12,594 research outputs found

    Leadership, Organizational Learning and Performance in Small and Medium Firms

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    CEO's leadership is an organizational dimension that has not been carefully studied in the literature on small firms. Particularly, as organizational learning is now anchored as an important part of the building and sustaining of the small and medium firm's competitive advantage, how leadership characteristics may moderate the positive link between organizational learning and performance is important for managers and researchers. We could hypothesize that, combined with organizational learning processes, some leaders' characteristics and behaviours are more important than others to lead the development of an organizational climate oriented toward innovation or performance. This paper presents the theoretical framework and hypotheses of this on-going research on the links between organizational learning, leadership and performance in small and medium firms.Learning; Absorptive capacity; Leadership

    A network-based view of regional growth

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    The need to better understand the mechanisms underlying regional growth patterns is widely recognised. This paper argues that regional growth is partly a function of the value created through inter-organisational flows of knowledge within and across regions. It is proposed that investment in calculative networks by organisations to access knowledge is a form of capital, termed network capital, which should be incorporated into regional growth models. The paper seeks to develop a framework to capture the value of network capital within these models based on the spatial configuration and the nature of the knowledge flowing through networks

    Austrian higher education institutions' idiosyncrasies and technology transfer system

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    The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a PhD research (Heinzl, 2007) conducted on the Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria. The research is to establish an idiosyncrasy model for Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria showing the effects of their idiosyncrasies on the ability to successfully conduct technology transfer. Research applied in the study is centred on qualitative methods as major emphasis is placed on theory building. The study pursues a stepwise approach for the establishment of the idiosyncrasy model. In the first step, an initial technology transfer model and list of idiosyncrasies are established based on a synthesis of findings from secondary research. In the second step, these findings are enhanced by the means of empirical research including problem-centred expert interviews, a focus group and participant observation. In the third step, the idiosyncrasies are matched with the factors conducive for technology transfer and focused interviews have been conducted for this purpose. The findings show that idiosyncrasies of Universities of Applied Sciences have remarkable effects on their technology transfer abilities. This paper presents four of the models that emerge from the PhD research: Generic Technology Transfer Model (Section 5.1); Idiosyncrasies Model for the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences (Section 5.2); Idiosyncrasies-Technology Transfer Effects Model (Section 5.3); Idiosyncrasies-Technology Transfer Cumulated Effects Model (Section 5.3). The primary and secondary research methods employed for this study are: literature survey, focus groups, participant observation, and interviews. The findings of the research contribute to a conceptual design of a technology transfer system which aims to enhance the higher education institutions' technology transfer performance

    Determinants of science-based cooperation: evidence in a sample of small and micro firms

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    We study the determining factors of cience-based cooperation in the case of small and micro firms. In this research, we propose an analytical framework based on the resource-based view of the firm and we identify a set of organisational characteristics, which we classify as internal, external and structural factors. Each factor can be linked to at least one reason, from the firm¿s point of view, to cooperate with universities and public research centres. Each reason can, in turn, be used as an indicator of a firm¿s organisational needs or organisational capacities. In order to validate the theoretical model, we estimate a logistic regression that models the propensity to participate in science-based cooperation activities within a sample of 285 small and micro firms located in Barcelona. The results show the key role played by the absorptive capacity of new and small companies.Se estudian los factores determinantes de la ciencia basada en la cooperación en el caso de las pequeùas empresas y microempresas. En esta investigación, se propone un anålisis marco basado en el punto de vista de los recursos de la empresa y que identifica un conjunto de características de la organización, que podemos clasificar como factores internos, externos y estructurales. Cada factor puede estar relacionado por lo menos con una razón, desde el punto de vista de la empresa, para cooperar con las universidades y centros públicos de investigación. Cada una de ellas, a su vez, se utilizarå como un indicador de las necesidades organizativas de la empresa o su capacidad de organización. Con el fin de validar el modelo teórico, se estima una regresión logística que muestra la propensión a participar en las actividades de cooperación basadas en la ciencia de una muestra de 285 empresas pequeùas y microempresas ubicadas en Barcelona. Los resultados muestran el papel clave desempeùado por la capacidad de absorción de las empresas nuevas y pequeùas.S'estudien els factors determinants de la ciència basada en la cooperació en el cas de les petites empreses i microempreses. Aquesta investigació es proposa una anàlisi marc basada en el punt de vista dels recursos de l'empresa i que identifica un conjunt de característiques de la organització, que podem classificar amb factors interns, externs i estructurals. Cada factor pot estar relacionat com a mínim amb una raó, des del punt de vista de l'empresa, per cooperar amb universitats i centres públics d'investigació. Cada una d'aquestes, al seu torn, s'utilitzarà com un indicador de les necessitats organitzatives de l'empresa o la seva capacitat d'organització. Amb l'objectiu de validar el model teòric, es preveu una regressió logística que mostra la tendència a participar en les activitats de cooperació basades en la ciència d'una mostra de 285 empreses petites i microempreses ubicades a Barcelona. Els resultats mostren el paper clau dut a terme per la capacitat d'absorció de les noves i petites empreses

