33 research outputs found

    Mythos Enigma

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    Die Entschlüsselung der deutschen Chiffriermaschine »Enigma« durch die Briten gehört zu den bestgehüteten Geheimnissen des Zweiten Weltkrieges - erst 1974 wurde die Öffentlichkeit über die erfolgreichen Bemühungen informiert. Seither ist das Interesse an der »Enigma« bei Laien und Fachwelt ungebrochen. »Mythos Enigma« geht dieser Faszination in einer Feldstudie nach und nimmt die Spuren der Maschine nicht nur in Deutschland, England und in den USA, sondern auch in der Schweiz auf: Dass die geheimnisvolle Maschine aus Deutschland auch in diesem neutralen Land benutzt wurde, war bisher kaum bekannt. Die Motive von Wissenschaftlern, Sammlern und Zeitzeugen mögen unterschiedlich sein, ihre Bemühungen kommen aber auf eine geheimnisvolle Art am Schluss wieder zusammen. Ähnliches lässt sich von fiktionaler Literatur und Filmen sagen, die das Thema aufgreifen. Die Faszination von »Enigma« (lat. »Geheimnis«) ist eine Chiffre für unseren Umgang mit dem Geheimen

    How digital data are used in the domain of health: A short review of current knowledge

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    In the era of digitalization, digital data is available about every aspect of our daily lives, including our physical and mental health. Digital data has been applied in the domain of healthcare for the detection of an outbreak of infectious diseases, clinical decision support, personalized care, and genomics. This paper will serve as a review of the rapidly evolving field of digital health. More specifically, we will discuss (1) big data and physical health, (2) big data and mental health, (3) digital contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and finally, (4) ethical issues with using digital data for health-related purposes. With this review, we aim to stimulate a public debate on the appropriate usage of digital data in the health sector

    As German as Kafka

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    Since the turn of the 21st century, countless literary endeavors by 'new Germans' have entered the spotlight of academic research. Yet 'minority writing', with its distinctive renegotiation of traditional concepts of cultural identity, is far from a recent phenomenon in German literature. A hundred years previously, the intense involvement of German-Jewish intellectuals in cultural and political discourses on Jewish identity put a clear stamp on German modernism. This book is the first to unfold literary parallels between these two riveting periods in German cultural history. Drawing on the philosophical oeuvre of Jean-Luc Nancy, a comparative reading of texts by, amongst others, Beer-Hofmann, Kermani, Özdamar, Roth, Schnitzler, and Zaimoglu examines a variety of literary approaches to the thorny issue of cultural identity, while developing an overarching perspective on the ‘politics of literature’

    Twenty-ninth annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the city of Manchester, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1874, together with other annual reports and papers relating to the affairs of the city.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Fegurðin - Er: Emily Dickinson í íslenskum bókmenntaheimi

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    Rannsóknin fjallar um bandaríska ljóðskáldið Emily Dickinson (1830–1886), með áherslu á túlkun og viðtökur ljóða hennar á síðari tímum, bæði erlendis sem og á Íslandi. Ritgerðin er þverfræðileg, á mörkum bókmenntafræði, þýðingafræði og ritlistar. Sérstaklega er fjallað um stöðu íslensks þýðanda og íslenskrar ljóðlistar andspænis hinu byltingarkennda ljóðmáli Emily Dickinson, og mynda þýðingar ritgerðarhöfundar á ríflega 200 ljóðum hennar hluta rannsóknarinnar. Ein meginforsenda ritgerðarinnar er að verkefni bókmenntaþýðenda skarist í senn við frumsaminn skáldskap og við túlkunarstarf gagnrýnenda og fræðimanna, en þýðingar myndi þó jafnframt sérstaka og að ýmsu leyti sjálfstæða gerð orðræðu.Styrktarsjóður Eimskipafélags Ísland

    Vegetable Crops

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    In ancient times, people benefited from ingesting different parts of various weeds (root, stem, shoot, leaf, flower, fruit, seed, etc.) to maintain a healthy life. People have obtained the vegetables we grow today by succeeding in cultivating these weeds. This book explains the health benefits of vegetable crops, organic vegetable growing, greenhouse management, and principles of irrigation management for vegetable crops

    The Errant Labor of the Humanities: Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas

