14 research outputs found

    AMaχoS—Abstract Machine for Xcerpt

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    Web query languages promise convenient and efficient access to Web data such as XML, RDF, or Topic Maps. Xcerpt is one such Web query language with strong emphasis on novel high-level constructs for effective and convenient query authoring, particularly tailored to versatile access to data in different Web formats such as XML or RDF. However, so far it lacks an efficient implementation to supplement the convenient language features. AMaχoS is an abstract machine implementation for Xcerpt that aims at efficiency and ease of deployment. It strictly separates compilation and execution of queries: Queries are compiled once to abstract machine code that consists in (1) a code segment with instructions for evaluating each rule and (2) a hint segment that provides the abstract machine with optimization hints derived by the query compilation. This article summarizes the motivation and principles behind AMaχoS and discusses how its current architecture realizes these principles

    Machine virtuelle universelle pour codage vidéo reconfigurable

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    Cette thèse propose un nouveau paradigme de représentation d applications pour les machines virtuelles, capable d abstraire l architecture des systèmes informatiques. Les machines virtuelles actuelles reposent sur un modèle unique de représentation d application qui abstrait les instructions des machines et sur un modèle d exécution qui traduit le fonctionnement de ces instructions vers les machines cibles. S ils sont capables de rendre les applications portables sur une vaste gamme de systèmes, ces deux modèles ne permettent pas en revanche d exprimer la concurrence sur les instructions. Or, celle-ci est indispensable pour optimiser le traitement des applications selon les ressources disponibles de la plate-forme cible. Nous avons tout d abord développé une représentation universelle d applications pour machine virtuelle fondée sur la modélisation par graphe flux de données. Une application est ainsi modélisée par un graphe orienté dont les sommets sont des unités de calcul (les acteurs) et dont les arcs représentent le flux de données passant au travers de ces sommets. Chaque unité de calcul peut être traitée indépendamment des autres sur des ressources distinctes. La concurrence sur les instructions dans l application est alors explicite. Exploiter ce nouveau formalisme de description d'applications nécessite de modifier les règles de programmation. A cette fin, nous avons introduit et défini le concept de Représentation Canonique et Minimale d acteur. Il se fonde à la fois sur le langage de programmation orienté acteur CAL et sur les modèles d abstraction d instructions des machines virtuelles existantes. Notre contribution majeure qui intègre les deux nouvelles représentations proposées, est le développement d une Machine Virtuelle Universelle (MVU) dont la spécificité est de gérer les mécanismes d adaptation, d optimisation et d ordonnancement à partir de l infrastructure de compilation Low-Level Virtual Machine. La pertinence de cette MVU est démontrée dans le contexte normatif du codage vidéo reconfigurable (RVC). En effet, MPEG RVC fournit des applications de référence de décodeurs conformes à la norme MPEG-4 partie 2 Simple Profile sous la forme de graphe flux de données. L une des applications de cette thèse est la modélisation par graphe flux de données d un décodeur conforme à la norme MPEG-4 partie 10 Constrained Baseline Profile qui est deux fois plus complexe que les applications de référence MPEG RVC. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent un gain en performance en exécution de deux pour des plates-formes dotées de deux cœurs par rapport à une exécution mono-cœur. Les optimisations développées aboutissent à un gain de 25% sur ces performances pour des temps de compilation diminués de moitié. Les travaux effectués démontrent le caractère opérationnel et universel de cette norme dont le cadre d utilisation dépasse le domaine vidéo pour s appliquer à d autres domaine de traitement du signal (3D, son, photo )This thesis proposes a new paradigm that abstracts the architecture of computer systems for representing virtual machines applications. Current applications are based on abstraction of machine s instructions and on an execution model that reflects operations of these instructions on the target machine. While these two models are efficient to make applications portable across a wide range of systems, they do not express concurrency between instructions. Expressing concurrency is yet essential to optimize processing of application as the number of processing units is increasing in computer systems. We first develop a universal representation of applications for virtual machines based on dataflow graph modeling. Thus, an application is modeled by a directed graph where vertices are computation units (the actors) and edges represent the flow of data between vertices. Each processing units can be treated apart independently on separate resources. Concurrency in the instructions is then made explicitly. Exploit this new description formalism of applications requires a change in programming rules. To that purpose, we introduce and define a Minimal and Canonical Representation of actors. It is both based on actor-oriented programming and on instructions abstraction used in existing Virtual Machines. Our major contribution, which incorporates the two new representations proposed, is the development of a Universal Virtual Machine (UVM) for managing specific mechanisms of adaptation, optimization and scheduling based on the Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) infrastructure. The relevance of the MVU is demonstrated on the MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding standard. In fact, MPEG RVC provides decoder s reference application compliant with the MPEG-4 part 2 Simple Profile in the form of dataflow graph. One application of this thesis is a new dataflow description of a decoder compliant with the MPEG-4 part 10 Constrained Baseline Profile, which is twice as complex as the reference MPEG RVC application. Experimental results show a gain in performance close to double on a two cores compare to a single core execution. Developed optimizations result in a gain on performance of 25% for compile times reduced by half. The work developed demonstrates the operational nature of this standard and offers a universal framework which exceeds the field of video domain (3D, sound, picture...)EVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Performance analysis and optimizations of the ArchC simulators

