13 research outputs found

    The impact of technology on children’s attainment in English: a review of the literature

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    Integration of Technology Into the Classroom: Effects on reading comprehension

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    Reading comprehension is critical to understanding written communication. Even when students are able to recognize words and fluently read text, they my not comprehend what is read. Learning to comprehend text is critical for students to be successful in school and future careers. As new technologies emerge, there is a push to integrate technology into the classroom to promote academic success among students. Furthermore, the No Child Left Behind Act mandates the use of technology in the classroom. This research review investigated peer-reviewed studies comparing the effects of computer technology as a supplemental tool to support and improve the reading comprehension of struggling and at-risk readers with equivalent non-technological or traditional print based treatments. Technology features investigated by the studies reviewed include various types of multi-featured electronic texts, computerized supplemental reading programs, a handheld text reader, virtual manipulatives, and using computers to create responses to reading printed texts. The various technologies were found to provide equal or greater benefit than traditional means for aiding struggling and at-risk readers with reading comprehension

    Livros digitais do Plano Nacional de Leitura na educação pré-escolar: perceções dos educadores de infância

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    "A utilização das tecnologias no contexto educativo, concretamente a utilização dos livros digitais (LD), é objeto de abordagem no presente artigo. É considerada a relação do potencial pedagógico desta ferramenta tecnológica com o desenvolvimento de competências de literacia nas crianças, a partir de um estudo onde se recolhe a opinião de educadores que assumem ser utilizadores atuais ou recentes, ou apenas conhecedores não utilizadores.Os LD considerados são, concretamente, os que o Plano Nacional de Leitura (PNL) disponibiliza para a educação pré-escolar no seu portal da internet, com objetivos de promoção de leitura. De que forma os educadores promovem ou permitem o uso dos LD; que benefícios consideram existir na promoção da leitura e que vantagens e desvantagens lhe reconhecem no desenvolvimento da sua prática pedagógica, tendo em conta os recursos materiais e tecnológicos de que dispõem, são questões a que se procura dar resposta.O estudo cruza fundamentos teóricos que apontam um conjunto de vantagens assinaláveis, resultantes do uso dos LD, reforçados pela opinião dos educadores, numa abordagem quantitativa, a partir das respostas expressas através de um questionário online.Participaram neste estudo 548 educadores de diversas zonas do país. Os educadores participantes reconhecem mais vantagens do que desvantagens na utilização dos LD, sendo a apresentação para o grupo de crianças, na hora do conto ou para a introdução de temáticas a explorar, a forma preferida de utilização. Assinalam como principais dificuldades as características do material, a pouca qualidade de equipamento informático de que dispõem, as fragilidades da Internet e o número reduzido de computadores, sendo evidenciadas algumas diferenças, quer na forma de utilização quer no reconhecimento das vantagens e desvantagens da sua utilização, em função da idade Palavras-chave: Leitura, literacia emergente, livros digitais, pré-escolar, tecnologias Digital books from National Reading Plan for pre schooling: nursery teachers perceptions Abstract: The present article looks at the use of technologies – specifically digital books (DB) – in an educational context. It is consider the relation of the educational potential of this technological tool with the development of literacy skills in children, having as a start point a study where the opinion of the educators is collected. These assume to be current users or recent users, or simply knowing the tools but not using them.The DB considered are namely those which the Portuguese National Reading Plan (PNL) website makes available for preschool education, in order to promote reading. The article attempts to answer questions such as: how do kindergarten teachers promote or allow the use of DB; and what benefits do they feel DB offer in terms of the promotion of reading, and what advantages and disadvantages do they recognise them to hold for the development of their own pedagogical practices, given the material and technological resources at their disposal?The study crosses a number of theoretical arguments, which indicate that the use of DB results in a range of substantial advantages. These are backed up by the opinions expressed by the kindergarten teachers, which are treated using a quantitative approach based on responses to an online questionnaire.The participants in this study were 548 kindergarten teachers from various areas of the country. They recognised more advantages than disadvantages in the use of DB. Their preferred means of using this tool was to present a book to a group of children at story time, or to use it to introduce topics for further exploitation. The main difficulties they have pointed out are the characteristics of the material, the poor quality of their ICT equipment, the poor internet connection, and the small number of computers. The responses reveal some differences in both the way in which DB are used and the advantages and disadvantages recognised, depending on the teachers’ ages Keywords: Digital books, emergent literacy, preschool, reading, technologies.

