7 research outputs found

    Characterisation of spatial network-like patterns from junctions' geometry

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    We propose a new method for quantitative characterization of spatial network-like patterns with loops, such as surface fracture patterns, leaf vein networks and patterns of urban streets. Such patterns are not well characterized by purely topological estimators: also patterns that both look different and result from different morphogenetic processes can have similar topology. A local geometric cue -the angles formed by the different branches at junctions- can complement topological information and allow to quantify the large scale spatial coherence of the pattern. For patterns that grow over time, such as fracture lines on the surface of ceramics, the rank assigned by our method to each individual segment of the pattern approximates the order of appearance of that segment. We apply the method to various network-like patterns and we find a continuous but sharp dichotomy between two classes of spatial networks: hierarchical and homogeneous. The first class results from a sequential growth process and presents large scale organization, the latter presents local, but not global organization.Comment: version 2, 14 page

    X-ray tomographic analysis of the initial structure of the royal chamber and the nest-founding behavior of the drywood termite Incisitermes minor

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    The nesting biology of the drywood termite, Incisitermes minor, is poorly understood. To date, no published data are available regarding the in situ nest-gallery development of I. minor. Three naturally infested Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Carriere) timbers were analyzed by X-ray computer tomography to observe the structure of the first royal chamber and the termite’s nest-founding behavior. One timber was infested by a group of termites which emerged from their natal nest. The other two timbers were infested by dealate reproductives from the nuptial flight. The study revealed that the drywood termite engages in outside foraging activity and has great foraging flexibility. Computer tomographic images also revealed that I. minor reproductives showed anatomical selectivity in their nest-founding activity. The structure of the initial royal chambers varied to follow the anatomical texture of the timbers, which resembled either a European pear shape or a cashew nut shape

    The drivers of heuristic optimization in insect object manufacture and use

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    Insects have small brains and heuristics or ‘rules of thumb’ are proposed here to be a good model for how insects optimize the objects they make and use. Generally, heuristics are thought to increase the speed of decision making by reducing the computational resources needed for making decisions. By corollary, heuristic decisions are also deemed to impose a compromise in decision accuracy. Using examples from object optimization behavior in insects, we will argue that heuristics do not inevitably imply a lower computational burden or lower decision accuracy. We also show that heuristic optimization may be driven by certain features of the optimization problem itself: the properties of the object being optimized, the biology of the insect, and the properties of the function being optimized. We also delineate the structural conditions under which heuristic optimization may achieve accuracy equivalent to or better than more fine-grained and onerous optimization methods


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    With the increasing natural and human-made disasters, the risk of an event with potential to cause major disruption to our transportation systems and their components also increases. It is of paramount importance that transportation systems could be effectively recovered, thus economic loss due to the disasters can be minimized. This dissertation addresses the optimization problems for transportation system performance measurement, decision-making on pre-disaster preparedness and post-event recovery actions planning and scheduling to achieve the maximum network resilience level. In assessing a network's potential performance given possible future disruptions, one must recognize the contributions of the network's inherent ability to cope with disruption via its topological and operational attributes and potential actions that can be taken in the immediate aftermath of such an event. A two-stage stochastic program is formulated to solve the problem of measuring a network's maximum resilience level and simultaneously determining the optimal set of preparedness and recovery actions necessary to achieve this level under budget and level-of-service constraints. An exact methodology, employing the integer L-shaped method and Monte Carlo simulation, is proposed for its solution. In this dissertation, a nonlinear, stochastic, time-dependent integer program is proposed, from operational perspective, to schedule short-term recovery activities to maximize transportation network resilience. Two solution methods are proposed, both employing a decomposition approach to eliminate nonlinearities of the formulation. The first is an exact decomposition with branch-and-cut methodology, and the second is a hybrid genetic algorithm that evaluates each chromosome's fitness based on optimal objective values to the time-dependent maximum flow subproblem. Algorithm performance is also assessed on a test network. Finally, this dissertation studies the role of network topology in resilience. 17 specific network topologies were selected for network resilience analysis. Simple graph structures with 9~10 nodes and larger network with 100 nodes are assessed. Resilience is measured in terms of throughput and connectivity and average reciprocal distance. The integer L-shaped method is applied again to study the performance of the network structure with respect to all three resilience measures. The relationships between resilience and average degree, diameter, and cyclicity are also investigated

