5 research outputs found

    Economic regulation for multi tenant infrastructures

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    Large scale computing infrastructures need scalable and effi cient resource allocation mechanisms to ful l the requirements of its participants and applications while the whole system is regulated to work e ciently. Computational markets provide e fficient allocation mechanisms that aggregate information from multiple sources in large, dynamic and complex systems where there is not a single source with complete information. They have been proven to be successful in matching resource demand and resource supply in the presence of sel sh multi-objective and utility-optimizing users and sel sh pro t-optimizing providers. However, global infrastructure metrics which may not directly affect participants of the computational market still need to be addressed -a.k.a. economic externalities like load balancing or energy-efficiency. In this thesis, we point out the need to address these economic externalities, and we design and evaluate appropriate regulation mechanisms from di erent perspectives on top of existing economic models, to incorporate a wider range of objective metrics not considered otherwise. Our main contributions in this thesis are threefold; fi rst, we propose a taxation mechanism that addresses the resource congestion problem e ffectively improving the balance of load among resources when correlated economic preferences are present; second, we propose a game theoretic model with complete information to derive an algorithm to aid resource providers to scale up and down resource supply so energy-related costs can be reduced; and third, we relax our previous assumptions about complete information on the resource provider side and design an incentive-compatible mechanism to encourage users to truthfully report their resource requirements effectively assisting providers to make energy-eff cient allocations while providing a dynamic allocation mechanism to users.Les infraestructures computacionals de gran escala necessiten mecanismes d’assignació de recursos escalables i eficients per complir amb els requisits computacionals de tots els seus participants, assegurant-se de que el sistema és regulat apropiadament per a que funcioni de manera efectiva. Els mercats computacionals són mecanismes d’assignació de recursos eficients que incorporen informació de diferents fonts considerant sistemes de gran escala, complexos i dinàmics on no existeix una única font que proveeixi informació completa de l'estat del sistema. Aquests mercats computacionals han demostrat ser exitosos per acomodar la demanda de recursos computacionals amb la seva oferta quan els seus participants son considerats estratègics des del punt de vist de teoria de jocs. Tot i això existeixen mètriques a nivell global sobre la infraestructura que no tenen per que influenciar els usuaris a priori de manera directa. Així doncs, aquestes externalitats econòmiques com poden ser el balanceig de càrrega o la eficiència energètica, conformen una línia d’investigació que cal explorar. En aquesta tesi, presentem i descrivim la problemàtica derivada d'aquestes externalitats econòmiques. Un cop establert el marc d’actuació, dissenyem i avaluem mecanismes de regulació apropiats basats en models econòmics existents per resoldre aquesta problemàtica des de diferents punts de vista per incorporar un ventall més ampli de mètriques objectiu que no havien estat considerades fins al moment. Les nostres contribucions principals tenen tres vessants: en primer lloc, proposem un mecanisme de regulació de tipus impositiu que tracta de mitigar l’aparició de recursos sobre-explotats que, efectivament, millora el balanceig de la càrrega de treball entre els recursos disponibles; en segon lloc, proposem un model teòric basat en teoria de jocs amb informació o completa que permet derivar un algorisme que facilita la tasca dels proveïdors de recursos per modi car a l'alça o a la baixa l'oferta de recursos per tal de reduir els costos relacionats amb el consum energètic; i en tercer lloc, relaxem la nostra assumpció prèvia sobre l’existència d’informació complerta per part del proveïdor de recursos i dissenyem un mecanisme basat en incentius per fomentar que els usuaris facin pública de manera verídica i explícita els seus requeriments computacionals, ajudant d'aquesta manera als proveïdors de recursos a fer assignacions eficients des del punt de vista energètic a la vegada que oferim un mecanisme l’assignació de recursos dinàmica als usuari

    Allocation de ressources et ordonnancement multi-utilisateurs : une approche basée sur l'équité

