specifications Written in Natural Language

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    Given the enormous growth and complexity of modern software systems, architectural design has become an essential concern for almost every software development project. One of the most challenging steps for designing the best architecture for a certain piece of software is the analysis of requirements, usually written in natural language by engineers not familiar with specific design formalisms. The Use Case Map (UCM) notation can be used to map requirements into proper design concerns, usually known as responsibilities. In this paper, we introduce an approach for mining candidate architectural responsibilities and components from textual descriptions of requirements using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, in order to relieve software designers of this complex and time-consuming task. High accuracy and precision rates achieved by applying part-of-speech (POS) tagging with domain rules and semantic clustering to textual requirement documents, suggest a great potential for providing assistance to software designers during early stages of development.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Mining Architectural Responsibilities and Components from Textual Specifications Written in Natural Language

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    Given the enormous growth and complexity of modern software systems, architectural design has become an essential concern for almost every software development project. One of the most challenging steps for designing the best architecture for a certain piece of software is the analysis of requirements, usually written in natural language by engineers not familiar with specific design formalisms. The Use Case Map (UCM) notation can be used to map requirements into proper design concerns, usually known as responsibilities. In this paper, we introduce an approachfor mining candidate architectural responsibilities and components from textual descriptions of requirements using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, in order to relieve software designers of this complex and time-consuming task. High accuracy and precision rates achieved by applying part-of-speech (POS) tagging with domain rules and semantic clustering to textual requirement documents, suggest a great potential for providing assistance to software designers during early stages of development.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    ASCENT: A Context-Aware Spectrum Coexistence Design and Implementation Toolset for Policymakers in Satellite Bands

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    This paper introduces ASCENT (context Aware Spectrum Coexistence Design and Implementation) toolset, an advanced context-aware terrestrial satellite spectrum sharing toolset designed for researchers, policymakers, and regulators. It serves two essential purposes (a) evaluating the potential for harmful interference to primary users in satellite bands and (b) facilitating the analysis, design, and implementation of diverse regulatory policies on spectrum usage and sharing. Notably, ASCENT implements a closed-loop feedback system that allows dynamic adaptation of policies according to a wide range of contextual factors (e.g., weather, buildings, summer/winter foliage, etc.) and feedback on the impact of these policies through realistic simulation. Specifically, ASCENT comprises the following components (i) interference evaluation tool for evaluating interference at the incumbents in a spectrum-sharing environment while taking the underlying contexts, (ii) dynamic spectrum access (DSA) framework for providing context-aware instructions to adapt networking parameters and control secondary terrestrial network's access to the shared spectrum band according to context aware prioritization, (iii) Context broker to acquire essential and relevant contexts from external context information providers; and (iv) DSA Database to store dynamic and static contexts and the regulator's policy information. The closed-loop feedback system of ASCENT is implemented by integrating these components in a modular software architecture. A case study of sharing the lower 12 GHz Ku band (12.2-12.7 GHz) with the 5G terrestrial cellular network is considered, and the usability of ASCENT is demonstrated by dynamically changing exclusion zone's radius in different weather conditions

    Fractally-organized Connectionist Networks: Conjectures and Preliminary Results

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    A strict interpretation of connectionism mandates complex networks of simple components. The question here is, is this simplicity to be interpreted in absolute terms? I conjecture that absolute simplicity might not be an essential attribute of connectionism, and that it may be effectively exchanged with a requirement for relative simplicity, namely simplicity with respect to the current organizational level. In this paper I provide some elements to the analysis of the above question. In particular I conjecture that fractally organized connectionist networks may provide a convenient means to achive what Leibniz calls an "art of complication", namely an effective way to encapsulate complexity and practically extend the applicability of connectionism to domains such as sociotechnical system modeling and design. Preliminary evidence to my claim is brought by considering the design of the software architecture designed for the telemonitoring service of Flemish project "Little Sister".Comment: Draft of an invited paper for PEWET (1st Workshop on PErvasive WEb Technologies, trends and challenges), http://www.irpps.cnr.it/en/events/call-for-papers-pewet-pervasive-web-technologies-trends-and-challenge

    A Big Data Analyzer for Large Trace Logs

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    Current generation of Internet-based services are typically hosted on large data centers that take the form of warehouse-size structures housing tens of thousands of servers. Continued availability of a modern data center is the result of a complex orchestration among many internal and external actors including computing hardware, multiple layers of intricate software, networking and storage devices, electrical power and cooling plants. During the course of their operation, many of these components produce large amounts of data in the form of event and error logs that are essential not only for identifying and resolving problems but also for improving data center efficiency and management. Most of these activities would benefit significantly from data analytics techniques to exploit hidden statistical patterns and correlations that may be present in the data. The sheer volume of data to be analyzed makes uncovering these correlations and patterns a challenging task. This paper presents BiDAl, a prototype Java tool for log-data analysis that incorporates several Big Data technologies in order to simplify the task of extracting information from data traces produced by large clusters and server farms. BiDAl provides the user with several analysis languages (SQL, R and Hadoop MapReduce) and storage backends (HDFS and SQLite) that can be freely mixed and matched so that a custom tool for a specific task can be easily constructed. BiDAl has a modular architecture so that it can be extended with other backends and analysis languages in the future. In this paper we present the design of BiDAl and describe our experience using it to analyze publicly-available traces from Google data clusters, with the goal of building a realistic model of a complex data center.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Embedding object-oriented design in system engineering

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    The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a collection of techniques intended to document design decisions about software. This contrasts with systems engineering approaches such as for exampleStatemate and the Yourdon Systems Method (YSM), in which the design of an entire system consisting of software and hardware can be documented. The difference between the system- and the software level is reflected in differences between execution semantics as well as in methodology. In this paper, I show how the UML can be used as a system-level design technique. I give a conceptual framework for engineering design that accommodates the system- as well as the software level and show how techniques from the UML and YSM can be classified within this framework, and how this allows a coherent use of these techniques in a system engineering approach. These ideas are illustrated by a case study in which software for a compact dynamic bus station is designed. Finally, I discuss the consequences of this approach for a semantics of UML constructs that would be appropriate for system-level design