    The Use of E-books, Computers, and Tablets To Enhance Reading Skills

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    The purpose of the study was to identify teacher’s opinions of technology and its usage with reading instruction. The study explored teachers’ use of e-books, computers (reading programs), and tablets to enhance reading skills. Specifically, the researcher wanted to investigate elementary teachers’ beliefs regarding the use of e-books (electronic books), computers (reading programs), and tablets for enhancing reading skills with students who struggle with reading. To determine the impact of e-books, computers, and tablets on reading practices, data were collected from four urban elementary teachers in a southeastern school district. The research was conducted using surveys, interviews, and observations

    Incorporating Interactive Electronic Storybooks into Shared Reading Programs by Kindergarten Teachers: A Multiple Case Study

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    This qualitative study investigated how two kindergarten teachers used interactive electronic storybooks (referred to as e-storybooks) for shared reading, as well as their attitudes towards adopting this tool as a resource for shared reading. The research inquiry was guided by three research questions: 1) What instructional strategies did the kindergarten teachers employ to try to achieve pedagogical effectiveness of the e-storybooks for shared reading programs? 2) What problems did the kindergarten teachers encounter in utilizing the e-storybooks for shared reading programs, and how did they try to overcome them? 3) What were the kindergarten teachers’ attitudes towards adopting e-storybooks as a resource for their reading block

    A Developmental Study of ASR-Enhanced E-Book Software to Improve on-Task Interaction for First Grade Users

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    This developmental research study explores the effects of audio-visual feedback and user input mechanisms on user behaviors and satisfaction, through development of a first-grade reading program for the computer. Specific design elements investigated include human vs. synthesized audio feedback, segmented vs. whole-word pronunciation, format of supporting graphic (image vs. animation), use of automatic speech recognition (ASR) to encourage or enforce oral reading of an e-book, and effect of tutorial with mouse-click word identification or ASR-controlled word synthesis games. The study examines a variety of quantitative and qualitative measures including use logs, recorded screen-capture videos of use sessions, one-on-one interviews, and satisfaction surveys. The results of testing for each design element are analyzed and most appropriate design choice is implemented for subsequent design phases in an iterative manner. Design guidelines are given confirm the existing literature\u27s findings of user preference for human speech over computer-synthesized speech (TTS) and that supporting graphics can increase user satisfaction of e-books, but also have the potential for distraction and reduction of active reading tasks. ASR was found to be ineffective as an input mechanism due to user error and low success rate in this study, but was found to be better-suited as a tool for smaller discrete tasks such as word synthesis practice and games, and may be effective for practice or support when offered as an optional tool to be used voluntarily by users. (Keywords: literacy, reading, e-books, CAI, educational technology, elementary education, animation, synthesized speech, TTS, ASR, developmental research

    Emergent Literacy Skills in Print and Electronic Contexts: The Influence of Book Type, Narration Style, and Attention

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    Preschoolers can learn words and story content from traditional print books, but there has been no direct comparison of their learning from print and e-books while controlling for narration style. Additionally, very little empirical work has utilized a tablet e-book as the majority of research has examined learning from computer e-books. The current project examined how 4-year-olds (N = 100) learned words and story content from four different book reading contexts: a print book read aloud by a live adult, a print book narrated by an audio device, a tablet e-book read aloud by a live adult, or a tablet e-book narrated by an audio device. Children\u27s prior experience with tablet e-books and their attention to the book were also measured and included in analyses. When prior experience was included, preschoolers learned more words from the e-book than the print book but only for those without prior experience reading tablet e-books with someone. Furthermore, regardless of experience, children learned more words in the audio narration conditions than in the live reader conditions. When attention was included, preschoolers who were more attentive learned more words than those who were less attentive but only for those who were read a print book by a live adult. Notably, there was a trend for preschoolers to learn more story content from the live reader than an audio device regardless of book type. Our results are consistent with theories of emergent literacy in the digital world, which are situated in a sociocultural perspective

    Identifying eBook Pedagogies for Literacy Instruction: A Qualitative Content Analysis

