680 research outputs found

    Design Principles of Mobile Information Systems in the Digital Transformation of the Workplace - Utilization of Smartwatch-based Information Systems in the Corporate Context

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    During the last decades, smartwatches emerged as an innovative and promising technology and hit the consumer market due to the accessibility of affordable devices and predominant acceptance caused by the considerable similarity to common wristwatches. With the unique characteristics of permanent availability, unobtrusiveness, and hands-free operation, they can provide additional value in the corporate context. Thus, this thesis analyzes use cases for smartwatches in companies, elaborates on the design of smartwatch-based information systems, and covers the usability of smartwatch applications during the development of smartwatch-based information systems. It is composed of three research complexes. The first research complex focuses on the digital assistance of (mobile) employees who have to execute manual work and have been excluded so far from the benefits of the digitalization since they cannot operate hand-held devices. The objective is to design smartwatch-based information systems to support workflows in the corporate context, facilitate the daily work of numerous employees, and make processes more efficient for companies. During a design science research approach, smartwatch-based software artifacts are designed and evaluated in use cases of production, support, security service, as well as logistics, and a nascent design theory is proposed to complement theory according to mobile information system research. The evaluation shows that, on the one hand, smartwatches have enormous potential to assist employees with a fast and ubiquitous exchange of information, instant notifications, collaboration, and workflow guidance while they can be operated incidentally during manual work. On the other hand, the design of smartwatch-based information systems is a crucial factor for successful long-term deployment in companies, and especially limitations according to the small form-factor, general conditions, acceptance of the employees, and legal regulations have to be addressed appropriately. The second research complex addresses smartwatch-based information systems at the office workplace. This broadens and complements the view on the utilization of smartwatches in the corporate context in addition to the mobile context described in the first research complex. Though smartwatches are devices constructed for mobile use, the utilization in low mobile or stationary scenarios also has benefits due they exhibit the characteristic of a wearable computer and are directly connected to the employee’s body. Various sensors can perceive employee-, environment- and therefore context-related information and demand the employees’ attention with proactive notifications that are accompanied by a vibration. Thus, a smartwatch-based and gamified information system for health promotion at the office workplace is designed and evaluated. Research complex three provides a closer look at the topic of usability concerning applications running on smartwatches since it is a crucial factor during the development cycle. As a supporting element for the studies within the first and second research complex, a framework for the usability analysis of smartwatch applications is developed. For research, this thesis contributes a systemization of the state-of-the-art of smartwatch utilization in the corporate context, enabling and inhibiting influence factors of the smartwatch adoption in companies, and design principles as well as a nascent design theory for smartwatch-based information systems to support mobile employees executing manual work. For practice, this thesis contributes possible use cases for smartwatches in companies, assistance in decision-making for the introduction of smartwatch-based information systems in the corporate context with the Smartwatch Applicability Framework, situated implementations of a smartwatch-based information system for typical use cases, design recommendations for smartwatch-based information systems, an implementation of a smartwatch-based information system for the support of mobile employees executing manual work, and a usability-framework for smartwatches to automatically access usability of existing applications providing suggestions for usability improvement

    Multi-Device Nutrition Control

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    Precision nutrition is a popular eHealth topic among several groups, such as athletes, 1 people with dementia, rare diseases, diabetes, and overweight. Its implementation demands tight 2 nutrition control, starting with nutritionists who build up food plans for specific groups or individuals. 3 Each person then follows the food plan by preparing meals and logging all food and water intake. 4 However, the discipline demanded to follow food plans and log food intake turns out into high 5 dropout rates. This article presents the concepts, requirements, and architecture of a solution that 6 assists the nutritionist in building up and revising food plans and the user following them. It does 7 so by minimizing human-computer interaction by integrating the nutritionist and user systems 8 and introducing off-the-shelf IoT devices in the system, such as temperature sensors, smartwatches, 9 smartphones, and smart bottles. An interaction time analysis using the Keystroke Level Model 10 provides a baseline for comparison in future work addressing both the use of machine learning and 11 IoT devices to reduce the interaction effort of users.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Medical data processing and analysis for remote health and activities monitoring

