13 research outputs found

    Biological Applications of Hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Calculation

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    Since in most cases biological macromolecular systems including solvent water molecules are remarkably large, the computational costs of performing ab initio calculations for the entire structures are prohibitive. Accordingly, QM calculations that are jointed with MM calculations are crucial to evaluate the long-range electrostatic interactions, which significantly affect the electronic structures of biological macromolecules. A UNIX-shell-based interface program connecting the quantum mechanics (QMs) and molecular mechanics (MMs) calculation engines, GAMESS and AMBER, was developed in our lab. The system was applied to a metalloenzyme, azurin, and PU.1-DNA complex; thereby, the significance of the environmental effects on the electronic structures of the site of interest was elucidated. Subsequently, hybrid QM/MM molecular dynamics (MD) simulation using the calculation system was employed for investigation of mechanisms of hydrolysis (editing reaction) in leucyl-tRNA synthetase complexed with the misaminoacylated tRNALeu, and a novel mechanism of the enzymatic reaction was revealed. Thus, our interface program can play a critical role as a powerful tool for state-of-the-art sophisticated hybrid ab initio QM/MM MD simulations of large systems, such as biological macromolecules

    Coupling of the Guanosine Glycosidic Bond Conformation and the Ribonucleotide Cleavage Reaction: Implications for Barnase Catalysis

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    To examine the possible relationship of guanine-dependent GpA conformations with ribonucleotide cleavage, two potential of mean force (PMF) calculations were performed in aqueous solution. In the first calculation, the guanosine glycosidic (Gχ) angle was used as the reaction coordinate, and computations were performed on two GpA ionic species: protonated (neutral) or deprotonated (negatively charged) guanosine ribose O2’. Similar energetic profiles were obtained for both ionic forms, with two minima (anti and syn Gχ). In both simulations the anti conformation was more stable than the syn, and barriers of ~4 kcal/mol for the anti → syn transition were obtained. Structural analysis showed a remarkable sensitivity of the phosphate moiety to Gχ rotation, suggesting a possible connection between Gχ orientation and the mechanism of ribonucleotide cleavage. This hypothesis was confirmed by the second PMF calculations, for which the O2’-P distance for the deprotonated GpA was used as reaction coordinate. The computations were performed from two selected starting points: the anti and syn minima determined in the first PMF study of the deprotonated guanosine ribose O2’. The simulations revealed that the O2’ attack along the syn Gχ was more favorable than that along the anti Gχ: energetically, significantly lower barriers were obtained in the syn than in the anti conformation for the O-P bond formation; structurally, a lesser O2’-P initial distance and a better suited orientation for an in-line attack was observed in the syn relative to the anti conformation. These results are consistent with the barnase-ribonucleotide catalytic interaction, for which a guanine syn conformation of the substrate is required to allow the abstraction of the ribose H2’ proton by the general base Glu73, thereby suggesting a coupling between reactive substrate conformation and enzyme structure and mechanis

    Structure-guided evolution of cyan fluorescent proteins towards a quantum yield of 93%

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    Cyan variants of green fluorescent protein are widely used as donors in Förster resonance energy transfer experiments. The popular, but modestly bright, Enhanced Cyan Fluorescent Protein (ECFP) was sequentially improved into the brighter variants Super Cyan Fluorescent Protein 3A (SCFP3A) and mTurquoise, the latter exhibiting a high-fluorescence quantum yield and a long mono-exponential fluorescence lifetime. Here we combine X-ray crystallography and excited-state calculations to rationalize these stepwise improvements. The enhancement originates from stabilization of the seventh β-strand and the strengthening of the sole chromophore-stabilizing hydrogen bond. The structural analysis highlighted one suboptimal internal residue, which was subjected to saturation mutagenesis combined with fluorescence lifetime-based screening. This resulted in mTurquoise2, a brighter variant with faster maturation, high photostability, longer mono-exponential lifetime and the highest quantum yield measured for a monomeric fluorescent protein. Together, these properties make mTurquoise2 the preferable cyan variant of green fluorescent protein for long-term imaging and as donor for Förster resonance energy transfer to a yellow fluorescent protein

    Understanding the Directed Evolution of De Novo Retro-Aldolases from QM/MM Studies

