14,806 research outputs found

    On Centroidal Dynamics and Integrability of Average Angular Velocity

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    In the literature on robotics and multibody dynamics, the concept of average angular velocity has received considerable attention in recent years. We address the question of whether the average angular velocity defines an orientation framethat depends only on the current robot configuration and provide a simple algebraic condition to check whether this holds. In the language of geometric mechanics, this condition corresponds to requiring the flatness of the mechanical connection associated to the robotic system. Here, however, we provide both a reinterpretation and a proof of this result accessible to readers with a background in rigid body kinematics and multibody dynamics but not necessarily acquainted with differential geometry, still providing precise links to the geometric mechanics literature. This should help spreading the algebraic condition beyond the scope of geometric mechanics,contributing to a proper utilization and understanding of the concept of average angular velocity.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Two-hadron semi-inclusive production including subleading twist

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    We extend the analysis of two-hadron fragmentation functions to the subleading twist, discussing also the issue of color gauge invariance. Our results can be used anywhere two unpolarized hadrons are semi-inclusively produced in the same fragmentation region, also at moderate values of the hard scale Q. Here, we consider the example of polarized deep-inelastic production of two hadrons and we give a complete list of cross sections and spin asymmetries up to subleading twist. Among the results, we highlight the possibility of extracting the transversity distribution with longitudinally polarized targets and also the twist-3 distribution e(x), which is related to the pion-nucleon sigma term and to the strangeness content of the nucleon.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX4, 5 figures, revised notation of several formulae, added text in Secs. III-V, added reference

    Symmetry Analysis in Linear Hydrodynamic Stability Theory: Classical and New Modes in Linear Shear

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    We present a symmetry classification of the linearised Navier-Stokes equations for a two-dimensional unbounded linear shear flow of an incompressible fluid. The full set of symmetries is employed to systematically derive invariant ansatz functions. The symmetry analysis grasps three approaches. Two of them are existing ones, representing the classical normal modes and the Kelvin modes, while the third is a novel approach and leads to a new closed-form solution of traveling modes, showing qualitatively different behaviour in energetics, shape and kinematics when compared to the classical approaches. The last modes are energy conserving in the inviscid case. They are localized in the cross-stream direction and periodic in the streamwise direction. As for the kinematics, they travel at constant velocity in the cross-stream direction, whilst in the streamwise direction they are accelerated by the base flow. In the viscous case, the modes break down due to damping of high wavenumber contributions

    Consistent simulation of non-resonant diphoton production at hadron collisions with a custom-made parton shower

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    We have developed a Monte Carlo event generator for non-resonant diphoton (γγ\gamma\gamma) production at hadron collisions in the framework of GR@PPA, which consistently includes additional one-jet production. The jet-matching method developed for initial-state jet production has been extended to the final state in order to regularize the final-state QED divergence in the qgγγ+qqg \rightarrow \gamma\gamma + q process. A QCD/QED-mixed parton shower (PS) has been developed to complete the matching. The PS has the capability of enforcing hard-photon radiation, and small-Q2Q^{2} photon radiations that are not covered by the PS are supplemented by using a fragmentation function. The generated events can be passed to general-purpose event generators in order to perform the simulations down to the hadron level. Thus, we can simulate the isolation requirements that must be applied in experiments at the hadron level. The simulation results are in reasonable agreement with the predictions from RESBOS and DIPHOX. The simulated hadron-level events can be further fed to detector simulations in order to investigate the detailed performance of experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    Equations of motion of slung load systems with results for dual lift

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    General simulation equations are derived for the rigid body motion of slung load systems. These systems are viewed as consisting of several rigid bodies connected by straight-line cables or links. The suspension can be assumed to be elastic or inelastic, both cases being of interest in simulation and control studies. Equations for the general system are obtained via D'Alembert's principle and the introduction of generalized velocity coordinates. Three forms are obtained. Two of these generalize previous case-specific results for single helicopter systems with elastic or inelastic suspensions. The third is a new formulation for inelastic suspensions. It is derived from the elastic suspension equations by choosing the generalized coordinates so as to separate motion due to cable stretching from motion with invariant cable lengths. The result is computationally more efficient than the conventional formulation, and is readily integrated with the elastic suspension formulation and readily applied to the complex dual lift and multilift systems. Equations are derived for dual lift systems. Three proposed suspension arrangements can be integrated in a single equation set. The equations are given in terms of the natural vectors and matrices of three-dimensional rigid body mechanics and are tractable for both analysis and programming

    Quantum Color Transparency and Nuclear Filtering

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    Color transparency is the proposal that under certain circumstances the strong interactions can be reduced in magnitude. We give a comprehensive review of the physics, which hinges on the interface of perturbative QCD with non--perturbative strong interactions. Color transparency is complementary to {\it nuclear filtering}, which is the conversion of quark wave functions in hadrons to small transverse space dimensions by interaction with a nuclear medium. We review current approaches, including pictures based on modeling the time evolution of hadronic wave--packets as well as the use of light cone matrix elements. Spin plays an intrinsic role in testing and understanding the physics and is discussed at length. We emphasize the use of data analysis procedures which have minimal model dependence. We also review existing experimental data and the experimental program planned at various facilities. The subject has strong scientific complementarity and potential to make progress in exploring hadron physics at current and future facilities.Comment: 131 pages, review article in LaTeX to appear in Physics Reports, no postscipt figures, approximately 30 figures available from Ralston on reques

    Key features of the TMD soft-factor structure

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    We show that the geometry of the Wilson lines, entering the operator definition of the transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions and that of the soft factor, follows from the kinematics of the underlying physical process in conjunction with the gauge invariance of the QCD Lagrangian. We demonstrate our method in terms of concrete examples and determine the paths of the associated Wilson lines. The validation of the factorization theorem in our approach is postponed to future work.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Invited contribution presented by the first author at the Lightcone 2013+ Conference, Skiathos, Greece, 20-24 May, 2013. Matches version to appear in Few Body System

    Pose consensus based on dual quaternion algebra with application to decentralized formation control of mobile manipulators

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    This paper presents a solution based on dual quaternion algebra to the general problem of pose (i.e., position and orientation) consensus for systems composed of multiple rigid-bodies. The dual quaternion algebra is used to model the agents' poses and also in the distributed control laws, making the proposed technique easily applicable to time-varying formation control of general robotic systems. The proposed pose consensus protocol has guaranteed convergence when the interaction among the agents is represented by directed graphs with directed spanning trees, which is a more general result when compared to the literature on formation control. In order to illustrate the proposed pose consensus protocol and its extension to the problem of formation control, we present a numerical simulation with a large number of free-flying agents and also an application of cooperative manipulation by using real mobile manipulators