5 research outputs found

    Aggregation operators in group decision making: Identifying citation classics via H-classics

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    To analyze the past, present and future of a particular research field, classic papers are usually studied because they identify the highly cited papers being a relevant reference point in that specific research area. As a result of the possible mapping between high quality research and high citation counts, highly cited papers are very interesting. The objective of this study is to use the H-classics method, which is based on the popular h-index, to identify and analyze the highly cited documents published about aggregation operators in the research area of group decision making. According to the H-classics method, this research area is represented by 87 citation classics, which have been published from 1988 to 2014. Authors, affiliations (universities/institutions and countries), journals, books and conferences, and the topics covered by these 87 highly cited papers are studied.The authors would like to thank FEDER financial support from the Projects TIN2013-40658-P and TIN2016- 75850-P

    Ordering based decision making: a survey

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    Decision making is the crucial step in many real applications such as organization management, financial planning, products evaluation and recommendation. Rational decision making is to select an alternative from a set of different ones which has the best utility (i.e., maximally satisfies given criteria, objectives, or preferences). In many cases, decision making is to order alternatives and select one or a few among the top of the ranking. Orderings provide a natural and effective way for representing indeterminate situations which are pervasive in commonsense reasoning. Ordering based decision making is then to find the suitable method for evaluating candidates or ranking alternatives based on provided ordinal information and criteria, and this in many cases is to rank alternatives based on qualitative ordering information. In this paper, we discuss the importance and research aspects of ordering based decision making, and review the existing ordering based decision making theories and methods along with some future research directions

    Hybrid-fuzzy techniques with flexibility and attitudinal parameters for supporting early product design and reliability management

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    The main aim of the research work presented in this thesis is to define and develop novel Hybrid Fuzzy-based techniques for supporting aspects of product development engineering, specifically product reliability at the early phase of product design under the design for reliability philosophy and concept designs assessment problems when the required information is rough and incomplete. Thus, to achieve the above-stated aim, which has been formulated in the effort to filling the identified gaps in the literature which comprise of the need for a holistic, flexible and adjustable method to facilitate and support product design concept assessment and product reliability at the early product design phase. The need for the incorporation of the attitudinal character of the DMs into the product reliability and design concept assessment and finally, the need to account for the several interrelated complex attributes in the product reliability and design concept assessment process. A combination of research methods has been employed which includes an extensive literature review, multiple case study approach, and personal interview of experts, through which data were, collected that provided information for the real-life case study. With the new Hybrid Fuzzy-based techniques (i.e. the intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS model which is based on an exponential-related function (IF-TOPSISEF) and the Multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) method which is based on a generalized triangular intuitionistic fuzzy geometric averaging (GTIFGA) operator), a more robust method for the product reliability and design concepts assessment respectively have been achieved as displayed in the comparative analysis in the thesis. The new methods have provided a more complete and a holistic view of the assessment process, by looking at the product reliability and design concept assessment from different scenario depending on the interest of the DMs. Using the above methods, the thesis has been able to evaluated some complex mechanical systems in literature and in real-life including Crawler Crane Machine and Forklift Truck for design change with the purpose of gaining appropriate reliability knowledge and information needed at the early product design phase, and that can subsequently aid and improve the product design concepts after all such useful information have been added into the new design. With the application of the new methods, and their proven feasibility and rationality as displayed in the assessment results of the complex mechanical systems in literature and that of the real-life case studies, this thesis, therefore, can conclude that the Hybrid Fuzzy-based techniques proposed, has provided a better and a novel alternative to existing product reliability and design concepts assessment methods

    Design and implementation of valuation indices of products/services with unsolicited information from social media

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    La revolución tecnológica de estos últimos años ha dado lugar a lo que se conoce como “sociedad de la información”, la cual no solo ha originado cambios en aspectos puramente económicos, sino que también lo ha hecho en aspectos sociales y organizacionales. La Sociedad de la Información se ha convertido en un fenómeno de transformación que ha alcanzado a la sociedad en su conjunto, caracterizada por la capacidad de sus miembros (ciudadanos, empresas y administraciones) para obtener, compartir y procesar cualquier información por medios tecnológicos, desde cualquier lugar y en la forma que se prefiera. Este cambio de modelo social, en el que Internet se ha convertido en un espacio de interacción humana en el que los usuarios/consumidores realizan valoraciones de productos y servicios basadas en sus experiencias y sentimientos, se está convirtiendo en la principal fuente de prescripción utilizada para la adquisición de productos y servicios. En este contexto, las metodologías de análisis multicriterio (MCDA), así como los índices de valoración (ORIs), que utilizan valoraciones subjetivas o juicios, están experimentando un gran interés desde diferentes ámbitos, como el académico o el empresarial. El objetivo de este trabajo es implementar las principales metodologías MCDA: método AHP y método EMPV; y los principales índices ORIs: QV-ORIs, CMGI-Index; y crear una librería de código abierto en Python, que puedan ser utilizadas por la comunidad universitaria, para su aplicación académica y de investigación

    Información Consistente para la toma de Decisiones Empresariales

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    Finalmente, se propone una nueva familia de índices de valoración de productos y servicios de mayoría, y se implementa el QV-ORI que representa las opiniones en un intervalo e incorpora un índice de confiabilidad intervalar IRI, que establece la confiabilidad de las opiniones no solicitadas de los usuarios. Las mencionadas propuestas se han probado con ejemplos del mundo real, lográndose resultados acordes a lo esperado para estos casos y contexto. Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 11 de diciembre 2019Actualmente la sociedad vive un cambio de paradigma denominado Sociedad de la información, que afecta a individuos y a empresas/organizaciones en la forma de comunicarse, informase y relacionarse. La segmentación de consumidores es mayor al existir múltiples canales de información; la diferenciación de productos y servicios es cada vez menor, entonces es necesario conocer los sentimientos basado en las experiencias propias o ajenas relacionadas con productos o servicios. En este contexto, son necesarios sistemas que ayuden en las tomas de decisiones. En este trabajo se han abordado tres retos: la calidad de los datos, en su dimensión de consistencia, la representación de la información; y, por último, índices de valoración de productos o servicios, para una valoración más representativa de la opinión de los consumidores o usuarios. Consecuentemente, se ha propuesto un índice 〖IC〗^+, que determina la consistencia de los datos en diferentes tipos de matrices de comparación entre pares: reciprocas, difusas y aditivas; y un ratio de consistencia, basado en percentiles, para aceptar o rechazar dichas matrices en los procesos de decisión. También, se propone un modelo de decisión multicriterio, que establece preferencias de productos o servicios con datos/opiniones no solicitados extraídos de los Social Media, utilizando un intervalos que posibilita mayor información; un índice de consistencia intervalar 〖ICI〗^+; los operadores ISMA-OWA y AC-OWG que ranquea las alternativas, y un algoritmo de extracción de submatrices consistentes