353 research outputs found

    DoS and DDoS Attacks: Defense, Detection and Traceback Mechanisms - A Survey

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    Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are typically explicit attempts to exhaust victim2019;s bandwidth or disrupt legitimate users2019; access to services. Traditional architecture of internet is vulnerable to DDoS attacks and it provides an opportunity to an attacker to gain access to a large number of compromised computers by exploiting their vulnerabilities to set up attack networks or Botnets. Once attack network or Botnet has been set up, an attacker invokes a large-scale, coordinated attack against one or more targets. Asa result of the continuous evolution of new attacks and ever-increasing range of vulnerable hosts on the internet, many DDoS attack Detection, Prevention and Traceback mechanisms have been proposed, In this paper, we tend to surveyed different types of attacks and techniques of DDoS attacks and their countermeasures. The significance of this paper is that the coverage of many aspects of countering DDoS attacks including detection, defence and mitigation, traceback approaches, open issues and research challenges

    Hunting for Runaways from the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    We use Gaia DR2 to hunt for runaway stars from the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). We search a region extending 45{\deg} around the ONC and out to 1 kpc to find sources that overlapped in angular position with the cluster in the last ~10 Myr. We find ~17,000 runaway/walkaway candidates satisfy this 2D traceback condition. Most of these are expected to be contaminants, e.g., caused by Galactic streaming motions of stars at different distances. We thus examine six further tests to help identify real runaways, namely: (1) possessing young stellar object (YSO) colors and magnitudes based on Gaia optical photometry; (2) having IR excess consistent with YSOs based on 2MASS and WISE photometry; (3) having a high degree of optical variability; (4) having closest approach distances well constrained to within the cluster half-mass radius; (5) having ejection directions that avoid the main Galactic streaming contamination zone; and (6) having a required radial velocity (RV) for 3D overlap of reasonable magnitude (or, for the 7% of candidates with measured RVs, satisfying 3D traceback). Thirteen sources, not previously noted as Orion members, pass all these tests, while another twelve are similarly promising, except they are in the main Galactic streaming contamination zone. Among these 25 ejection candidates, ten with measured RVs pass the most restrictive 3D traceback condition. We present full lists of runaway/walkaway candidates, estimate the high-velocity population ejected from the ONC and discuss its implications for cluster formation theories via comparison with numerical simulations.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Wide spectrum attribution: Using deception for attribution intelligence in cyber attacks

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    Modern cyber attacks have evolved considerably. The skill level required to conduct a cyber attack is low. Computing power is cheap, targets are diverse and plentiful. Point-and-click crimeware kits are widely circulated in the underground economy, while source code for sophisticated malware such as Stuxnet is available for all to download and repurpose. Despite decades of research into defensive techniques, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, anti-virus, code auditing, etc, the quantity of successful cyber attacks continues to increase, as does the number of vulnerabilities identified. Measures to identify perpetrators, known as attribution, have existed for as long as there have been cyber attacks. The most actively researched technical attribution techniques involve the marking and logging of network packets. These techniques are performed by network devices along the packet journey, which most often requires modification of existing router hardware and/or software, or the inclusion of additional devices. These modifications require wide-scale infrastructure changes that are not only complex and costly, but invoke legal, ethical and governance issues. The usefulness of these techniques is also often questioned, as attack actors use multiple stepping stones, often innocent systems that have been compromised, to mask the true source. As such, this thesis identifies that no publicly known previous work has been deployed on a wide-scale basis in the Internet infrastructure. This research investigates the use of an often overlooked tool for attribution: cyber de- ception. The main contribution of this work is a significant advancement in the field of deception and honeypots as technical attribution techniques. Specifically, the design and implementation of two novel honeypot approaches; i) Deception Inside Credential Engine (DICE), that uses policy and honeytokens to identify adversaries returning from different origins and ii) Adaptive Honeynet Framework (AHFW), an introspection and adaptive honeynet framework that uses actor-dependent triggers to modify the honeynet envi- ronment, to engage the adversary, increasing the quantity and diversity of interactions. The two approaches are based on a systematic review of the technical attribution litera- ture that was used to derive a set of requirements for honeypots as technical attribution techniques. Both approaches lead the way for further research in this field