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    In an era in which climatic change puts the planet at risk, the study and development of alternative green chemistry which can help and improve our life can play an essential role. In this context, the use of artificial enzymes that are capable of substitute traditional industrial processes by environmental friendly routes is a challenge. Unfortunately, the complete understanding of the catalytic activity and selectivity of enzymes remains elusive, thus hampering creation and development of enzymatic proteins. In this paper, the molecular mechanism of the non-natural multistep retro-aldolase reaction catalyzed by a de novo biocatalyst, the RA95.5-5, has been investigated by means of multiscale QM/MM methods. The design of a retro-aldolase presents the difficulty to create an enzyme being able to stabilize several transition states, maintaining low-energy barriers along the overall reaction. The obtained QM/MM free-energy landscape has allowed defining the rate-determining step corresponding to the carbon–carbon bond scission of the substrate, which is in accordance with the experimental data. A deep analysis of the electrostatic interactions between the substrate and the different amino acid residues of the protein, as well as the estimation of the electrostatic potential generated on key atoms of the substrate, has been carried out for the key steps of the reaction. The results, compared with previous computational studies on the most efficient de novo retro-aldolase, the RA95.5-8F, explains the different activities achieved during the directed evolution process and provides insights for future developments of more efficient enzymes

    Binding free energy calculations to rationalize the interactions of huprines with acetylcholinesterase

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    In the present study, the binding free energy of a family of huprines with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is calculated by means of the free energy perturbation method, based on hybrid quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics potentials. Binding free energy calculations and the analysis of the geometrical parameters highlight the importance of the stereochemistry of huprines in AChE inhibition. Binding isotope effects are calculated to unravel the interactions between ligands and the gorge of AChE. New chemical insights are provided to explain and rationalize the experimental results. A good correlation with the experimental data is found for a family of inhibitors with moderate differences in the enzyme affinity. The analysis of the geometrical parameters and interaction energy per residue reveals that Asp72, Glu199, and His440 contribute significantly to the network of interactions between active site residues, which stabilize the inhibitors in the gorge. It seems that a cooperative effect of the residues of the gorge determines the affinity of the enzyme for these inhibitors, where Asp72, Glu199, and His440 make a prominent contribution

    Enzyme Promiscuity in Enolase Superfamily. Theoretical Study of o-Succinylbenzoate Synthase Using QM/MM Methods

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    The promiscuous activity of the enzyme o-succinylbenzoate synthase (OSBS) from the actinobacteria Amycolatopsis is investigated by means of QM/MM methods, using both density functional theory and semiempirical Hamiltonians. This enzyme catalyzes not only the dehydration of 2-succinyl-6R-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1R-carboxylate but also catalyzes racemization of different acylamino acids, with N-succinyl-R-phenylglycine being the best substrate. We investigated the molecular mechanisms for both reactions exploring the potential energy surface. Then, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to obtain the free energy profiles and the averaged interaction energies of enzymatic residues with the reacting system. Our results confirm the plausibility of the reaction mechanisms proposed in the literature, with a good agreement between theoretical and experimentally derived activation free energies. Our simulations unravel the role played by the different residues in each of the two possible reactions. The presence of flexible loops in the active site and the selection of structural modifications in the substrate seem to be key elements to promote the promiscuity of this enzyme.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad project CTQ2012-36253-C03-03 ́ and FEDER funds. K.S. thanks the Polish National Science Center (NCN) for Grant 2011/02/A/ST4/00246. The authors acknowledge computational facilities of the Servei d’Informatica ̀ de la Universitat de Valencia in the ̀ “Tirant” supercomputer, which is part of the Spanish Supercomputing Network

    Theoretical Study of the Mechanism of Exemestane Hydroxylation Catalyzed by Human Aromatase Enzyme

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    Human aromatase (CYP19A1) aromatizes the androgens to form estrogens via a three-step oxidative process. The estrogens are necessary in humans, mainly in women, because of the role they play in sexual and reproductive development. However, these also are involved in the development and growth of hormone-dependent breast cancer. Therefore, inhibition of the enzyme aromatase, by means of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors, is the frontline therapy for these types of cancers. Exemestane is a suicidal third-generation inhibitor of aromatase, currently used in breast cancer treatment. In this study, the hydroxylation of exemestane catalyzed by aromatase has been studied by means of hybrid QM/MM methods. The Free Energy Perturbation calculations provided a free energy of activation for the hydrogen abstraction step (rate-limiting step) of 17 kcal/ mol. The results reveal that the hydroxylation of exemestane is not the inhibition stage, suggesting a possible competitive mechanism between the inhibitor and the natural substrate androstenedione in the first catalytic subcycle of the enzyme. Furthermore, the analysis of the interaction energy for the substrate and the cofactor in the active site shows that the role of the enzymatic environment during this reaction consists of a transition state stabilization by means of electrostatic effects

