80 research outputs found

    Tourism-themed internet portals – are new media creating a new tourist? A case study of Polish students

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    Internet media have an influence on many tourism-related issues. This article presents the results of research into the role of tourism-themed portals in the trips taken by Polish university students between 2010 and 2012. The research sought to answer the following questions: whether tourism-related internet media have an influence on the students’ behaviour before, during the trip and when they arrive at their destination; how often they are used by the respondents during their trips; and whether Polish students actively participate in internet media by voicing their opinions. As it appears, internet media serve as one of the “travel companions” for young people. They are used when preparing the trip, the vast majority “take them” with them and check them during the trip, while almost half of them check them on vacation, e.g. to share their experience over the internet

    The use of web 2.0 technologies in tourism industry: A conceptual model

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    Tourism industry has been transformed dramatically by the Internet and web technologies. In the web 2.0 era, travelers‟ behaviors are affected by widely available user generated contents in a number of online social media. Much research has been conducted on the use and impact of web 2.0 on travelers; however, little was known from tourism suppliers‟ perspective. Our research therefore aims to study the topic from a holistic perspective, including activities throughout the tourism supply chain. This paper presents an initial part of the research. It reviews prior literature on the use of web 2.0 technologies in the tourism industry and proposes a conceptual model, which will be used to guide an investigation to the topic

    Social Networking Management To Enhance Thailand Destination Image

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    This preliminary research studies the dimension of social network site management. It is part of a bigger research project which aims to investigate the influence of social network site management on the creation of destination image of Thailand. As the power of social media in the tourism industry has become stronger, it is important to understand its influence on destination image creation. This part of research confirms three factors that can be considered main components of social site network management that are influential to tourists’ decision to use social network sites to find travelling tips/ other tourism information

    A Social Networking Strategy for Improving Knowledge Management and Communication in the Travel Industry

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    In today’s technology-driven marketplace, the adoption and management of corporate and customer-facing Social Networking Sites (SNs) is often viewed as a key success factor for Travel Industry (TI) organisations. Knowledge management and the sharing of expertise and experiences through communication between internal and external stakeholders via social networks is an activity which TI organisations are aiming to exploit in order to improve the open sharing, retrieval, organisation and leveraging of knowledge. Through a study of currently-available literature relating to social networking adoption within the TI and a case study analysis of corporate social networking practices at three multi-national TI organisations (British Airways, Thomas Cook and Marriott Hotels), it may be observed that correlations exist between the development of social networking and the processes TI organisations now use to manage knowledge. We explore how these companies are currently utilizing SNs to improve knowledge management practices inside and outside of their organisational boundaries. From our analysis, lessons may emerge as to how TI companies are gaining competitive advantage through the use of social networking; a proposed strategy is identified to determine how TI organisations may make best use of social networks

    Impact of Social Networking Sites on Hospitality and Tourism Industry

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    This research paper investigates the impact of social networking sites on the hospitality and tourism industries A social networking site is a type of social media that provides a platform for people to connect with each other Social networking is so versatile that it can be used for both leisure and business purposes In the hospitality and tourism industry social networking sites are one of the essential tools that play an important and beneficial role Content on social networking sites could affect the marketing in both positive and negative ways The topic that will be discussed in this research paper are consumer behavior connection with consumers effectiveness in terms of time and cost creating brand awareness and building the image of the company promoting company targeting consumers and finally the disadvantage

    Cemeteries and Tourism. Potential and enhancement of a growing phenomenon

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    Tourism in cemeteries is a relatively new segment of interest, inserted in the category of so-called dark tourism. It’s connected to the theme of death, suffering and pain, or to the category of religious tourism as a pilgrimage to a place of worship. It consists in visiting the cemeteries and burial sites, as considered a source of cultural and therefore tourist attraction. The case study focuses on the cemetery in Szczecin, in the territory of Poland, as an opportunity to study the identification of forms of development and promotion of cemetery as well cultural and tourist attraction

    Las redes sociales y el marketing de stakeholders en la gestión de los canales de distribución de productos turísticos: El caso de bookingfax

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    El cambio experimentado en el comportamiento del consumidor turístico ha llevado a un mayor uso de las redes sociales como fuente de información en el proceso de decisión de compra. Además, las empresas del sector estiman que estas herramientas constituyen enla actualidad un elemento clave en el proceso de comunicación con el cliente. Sin embargo, sólo aquellas que consiguen la confianza del consumidor logran acceder al cliente, dificultándose y encareciéndose el coste por contacto. Si bien, se considera que la gestión de las relaciones con los distintos agentes participantes en el canal de distribución contribuyea mejorar el acceso de las empresas turísticas a su público objetivo, una necesidad que se ve intensificada por la intangibilidad del producto ofertado y la consiguiente exigencia de confianza por parte del cliente.Bajo el enfoque del marketing de stakeholders se propone la gestión de las relaciones con todos los agentes presentes en el canal, constituyendo este enfoque una herramienta especialmente útil en la gestión de relaciones de interés y confianza entre ambos. Para analizar este fenómeno e ilustrar la utilidad del enfoque propuesto, bajo la metodología de estudio de casos, centraremos la investigación en el modelo de negocio de la empresa bookingfax, la cual emplea su capital relacional como base del mismoThe shift in touristic consumer behaviour has led to a more intense use of social media as a source of information in the buying decision-making process. Furthermore, businesses in this sector consider that these tools are nowadays a key element in the process of communicating with the customer. Nevertheless, only those companies that gain consumers’ trust can access them, complicating and raising the cost by impact. Even though, managing relationships with the different agents in the distribution channel contribute to enhance tourism businesses’ access to their target, a need intensified by the intangibility of the product bid and the consequent trust requirement by the customer.Under the stakeholder marketing approach,it is proposed the management of every agent in the channel, being this approach anespecially useful tool formanaging interest and trust relationships between both of them. To analyse this phenomenon and to illustrate the utility of the proposed approach, under the case study methodology, this research will be focused on the firm Bookingfax, which makes a profitof its relational capital as the base of its business mode

    Generating Return Vistor Website Traffic

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    Revisit traffic into a website arises when the consumer is in pursuit of website offerings that are sufficiently in line with their motivations and/or with their desired outcomes. This one hundred week study upgrades and changes a business website over time. In six stages, the website is changed from static to interactive environments. At each website change the levels of functionality, interactivity and/or external post are altered to determine their effect on website traffic. Findings offered herein suggest a website’s consumer targeting should be monitored from multi-perspectives


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    Kuta Mandalika beach was chosen as the object of research because it has a very good tourism potential. Even so, the number of tourist visits is still relatively low compared to other attractions. Then, This study aims to determine the factors that influence an increase in tourist visits to Kuta Mandalika Beach in Central Lombok Regency. This research is a quantitative research. Research data using primary data types. The number of samples in this study were 130 respondents. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire / questionnaire distributed to 130 respondents. The validity and reliability test is used as an instrument feasibility test and the prequisitie test consists of normality, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis techniques with the help of SPSS 16 software. The results of the study showed that partially service and infrastructure variables affect positive and signicant the increase in tourist visits. While social media variables do not affect positive the increase in tourist visits. Furthermore, if the three variables are tested simultaneously, then the service, infrastructure and social media variables affect the increase in tourist visits. For the coefficient of determination (r Square) test of service, infrastructure and social media variables can affect the increase in tourist visits by 39.8%, while the rest, ie 61.2%, was apparently influenced by other variables originating from outside the study