18 research outputs found

    The Digital Game’s Impact on Student’s Interaction Related to Sociomathematical Norms: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The use of digital games as learning mathematics media is ubiquitous. It comes in a variety of approaches, designs, and purposes. But, its impact on students’ interactivity leads to a classroom social construct called sociomathematical norms is not revealed yet. Beside, technology use in education and traditional game use separately could raise students’ sociomathematical norms. Although, sociomathematical norms are known as specific interactions among students and teachers which form mathematical concepts. This systematic literature review study, based on the PRISMA statement, conducted to collect critical information about the use of digital games' impact on students' sociomathematical norms. Articles which published between 2016 and 2020 in mathematics education field are screened. The findings show that the use of digital games raises students’ sociomathematical norms if it is followed by an open ended learning approach and sharing feature. Otherwise, the norms cannot be detected explicitly. Future research related to this finding is also recommended

    An Overview Of Learning Support Factors On Mathematic Games

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     In this study, we examined the factors in game design that were used by developers to support the interests of mathematics learning. The aim is to overcome the lack of empirical evidence about the impact of factors in the game on learning outcomes, identify how the design of in-game activities affects learning, and develop an overview of general recommendations for designing mathematics education games. This study tries to illustrate the impact of game design factors in mathematics education games on the objectives and results of game-based learning

    The Effects of Digital Games on Engagement and Motivation

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of digital games on students’ engagement and motivation. This study took place in a small, rural school in the Midwestern United States. The subjects for this study were two classes of seventh-grade students in gradelevel mathematics. Digital review games and paper-and-pencil reviews were alternated from weekly for the eight weeks of the study. Data collection tools included student completed Likert scale questionnaires, on- and off-task counts and behaviors, a teacher reflection journal and final student questionnaire. The results showed that students were more behaviorally engaged during paper-and-pencil style reviews but more emotionally and cognitively engaged with the digital games. Overall, this study was inconclusive on whether digital games had a greater impact on both student engagement and motivation over paper-and-pencil style reviews. These findings suggest a blending of digital games and traditional reviews would be best in middle school mathematics

    The Impact of Notetaking in a Middle School History Class

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    The purpose of this action research project was to determine the impact of notetaking in a 7th grade World History classroom on learning and engagement. A mixed-methods study of 36 7th grade students was used to determine significant differences between notetaking styles, student performance, and engagement during short class lectures. Post-lecture assessments, Likert-style surveys, and student notes were assessed and triangulated, while interviews and survey questions were evaluated to illustrate common themes and perceptions of notetaking. Data analysis revealed that notetaking does have some impact on both academics and engagement, however, the style of notetaking made a significant difference. Additionally, analysis suggested that the cognitive tasks most closely associated with notetaking, such as handwriting speed and language comprehension, do not overly impact one’s notetaking abilities. The research findings of this study may prove beneficial to middle school educators who teach content-heavy courses and struggle with student engagement and learning outcomes, especially within a lecture-based classroom environment. Instruction and modeling on the part of a teacher will greatly bolster student confidence, ability, and autonomy when it comes to notetaking

    A Multinational Data Set of Game Players' Behaviors in a Virtual World and Environmental Perceptions

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    Video gaming has been rising rapidly to become one of the primary entertainment media, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Playing video games has been reported to associate with many psychological and behavioral traits. However, little is known about the connections between game players' behaviors in the virtual environment and environmental perceptions. Thus, the current data set offers valuable resources regarding environmental worldviews and behaviors in the virtual world of 640 Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) game players from 29 countries around the globe. The data set consists of six major categories: 1) socio-demographic profile, 2) COVID-19 concern, 3) environmental perception, 4) game-playing habit, 5) in-game behavior, and 6) game-playing feeling. By making this data set open, we aim to provide policymakers, game producers, and researchers with valuable resources for understanding the interactions between behaviors in the virtual world and environmental perceptions, which could help produce video games in compliance with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals

    Videopelaamisen yhteydet koulumenestykseen

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    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten peruskouluikäisten oppilaiden videopelaaminen on yhteydessä heidän koulumenestykseensä. Työmme avulla voidaan edistää tietämystä videopelien erilaisista vaikutuksista oppilaisiin, jotta sekä vapaa-ajalla että koulussa tapahtuvaa videopelaamista voitaisiin ohjata hyödyllisempään suuntaan koulumenestyksen näkökulmasta. Tavoitteenamme oli tarjota mahdollisimman monipuolinen ja objektiivinen kuva videopelaamisen erilaisista vaikutuksista ja lisätä kasvattajien tietoisuutta aiheeseen liittyen. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset aiheesta ovat pääasiassa ulkomaisia ja niiden tulokset ovat paikoitellen ristiriidassa keskenään. Oma tutkimuksemme suoritettiin kvantitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena kevättalvella 2022. Tutkimukseen osallistui sähköisesti Webropol-kyselyn avulla kolmekymmentäyhdeksän (N=39) 5. ja 6. luokkalaista oppilasta kahdesta satakuntalaisesta peruskoulusta. Tutkimustuloksiemme perusteella me emme löytäneet tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä videopelaamiseen käytetyn ajan ja oppilaiden koulumenestyksen välillä. Koulumenestyksen mittarina käytettiin viimeisimmän todistuksen arvosanoja viidestä eri oppiaineesta (äidinkieli, englanti, matematiikka, ympäristöoppi ja liikunta). Tutkimuksemme mukaan videopelikäyttäytymisessä on kuitenkin sukupuolten välisiä eroavaisuuksia. Tuloksemme osoittivat, että pojat pelaavat videopelejä ajallisesti tyttöjä enemmän ja he pelaavat myös todennäköisemmin tappelu- ja räiskintäpelejä

