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    Spartan Daily, November 19, 1997

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    Volume 109, Issue 58https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9205/thumbnail.jp

    Fashion design in a multicultural space

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    The collective monograph contains the results of the synthesis of theoretical materials, as well as the authors` applied research developments on the design of the clothes of different assortment and purpose, made from different materials considering the modern scientific methods

    Fashion design in a multicultural space

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    Одяг як результат дизайнерської діяльності створюється відповідно до загальних закономірностей і формотворчих методів будь- яких об’єктів дизайну. Актуальною проблемою сучасного дизайну одягу є не тільки вирішення функціональних завдань виготовлення готових виробів, а й забезпечення художньої виразності одягу в контексті модних і образно-стильових тенденцій даного часового періоду, гармонійної досконалості форми з урахуванням властивостей матеріалів та інших складових. Широкий асортимент сучасних текстильних матеріалів, швидка зміна моди, конструктивне та стильове розмаїття сучасного одягу, а також стрімке впровадження комп’ютерних технологій проектування зумовлюють потребу у новітніх концептуальних підходах до дизайну одягу. У монографії розглянуто проблеми дизайну одягу з позицій мистецтва та технологій.Clothing as a result of design activities is created in accordance with the general laws and methods of shaping any design object. The pressing issue of modern fashion design is not only solving the functional task of creation of ready-made products but also ensuring the artistic expressiveness of the clothes in the context of fashion and imaginative and stylistic trends of the specific time, the harmonious perfection of shape, considering the properties of the materials and other components. A wide range of modern textile materials, rapid changes in fashion, constructive and stylistic diversity of modern clothing, as well as the rapid introduction of computer-aided design technologies necessitate innovative conceptual approaches to clothing design. The monograph considers the problems of fashion design from the perspective of art and technologies

    Nutritional Status and Basic Hygiene Practices of Rural School Age Children of Savar Region, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Introduction: School children in the  developing countries are susceptible to nutrition related health problems due to demographic and socio-economic factors, as well as limited access to food. Since BMI is a common proxy measure used to evaluate nutritional status, the aim of this study was to investigate the BMI categories in school-aged children in Dhaka, Bangladesh.Methods: A cross sectional study of 155 children, aged 6-12 years was conducted at Jahangirnagar University School in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The data collection was performed by in-person interviews and semi-structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, ?2 test, Fisher’s exact test, and One-Way ANOVA test were performed to compare the variables based on BMI percentiles. Data were analyzed using the Microsoft Excel program (version 2010).Results: Mean BMI of the students was 17.27 (SD=3.16). The prevalence of underweight and overweight/obesity was 11.0% and 25.8%, respectively. Categories of BMI percentiles were associated with birth order (p=0.026), personal hygiene practices (washing hands after coming home from outside (p<0.001) and before meal (p=0.045)), brushing teeth (p<0.001), the number of food items consumed daily (p<0.001), and mothers’ occupation (p=0.006). In context of basic hygiene practice, 61.3 % of respondents washed hands after coming home from outside, and 93.5 % reported washing hands before the meals.Conclusions: This study revealed that more than one third of the students had abnormal BMI. BMI screening in rural schools needs to be recommended in early grades for all children


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    Avanttítol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripció del recurs: 25 juliol 202

    Cookstoves, Candles, and Phthalates – Real Time Physicochemical Characterization and Human Exposure to Indoor Aerosols