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    Students in K-6 support becoming digital learners but many lack the digital skills needed to engage with ICTs such as eBooks. Some educators lack the technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) to adjust instruction and meet students’ needs. This study examined the extant body of research on the use of eBooks with K-6 literacy instruction to address the perceived lack of effective evidence based practices needed to build self-efficacy. The goal: identify effective TPK regarding when, how, and why to integrate eBooks with K-6 literacy instruction. The research questions: According to the extant literature, what types of K-6 literacy practices and engagements with eBooks are identified? What does the body of research recommend as the technological instructional pedagogies and knowledge needed by educators to meet the diverse needs of K-6 students as they engage with eBooks to develop digital literacy skills and competencies? The conceptual frameworks were the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) model. TPACK provided the rationale to develop a body of pedagogical knowledge. The TIM model provided the tools to identify when and how eBooks were integrated, the TPK educators need to build self-efficacy towards and value of eBook integration. Qualitative content analysis provided the rigor and structure to narrow the field of research, select relevant text for analysis, and identify why eBook integration is of value. The analysis reported eBooks have been integrated with the components of a balanced approach to literacy instruction and across a range of learning environments and levels of technology integration as defined by the TIM model. Three connected themes emerged: eBooks have a positive effect in building and sustaining reading motivation and engagement. This leads to literacy growth and development. The catalysts for much of these changes was the integrative tools and features embedded within the eBooks

    A utilização dos livros digitais do Plano Nacional de Leitura na educação pré-escolar : potencial pedagógico, expectativas e práticas dos educadores

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    Tese de mestrado, Educação (TIC e Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2012O estudo aqui apresentado procurou perceber de que forma os livros digitais (LD) do Plano Nacional de Leitura são utilizados pelos educadores de infância na sua prática pedagógica, sobretudo com objetivos de promoção da leitura. Procurámos conhecer a importância que os educadores atribuem a esta ferramenta tecnológica, quais as características que lhe conferem qualidade, funcionalidade, atratividade e finalidade educativa que justifiquem a sua utilização. Foram realizados dois estudos, através da aplicação de dois questionários, em dois momentos diferentes. O primeiro de âmbito mais restrito, auscultou a recetividade que os LD tinham junto dos educadores e o segundo, com uma amostra mais alargada, aprofundou questões resultantes do primeiro. Os educadores participantes responderam a dois questionários (278 no primeiro estudo e 548 no segundo) via correio eletrónico, que constituiu um grupo entre os 25 e os 55 anos de idade, a maioria situada entre os 46 e os 55. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a apresentação para o grupo de crianças, na hora do conto ou para a introdução de temáticas a explorar, é a forma preferida de utilização, sendo a sua escolha e momento predominantemente determinados pelo educador. O educador vê-se como elemento fundamental, sendo sobretudo orientador e motivador. Consideram os LD uma alternativa aos livros em papel e utilizam-nos sobretudo para atividades relacionadas com a leitura. Assinalam como principais dificuldades a pouca qualidade de equipamento informático de que dispõem, as fragilidades da internet e o número reduzido de computadores. Os resultados apontam para algumas diferenças na utilização dos LD consoante a idade dos educadores que poderão ser mais aprofundadas em estudos futuros. A renovação dos LD e o aperfeiçoamento das suas características multimédia são recomendações para que este instrumento de reconhecido valor pedagógico possa dar um maior contributo ao desenvolvimento da linguagem e de competências de literacia nas crianças.The present study sought to understand how kindergarten teachers use the National Reading Plan (PNL) digital books (DBs) in their teaching practice, above all in order to promote reading. We wanted to know how important teachers think this technological tool is, and what are the characteristics that give it enough quality and functionality and make it sufficiently attractive and fit for the educational purpose in question to make its use worthwhile. There were in fact two studies, with the application of two questionnaires, at two different moments in time. The first had a more limited scope and was designed to gauge how receptive teachers were to DBs; the second used a broader sample group to look in more detail at questions suggested by the first. The teachers responded to the two questionnaires (278 respondents in the first study; 548 in the second) by e-mail. The sample group was aged between 25 and 55, with the majority between 46 and 55. The results indicate that teachers prefer to present DBs to children at storytelling time or as a way of introducing topics that are then explored in more depth, and that it is primarily the teacher who chooses the book and the moment at which it is to be used. Teachers see themselves as key elements in the process, with a role that above all entails guiding and motivating the children. They see DBs as an alternative to paper books, and mostly use them for reading-related activities. The main difficulties they point to are the poor quality of the ICT equipment at their disposal, the weaknesses of the internet connection, and the small number of computers. The results suggest teachers of different ages may use DBs in different ways – a conclusion that may be investigated in more depth in future studies. We recommend that the PNL regularly renew its list of books and improve their multimedia characteristics, so that an instrument which clearly possesses pedagogical value can make an even larger contribution to the development of language and literacy skills in children