2,711 research outputs found

    Mission Aware Energy Saving Strategies For Army Ground Vehicles

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    Fuel energy is a basic necessity for this planet and the modern technology to perform many activities on earth. On the other hand, quadrupled automotive vehicle usage by the commercial industry and military has increased fuel consumption. Military readiness of Army ground vehicles is very important for a country to protect its people and resources. Fuel energy is a major requirement for Army ground vehicles. According to a report, a department of defense has spent nearly $13.6 billion on fuel and electricity to conduct ground missions. On the contrary, energy availability on this plant is slowly decreasing. Therefore, saving energy in Army ground vehicles is very important. Army ground vehicles are embedded with numerous electronic systems to conduct missions such as silent and normal stationary surveillance missions. Increasing electrical energy consumption of these systems is influencing higher fuel consumption of the vehicle. To save energy, the vehicles can use any of the existing techniques, but they require complex, expensive, and time consuming implementations. Therefore, cheaper and simpler approaches are required. In addition, the solutions have to save energy according to mission needs and also overcome size and weight constraints of the vehicle. Existing research in the current literature do not have any mission aware approaches to save energy. This dissertation research proposes mission aware online energy saving strategies for stationary Army ground vehicles to save energy as well as to meet the electrical needs of the vehicle during surveillance missions. The research also proposes theoretical models of surveillance missions, fuzzy logic models of engine and alternator efficiency data, and fuzzy logic algorithms. Based on these models, two energy saving strategies are proposed for silent and normal surveillance type of missions. During silent mission, the engine is on and batteries power the systems. During normal surveillance mission, the engine is on, gear is on neutral position, the vehicle is stationary, and the alternator powers the systems. The proposed energy saving strategy for silent surveillance mission minimizes unnecessary battery discharges by controlling the power states of systems according to the mission needs and available battery capacity. Initial experiments show that the proposed approach saves 3% energy when compared with the baseline strategy for one scenario and 1.8% for the second scenario. The proposed energy saving strategy for normal surveillance mission operates the engine at fuel-efficient speeds to meet vehicle demand and to save fuel. The experiment and simulation uses a computerized vehicle model and a test bench to validate the approach. In comparison to vehicles with fixed high-idle engine speed increments, experiments show that the proposed strategy saves fuel energy in the range of 0-4.9% for the tested power demand range of 44-69 kW. It is hoped to implement the proposed strategies on a real Army ground vehicle to start realizing the energy savings

    VANET Applications: Hot Use Cases

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    Current challenges of car manufacturers are to make roads safe, to achieve free flowing traffic with few congestions, and to reduce pollution by an effective fuel use. To reach these goals, many improvements are performed in-car, but more and more approaches rely on connected cars with communication capabilities between cars, with an infrastructure, or with IoT devices. Monitoring and coordinating vehicles allow then to compute intelligent ways of transportation. Connected cars have introduced a new way of thinking cars - not only as a mean for a driver to go from A to B, but as smart cars - a user extension like the smartphone today. In this report, we introduce concepts and specific vocabulary in order to classify current innovations or ideas on the emerging topic of smart car. We present a graphical categorization showing this evolution in function of the societal evolution. Different perspectives are adopted: a vehicle-centric view, a vehicle-network view, and a user-centric view; described by simple and complex use-cases and illustrated by a list of emerging and current projects from the academic and industrial worlds. We identified an empty space in innovation between the user and his car: paradoxically even if they are both in interaction, they are separated through different application uses. Future challenge is to interlace social concerns of the user within an intelligent and efficient driving

    Wireless Communication in Data Centers: A Survey

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    Data centers (DCs) is becoming increasingly an integral part of the computing infrastructures of most enterprises. Therefore, the concept of DC networks (DCNs) is receiving an increased attention in the network research community. Most DCNs deployed today can be classified as wired DCNs as copper and optical fiber cables are used for intra- and inter-rack connections in the network. Despite recent advances, wired DCNs face two inevitable problems; cabling complexity and hotspots. To address these problems, recent research works suggest the incorporation of wireless communication technology into DCNs. Wireless links can be used to either augment conventional wired DCNs, or to realize a pure wireless DCN. As the design spectrum of DCs broadens, so does the need for a clear classification to differentiate various design options. In this paper, we analyze the free space optical (FSO) communication and the 60 GHz radio frequency (RF), the two key candidate technologies for implementing wireless links in DCNs. We present a generic classification scheme that can be used to classify current and future DCNs based on the communication technology used in the network. The proposed classification is then used to review and summarize major research in this area. We also discuss open questions and future research directions in the area of wireless DCs

