252 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Hardy property of means and the best Hardy constants

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    The aim of this paper is to characterize in broad classes of means the so-called Hardy means, i.e., those means M ⁣:⋃n=1∞R+n→R+M\colon\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty \mathbb{R}_+^n\to\mathbb{R}_+ that satisfy the inequality ∑n=1∞M(x1,
,xn)≀C∑n=1∞xn \sum_{n=1}^\infty M(x_1,\dots,x_n) \le C\sum_{n=1}^\infty x_n for all positive sequences (xn)(x_n) with some finite positive constant CC. One of the main results offers a characterization of Hardy means in the class of symmetric, increasing, Jensen concave and repetition invariant means and also a formula for the best constant CC satisfying the above inequality

    The Nagaev-Guivarc'h method via the Keller-Liverani theorem

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    The Nagaev-Guivarc'h method, via the perturbation operator theorem of Keller and Liverani, has been exploited in recent papers to establish local limit and Berry-Essen type theorems for unbounded functionals of strongly ergodic Markov chains. The main difficulty of this approach is to prove Taylor expansions for the dominating eigenvalue of the Fourier kernels. This paper outlines this method and extends it by proving a multi-dimensional local limit theorem, a first-order Edgeworth expansion, and a multi-dimensional Berry-Esseen type theorem in the sense of Prohorov metric. When applied to uniformly or geometrically ergodic chains and to iterative Lipschitz models, the above cited limit theorems hold under moment conditions similar, or close, to those of the i.i.d. case

    Continued fraction digit averages an Maclaurin's inequalities

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    A classical result of Khinchin says that for almost all real numbers α\alpha, the geometric mean of the first nn digits ai(α)a_i(\alpha) in the continued fraction expansion of α\alpha converges to a number K=2.6854520
K = 2.6854520\ldots (Khinchin's constant) as n→∞n \to \infty. On the other hand, for almost all α\alpha, the arithmetic mean of the first nn continued fraction digits ai(α)a_i(\alpha) approaches infinity as n→∞n \to \infty. There is a sequence of refinements of the AM-GM inequality, Maclaurin's inequalities, relating the 1/k1/k-th powers of the kk-th elementary symmetric means of nn numbers for 1≀k≀n1 \leq k \leq n. On the left end (when k=nk=n) we have the geometric mean, and on the right end (k=1k=1) we have the arithmetic mean. We analyze what happens to the means of continued fraction digits of a typical real number in the limit as one moves f(n)f(n) steps away from either extreme. We prove sufficient conditions on f(n)f(n) to ensure to ensure divergence when one moves f(n)f(n) steps away from the arithmetic mean and convergence when one moves f(n)f(n) steps away from the geometric mean. For typical α\alpha we conjecture the behavior for f(n)=cnf(n)=cn, 0<c<10<c<1. We also study the limiting behavior of such means for quadratic irrational α\alpha, providing rigorous results, as well as numerically supported conjectures.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures. Substantial additions were made to previous version, including Theorem 1.3, Section 6, and Appendix


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    The aim of this paper is to introduce several notions of homogenization in various classes of weighted means, which include quasiarithmetic and semideviation means. In general, the homogenization is an operator which attaches a homogeneous mean to a given one. Our results show that, under some regularity or convexity assumptions, the homogenization of quasiarithmetic means are power means, and homogenization of semideviation means are homogeneous semideviation means. In other results, we characterize the comparison inequality, the Jensen concavity, and Minkowski- and Holder-type inequalities related to semideviation means

    A note on the proofs of generalized Radon inequality

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    In this paper, we introduce and prove several generalizations of the Radon inequality. The proofs in the current paper unify and also are simpler than those in early published work. Meanwhile, we find and show the mathematical equivalences among the Bernoulli inequality, the weighted AM-GM inequality, the Hölder inequality, the weighted power mean inequality and the Minkowski inequality. Finally, some applications involving the results proposed in this work are shown