    Using honeypots to trace back amplification DDoS attacks

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    In today’s interconnected world, Denial-of-Service attacks can cause great harm by simply rendering a target system or service inaccessible. Amongst the most powerful and widespread DoS attacks are amplification attacks, in which thousands of vulnerable servers are tricked into reflecting and amplifying attack traffic. However, as these attacks inherently rely on IP spoofing, the true attack source is hidden. Consequently, going after the offenders behind these attacks has so far been deemed impractical. This thesis presents a line of work that enables practical attack traceback supported by honeypot reflectors. To this end, we investigate the tradeoffs between applicability, required a priori knowledge, and traceback granularity in three settings. First, we show how spoofed attack packets and non-spoofed scan packets can be linked using honeypot-induced fingerprints, which allows attributing attacks launched from the same infrastructures as scans. Second, we present a classifier-based approach to trace back attacks launched from booter services after collecting ground-truth data through self-attacks. Third, we propose to use BGP poisoning to locate the attacking network without prior knowledge and even when attack and scan infrastructures are disjoint. Finally, as all of our approaches rely on honeypot reflectors, we introduce an automated end-to-end pipeline to systematically find amplification vulnerabilities and synthesize corresponding honeypots.In der heutigen vernetzten Welt können Denial-of-Service-Angriffe große Schäden verursachen, einfach indem sie ihr Zielsystem unerreichbar machen. Zu den stärksten und verbreitetsten DoS-Angriffen zählen Amplification-Angriffe, bei denen tausende verwundbarer Server missbraucht werden, um Angriffsverkehr zu reflektieren und zu verstärken. Da solche Angriffe jedoch zwingend gefälschte IP-Absenderadressen nutzen, ist die wahre Angriffsquelle verdeckt. Damit gilt die Verfolgung der Täter bislang als unpraktikabel. Diese Dissertation präsentiert eine Reihe von Arbeiten, die praktikable Angriffsrückverfolgung durch den Einsatz von Honeypots ermöglicht. Dazu untersuchen wir das Spannungsfeld zwischen Anwendbarkeit, benötigtem Vorwissen, und Rückverfolgungsgranularität in drei Szenarien. Zuerst zeigen wir, wie gefälschte Angriffs- und ungefälschte Scan-Datenpakete miteinander verknüpft werden können. Dies ermöglicht uns die Rückverfolgung von Angriffen, die ebenfalls von Scan-Infrastrukturen aus durchgeführt wurden. Zweitens präsentieren wir einen Klassifikator-basierten Ansatz um Angriffe durch Booter-Services mittels vorher durch Selbstangriffe gesammelter Daten zurückzuverfolgen. Drittens zeigen wir auf, wie BGP Poisoning genutzt werden kann, um ohne weiteres Vorwissen das angreifende Netzwerk zu ermitteln. Schließlich präsentieren wir einen automatisierten Prozess, um systematisch Schwachstellen zu finden und entsprechende Honeypots zu synthetisieren

    The development of a database taxonomy of vulnerabilities to support the study of denial of service attacks

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    As computer networks continue to proliferate, the world\u27s dependence on a secure communication infrastructure is of prime importance. Disruption of service through Denial of Service (DoS) attacks can result in great financial loss for Internet-based companies and major inconveniences for users of Internet services. The purpose of this two-year study was to study and understand network denial of service attacks so that methods may be developed to detect and prevent them.;Initially, the researcher constructed a database of system and network exploits that revealed the underlying vulnerabilities in the software or protocols they attack. The database was populated with exploits posted at popular reporting sites such as Rootshell, Bugtraq, Security Focus. To encourage the use of a common vulnerability taxonomy and to facilitate sharing of data, parts of the classification scheme proposed by Krsul (1998) in his research were included, as well as developing a taxonomy tree based on the current research.;Sifting through the reports and categorizing the attacks has been a challenging experience; and creating categories that are unambiguous, repeatable, and exhaustive has proven to be a difficult task. The results were two to three methods of classification that are useful for developing categories of vulnerabilities. The next phase of the project was to look for any clustering of attacks based on these vulnerability categories, and to determine if effective countermeasures can be deployed against them. Although past history is no guarantee of future exploit activity, it is hoped that the countermeasures proposed based on these 630 exploits will remain valid for future DoS attacks. Toward this goal, the research made use of data mining software packages to plot the various categories of attacks so that the interrelationships could be more easily discovered and studied. A sampling of the database plots, an interpretation of the plotted data, and the countermeasures proposed for the vulnerability categories developed as part of the database creation are presented in this research

    Protecting Cyber Physical Systems Using a Learned MAPE-K Model

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    Ransomware is the most prevalent emerging business risk nowadays. It seriously affects business continuity and operations. According to Deloitte Cyber Security Landscape 2022, up to 4000 ransomware attacks occur daily, while the average number of days an organization takes to identify a breach is 191. Sophisticated cyber-attacks such as ransomware typically must go through multiple consecutive phases (initial foothold, network propagation, and action on objectives) before accomplishing its final objective. This study analyzed decoy-based solutions as an approach (detection, prevention, or mitigation) to overcome ransomware. A systematic literature review was conducted, in which the result has shown that deception-based techniques have given effective and significant performance against ransomware with minimal resources. It is also identified that contrary to general belief, deception techniques mainly involved in passive approaches (i.e., prevention, detection) possess other active capabilities such as ransomware traceback and obstruction (thwarting), file decryption, and decryption key recovery. Based on the literature review, several evaluation methods are also analyzed to measure the effectiveness of these deception-based techniques during the implementation process