18 research outputs found

    Spectral Properties of Wedge Problems

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    This paper presents our recent results on the study of the scattering and diffraction of an incident plane wave by wedge structures. A review about the impenetrable wedge problem at skew incidence and about the penetrable wedge at normal incidence is discussed. In particular we focus the attention on the spectral properties of the solution in the angular domain. These studies seem to provide a new tool to enhance the fast computation of the solution in terms of fields via a quasi-heuristic approac

    Generalized Wiener-Hopf Equations for Wedge problems involving arbitrary linear media

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    This paper provides new functional equations in angular regions that turn useful to study wedge problems in presence of arbitrary linear media. The enforcement of the boundary conditions on these equations reduces the wedge problems to Generalized Wiener-Hopf (GWHE) equations that can be approached with standard solution techniques. This procedure is briefly illustrated in this pape

    Skew Incidence on Concave Wedge With Anisotropic Surface Impedance

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    The diffraction of a plane wave at skew incidence by an arbitrary-angled concave wedge with anisotropic impedance faces is studied. Concave wedges are of interest in wireless propagation models, in particular on modeling buildings and reflectors. The solution is obtained via the generalized Wiener-Hopf technique for arbitrary impedance wedges using a numerical-analytical approach. The numerical results show the spectral properties of the fields, GTD/UTD diffraction coefficients, and total field

    PEC Wedge Structures in Complex Environment using the Generalized Wiener-Hopf Technique

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    In this work we present a new methodology to study complex canonical electromagnetic scattering problems constituted of perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) wedges immersed in complex environment. The method is based on the Generalized Wiener-Hopf Technique (GWHT) proposed by the authors. Engineering applications are considered in the field of electromagnetic compatibility and antenna technology

    Wiener-hopf formulation of the scattering by a PEC wedge over an half dielectric grounded slab

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    This paper presents the formulation of electromagnetic problems constituted of inhomogeneous coupled angular and planar regions by using the Generalized Wiener-Hopf Technique (GWHT). In particular the paper is focused on the scattering of a perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) wedge in contact with an half dielectric grounded slab. The solution method is based on deriving the Wiener-Hopf formulation and on using the Fredholm factorization. In this case the presence of inhomogeneous regions introduces further difficulties