246 research outputs found

    Enumeration of noncrossing trees on a circle

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    AbstractWe consider several enumerative problems concerning labelled trees whose vertices lie on a circle and whose edges are rectilinear and do not cross

    On the spanning tree packing number of a graph: a survey

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    AbstractThe spanning tree packing number or STP number of a graph G is the maximum number of edge-disjoint spanning trees contained in G. We use an observation of Paul Catlin to investigate the STP numbers of several families of graphs including quasi-random graphs, regular graphs, complete bipartite graphs, cartesian products and the hypercubes

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications, supplement 1

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    Graph theory and its applications - bibliography, supplement

    A simple model of trees for unicellular maps

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    We consider unicellular maps, or polygon gluings, of fixed genus. A few years ago the first author gave a recursive bijection transforming unicellular maps into trees, explaining the presence of Catalan numbers in counting formulas for these objects. In this paper, we give another bijection that explicitly describes the "recursive part" of the first bijection. As a result we obtain a very simple description of unicellular maps as pairs made by a plane tree and a permutation-like structure. All the previously known formulas follow as an immediate corollary or easy exercise, thus giving a bijective proof for each of them, in a unified way. For some of these formulas, this is the first bijective proof, e.g. the Harer-Zagier recurrence formula, the Lehman-Walsh formula and the Goupil-Schaeffer formula. We also discuss several applications of our construction: we obtain a new proof of an identity related to covered maps due to Bernardi and the first author, and thanks to previous work of the second author, we give a new expression for Stanley character polynomials, which evaluate irreducible characters of the symmetric group. Finally, we show that our techniques apply partially to unicellular 3-constellations and to related objects that we call quasi-constellations.Comment: v5: minor revision after reviewers comments, 33 pages, added a refinement by degree of the Harer-Zagier formula and more details in some proof
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