3,848 research outputs found

    The Raman spectrum of CaCO3 polymorphs calcite and aragonite: A combined experimental and computational study

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    Powder and single crystal Raman spectra of the two most common phases of calcium carbonate are calculated with ab initio techniques (using a “hybrid” functional and a Gaussian-type basis set) and measured both at 80 K and room temperature. Frequencies of the Raman modes are in very good agreement between calculations and experiments: the mean absolute deviation at 80 K is 4 and 8 cm−1 for calcite and aragonite, respectively. As regards intensities, the agreement is in general good, although the computed values overestimate the measured ones in many cases. The combined analysis permits to identify almost all the fundamental experimental Raman peaks of the two compounds, with the exception of either modes with zero computed intensity or modes overlapping with more intense peaks. Additional peaks have been identified in both calcite and aragonite, which have been assigned to 18O satellite modes or overtones. The agreement between the computed and measured spectra is quite satisfactory; in particular, simulation permits to clearly distinguish between calcite and aragonite in the case of powder spectra, and among different polarization directions of each compound in the case of single crystal spectra

    Structural, vibrational and electronic properties of SnMBO4 (M = Al, Ga): A predictive hybrid DFT study

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    We propose two new members of the mullite-type family, SnAlBO4 and SnGaBO4, and carry out an in-depth study of their crystal properties using the hybrid method PW1PW. Both are isostructural to PbMBO4 (M = Fe, Mn, Al, Ga), which show axial negative linear compressibility (ANLC), among other interesting features. We find that, although Sn2+ is susceptible of being oxidized by oxygen, a suitable range of experimental parameters exists in which the compounds could be synthesized. We observe absence of ANLC below 20 GPa and explain it by the small space occupied by the lone electron pairs, as indicated by the small length of the corresponding Liebau Density Vectors. In agreement with this fact, the structures present a low number of negative mode-Grüneisen parameters, which may also suggest lack of negative thermal expansion. The electronic properties show a remarkable anisotropic behaviour, with a strong dependence of the absorption spectra on light polarization direction


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    Although historical pigments are seldom found in the modern artist’s palette, their characterization is a critical aspect of designing effective conservation and restoration protocols, establishing provenance, and detecting forgeries. Ideal characterization methods are nondestructive, noninvasive, and able to distinguish between pure and mixed pigment samples. Spectroscopic techniques are commonly used to identify pigment composition because of their non-ionizing nature, rapid acquisition times, and safety. Unfortunately, the majority of these methods have difficulty distinguishing between pigments with similar chemical and physical properties. Recent advancements in instrument technology have increased the broader availability of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) and low-frequency Raman spectroscopy (LFRS). In this work, the capabilities of THz-TDS and LFRS for identification and characterization of historic and modern pigments were evaluated. These experimental studies were supported with solid-state density functional theory (ss-DFT) simulations of the pigment structures and vibrations to gain insight into the molecular and intermolecular origins of the observed spectral features. These results demonstrate the powerful combination of low-frequency (≤ 200 cm-1) vibrational spectroscopic methods and computational techniques for the identification and characterization of pigments and establish the compelling abilities of THz-TDS and LFRS as new tools for characterization of pigment components in artworks and artifacts

    Calculation of the Infrared Intensity of Crystalline Systems. A Comparison of Three Strategies Based on Berry Phase, Wannier Function, and Coupled-Perturbed Kohn–Sham Methods

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    Three alternative strategies for the calculation of the IR intensity of crystalline systems, as determined by Born charges, have been implemented in the Crystal code, using a Gaussian type basis set. One uses the Berry phase (BP) algorithm to compute the dipole moment; another does so, instead, through well localized crystalline orbitals (Wannier functions, WF); and the third is based on a coupled perturbed Hartree–Fock or Kohn–Sham procedure (CP). In WF and BP, the derivative of the dipole moment with respect to the atomic coordinates is evaluated numerically, whereas in CP it is analytical. In the three cases, very different numerical schemes are utilized, so that the equivalence of the obtained IR intensities is not ensured a priori but instead is the result of the high numerical accuracy of the many computational steps involved. The main aspects of the three schemes are briefly recalled, and the dependence of the results on the computational parameters (number of k points in reciprocal space, tolerances for the truncation of the Coulomb and exchange series, and so on) is documented. It is shown that in standard computational conditions the three schemes produce IR intensities that differ by less than 1%; this difference can be reduced by an order of magnitude by acting on the parameters that control the accuracy of the calculation. A large unit cell system (80 atoms per cell) is used to document the relative cost of the three schemes. Within the current implementation the BP strategy, despite its seminumerical nature, is the most efficient choice. That is because it is the oldest implementation, and it is based on the simplest of the three algorithms. Thus, parallelism and other schemes for improving efficiency have, so far, been implemented to a lesser degree in the other two cases

    The vibrational spectrum of CaCO3 aragonite: A combined experimental and quantum-mechanical investigation

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    The vibrational properties of CaCO3 aragonite have been investigated both theoretically, by using a quantum mechanical approach (all electron Gaussian type basis set and B3LYP HF-DFT hybrid functional, as implemented in the CRYSTAL code) and experimentally, by collecting polarized infrared (IR) reflectance and Raman spectra. The combined use of theory and experiment permits on the one hand to analyze the many subtle features of the measured spectra, on the other hand to evidentiate limits and deficiencies of both approaches. The full set of TO and LO IR active modes, their intensities, the dielectric tensor (in its static and high frequency components), and the optical indices have been determined, as well as the Raman frequencies. Tools such as isotopic substitution and graphical animation of the modes are available, that complement the analysis of the spectrum

    Phonons and related properties of extended systems from density-functional perturbation theory

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    This article reviews the current status of lattice-dynamical calculations in crystals, using density-functional perturbation theory, with emphasis on the plane-wave pseudo-potential method. Several specialized topics are treated, including the implementation for metals, the calculation of the response to macroscopic electric fields and their relevance to long wave-length vibrations in polar materials, the response to strain deformations, and higher-order responses. The success of this methodology is demonstrated with a number of applications existing in the literature.Comment: 52 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Review of Modern Physic