5,542 research outputs found

    The Youth of Today evaluation : technical report

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    Queensland’s future: parenting the youth of today

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    Policy change to enhance academic and psychosocial outcomes for Queensland’s children and adolescents, the source of the State’s future human capital, is imperative. This proposal stems from the findings of an empirical Queensland study that compared typical, resilient and students at risk. A sample of 1,100 Indigenous and non-Indigenous secondary students reported on their school perceptions, parenting, coping strategies, and academic goals. Their responses were modelled using structural equation modelling techniques. These techniques have the advantage of being able to take into account mediation pathways between variables as well as direct links to outcome variables and thus can account for the influences of a number of factors upon an outcome simultaneously, showing the most significant effects. Results not only showed the strong links between parenting behaviours and higher academic achievement, but also highlighted that authoritative parenting acted as a protective factor against disadvantaged socioeconomic variables and behavioural problems. Warm and involved parenting coupled with high levels of monitoring promoted resilience in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous samples. Science programs in Queensland currently only target the biological aspects of reproduction. But in addition to facts about conception, future parents urgently need an understanding of child development and the effects of nurturing parenting upon social adjustment, coping and academic achievement. Conversely, they need to know how detrimental neglect can be to a child. Policy governing the science curriculum needs to change so that all adolescents are exposed to this knowledge before they become parents. Moreover, antenatal classes should be coupled with parenting classes

    The youth of today: The effect of ageists prescriptive stereotypes on justice perceptions

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    Ageism is recognized as a prominent negative attitude, but has been primarily focused on descriptive stereotypes of older people. Instead, we investigated prescriptive stereotypes (should-based expectations) towards younger workers. Adherence to a prescriptive stereotype is perceived positively, whereas violation is perceived negatively. It can also impact perceptions of justice, with members of discriminated groups reporting unfair treatment. The primary goal of this study was to examine the effect of workers violating or adhering to ageist prescriptive stereotypes on distributive justice perceptions. For this, participants (N= 357) read a scenario about a work situation in which the character was either a younger or older worker who either violated or adhered to a prescriptive stereotype. A negative outcome to the situation was also depicted in the scenario. The results showed no significant effect of either the character age (i.e., young, or old) or behaviour (i.e., adherence or violation) on distributive justice perceptions. Additional analyses revealed that the participants' own age was a moderator of the relation between character’s behaviour and age on distributive justice perceptions. Younger participants considered the scenario as more unfair when the character was young and adhered to the stereotype, whereas older participants considered the scenario more unfair when the character was older and adhered to the stereotype. These findings expand on the literature of prescriptive stereotype and ingroup favouritism. Organizational policies (e.g., diversity training) that enable workers’ knowledge regarding these cognitive biases and its consequences become important to combat ageism.O idadismo é uma atitude negativa proeminente, mas tem sido principalmente centrado nos estereótipos descritivos das pessoas mais velhas. Em vez disso, investigámos estereótipos prescritivos de jovens trabalhadores. Aderir a um estereótipo prescritivo é percebido positivamente, enquanto que violar é percebido negativamente. O idadismo pode também afetar perceções de justiça, com membros de grupos discriminados a denunciarem tratamento injusto. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi examinar o efeito de violar ou aderir a estereótipos prescritivos idadistas nas perceções de justiça distributiva. Para tal, os participantes (N= 357) leram um cenário em que o personagem era um trabalhador mais jovem ou mais velho que violava ou aderia a um estereótipo prescritivo e o resultado era sempre negativo. Não existiu qualquer efeito significativo quer da idade do personagem (jovem ou mais velho) quer do comportamento (adesão ou violação) nas perceções da justiça distributiva. Análises adicionais revelaram que a própria idade dos participantes moderou a relação entre o comportamento do personagem e a idade nas perceções de justiça distributiva. Os participantes mais jovens consideraram o cenário mais injusto quando a personagem era jovem e aderiu ao estereótipo, enquanto que os participantes mais velhos consideraram o cenário mais injusto quando a personagem era mais velha e aderiu ao estereótipo. Estas conclusões expandem a literatura sobre estereótipos prescritivos e favoritismo endogrupal. Políticas organizacionais (e.g., formação em diversidade) que permitam maior conhecimento sobre estereótipos prescritivos e as suas consequências tornam-se importantes para combater o idadismo

    Challenging the Curious Mind

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    Is the education you are providing for your students real? Is it effective? Is it challenging the curious mind? There is a great concern today about what is happening in our schools and about how the youth of today will face the future of tomorrow

    Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy

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    This handbook describes in detail different contemporary approaches to group work with children and adolescents. Further, this volume illustrates the application of these models to work with the youth of today, whether victims of trauma, adolescents struggling with LGBT issues, or youth with varying common diagnoses such as autism spectrum disorders, depression, and anxiety

    Trends in the selection of spelling textbooks for public schools.

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    More than a million teachers and administrators are engaged in the work of educating some thirty million pupils enrolled 1n the schools of the United States. Since textbooks are without doubt the most effective single instructional tool provided for the use of these millions of pupils and their teachers, the selection of textbooks is a matter or utmost importance to educators and to the youth of today

    Legal values in legal education: changes in conditions of geopolitical and ideological transformation

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    In the article stresses the importance for the Russian society of legal values and ethical representations which urged rally the authorities and the public; the need for the youth of today to understand the geopolitical processes and ideological transformations taking place today in the country and the world, to improve the legal and political cultureПодчеркивается важность для российского общества правовых ценностей и этических представлений, которые призваны сплачивать население и власть; необходимость для современной молодежи разбираться в геополитических процессах и идеологических трансформациях, происходящих в стране и мире, повышать правовую и политическую культур

    МОРАЛЬНА ДЕГРАДАЦІЯ СУЧАСНОЇ МОЛОДІ (Moral degradation of the youth of today )

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    У статті осмислюється проблема моральної деградації сучасної молоді. Аналізуються причини змін ціннісних орієнтирів сучасної молоді, розглядається розвиток та наслідки досліджуваного феномену. Також у цій статті подані можливі шляхи подолання даної проблеми (The article is dedicated to the problem of moral degradation of the youth of today. The Author analyzes the reasons for the changes of values of today’s youth, examines the development and consequences of the phenomenon. Also in the article are represented the possible ways to overcome this problem

    The appeal of the New Testament to the youth of today

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    This item was digitized by the Internet Archive. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universityhttps://archive.org/details/theappealofnewte00tho

    Romania's Pension System Between Present Restrictions and Future Exigencies

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    In Romania of today the largest part of available incomes at old age is ensured by pensions, and the most important source is constituted by the public system. The reform of the multipillar type system - is delayed, already regulated but still partially non-operational - is aimed to the youth of today as future or junior contributors to the system. Only young persons under 35 might plan and think about the level and structure of the intended old age pension. Older generations do not have a viable perspective towards financial independence in old age; quite on the contrary they are faced with far more limited options, which include: - participation to the public system, but the expected pensions shall be comparatively far more diminished (in accordance with estimates, the transfer rate in the public system shall be substantially diminished); - the contribution to funded private systems, but on a pretty high background of uncertainty - distrust against market operators, diminished possibilities of contribution due to low incomes, low estimated rates of profitability (for shorter contribution' periods); - The recourse to specific social assistance services for the third age as addition is more a desiderate than an alternative, Romania having a lot more to achieve in this sense. The projected system is not adequate for persons with low incomes or for the medium term future pensioners.