31 research outputs found

    Students’ acceptance of mobile-based assessment

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    The effective development of a Mobile-Based Assessment (MBA) depends on students’ acceptance. The aim of this paper was to examine the determinant factor of students’ behavioral intention to use mobile-based assessment. Data were collected from 105 second grade students of a vocational high school through an online survey questionnaire. Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to test the measurement and the structural model. Results showed Perceived Ease of Use as the strongest direct predictor of Behavioral Intention to Use, followed by Perceived Usefulness. Content and Mobile Self-Efficacy only has an indirect effect. These four variables explain 51.3 percent of the variance of Behavioral Intention to Use

    Features of Learning Motivation of Students-Choreographers in Conditions of Modern Military Conflicts

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    Rapid changes in the modern world economic and political, and, accordingly, the educational system, actualize studying the issues related to the role, importance and principles of the organization of work of higher educational institutions. A decrease in students’ motivation to acquire knowledge is an important problem of the modern educational system. Achieving high educational motivation is possible only on the condition of understanding its essence and effective mechanisms of development. The purpose of the academic paper lies in analysing the viewpoints of various scientists regarding the specifics of the motivation of students studying choreography in the conditions of modern military conflicts, as well as in practically investigating the main aspects of the motivation of the training process of students – choreographers in the conditions of military operations. Results. Based on the results of the research, the viewpoints of scientists regarding the educational motivation of students – choreographers in the conditions of military conflicts have been established, and the practical aspects of the motivation of students of this professional field during military conflicts have been clarified

    Pengembangan Media M-Learning Berbasis Aplikasi Articulate Storyline untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Penelitian di latarbelakangi dengan adanya pandemic COVID-19 dan pentingnya penguasaan teknologi bagi pendidik dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran yang diwujudkan dengan adanya media pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan media M-learning berbasis Articulate Storyline untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan melibatkan ahli materi, ahli media dan ahli bahasa. Model  pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu Thiagarajan yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu Define, Design, Development dan Diseminasi. Untuk mengukur keberhasilan hasil belajar peserta didik maka menggunakan Uji Test dengan sebelumnya menggunakan uji hipotesis yaitu uji homogenitas dan uji normalitas. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa media M-learning berbasis Articulate Storyline untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik bersifat valid, praktis dan signifika


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    This study investigates the undergraduates’ attitudes, motivation, and learning difficulties in using mobile devices via vocabulary learning. The participants of this research are full-time undergraduates studying at Suvarnabhumi Campus, Assumption University (AU). This study used a mixed-method and focused on the exploratory design. For the questionnaire survey, 200 participants were selected using convenience sampling from the population. For the semi-structured interview, 15 participants were selected by using simple random sampling. The findings indicated that although 100% of the participants have mobile devices, some still used a traditional method, and the most popular vocabulary applications are Duolingo and BaiCiZhan. Also, students’ attitudes toward using mobile devices were HIGH as the overall mean score (M) = 3.68. The indication is that students have positive attitudes towards using mobile devices at Assumption University. Moreover, students’ motivation towards using mobile devices in AU is also HIGH. The overall mean score (M) = 3.68. As suggested, AU students are highly motivated to use mobile devices in teaching and learning. Lastly, students’ difficulties with using mobile devices are MODERATE, with the overall mean score (M) = 2.76. This can be interpreted those students were having moderate difficulties with using mobile devices. Based on the findings, a few pedagogical implications were discussed, and recommendations for students and teachers were suggested to foster mobile vocabulary learning in the English language classroom

    Teachers and peer teacher students’ perceptions on ICT tools usage in peer learning projects: findings from a multiple case study

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    Preparing learners for the demands of 21st century society requires a comprehensive approach that integrates the development of cognitive and interpersonal skills as well as the choice for innovative pedagogical strategies that assign teachers and learners new roles and give room for the integration of technology enhanced learning. Peer learning promotes collaboration and interaction between peers and can be used by teachers as a powerful strategy to foster students’ cognitive, affective and social skills. The inclusion of ICT tools in peer learning programs has become more and more relevant based on their potential to foster learners’ autonomy, collaboration, and communication skills as well as on the pervasiveness of mobile and social media tools. The present multiple case study focuses on analyzing the role of ICT tools in five peer learning projects implemented in five Portuguese educational institutions through the perceptions of teachers and peer teacher students who integrated them. A semi-structured interview and a survey by questionnaire were the tools used and the data collected were treated under content analysis and descriptive statistics. Findings from this study are expected to add insight into the state of the art of ICT tools usage and role in promoting effective learning in peer learning projects.publishe

    Exploring English Learners’ Experiences of Using Mobile Language Learning Applications

