90 research outputs found

    Backbone colorings for networks: tree and path backbones

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    We introduce and study backbone colorings, a variation on classical vertex colorings: Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a spanning subgraph HH of GG (the backbone of GG), a backbone coloring for GG and HH is a proper vertex coloring V→{1,2,
}V\rightarrow \{1,2,\ldots\} of GG in which the colors assigned to adjacent vertices in HH differ by at least two. We study the cases where the backbone is either a spanning tree or a spanning path

    A general framework for coloring problems: old results, new results, and open problems

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    In this survey paper we present a general framework for coloring problems that was introduced in a joint paper which the author presented at WG2003. We show how a number of different types of coloring problems, most of which have been motivated from frequency assignment, fit into this framework. We give a survey of the existing results, mainly based on and strongly biased by joint work of the author with several different groups of coauthors, include some new results, and discuss several open problems for each of the variants

    Visualized Algorithm Engineering on Two Graph Partitioning Problems

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    Concepts of graph theory are frequently used by computer scientists as abstractions when modeling a problem. Partitioning a graph (or a network) into smaller parts is one of the fundamental algorithmic operations that plays a key role in classifying and clustering. Since the early 1970s, graph partitioning rapidly expanded for applications in wide areas. It applies in both engineering applications, as well as research. Current technology generates massive data (“Big Data”) from business interactions and social exchanges, so high-performance algorithms of partitioning graphs are a critical need. This dissertation presents engineering models for two graph partitioning problems arising from completely different applications, computer networks and arithmetic. The design, analysis, implementation, optimization, and experimental evaluation of these models employ visualization in all aspects. Visualization indicates the performance of the implementation of each Algorithm Engineering work, and also helps to analyze and explore new algorithms to solve the problems. We term this research method as “Visualized Algorithm Engineering (VAE)” to emphasize the contribution of the visualizations in these works. The techniques discussed here apply to a broad area of problems: computer networks, social networks, arithmetic, computer graphics and software engineering. Common terminologies accepted across these disciplines have been used in this dissertation to guarantee practitioners from all fields can understand the concepts we introduce

    λ-backbone colorings along pairwise disjoint stars and matchings

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    Given an integer λ≄2, a graph G=(V,E) and a spanning subgraph H of G (the backbone of G), a λ-backbone coloring of (G,H) is a proper vertex coloring V→{1,2,
} of G, in which the colors assigned to adjacent vertices in H differ by at least λ. We study the case where the backbone is either a collection of pairwise disjoint stars or a matching. We show that for a star backbone S of G the minimum number ℓ for which a λ-backbone coloring of (G,S) with colors in {1,
,ℓ} exists can roughly differ by a multiplicative factor of at most View the MathML source from the chromatic number χ(G). For the special case of matching backbones this factor is roughly View the MathML source. We also show that the computational complexity of the problem “Given a graph G with a star backbone S, and an integer ℓ, is there a λ-backbone coloring of (G,S) with colors in {1,
,ℓ}?” jumps from polynomially solvable to NP-complete between ℓ=λ+1 and ℓ=λ+2 (the case ℓ=λ+2 is even NP-complete for matchings). We finish the paper by discussing some open problems regarding planar graphs

    Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Combinatorial Problems

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    The last two decades have seen extraordinary advances in tools and techniques for constraint satisfaction. These advances have in turn created great interest in their industrial applications. As a result, tools and techniques are often tailored to meet the needs of industrial applications out of the box. We claim that in the case of abstract combinatorial problems in discrete mathematics, the standard tools and techniques require special considerations in order to be applied effectively. The main objective of this thesis is to help researchers in discrete mathematics weave through the landscape of constraint satisfaction techniques in order to pick the right tool for the job. We consider constraint satisfaction paradigms like satisfiability of Boolean formulas and answer set programming, and techniques like symmetry breaking. Our contributions range from theoretical results to practical issues regarding tool applications to combinatorial problems. We prove search-versus-decision complexity results for problems about backbones and backdoors of Boolean formulas. We consider applications of constraint satisfaction techniques to problems in graph arrowing (specifically in Ramsey and Folkman theory) and computational social choice. Our contributions show how applying constraint satisfaction techniques to abstract combinatorial problems poses additional challenges. We show how these challenges can be addressed. Additionally, we consider the issue of trusting the results of applying constraint satisfaction techniques to combinatorial problems by relying on verified computations