    Transition-state vibrational analysis and isotope effects for COMT-catalyzed methyl transfer

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    Isotopic partition-function ratios (IPFRs) computed for transition structures (TSs) of the methyl-transfer reaction catalyzed by catechol O-methyltransferase and modeled by hybrid QM/MM methods are analyzed. The ability of smaller Hessians to reproduce trends in α-3H3 and 14Cα IPFRs as obtained using the much larger subset QM/MM Hessians from which they are extracted is investigated critically. A 6-atom-extracted Hessian reproduces perfectly the α-T3 IPFR values from the full-subset Hessians of all the TSs but not the α-14CIPFRs. Average AM1/OPLS-AA harmonic frequencies and mean-square amplitudes are presented for the 12 normal modes of the α-CH3 moiety within the active site of several enzymic transition structures, together with QM/MM potential energy scans along each of these modes to assess the degree of anharmonicity. A novel investigation of ponderal effects upon IPFRs suggests that the value for α-14C tends toward a limiting minimum whereas that for α-T3 tends toward a limiting maximum as the mass of the rest of the system increases. The transition vector is dominated by motions of atoms within the donor and acceptor moieties and is very well described as a simple combination of Walden-inversion “umbrella” bending and asymmetric stretching of the SCα and CαO bonds. The contribution of atoms of the protein residues Met40, Tyr68, and Asp141 to the transition vector is extremely small. Average valence force constants for the COMT TS show significant differences from early BEBOVIB estimates which were used in support of the compression hypothesis for catalysis. There is no correlation between TS IPFRs and the nonbonded distances for close contacts between the S atom of SAM and Tyr68 or between any of the H atoms of the transferring methyl group and either Met40 or Asp141

    QMCube (QM3): An all‐purpose suite for multiscale QM/MM calculations

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    QMCube (QM3) is a suite written in the Python programming language, initially focused on multiscale QM/MM simulations of biological systems, but open enough to address other kinds of problems. It allows the user to combine highly efficient QM and MM programs, providing unified access to a wide range of computational methods. The suite also supplies additional modules with extra functionalities. These modules facilitate common tasks such as performing the setup of the models or process the data generated during the simulations. The design of QM3 has been carried out considering the least number of external dependencies (only an algebra library, already included in the distribution), which makes it extremely portable. Also, the modular structure of the suite should help to expand and develop new computational methods

    Quantitative analysis of the effect of tubulin isotype expression on sensitivity of cancer cell lines to a set of novel colchicine derivatives

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A maximum entropy approach is proposed to predict the cytotoxic effects of a panel of colchicine derivatives in several human cancer cell lines. Data was obtained from cytotoxicity assays performed with 21 drug molecules from the same family of colchicine compounds and correlate these results with independent tubulin isoform expression measurements for several cancer cell lines. The maximum entropy method is then used in conjunction with computed relative binding energy values for each of the drug molecules against tubulin isotypes to which these compounds bind with different affinities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have found by using our analysis that <it>αβ</it>I and <it>αβ</it>III tubulin isoforms are the most important isoforms in establishing predictive response of cancer cell sensitivity to colchicine derivatives. However, since <it>αβ</it>I tubulin is widely distributed in the human body, targeting it would lead to severe adverse side effects. Consequently, we have identified tubulin isotype <it>αβ</it>III as the most important molecular target for inhibition of microtubule polymerization and hence cancer cell cytotoxicity. Tubulin isotypes <it>αβ</it>I and <it>αβ</it>II are concluded to be secondary targets.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The benefit of being able to correlate expression levels of specific tubulin isotypes and the resultant cell death effect is that it will enable us to better understand the origin of drug resistance and hence design optimal structures for the elimination of cancer cells. The conclusion of the study described herein identifies tubulin isotype <it>αβ</it>III as a target for optimized chemotherapy drug design.</p