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    Grid and Cloud computing make possible the sharing of computer system resources, such as storage or computation time, among a set of users, according to their requests, thereby creating an illusion of infinite resources. However, as soon as those resources are insufficient to meet users’s expectations, conflicts of interest arise. Therefore, unlimited access to limited resources may lead to inefficient usage which penalizes the whole set of users. In such environments, arbitration becomes necessary in order to settle those conflicts and ensure a fair allocation to all users. We present two classes of problems : multi-user resource allocation under uncertainty and multi-user periodic task scheduling. We tackle these problems from the point of view of fairness.Les grilles de calcul et le “cloud computing” permettent de distribuer un ensemble de ressources informatiques, telles que du stockage ou du temps de calcul, à un ensemble d’utilisateurs en fonction de leurs demandes en donnant l’illusion de ressources infinies. Cependant, lorsque l’ensemble de ces ressources est insuffisant pour satisfaire les exigences des utilisateurs, des conflits d’intérêts surgissent. Ainsi, un libre accès à des ressources limitées peut entraîner une utilisation inefficace qui pénalise l’ensemble des participants. Dans de tels environnements, il devient nécessaire d’établir des procédures d’arbitrage afin de résoudre ces conflits en garantissant une distribution équitable aux différents utilisateurs. Nous présentons une nouvelle classe de problèmes : celle des ordonnancements multi-utilisateurs. Cette thèse aborde la notion d’équité au travers de problèmes d’allocation de ressources sous incertitudes et d’ordonnancement de tâches périodiques

    Decentralising resource management in operating systems

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    This dissertation explores operating system mechanisms to allow resource-aware applications to be involved in the process of managing resources under the premise that these applications (1) potentially have some (implicit) notion of their future resource demands and (2) can adapt their resource demands. The general idea is to provide feedback to resource-aware applications so that they can proactively participate in the management of resources. This approach has the benefit that resource management policies can be removed from central entities and the operating system has only to provide mechanism. Furthermore, in contrast to centralised approaches, application specific features can be more easily exploited. To achieve this aim, I propose to deploy a microeconomic theory, namely congestion or shadow pricing, which has recently received attention for managing congestion in communication networks. Applications are charged based on the potential "damage" they cause to other consumers by using resources. Consumers interpret these congestion charges as feedback signals which they use to adjust their resource consumption. It can be shown theoretically that such a system with consumers merely acting in their own self-interest will converge to a social optimum. This dissertation focuses on the operating system mechanisms required to decentralise resource management this way. In particular it identifies four mechanisms: pricing & charging, credit accounting, resource usage accounting, and multiplexing. While the latter two are mechanisms generally required for the accurate management of resources, pricing & charging and credit accounting present novel mechanisms. It is argued that congestion prices are the correct economic model in this context and provide appropriate feedback to applications. The credit accounting mechanism is necessary to ensure the overall stability of the system by assigning value to credits

    Effective computer-based information systems operations: a comparative organisational study

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    The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the functional staff, who use computer-based information systems, and the data processing staff, who are responsible for designing and managing these systems, in order to identify organisational characteristics, information systems' characteristics and management choice and personal factors, which can be shown to significantly influence the level of systems' effectiveness, as measured by a number of components of user satisfaction. The organisational behavior and information systems literature have been combined with case study work to identify those factors which are likely to be of most influence to the achievement of systems' effectiveness. These factors have been incorporated into a conceptual model which identifies their influence at three levels; namely, the organisational context, the information systems context and the operational level. A comparative organisational study was undertaken, using both questionnaire and interview methods, to collect data on these factors. Questionnaires were completed by 138 functional managers (users) and 21 data processing managers, from 21 medium-to-large U. K. manufacturing companies. Forty-eight of the functional managers and all the data processing managers were subsequently interviewed. The functional managers' questionnaire contained a large number of attitude and opinion questions which were used to generate four user satisfaction components. Three of these, called INTERACTION, SUPPORT and DESIGN, are aspects of the user staff/data processing staff working relationship. The remaining one, IMPACT, is a measure of the user's perceptions of company benefits arising from the use of computer systems. The study findings show that a small number of factors explain the variation in systems' effectiveness. In particular, the factors which were most influential in achieving a high level of user satisfaction related to the nature of the interaction between the two groups and the background of the data processing manager. In addition, a number of managerial practices and techniques advanced in earlier information systems literature were found to have negligible impact on systems' effectiveness