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    Recent developments in sensor technology, wearable computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and wireless communication have given rise to research in ubiquitous healthcare and remote monitoring of human\u2019s health and activities. Health monitoring systems involve processing and analysis of data retrieved from smartphones, smart watches, smart bracelets, as well as various sensors and wearable devices. Such systems enable continuous monitoring of patients psychological and health conditions by sensing and transmitting measurements such as heart rate, electrocardiogram, body temperature, respiratory rate, chest sounds, or blood pressure. Pervasive healthcare, as a relevant application domain in this context, aims at revolutionizing the delivery of medical services through a medical assistive environment and facilitates the independent living of patients. In this chapter, we discuss (1) data collection, fusion, ownership and privacy issues; (2) models, technologies and solutions for medical data processing and analysis; (3) big medical data analytics for remote health monitoring; (4) research challenges and opportunities in medical data analytics; (5) examples of case studies and practical solutions

    Amulet: An Energy-Efficient, Multi-Application Wearable Platform

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    Wearable technology enables a range of exciting new applications in health, commerce, and beyond. For many important applications, wearables must have battery life measured in weeks or months, not hours and days as in most current devices. Our vision of wearable platforms aims for long battery life but with the flexibility and security to support multiple applications. To achieve long battery life with a workload comprising apps from multiple developers, these platforms must have robust mechanisms for app isolation and developer tools for optimizing resource usage.\r\n\r\nWe introduce the Amulet Platform for constrained wearable devices, which includes an ultra-low-power hardware architecture and a companion software framework, including a highly efficient event-driven programming model, low-power operating system, and developer tools for profiling ultra-low-power applications at compile time. We present the design and evaluation of our prototype Amulet hardware and software, and show how the framework enables developers to write energy-efficient applications. Our prototype has battery lifetime lasting weeks or even months, depending on the application, and our interactive resource-profiling tool predicts battery lifetime within 6-10% of the measured lifetime

    Analysis of a hybrid Android system for fall detection

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    Android personal devices have become an interesting and cost-effective technology to deploy wearable Fall Detection Systems. In contrast with other smartphone-based solutions, this paper describes a fall detection architecture that integrates two-Bluetooth enabled devices: a smartwatch and a smartphone. The evaluation of the system under different fall recognition algorithms and mobility patterns indicates that the simultaneous operation of the two devices as fall detectors clearly improves the specificity of the system when compared to the cases where just one device is employed as a fall detector. The performed analysis also encompasses the study of the battery consumption and the performance of the system under constant monitoring in everyday life conditions.Universidad de Malaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech. This work was supported by European FEDER funds and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [grant TEC2013-42711-R] (URL: http://www.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/mineco/

    Visions and Challenges in Managing and Preserving Data to Measure Quality of Life

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    Health-related data analysis plays an important role in self-knowledge, disease prevention, diagnosis, and quality of life assessment. With the advent of data-driven solutions, a myriad of apps and Internet of Things (IoT) devices (wearables, home-medical sensors, etc) facilitates data collection and provide cloud storage with a central administration. More recently, blockchain and other distributed ledgers became available as alternative storage options based on decentralised organisation systems. We bring attention to the human data bleeding problem and argue that neither centralised nor decentralised system organisations are a magic bullet for data-driven innovation if individual, community and societal values are ignored. The motivation for this position paper is to elaborate on strategies to protect privacy as well as to encourage data sharing and support open data without requiring a complex access protocol for researchers. Our main contribution is to outline the design of a self-regulated Open Health Archive (OHA) system with focus on quality of life (QoL) data.Comment: DSS 2018: Data-Driven Self-Regulating System

    Integrating Wearable Technology for Enhanced Self-Assessment in Mental Health

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    Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being and affects a large proportion of the world’s population. The first step of identifying possible issues in an individual is often using assessment method such as surveys, forms, or questionnaires. However, traditional assessment methods such as self-assessment questionnaires yield challenges and limitations like social desirability and response bias. These traditional assessment methods rely heavily on the patient’s recollection of events, feelings, and current psychological state to work as intended. The emergence of ubiquitous wearable technology shows promise that it can help mitigate the mentioned issue. These devices promise to collect data reliably and can be used to get an objective representation of the physiological state of a patient. In addition, it might lead to better response rates and a more enhanced patient experience. However, thorough testing and evaluation is needed when integrating these emerging technologies. This thesis research the pressing need to improve these traditional assessment methods used in mental health by leveraging the potential of wearable technology. Moreover, the aim is to demonstrate how wearable technology can be integrated into self-assessment questionnaires through the development of an artifact that promotes reuse and interoperability. It consists of three general components: the questionnaire, the corresponding response, and the wearable data collection process for specific domains through digital biomarkers. The evaluation process involved a semi-structured interview, object-based evaluation experiment, and a user acceptance survey of the artifact. Based on this, our artifact poses as a viable solution and can be used as a starting point for future research in the problem domain.Masteroppgave i Programvareutvikling samarbeid med HVLPROG399MAMN-PRO