    Student Engagement in Adolescence : A Scoping Review of Longitudinal Studies 2010-2020

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    We systematically mapped and analyzed the longitudinal research on adolescent student engagement published during 2010-2020. A total of 104 studies of 104,304 adolescents met inclusion criteria. Studies were mainly conducted in North America (43%) or Europe (34%). Over half studied engagement across one or more years. Most studies (93%) focused on antecedents of engagement rather than outcomes of engagement (38%). Data were commonly collected using self-report questionnaires (87%) and analyzed using path, growth, and cross-lagged models. Studies mainly examined engagement in classroom activities, school, or schoolwork; and focused on behavioral engagement (70%), followed by emotional (61%), then cognitive engagement (35%). No studies used a specific theory of engagement development, but instead referred to self-determination, ecological systems, and stage-environment fit theories.Peer reviewe

    Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus oppimispelien vaikutuksista alakouluikäisten matematiikan osaamiseen ja opettajan rooliin oppimispelien integroinnissa

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    Tässä teoksessa tutkitaan systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla miten digitaaliset oppimispelit vaikuttavat ala-aste ikäisten (n.6-12v.) oppilaiden matematiikan osaamiseen. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään niin oppilaisiin, jotka osaavat matematiikkaa kuin niihin, joilla on ongelmia matematiikan osaamisessa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, millä tavoin pelit kehittävät matematiikan osaamista niin taitavien matematiikan oppilaiden, kuin matematiikan oppimisvaikeuksista kärsivien oppilaiden keskuudessa, sekä mikä on opettajan rooli oppimispelien integroinnissa opetukseen. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus toteutettiin vaiheittain. Tietoa kirjallisuuskatsausta varten haettiin vuoden 2018 keväällä ja talvella. Tietoja etsittiin neljästä eri tietokannasta. Tieteellistä kirjallisuutta etsittiin englanniksi käyttäen hakusanoja, ”mathematics, achievement ja proficiency.” Hakutulokseksi löytyi yhteensä 381 viitettä, joista karsittiin pois teoksia käyttäen määriteltyjä poissulkukriteerejä. Lopullinen tutkimusten määrä oli 14. Nämä 14 tutkimusartikkelia analysoitiin sisällönanalyysimenetelmillä. Tämän systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keskeisimpinä tuloksina olivat erilaiset tavat, joilla oppimispelit kehittivät oppilaiden osaamista. Oppimispelit kehittivät osaamista tarjoamalla motivoivan tavan oppia matematiikkaa. Toimiva oppimispeli tukee oppilasta antamalla palautetta, kohottamalla itseluottamusta taitoihinsa sekä tuomalla monipuolisuutta matematiikan opiskeluun. Opettaja toimii usein ohjaajan tai tukihenkilön rooleissa integroidessaan oppimispelejä opetukseen. Ohjaajan roolissa opettaja luo oppimismahdollisuuksia, tuo oppilaan tiedon lähteelle ja tukihenkilön roolissa opettaja opastaa oppilasta mikäli hänelle tulee ongelmia peliä pelatessa

    The added value of game elements : better training performance but comparable learning gains

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    Even though game elements can increase motivation and engagement, they also might distract learners and thereby decrease performance and learning outcomes. In the current study, we investigated the effects of intrinsically integrated game elements on performance and learning outcomes. In a pre-post training study, 85 adult participants were randomly assigned either to the game-based or non-game-based training condition. Participants trained their fraction magnitude understanding with digital number line estimation tasks on five consecutive days (á 15–20 min). The learning outcomes were evaluated using a paper-based number line estimation task. While participants in both the game-based and non-game-based condition improved their fraction magnitude understanding from pretest to posttest, their improvement did not differ significantly. However, during the training, participants in the game-based condition responded more accurately but were slower than those in the non-game-based condition. The current results suggest that game elements might increase participants’ cognitive engagement and change their priorities or strategies (i.e., accuracy over speed) during learning. Nevertheless, better training performance did not lead to superior learning outcomes.Peer reviewe