    Innovation in tourism: Re-conceptualising and measuring the absorptive capacity of the hotel sector

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    Recent reviews of research on innovation in tourism have highlighted a number of weaknesses in the literature. Among these is the limited theorising and empirical investigation of innovative practices by tourism organisations. This paper responds to these concerns by examining one important dimension of innovation within commercial tourism organisations, namely their ability to acquire, assimilate and utilise external knowledge (absorptive capacity) for competitive advantage. The topic is pertinent because there is evidence to suggest that tourism organisations are particularly dependent on external sources of knowledge when compared with businesses in other sectors. Following a discussion of the conceptual antecedents of absorptive capacity and its dimensions, a validated instrument for its measurement is developed and used to measure the absorptive capacity of the British hotel sector. The results suggest that current conceptions of absorptive capacity have limitations when applied to tourism enterprises. Absorptive capacity is re-conceptualised to overcome these deficiencies. The research and policy implications of the findings are discussed. Š 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Exporting, R&D and Absorptive Capacity in UK Establishments: Evidence from the 2001 Community Innovation Survey

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    This paper models the determinants of exporting (both export propensity and export intensity), with a particular emphasis on the importance of absorptive capacity and the endogenous link between exporting and R&D. Based on a merged dataset of the 2001 Community Innovation Survey and the 2000 Annual Respondents Database for the UK, our results suggest that alongside other factors, undertaking R&D activities and having greater absorptive capacity (for scientific knowledge, co-operation with international organisations, and organisational structure and HRM practices) significantly reduce entry barriers into export markets, having controlled for selfselectivity into exporting and the endogenous link between exporting and R&D. Nevertheless, conditional on entry, only greater absorptive capacity (for scientific knowledge) seems to further boost export performance in international markets, whereas spending on R&D no longer has an impact on exporting behaviour once we have taken into account its endogenous nature.exports; R&D; absorptive capacity; sample selection

    Drivers and Impacts of R&D Adoption on Transport and Logistics Services

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    Actually, technologies and applications in industries are changing via business restructuring, new business models, new knowledge and supply chains. So R&D is not focused primarily on manufacturing industry as it used to be, but on different kinds of industries as logistics and transport (TLS). Nevertheless, the characteristics of the TLS industry determine the introduction of specific R&D solutions accordingly to sectors operations. The objective of this paper is to describe the R&D opportunities in the TLS industry and how managers use them to make their businesses more innovative and efficient. Using the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) model the paper identifies the links between R&D adoption and innovation dynamics. Relating the findings, on the driver’s side there are three points that are worth mentioning: increasing market competition, the relationships of firms interacting with each other and the availability and quality of complementary assets such as employee skills and IT know-how. On the impacts’ side, firms advanced in terms of implementing R&D solutions are more likely to implement organizational changes. Finally, a set of recommendations on how to further improve the continuous innovation in the TLS industry is presented

    Clusters Of Innovative Firms: Absorptive Capacity In Larger Networks?

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    Firms are often compared in terms of their resources or capabilities (resource based view of the firm (Barney, 1991, 1997) dynamic capabilities (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000) and their performance on knowledge transfer (Argote & Ingram, 2000), absorptive capacity and relative absorptive capacity. Innovative firms are often located with other firms in clusters, with relationships and networks that have developed over time or in response to particular drivers and conditions. This paper investigates assumptions related to innovative firms and their environments and brings together research relevant to individual firms, notions of absorptive capacity and findings about clusters of firms. Firm relationships in cluster configurations are discussed and a research agenda proposed

    Learning and Innovation in Inter-Organizational Relationships and Networks

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    This paper gives a survey of insights into inter-firm alliances and networks for innovation, from a constructivist, interactionist perspective on knowledge, which leads to the notion of 'cognitive distance'.It looks at both the competence and the governance side of relationships.Given cognitive distance, organizations need to align cognition sufficiently to enable the fast and efficient utilization of opportunities from complementary capabilities.This, I propose, is done by means of a culturally mediated 'organizational cognitive focus'.The problem with that is that it yields a greater or lesser organizational myopia that, for the sake of innovation, needs to be complemented by means of outside relations with other firms, at larger cognitive distance. Hence the importance of networks for innovation.On the governance side, the paper gives a review of relational risks and instruments to manage them.Next to the effects of cognitive distance, the paper analyses the effects of density and strength of ties in innovation networks, concerning both competence and governance.inter-organizational relationships;networks;competence;governance;innovation;cognitive distance
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