    Interpreting AI for Networking: Where We Are and Where We Are Going

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    In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been increasingly adopted to tackle networking problems. Although AI algorithms can deliver high-quality solutions, most of them are inherently intricate and erratic for human cognition. This lack of interpretability tremendously hinders the commercial success of AI-based solutions in practice. To cope with this challenge, networking researchers are starting to explore explainable AI (XAI) techniques to make AI models interpretable, manageable, and trustworthy. In this article, we overview the application of AI in networking and discuss the necessity for interpretability. Next, we review the current research on interpreting AI-based networking solutions and systems. At last, we envision future challenges and directions. The ultimate goal of this article is to present a general guideline for AI and networking practitioners and motivate the continuous advancement of AI-based solutions in modern communication networks

    Cloudlet Deployment to Balance Energy Consumption in Wireless Networks: A Survey, Issues and Challenges

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    Cloud computing and wireless networks, both are two different important components in information technology (IT) world. These both wide network components are unlike from each other and their characteristics are providing huge services. By using these services, users getting several computing services at low cost while providing the security and privacy. According to the one survey till end of the 2016, gross payments from the e-commerce business management was spent $4 billion for maintenance of datacenters. Energy consumption is the key component in the information technology world, because due to the wastage usage of computing hardware components like servers, datacenters and network bandwidth etc., business profits will be go down. So, by integration of these two areas, online business management will get more revenues while providing the QoS. The proposed mechanism, deploying the cloudlets for executing the actions, which are belongs to the wireless networks such as Local Area Network (LAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) etc. The proposed idea addressed better solution to avoid Service Level Agreement�s (SLA) violations and poor QoS

    Application of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks to Achieve Intelligent Microgrids: A Promising Approach towards a Global Smart Grid Deployment

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    Smart Grids (SGs) constitute the evolution of the traditional electrical grid towards a new paradigm, which should increase the reliability, the security and, at the same time, reduce the costs of energy generation, distribution and consumption. Electrical microgrids (MGs) can be considered the first stage of this evolution of the grid, because of the intelligent management techniques that must be applied to assure their correct operation. To accomplish this task, sensors and actuators will be necessary, along with wireless communication technologies to transmit the measured data and the command messages. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) are therefore a promising solution to achieve an intelligent management of MGs and, by extension, the SG. In this frame, this paper surveys several aspects concerning the application of WSANs to manage MGs and the electrical grid, as well as the communication protocols that could be applied. The main concerns regarding the SG deployment are also presented, including future scenarios where the interoperability of different generation technologies must be assured

    Towards Broadcasting Linear Content over 5G Network

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    Today's society relies heavily on linear television systems with planned programs, which are also a crucial form of communication. Broadcast of liner content is evolving, driven particularly by the evolution of end users’ devices, it is has changed from a small number of linear radio and TV channels to a comprehensive and distinctive offer that is available across a variety of various distribution platforms. Broadcasting linear content over 5G networks involves delivering scheduled, real-time content such as live TV broadcasts, radio programs, or streaming events to a large number of users simultaneously. While 5G networks offer significant advantages in terms of capacity, speed, and latency, there are specific considerations when it comes to broadcasting linear content. hassle cellular networks offering the discontinues services, have been predominantly built on a unicast bidirectional communication paradigm for many years, offering its end customers a variety of services. In this paper, we examine the future 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 5G Multicast and Broadcast Services (MBS) standards as well as some of its constraints. We also outline the most recent standardization efforts aimed at bringing non-3GPP broadcast networks into the 5G system, along with the suggestions we have made to standards bodies

    Towards Broadcasting Linear Content over 5G Network

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    Today's society relies heavily on linear television systems with planned programs, which are also a crucial form of communication. Broadcast of liner content is evolving, driven particularly by the evolution of end users’ devices, it is has changed from a small number of linear radio and TV channels to a comprehensive and distinctive offer that is available across a variety of various distribution platforms. Broadcasting linear content over 5G networks involves delivering scheduled, real-time content such as live TV broadcasts, radio programs, or streaming events to a large number of users simultaneously. While 5G networks offer significant advantages in terms of capacity, speed, and latency, there are specific considerations when it comes to broadcasting linear content. hassle cellular networks offering the discontinues services, have been predominantly built on a unicast bidirectional communication paradigm for many years, offering its end customers a variety of services. In this paper, we examine the future 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 5G Multicast and Broadcast Services (MBS) standards as well as some of its constraints. We also outline the most recent standardization efforts aimed at bringing non-3GPP broadcast networks into the 5G system, along with the suggestions we have made to standards bodies
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