13 research outputs found

    On b-chromatic Number of Prism Graph Families

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    A b-coloring of graph is a proper -coloring that verifies the following property: for every color class , 1≤≤, there exists a vertex , with color , such that all the other colors in are utilized in neighbors. The b-chromatic number of a graph , denoted by (), is the largest integer such that may have a b-coloring by colors. In this paper we discuss the b-coloring of prism graph , central graph of prism graph (), middle graph of prism graph () and the total graph of prism graph () and we obtain the b-chromatic number for these graphs

    On The b-Chromatic Number of Regular Graphs Without 4-Cycle

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    The b-chromatic number of a graph GG, denoted by ϕ(G)\phi(G), is the largest integer kk that GG admits a proper kk-coloring such that each color class has a vertex that is adjacent to at least one vertex in each of the other color classes. We prove that for each dd-regular graph GG which contains no 4-cycle, ϕ(G)≥⌊d+32⌋\phi(G)\geq\lfloor\frac{d+3}{2}\rfloor and if GG has a triangle, then ϕ(G)≥⌊d+42⌋\phi(G)\geq\lfloor\frac{d+4}{2}\rfloor. Also, if GG is a dd-regular graph which contains no 4-cycle and diam(G)≥6diam(G)\geq6, then ϕ(G)=d+1\phi(G)=d+1. Finally, we show that for any dd-regular graph GG which does not contain 4-cycle and κ(G)≤d+12\kappa(G)\leq\frac{d+1}{2}, ϕ(G)=d+1\phi(G)=d+1

    The b-Chromatic Number of Star Graph Families

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    In this paper, we investigate the b-chromatic number of central graph, middle graph and total graph of star graph, denoted by C(K1,n), M(K1,n)  and  T(K1,n) respectively. We discuss the relationship between b-chromatic number with some other types of chromatic numbers such as chromatic number, star chromatic number and equitable chromatic number

    A characterization of b-chromatic and partial Grundy numbers by induced subgraphs

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    Gy{\'a}rf{\'a}s et al. and Zaker have proven that the Grundy number of a graph GG satisfies Γ(G)≥t\Gamma(G)\ge t if and only if GG contains an induced subgraph called a tt-atom.The family of tt-atoms has bounded order and contains a finite number of graphs.In this article, we introduce equivalents of tt-atoms for b-coloring and partial Grundy coloring.This concept is used to prove that determining if φ(G)≥t\varphi(G)\ge t and ∂Γ(G)≥t\partial\Gamma(G)\ge t (under conditions for the b-coloring), for a graph GG, is in XP with parameter tt.We illustrate the utility of the concept of tt-atoms by giving results on b-critical vertices and edges, on b-perfect graphs and on graphs of girth at least 77

    The b-Chromatic Number of Regular Graphs via The Edge Connectivity

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    \noindent The b-chromatic number of a graph GG, denoted by ϕ(G)\phi(G), is the largest integer kk that GG admits a proper coloring by kk colors, such that each color class has a vertex that is adjacent to at least one vertex in each of the other color classes. El Sahili and Kouider [About b-colorings of regular graphs, Res. Rep. 1432, LRI, Univ. Orsay, France, 2006] asked whether it is true that every dd-regular graph GG of girth at least 5 satisfies ϕ(G)=d+1\phi(G)=d+1. Blidia, Maffray, and Zemir [On b-colorings in regular graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 157 (2009), 1787-1793] showed that the Petersen graph provides a negative answer to this question, and then conjectured that the Petersen graph is the only exception. In this paper, we investigate a strengthened form of the question. The edge connectivity of a graph GG, denoted by λ(G)\lambda(G), is the minimum cardinality of a subset UU of E(G)E(G) such that G∖UG\setminus U is either disconnected or a graph with only one vertex. A dd-regular graph GG is called super-edge-connected if every minimum edge-cut is the set of all edges incident with a vertex in GG, i.e., λ(G)=d\lambda(G)=d and every minimum edge-cut of GG isolates a vertex. We show that if GG is a dd-regular graph that contains no 4-cycle, then ϕ(G)=d+1\phi(G)=d+1 whenever GG is not super-edge-connected

    A new approach to b-coloring of regular graphs

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    Let GG be a graph and c a proper k-coloring of G, i.e. any two adjacent vertices u and v have different colors c(u) and c(v). A proper k-coloring is a b-coloring if there exists a vertex in every color class that contains all the colors in its closed neighborhood. The maximum number of colors k admitting b-coloring of G is the b-chromatic number. We present two separate approaches to the conjecture posed by Blidia et. al that the b-chromatic number equals to d+1 for every d-regular graph of girth at least five except the Petersen graph.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 13 reference

    A Note on b-chromatic number of the Transformation graph G++- and Corona Product of graphs

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    On b-colorings and b-continuity of graphs

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    A b-coloring of G is a proper vertex coloring such that there is a vertex in each color class, which is adjacent to at least one vertex in every other color class. Such a vertex is called a color-dominating vertex. The b-chromatic number of G is the largest k such that there is a b-coloring of G by k colors. Moreover, if for every integer k, between chromatic number and b-chromatic number, there exists a b-coloring of G by k colors, then G is b-continuous. Determining the b-chromatic number of a graph G and the decision whether the given graph G is b-continuous or not is NP-hard. Therefore, it is interesting to find new results on b-colorings and b-continuity for special graphs. In this thesis, for several graph classes some exact values as well as bounds of the b-chromatic number were ascertained. Among all we considered graphs whose independence number, clique number, or minimum degree is close to its order as well as bipartite graphs. The investigation of bipartite graphs was based on considering of the so-called bicomplement which is used to determine the b-chromatic number of special bipartite graphs, in particular those whose bicomplement has a simple structure. Then we studied some graphs whose b-chromatic number is close to its t-degree. At last, the b-continuity of some graphs is studied, for example, for graphs whose b-chromatic number was already established in this thesis. In particular, we could prove that Halin graphs are b-continuous.:Contents 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Basic terminology 2.2 Colorings of graphs 2.2.1 Vertex colorings 2.2.2 a-colorings 3 b-colorings 3.1 General bounds on the b-chromatic number 3.2 Exact values of the b-chromatic number for special graphs 3.2.1 Graphs with maximum degree at most 2 3.2.2 Graphs with independence number close to its order 3.2.3 Graphs with minimum degree close to its order 3.2.4 Graphs G with independence number plus clique number at most number of vertices 3.2.5 Further known results for special graphs 3.3 Bipartite graphs 3.3.1 General bounds on the b-chromatic number for bipartite graphs 3.3.2 The bicomplement 3.3.3 Bicomplements with simple structure 3.4 Graphs with b-chromatic number close to its t-degree 3.4.1 Regular graphs 3.4.2 Trees and Cacti 3.4.3 Halin graphs 4 b-continuity 4.1 b-spectrum of special graphs 4.2 b-continuous graph classes 4.2.1 Known b-continuous graph classes 4.2.2 Halin graphs 4.3 Further graph properties concerning b-colorings 4.3.1 b-monotonicity 4.3.2 b-perfectness 5 Conclusion Bibliograph