69 research outputs found

    Towards Verification of UML Class Models using Formal Specification Methods: A Review

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    Abstract In today s world many elements of our lives are being affected by software and for that we are in greater need of high-quality software The Unified Modeling Language UML is considered the de facto standard for object-oriented software model development UML class diagram plays an important role in the design and specification of software systems A class diagram provides a static description of system component

    Formal foundations for the unified modeling language

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    We present in this work an outline of an ongoing research line in the framework of the Software Engineering Group (SEG) at the National University of San Luis. We describe here the previous work carried out by the group in formalizing UML using RSL, as well as the current and future work in the matter.Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Design and Implementation of E-Procurement and Tendering Management System

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    摘要 互联网发展非常迅速,越来越多的企业都将管理业务进行信息化建设,2015年前,某公司采购业务管理模式还是简易的办公方式,但是随着公司的业务不断发展,简易的方式无法满足公司采购的需求,为了对产品采购质量的严格把关,希望通过加大供应商的资格竞争,从而公司需要利用互联网开展在线采购和在线招标,提高公司的采购产品的效率以及采购产品的质量,同时也降低采购成本。 基于此,本文在熟悉某公司的电子采购及招标业务的基础之上,采用软件工程的思想和方法,首先对系统需求及可行性进行分析,其次,基于B/S架构,利用面向对象的方法和技术完成系统开发阶段的各项任务,最后分别以C#和VisualStudio2010的...ABSTRACT The development of the Internet is very rapid, more and more enterprises will manage the business information construction, 2015, a company procurement and tender business management model or simple office, but with the company's business continues to develop, in order to product procurement Quality of the strict checks, hoping to increase the competitiveness of suppliers through the com...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223009

    Towards Domain-Specific Modeling Methodology for Avionic Safety-Critical Systems

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    The use of domain-specific modeling languages and associated methodologies, provide support in application domain where the safe and reliable operations of the systems are of paramount importance to the users and organizations, and wherein the domains are well understood and documented. One such area of domain-specific modeling application is in the field of avionic systems. For software systems to be used onboard aircrafts they must be certified, and as such certification protocols have been established for developing these safety-critical systems. These established protocols are usually represented as textual documents and inherently are difficult to apply directly in software development environments. The work presented herein proposes a graphical modeling representation for an avionic software system certification specification and an accompanying model-driven methodology for implementing the certification specification. This work is based on the RTCA Software Consideration in Airborne Systems and Equipment specification and the Unified Modeling Language. The presented model-driven methodology, incorporates the use of formal specification techniques to satisfy many of the verification requirements of the RTCA specification. The benefit of this work is in the transformation of textual description to graphical models in support of precise software system development, and a rigorous model-driven software development methodology for avionic soft-ware system development

    Formalizing relations between use cases in the unified modeling language

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    The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a semi-formal graphical language that has been accepted as standard to model object-oriented software systems. This language defines various kinds of diagrams that are used to describe different aspects or views of a system. In particular, Use Cases diagrams are used to capture the requirements of the systems and to guide their development process. The different Use Cases defined throughout a development process are not independent but it is possible to set relations between them. The main relations considered by UML are the following: Generalization, Include and Extend. These relations as well as the remaining UML constructs are semi-formally defined, giving place to ambiguous interpretations and inconsistencies.\nThis paper presents a formalization that gives precision to the definition of the main relations between Use Cases. This formalization will allow us to check consistency when incrementing the Use Cases model during the software development process and when relating Use Cases model with others modelsÁrea: Informática Teórica - Inteligencia Artificial - Lenguajes - Compiladore

    Using Alloy to model-check visual design notations

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    This paper explores the process of validation for the abstract syntax of a graphical notation. We define an unified specification for five of the UML diagrams used by the Discovery Method and, in this document, we illustrate how diagrams can be represented in Alloy and checked against our specification in order to know if these are valid under the Discovery notation.Comment: 8 page