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    Exposure to air pollution is associated with adverse health effects in humans, with special concern for exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The physicochemical properties of aerosols impact the health effects. Considering that we spend approximately 90% of our time indoors, it is important to gain increased understanding of indoor aerosol concentrations and properties. The overall aim of the research presented in this thesis was to characterize the physicochemical properties of indoor aerosols from cookstoves, candles, and phthalate sources, and to assess their contribution to human exposure. Aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) was applied for real time measurements of the aerosol chemical composition and concentration throughout the measurements included in the thesis.Emissions from four different cookstoves commonly used in sub Saharan Africa were measured with AMS and interpreted on the basis of a simplified framework describing the thermochemical conversion of biomass. The framework was validated by a correlation analysis of the included emission classes. Moreover, the results showed reduced PM1 emissions for more advanced stoves. However, pollutants which are of specific health concern, were not reduced in proportion to PM1. Even when PM1 emissions were reduced, high emissions of pollutants that have a strong impact on health and climate may be emitted, for example polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs) and refractory black carbon (rBC). The framework may be applied to estimate emissions of classes that were not measured in the experiments.Aerosol emissions from stressed burning of five types of candles of different wax and wick compositions were studied. We found strong variations between the candle types in emissions of PM2.5, BC, and PAHs, as well as strong variations over time, depending on the wax and wick composition. Candle emissions from stressed burning were dominated by BC emissions, with minor contributions from inorganic and organic aerosol emissions. The candles that emitted the lowest BC concentrations showed high emissions of ultrafine particles. NOx, formaldehyde, and gas-phase PAHs showed less variation between candle types and proved difficult to reduce by altering the wax and wick composition. The emissions of particle phase PAHs, BC, and organic aerosol showed strong correlations at the stressed burning of candles, and may be used as proxies for each other.The sorption of di-(2-ethyhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on laboratory generated ammonium sulfate particles and indoor air particles was investigated by passing the particles through a 1.2 L chamber equipped with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) flooring. A higher sorption of DEHP to indoor particles, with a higher organic mass fraction, was measured compared to laboratory generated ammonium sulfate particles. In presence of airborne particles the emission of DEHP from PVC flooring increased. Thus, when particles are present in indoor air, the airborne concentration of DEHP available for respiratory deposition may increase. The sorption of DEHP on particles depends on the particle chemical composition. Organic particle concentrations are often high indoors, which promotes the sorption of DEHP and other SVOCs, which in turn may contribute to increased human exposure to DEHP and other SVOCs. This highlights the need to reduce health detrimental chemicals in consumer products and building materials, and to reduce particle concentrations in indoor environments.A human exposure study was conducted to elucidate the dermal and inhalation uptake in 16 volunteers from exposure to airborne gas- and particle phase phthalates, with participants wearing clean clothing. The uptake was measured, via combined inhalation and dermal air-to-skin transfer and via air-to-skin transfer only for the gas-phase diethyl phthalate (DEP) and for particle phase DEHP. Dermal uptake via air-to-skin transfer only with clean clothing acting as a barrier was ten times lower than the uptake via inhalation for DEP. Only uptake via inhalation was measurable for the particle phase DEHP. DEHP uptake via the skin was below the detection limit. The uptake of the gas-phase DEP via inhalation was four times higher compared to the particle phase DEHP, which reflects the differences in the lung deposition of gases and particles. The physicochemical properties of SVOCs influence their gas-particle partitioning and the likelihood of uptake via both inhalation and the skin, which should be considered in risk assessments of SVOCs.The results presented in this thesis highlight the importance of detailed physicochemical characterization of indoor aerosols, and the need for a more complete evaluation of their impact on human health

    Historic medical perspectives of corseting and two physiologic studies with reenactors

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    Safety of historic reenactors was the primary reason for this research. No studies of corseted subjects have been done since the late nineteenth century. Clinical observations about the effects of corsets were numerous in the medical literature; but dress reform efforts by doctors were not effective in changing fashion. Arguments by Dress Reformers did not concentrate on the medical aspects of corseting;Two historic physiologic studies were reproduced using modern equipment. Sixteen subjects took part in lung capacity and comfort assessments, and eight of the subjects had torso pressures measured. When tight-laced three inches less than their natural waist measurement, subjects lost an average of 9% of their tidal volume as measured by spirometer, with the range from 2%--29%. Shortness of breath was reported in varying degrees by all subjects, but was relieved easily with rest. No serious physiologic effects were seen with one day of corseting. Comfort was greater when tight-lacing was 10% or less of natural waist measurement; subjects with waist measurements greater than 32.5 inches [median of group] were more comfortable than those with waists less than 32.5 inches. Both small and large waisted subjects were able to carry on their routine reenactment duties with some adjustments. Torso pressure measurements were greatest at the rib position, with 56 cm. of H2O (+/-35), compared to waist front pressure of 48 cm. of H2O (+/-33), and waist back pressure of 48 cm. of H2O (+/-14). The pressures were proportionately similar to the findings of the historic study;Recommendations for reenactors were: (1) tight-lace no more than 10% of her waist measurement; (2) exercise regularly to maintain abdominal and spinal musculature and prevent serious muscle atrophy with resultant dependence on corset

    Theory and design in the age of pop

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    A research on footwear and foot interaction through anatomy and human engineering

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Industrial Design, Izmir, 2005Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 144)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxix, 155 leavesThe main purpose of this thesis is to examine the footwear design from the human engineering point of view. Traditionally, the concern of the designer has mostly concerned to the form in footwear design field, but user and environment-conscious designer should think about the value and compatibility of the footwear to experience comfort, performance, safety and satisfaction during use. To develop the "Footwear Design" in a human centered way, the designer should be able to synthesis the datum of design that had been analyzed from the "Human Engineering. point of view and able to assess or evaluate which design solution is better and compatible for human mobility.The basic aim of this study is to help designers to comprehend the conceptual infrastructure of footwear and foot interaction such as anatomy, anthropometry, biomechanics, physical characteristics, and ergonomics.One of the main purposes of chapter 2 is to examine the every aspect of industrial product design from the human engineering point of view and in this context, the definition of footwear design elements.In chapter 3, the foot structure is analyzed from the anatomical, morphological and biomechanical point of view with respect to foot-footwear interaction and human engineering and the Failings of modern footwear design and its discordant features and detrimental manner for the foot natural characteristics are examined to attract the attention of the designers for perceiving the responsibility that they have.In chapter 4, there are two main sections which contain fundamental design criteria through foot- footwear interaction and ergonomic considerations. Then the innovative and affirmative characteristic of modern footwear design is analyzed to encourage the designer to design the better products to drive the footwear design to new heights with respect to human nature using appropriate materials and appropriate forms