    Effects of information quantity and quality on collective decisions in human groups

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    Dans cette thĂšse, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l'impact de la quantitĂ© et de la qualitĂ© de l'information Ă©changĂ©e entre individus d'un groupe sur leurs performances collectives dans deux types de tĂąches bien spĂ©cifiques. Dans une premiĂšre sĂ©rie d'expĂ©riences, les sujets devaient estimer des quantitĂ©s sĂ©quentiellement, et pouvaient rĂ©viser leurs estimations aprĂšs avoir reçu comme information sociale l'estimation moyenne d'autres sujets. Nous contrĂŽlions cette information sociale Ă  l'aide de participants virtuels (dont nous contrĂŽlions le nombre) donnant une information (dont nous contrĂŽlions la valeur), Ă  l'insu des sujets. Nous avons montrĂ© que lorsque les sujets ont peu de connaissance prĂ©alable sur une quantitĂ© Ă  estimer, (les logarithmes de) leurs estimations suivent une distribution de Laplace. La mĂ©diane Ă©tant un bon estimateur du centre d'une distribution de Laplace, nous avons dĂ©fini la performance collective comme la proximitĂ© de la mĂ©diane (du logarithme) des estimations Ă  la vraie valeur. Nous avons trouvĂ© qu'aprĂšs influence sociale, et lorsque les agents virtuels fournissent une information correcte, la performance collective augmente avec la quantitĂ© d'information fournie (fraction d'agents virtuels). Nous avons aussi analysĂ© la sensibilitĂ© Ă  l'influence sociale des sujets, et trouvĂ© que celle-ci augmente avec la distance entre l'estimation personnelle et l'information sociale. Ces analyses ont permis de dĂ©finir 5 traits de comportement : garder son opinion, adopter celle des autres, faire un compromis, amplifier l'information sociale ou au contraire la contredire. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que les sujets qui adoptent l'opinion des autres sont ceux qui amĂ©liorent le mieux leur performance, car ils sont capables de bĂ©nĂ©ficier de l'information apportĂ©e par les agents virtuels. Nous avons ensuite utilisĂ© ces analyses pour construire et calibrer un modĂšle d'estimation collective, qui reproduit quantitativement les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux et prĂ©dit qu'une quantitĂ© limitĂ©e d'information incorrecte peut contrebalancer un biais cognitif des sujets consistant Ă  sous-estimer les quantitĂ©s, et ainsi amĂ©liorer la performance collective. D'autres expĂ©riences ont permis de valider cette prĂ©diction. Dans une seconde sĂ©rie d'expĂ©riences, des groupes de 22 piĂ©tons devaient se sĂ©parer en clusters de la mĂȘme "couleur", sans indice visuel (les couleurs Ă©taient inconnues), aprĂšs une courte pĂ©riode de marche alĂ©atoire. Pour les aider Ă  accomplir leur tĂąche, nous avons utilisĂ© un systĂšme de filtrage de l'information disponible (analogue Ă  un dispositif sensoriel tel que la rĂ©tine), prenant en entrĂ©e l'ensemble des positions et couleurs des individus, et retournant un signal sonore aux sujets (Ă©mit par des tags attachĂ©s Ă  leurs Ă©paules) lorsque la majoritĂ© de leurs k plus proches voisins Ă©tait de l'autre couleur que la leur. La rĂšgle consistait Ă  s'arrĂȘter de marcher lorsque le signal stoppait. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l'impact de diverses valeurs de k sur le temps et la qualitĂ© de la sĂ©grĂ©gation, dĂ©finie comme le nombre de clusters Ă  l'instant final, par analogie avec les phĂ©nomĂšnes de sĂ©paration de phase (une sĂ©grĂ©gation "parfaite" correspondant Ă  la formation de deux clusters bien distincts). Nous avons trouvĂ© que le temps de sĂ©grĂ©gation est optimisĂ© pour k = 7 ~ 9, et que la qualitĂ© de la sĂ©grĂ©gation augmente avec k jusqu'Ă  k = 7 ~ 9 Ă©galement, valeur au-delĂ  de laquelle elle sature. Notre dispositif nous a Ă©galement permis d'enregistrer les positions des piĂ©tons durant les expĂ©riences, ce qui nous a permis de caractĂ©riser et modĂ©liser les interactions des piĂ©tons avec le bord de l'arĂšne et entre eux durant la marche alĂ©atoire. À l'aide d'une procĂ©dure de minimisation d'erreur, nous avons reconstruit les formes fonctionnelles prĂ©cises des interactions et construit un modĂšle fin de mouvement collectif de piĂ©tons.In this thesis, we were interested in the impact of the quantity and quality of information ex- changed between individuals in a group on their collective performance in two very specific types of tasks. In a first series of experiments, subjects had to estimate quantities sequentially, and