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    Orientadores: Edson Borin, Rodolfo Jardim de AzevedoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Geração automática possui a grande vantagem de automatizar um processo, reduzir o tempo que seria gasto nesta etapa e evitar que erros comuns aconteçam. Porém, de que adianta reduzir o tempo de uma etapa se existe a possibilidade de aumentar o tempo das demais etapas. Em projetos de circuitos digitais, foram desenvolvidas as linguagens de descrição de arquitetura, que possibilitaram o surgimento de ferramentas capazes de gerar automaticamente simuladores, compiladores, etc., que são utilizados para avaliar uma arquitetura sem que esta tenha um hardware propriamente dito. Simuladores gerados automaticamente são utilizados para executar aplicações e averiguar o comportamento destas e da arquitetura sendo projetada. No entanto, caso o simulador gerado não seja eficiente, o tempo de simulação aumenta, podendo superar o ganho obtido pela geração automática, cancelando suas vantagens. Neste caso, como verificar a eficiência do simulador gerado? Uma forma bastante usada é comparar com outros simuladores existentes ou gerar o simulador manualmente para comparação. Comparar com simuladores existentes exigem que estes sejam similares, já gerar manualmente o simulador elimina o propósito da geração automática. Nesse contexto, desenvolvemos uma metodologia para se avaliar os simuladores gerados automaticamente através de perfilamento de código. Isto permitiu a identificação dos gargalos de desempenho e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento de otimizações na geração de código. Com as otimizações, conseguimos gerar um simulador do modelo MIPS 1,48 vezes melhorAbstract: Automatic generation has a great advantage of automating a process. This reduces the time taken in this step and avoiding common mistakes. However, what is the advantage of reducing the time of a step if there is the possibility of increasing the time of the remaining steps? In digital circuit design, the architecture description languages emerged to make possible the development of tools that automatically generate simulators, compilers, and others tools, that we use to evaluate an architecture without it having a hardware itself. Automatically generated simulators run applications and verify their behavior and the architecture in design. But if the generated simulator is not efficient, the simulation time increases and can exceed the gain achieved by automatic generation, canceling its benefits. How to check the efficiency of the generated simulator in this case? A common option compares the generated simulator with other existing simulators. The other alternative is generating manually a simulator for comparison. The first choice requires that the simulators are similar and the second possibility eliminates the purpose of automatic generation. In this context, we have developed a methodology to evaluate the simulators automatically generated using code profiling. This allowed the identification of performance bottlenecks and, consequently, the development of optimizations on code generation. With the optimizations, we generated a MIPS simulator 1.48 times betterMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação01-P-3951/2011, 01-P-1965/2012CAPE

    On the definition of non-player character behaviour for real-time simulated virtual environments.

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    Computer games with complex virtual worlds, which are populated by artificial characters and creatures, are the most visible application of artificial intelligence techniques. In recent years game development has been fuelled by dramatic advances in computer graphics hardware which have led to a rise in the quality of real-time computer graphics and increased realism in computer games. As a result of these developments video games are gaining acceptance and cultural significance as a form of art and popular culture. An important factor for the attainment of realism in games is the artificially intelligent behaviour displayed by the virtual entities that populate the games' virtual worlds. It is our firm belief that to further improve the behaviour of virtual entities, game AI development will have to mirror the advances achieved in game graphics. A major contributing factor for these advancements has been the advent of programmable shaders for real-time graphics, which in turn has been significantly simplified by the introduction of higher level programming languages for the creation of shaders. This has demonstrated that a good system can be vastly improved by the addition of a programming language. This thesis presents a similar (syntactic) approach to the definition of the behaviour of virtual entities in computer games. We introduce the term behaviour definition language (BDL), describing a programming language for the definition of game entity behaviour. We specify the requirements for this type of programming language, which are applied to the development and implementation of several behaviour definition languages, culminating in the design of a new game-genre independent behaviour definition (scripting) language. This extension programming language includes several game AI techniques within a single unified system, allowing the use of different methods of behaviour definition. A subset of the language (itself a BDL) was implemented as a proof of concept of this design, providing a framework for the syntactic definition of the behaviour of virtual entities in computer games

    A general framework to realize an abstract machine as an ILP processor with application to java

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    SAFA: Stack and frame architecture