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    In preparing this Festschrift, we had in mind a specific inflection of the concept of errancy, one that comes from the rich and layered work of the American scholar and philosopher William V. Spanos, who conceived it as a way of rendering the logos and telos of the American project subject to thorough rethinking and redefinition, both in history and at present. By calling attention to the complementarity of the work of the two scholars, Grgas and Spanos, who both hone their critical skills on the theme of the logic of the American project, we do not so much intend to claim a direct influence but rather wish to highlight the confluence, commingling, and inspiration that working in the humanities may engender. This commonality is featured in the work of Spanos and in the work of Grgas as a dedicated and passionate engagement with the practices and possibilities inscribed in the discipline, which also requires the scholar to move beyond the given and inhabit what Spanos calls a meta-level of thinking. Grgas’s work, located at the intersection of several disciplines within the humanities and social sciences (which is reflected in the principal themes of this Festschrift), reveals precisely such a commitment that has in the course of his long, fruitful and versatile career charted out a scholarly position always in the process of becoming, and never quite stabilized and domesticated. Grgas’s academic career has been as diverse as the humanistic disciplinary habitus allows: a provocative and popular lecturer, a researcher of tireless intellectual curiosity, a scholar testing the boundaries of disciplines, an enthusiastic and motivating mentor, a thoughtful and sensitive translator, or, as one of the contribution shows, an unobtrusive poet, Grgas has always displayed a remarkable intellectual energy in every aspect of his engagement with the varied and nowadays often embattled debates in the humanities. However, Grgas’s work as an Americanist, cultural theorist, translator, writer, mentor, and teacher doesn’t merely reflect the exciting, if uncontainable, shifts marking the discipline in the last couple of decades; rather, his intellectual labor has been committed to offering a new way of comprehending this change, its scope, direction, and consequences, so as to create an intense web of connections and interrelations where different disciplines talk to one another, without hastening to provide answers so much as to provoke the right kind of questions. The questioning and questing nature of Grgas’s work has marked his writing from the start, but it has intensified in his later writing as the humanities find themselves facing a whole new set of questions for the new millennium. His sustained effort to bring a new awareness of economic issues to discussions of culture and literature in the recent period has been both timely and critically engaged in its reflection on why this issue is particularly significant at this point in history. The layout of the Festschrift may be said to loosely reflect and acknowledge Grgas’s scholarly interests that have charted out his career in the field of the humanities. (from the Editors’ Preface)In preparing this Festschrift, we had in mind a specific inflection of the concept of errancy, one that comes from the rich and layered work of the American scholar and philosopher William V. Spanos, who conceived it as a way of rendering the logos and telos of the American project subject to thorough rethinking and redefinition, both in history and at present. By calling attention to the complementarity of the work of the two scholars, Grgas and Spanos, who both hone their critical skills on the theme of the logic of the American project, we do not so much intend to claim a direct influence but rather wish to highlight the confluence, commingling, and inspiration that working in the humanities may engender. This commonality is featured in the work of Spanos and in the work of Grgas as a dedicated and passionate engagement with the practices and possibilities inscribed in the discipline, which also requires the scholar to move beyond the given and inhabit what Spanos calls a meta-level of thinking. Grgas’s work, located at the intersection of several disciplines within the humanities and social sciences (which is reflected in the principal themes of this Festschrift), reveals precisely such a commitment that has in the course of his long, fruitful and versatile career charted out a scholarly position always in the process of becoming, and never quite stabilized and domesticated. Grgas’s academic career has been as diverse as the humanistic disciplinary habitus allows: a provocative and popular lecturer, a researcher of tireless intellectual curiosity, a scholar testing the boundaries of disciplines, an enthusiastic and motivating mentor, a thoughtful and sensitive translator, or, as one of the contribution shows, an unobtrusive poet, Grgas has always displayed a remarkable intellectual energy in every aspect of his engagement with the varied and nowadays often embattled debates in the humanities. However, Grgas’s work as an Americanist, cultural theorist, translator, writer, mentor, and teacher doesn’t merely reflect the exciting, if uncontainable, shifts marking the discipline in the last couple of decades; rather, his intellectual labor has been committed to offering a new way of comprehending this change, its scope, direction, and consequences, so as to create an intense web of connections and interrelations where different disciplines talk to one another, without hastening to provide answers so much as to provoke the right kind of questions. The questioning and questing nature of Grgas’s work has marked his writing from the start, but it has intensified in his later writing as the humanities find themselves facing a whole new set of questions for the new millennium. His sustained effort to bring a new awareness of economic issues to discussions of culture and literature in the recent period has been both timely and critically engaged in its reflection on why this issue is particularly significant at this point in history. The layout of the Festschrift may be said to loosely reflect and acknowledge Grgas’s scholarly interests that have charted out his career in the field of the humanities. (from the Editors’ Preface