198 research outputs found

    Size reconstructibility of graphs

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    The deck of a graph GG is given by the multiset of (unlabelled) subgraphs {Gv:vV(G)}\{G-v:v\in V(G)\}. The subgraphs GvG-v are referred to as the cards of GG. Brown and Fenner recently showed that, for n29n\geq29, the number of edges of a graph GG can be computed from any deck missing 2 cards. We show that, for sufficiently large nn, the number of edges can be computed from any deck missing at most 120n\frac1{20}\sqrt{n} cards.Comment: 15 page

    Switching Reconstruction of Digraphs

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    Switching about a vertex in a digraph means to reverse the direction of every edge incident with that vertex. Bondy and Mercier introduced the problem of whether a digraph can be reconstructed up to isomorphism from the multiset of isomorphism types of digraphs obtained by switching about each vertex. Since the largest known non-reconstructible oriented graphs have 8 vertices, it is natural to ask whether there are any larger non-reconstructible graphs. In this paper we continue the investigation of this question. We find that there are exactly 44 non-reconstructible oriented graphs whose underlying undirected graphs have maximum degree at most 2. We also determine the full set of switching-stable oriented graphs, which are those graphs for which all switchings return a digraph isomorphic to the original

    Isomorph-free generation of 2-connected graphs with applications

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    Many interesting graph families contain only 2-connected graphs, which have ear decompositions. We develop a technique to generate families of unlabeled 2-connected graphs using ear augmentations and apply this technique to two problems. In the first application, we search for uniquely K_r-saturated graphs and find the list of uniquely K_4-saturated graphs on at most 12 vertices, supporting current conjectures for this problem. In the second application, we verifying the Edge Reconstruction Conjecture for all 2-connected graphs on at most 12 vertices. This technique can be easily extended to more problems concerning 2-connected graphs.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Polynomial reconstruction : old and new techniques

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    The Polynomial Reconstruction Problem (PRP) asks whether for a graph G of order at least three, the characteristic polynomial can be reconstructed from the p-deck PD(G) of characteristic polynomials of the one-vertex-deleted subgraphs. The problem is still open in general but has been proved for certain classes of graphs. We discuss the tools and techniques most commonly used and survey the main positive results obtained so far, pointing out the classes of graphs for which we know that the PRP has a positive resolution.peer-reviewe

    On a new digraph reconstruction conjecture

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    Some classes of digraphs are reconstructed from the point-deleted subdigraphs for each of which the degree pair of the deleted point is also known. Several infinite families of known counterexamples to the Digraph Reconstruction Conjecture (DRC) turn out to be reconstructible in this sense. A new conjecture concerning reconstruction of digraphs in this sense is proposed and none of the known counterexample pairs to the DRC is a counterexample pair to this new conjecture

    Edge reconstruction of the Ihara zeta function

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    We show that if a graph GG has average degree dˉ4\bar d \geq 4, then the Ihara zeta function of GG is edge-reconstructible. We prove some general spectral properties of the edge adjacency operator TT: it is symmetric for an indefinite form and has a "large" semi-simple part (but it can fail to be semi-simple in general). We prove that this implies that if dˉ>4\bar d>4, one can reconstruct the number of non-backtracking (closed or not) walks through a given edge, the Perron-Frobenius eigenvector of TT (modulo a natural symmetry), as well as the closed walks that pass through a given edge in both directions at least once. The appendix by Daniel MacDonald established the analogue for multigraphs of some basic results in reconstruction theory of simple graphs that are used in the main text.Comment: 19 pages, 2 pictures, in version 2 some minor changes and now including an appendix by Daniel McDonal