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    Mobile language learning applications provide the potential to transform the way language is learned and it has been used for various purposes including language learning improvement. This investigation will contribute to which applications can support and be appropriate for students in learning English and explore more students’ experiences in using them. This research aimed to explore English learners’ experience of using Mobile Language Learning Applications in an informal learning context. This research employed a descriptive qualitative design with 25 college students. They share their experiences of using Mobile Language Learning Applications to learn English outside the classroom. The instrument used was an interview. The finding of this research showed all the participants confirm that they use mobile language learning to support their learning in English outside the classroom well which involves easy access to the materials, flexible place and time, and sophisticated features of the applications make students explore more and more learning English on the applications and they feel enjoy and fun regulate their learning pattern whenever and where ever, they find progress in learning English after they explore the apps, and students feel free to self-learning with their mobile device. It can be concluded that using Mobile Language Learning Applications outside the classroom allows learners to practice all the areas of English and these applications really supported learners’ experience to learn English based on their needs and self-learning

    Creating a Culture of Learning: Intrinsic Motivation and its Practical Value in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, students of all ages were required to rapidly transition to the demands of virtual learning, resulting in general amotivation. These changes have led to poor academic performance, due to the decreased efficiency of learning processes as these students learn to cope with the instability caused by the pandemic as well as school-related changes. Intrinsic motivation, especially when cultivated within the learning process, plays an important role in student academic success and acts as an influence on holistic success in adulthood. Thus, educators must cater to the needs of this generation\u27s students by implementing highly engaging instructional strategies to address the growing need for the development of intrinsic motivation in academia

    The generation of student engagement as a cognition-affect-behaviour process in a Twitter learning experience

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    Twitter is a microblog that allows users to interact about a topic in online discussion. This makes it an interesting interactive tool with possibilities to increase student engagement and learning performance through active collaboration in an informal learning environment. However, few articles take a quantitative approach to investigate the creation of student engagement using this social networking site. To address this gap, we propose a series of activities conducted through Twitter to analyse the engagement generation process in a sample of 110 students in the first year of a business and administration degree at a large Spanish university. The results show that the engagement process is created through active collaborative learning and enjoyment, and that engaged students are more satisfied with the activity and perceive greater learning performance. This leads us to recommend teachers to encourage active and collaborative activities to make students more engaged and satisfied, and improve their performance.es consisting of applying the concepts studied in class to practical environments, and activities where students browse for online information and take part in a debate, are more enjoyable

    Higher Education learning experience in the face of changes worldwide due to COVID-19

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    La experiencia de aprendizaje en la educación superior se ha visto afectada ante la crisis mundial por el COVID-19. Se ha realizado una encuesta a un grupo de 117 estudiantes y profesores de diferentes universidades de Iberoamérica, donde se ha observado los problemas que se enfrentan los estudiantes para recibir sus clases de manera en línea, el cual puede ser ocasionado por el nivel de conectividad o la ausencia de un equipo tecnológico. A su vez, los mismos estudiantes sienten que las evaluaciones son más estrictas y duras al evaluar. Por otro lado, los profesores se enfrentan al uso de plataformas tecnológicas para ofrecer sus cursos, evaluar los estudiantes y transmitir las clases. Por lo tanto, hay unas nuevas competencias que deben ser adquiridas para dictar un curso en línea, de tal manera que motive al estudiante durante su aprendizaje.The learning experience in higher education has been affected by the global crisis due to COVID-19. A survey has been carried out on a group of 117 students and professors from different universities in Ibero-America, where it has been observed the problems that students face to receive their classes online, which can be caused by the level of connectivity or the absence of a technological team. In turn, the same students feel that the evaluations are stricter and harsher when evaluating. On the other hand, teachers are faced with the use of technological platforms to offer their courses, evaluate students and transmit classes. Therefore, there are new competences that must be acquired to teach an online course, in such a way that it motivates the student during their learning

    Learning technology acceptance and continuance intention among business students: The mediating effects of confirmation, flow, and engagement

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    The emergence of mobile applications has opened the door to a new kind of information and communication technology tool and educational support which is vital for students’ positive learning behaviours. The aims of this study were to examine the effects of three mediators (confirmation, flow, and student engagement) on students’ learning technology acceptance and information systems continuance intention, and to explore the functions of these variables in the mediating process between learning technology acceptance and continuance intention. Using PROCESS macro program where the bootstrap confidence interval was adopted, a parallel multiple mediation model and a serial multiple mediation model were tested. Two of the three proposed hypotheses were supported. Business students’ confirmation and flow, elicited by the m-learning app, were two mediating factors with high ratios (0.6655, 95% CI = 0.2635 to 0.6085) of the overall indirect effect to the total effect, which related to students’ decisions in continuous usages of the technology. We concluded that the continuous use of the m-learning app was driven not only by students’ flexible thinking skills in accepting new learning technology, but also by a set of cognitive attributes reflecting users’ positive experiences with the system