    Effective algorithms and protocols for wireless networking: a topological approach

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    Much research has been done on wireless sensor networks. However, most protocols and algorithms for such networks are based on the ideal model Unit Disk Graph (UDG) model or do not assume any model. Furthermore, many results assume the knowledge of location information of the network. In practice, sensor networks often deviate from the UDG model significantly. It is not uncommon to observe stable long links that are more than five times longer than unstable short links in real wireless networks. A more general network model, the quasi unit-disk graph (quasi-UDG) model, captures much better the characteristics of wireless networks. However, the understanding of the properties of general quasi-UDGs has been very limited, which is impeding the design of key network protocols and algorithms. In this dissertation we study the properties for general wireless sensor networks and develop new topological/geometrical techniques for wireless sensor networking. We assume neither the ideal UDG model nor the location information of the nodes. Instead we work on the more general quasi-UDG model and focus on figuring out the relationship between the geometrical properties and the topological properties of wireless sensor networks. Based on such relationships we develop algorithms that can compute useful substructures (planar subnetworks, boundaries, etc.). We also present direct applications of the properties and substructures we constructed including routing, data storage, topology discovery, etc. We prove that wireless networks based on quasi-UDG model exhibit nice properties like separabilities, existences of constant stretch backbones, etc. We develop efficient algorithms that can obtain relatively dense planar subnetworks for wireless sensor networks. We also present efficient routing protocols and balanced data storage scheme that supports ranged queries. We present algorithmic results that can also be applied to other fields (e.g., information management). Based on divide and conquer and improved color coding technique, we develop algorithms for path, matching and packing problem that significantly improve previous best algorithms. We prove that it is unlikely for certain problems in operation science and information management to have any relatively effective algorithm or approximation algorithm for them

    Book of Abstracts of the Sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing

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    Book of Abstracts of CSC14 edited by Bora UçarInternational audienceThe Sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, CSC14, was organized at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France on 21st to 23rd July, 2014. This two and a half day event marked the sixth in a series that started ten years ago in San Francisco, USA. The CSC14 Workshop's focus was on combinatorial mathematics and algorithms in high performance computing, broadly interpreted. The workshop featured three invited talks, 27 contributed talks and eight poster presentations. All three invited talks were focused on two interesting fields of research specifically: randomized algorithms for numerical linear algebra and network analysis. The contributed talks and the posters targeted modeling, analysis, bisection, clustering, and partitioning of graphs, applied in the context of networks, sparse matrix factorizations, iterative solvers, fast multi-pole methods, automatic differentiation, high-performance computing, and linear programming. The workshop was held at the premises of the LIP laboratory of ENS Lyon and was generously supported by the LABEX MILYON (ANR-10-LABX-0070, Université de Lyon, within the program ''Investissements d'Avenir'' ANR-11-IDEX-0007 operated by the French National Research Agency), and by SIAM

    Upper and Lower Bounds on Long Dual-Paths in Line Arrangements

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    Given a line arrangement A\cal A with nn lines, we show that there exists a path of length n2/3−O(n)n^2/3 - O(n) in the dual graph of A\cal A formed by its faces. This bound is tight up to lower order terms. For the bicolored version, we describe an example of a line arrangement with 3k3k blue and 2k2k red lines with no alternating path longer than 14k14k. Further, we show that any line arrangement with nn lines has a coloring such that it has an alternating path of length Ω(n2/log⁥n)\Omega (n^2/ \log n). Our results also hold for pseudoline arrangements.Comment: 19 page

    Topological inference in graphs and images

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