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    Java in eingebetteten Systemen

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    Moderne, objektorientierte Sprachen spielen bei der Entwicklung von Software für eingebettete Systeme bislang kaum eine Rolle. Die Gründe hierfür sind vielfältig, meist wird jedoch die mangelnde Effizienz und der größere Speicherbedarf hervorgehoben. Obwohl Java viele Eigenschaften hat, die sehr für einen Einsatz in eingebetteten Systemen sprechen, so hängt doch gerade Java vielfach immer noch das Vorurteil an, in Systemen mit beschränkter Rechenleistung und Speicher zu viele Ressourcen zu benötigen. Diese Arbeit soll dazu beitragen, diese Vorurteile abzutragen. Sie stellt insbesondere Techniken vor, die den Speicherbedarf einer JVM so gering wie möglich halten und diese effizient mit der zur Verfügung stehenden Rechenleistung umgehen lassen. Viele der dargestellten Verfahren und Algorithmen wurden in der Kertasarie VM implementiert, einer virtuellen Maschine, die speziell für den Einsatz in eingebetteten Systemen konzipiert wurde. Durch die weit verbreitete Vernetzung eingebetteter Systeme über das Internet stellt sich in vielen Fällen zudem das Problem einer modernen, abstrakten und effizienten Form der Kommunikation. Aus diesem Grund liegt der zweite Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit auf dem Vergleich von objektorientierten Middleware-Architekturen, insbesondere von Java-RMI. Auch auf diesem Gebiet wird eine eigene, speziell an eingebettete Systeme angepasste RMI-Variante vorgestellt.Modern, object oriented languages do not play an important role when developing software for embedded systems. There are many reasons for it, most often an inadequate performance and a greater memory demand are mentioned. In spite of the fact that Java has many features suitable for embedded systems, Java often faces the prejudice to consume too much resources in systems with limited processing power and memory. This work is a contribution to diminish this prejudices. It presents techniques to limit the memory demands of a Java Virtual Machine and to effectively cope with limited computing power. Many of the presented methods and algorithms are implemented in the Kertasarie VM, a JVM designed to run in embedded systems.Due to the fact of increasing network capabilities embedded systems often face the problem of a modern, abstract and efficient communication. Therefore the second emphasis of this work is put on the comparison of object oriented middleware architectures, especially Java-RMI. An own implementation for embedded systems is also presented

    Design and Analysis of Mobile Operating System Security Architecture using Formal Methods

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    The Android operating system (OS) is now used in the majority of mobile devices. Hence, Android security is an important issue to handle. In this work, we tackle the problem using two separate approaches: directly modifying Android OS and developed a framework to provide a guarantee of non-interference. Firstly, we present a design and an implementation of a security policy specifi- cation language based on metric linear-time temporal logic (MTL) to specify timing- dependent security policies. The design of the language is driven by the problem of runtime monitoring of applications in mobile devices. A main case of the study is the privilege escalation attack in the Android OS, where an unprivileged app gains ac- cess to privileged resource or functionalities through indirect flow. To capture these attacks, we extend MTL with recursive definitions to express call chains between apps. We then show how our language design can be used to specify policies to detect privilege escalation under various fine-grained constraints. We present a new algorithm for monitoring safety policies written in our specification language. The monitor does not need to store the entire history of events generated by the apps. We modified the Android OS kernel to allow us to insert our generated monitors mod- ularly. We have tested the modified OS (LogicDroid) on an actual device, and show that it is effective in detecting policy violations. Furthermore, LogicDroid is able to prevent a previously unknown exploit to breach Android security which allows an unprivileged application to access certain critical and privileged functionalities of an Android phone, such as making phone calls, terminating phone calls, and sending SMS, without having to ask any permissions to do so. Subsequently, we provided a framework to ensure non-interference properties of DEX bytecode. Each application in Android runs in an instance of the Dalvik virtual machine, which is a register-based virtual machine (VM). Most applications for Android are developed using Java, compiled to Java bytecode and further into DEX bytecode. Following a methodology that has been developed for Java byte- code certification by Barthe et al., we developed a type-based method for certifying non-interference property of a DEX program. To this end, we develop a formal oper- ational semantics of the Dalvik VM, a type system for DEX bytecode, and prove the soundness of the type system with respect to a notion of non-interference. We have also formalized the proof of a subset of DEX in Coq for an additional guarantee that our proof is correct. We then study the translation process from Java bytecode to DEX bytecode, as implemented in the dx tool in the Android SDK. We show that an abstracted version of the translation from Java bytecode to DEX bytecode preserves the non-interference property. More precisely, we show that if the Java bytecode is typable in Barthe et al.’s type system, then its translation is typable in our type system. This result opens up the possibility to leverage existing bytecode verifiers for Java to certify non-interference properties of Android bytecode