could revise their estimates after receiving the average estimate of other subjects as social information. We controlled this social information through virtual participants (which number we controlled) giving information (which value we controlled), unknowingly to the subjects. We showed that when subjects have little prior knowledge about a quantity to estimate, (the loga- rithms of) their estimates follow a Laplace distribution. Since the median is a good estimator of the center of a Laplace distribution, we defined collective performance as the proximity of the median (log) estimate to the true value. We found that after social influence, and when the information provided by the virtual agents is correct, the collective performance increases with the amount of information provided (fraction of virtual agents). We also analysed subjects' sensitivity to social influence, and found that it increases with the distance between personal estimate and social information. These analyses made it possible to define five behavioral traits: to keep one's opinion, to adopt that of others, to compromise, to amplify social information or to contradict it. Our results showed that the subjects who adopt the opinion of others are the ones who best improve their performance because they are able to benefit from the infor- mation provided by the virtual agents. We then used these analyses to construct and calibrate a model of collective estimation, which quantitatively reproduced the experimental results and predicted that a limited amount of incorrect information can counterbalance a cognitive bias that makes subjects underestimate quantities, and thus improve collective performance. Further experiments have validated this prediction. In a second series of experiments, groups of 22 pedestrians had to segregate into clusters of the same "color", without visual cue (the colors were unknown), after a short period of random walk. To help them accomplish their task, we used an information filtering system (analogous to a sensory device such as the retina), taking all the positions and colors of individuals in input, and returning an acoustic signal to the subjects (emitted by tags attached to their shoulders) when the majority of their k nearest neighbors was of a different color from theirs. The rule was to stop walking when the signal stopped. We studied the impact of various values of k on segregation time and quality, defined as the number of clusters at final time, by analogy with phase separation phenomena (a segregation was considered "perfect" when two distinct clusters were formed). We found that segregation time is optimized for k = 7 ~ 9, and that segregation quality increases with k up to k = 7 ~ 9 as well, value beyond which it saturates. Our device has also allowed us to record the positions of the pedestrians during the experiments, which allowed us to characterize and model the interactions of pedestrians with the border of the arena and between them during the random walk phase. Using an error minimization procedure, we were able to reconstruct the precise functional forms of the interactions and built a fine model of collective pedestrian motion

    12th SC@RUG 2015 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2014-2015

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    The topological fortress of termites

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    appeared in LNCS 5151: Bio-Inspired Computing and Communication, First Workshop on Bio-Inspired Design of Networks, BIOWIRE 2007, Cambridge, UK, April 2-5, 2007, Revised Selected Papers. Eds: P Lió, E Crowcroft, D C Verma. Springer Verlag.International audienceTermites are known for building some of the most elaborate architectures observed in the animal world. We here analyse some topological properties of three dimensional networks of galleries built by termites of the genus Cubitermes. These networks are extremely sparse, in spite of the fact that there is no building cost associated with higher connectivity. In addition, more “central” vertices (in term of betweenness or degree) are preferentially localised at spatial positions far from the external nest walls (more than in a null network model calibrated to exactly the same spatial arrangement of vertices). We argue that both sparseness and the particular spatial location of “central” vertices may be adaptive, because they provide an ecological advantage for nest defence against the attacks from other insects