611,090 research outputs found

    The Effect Model Inquiry Training Media and Logical Thinking Ability to Student\u27s Science Process Skill

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    The aim of the research is to analyz : student\u27s science process skill using inquiry training learning model is better than konvesional learning.Student\u27s science process skill who have logical thinking ability above average are better than under average,and the interaction between inquiry training media and logical thinking ability to increase student\u27s science process skill.The experiment was conducted in SMP 6 Medan as population and class VII-K and VII-J were chosen as sample through cluster random sampling.Science prosess skill used essay test and logical thinking used multiple choice as instrument.Result of the data was analyzed by using two ways ANAVA.Result show that : student\u27s science process skill using inquiry training learning model is better than konvesional learning,student\u27s science process skill who logical thinking ability above average are better than under average and the interaction between inquiry training learning model media and logical thinking ability to increase student\u27s science process skill

    Studi Komparatif Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Dan Kinerja Ilmiah Biologi SMA

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    This research aims at to know and analyse the differences of critical thinking skill and students\u27 scientific among guided student with study problem based learning model compared to guided student with STAD type of cooperative learning model. This research type was quasi experiment, in which by using the posttest only control group design. This research was conducted on tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Negara for the academic year 2012/2013, the samples for this research were X7 and X9. The data of this research, was the students\u27 critical thinking skill, and students\u27 scientific performance. The results of the research are as follows (1) there was differences of critical thinking skill and students\u27 scientific among guided student with study problem based learning model compared to guided student with STAD type of cooperative learning model, (2) there was differences of critical thinking skill among guided student with study problem based learning model compared to guided student with STAD type of cooperative learning model, and (3) there was differences of students\u27 scientific among guided student with study problem based learning model compared to guided student with STAD type of cooperative learning model. Keywords : Problem Based Learning, STAD, Critical Thinking, Scientifi


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    This study aims to (1) obtain a model of the organization of the Student Welding Skill Competition, (2) determine the organization of the Student Welding Skill Competition model implementation, (3) determine the management of the Student Welding Skill Competition, and (4) determine the results of the Student Welding Skill Competition which can accommodate the interests of learning welding practices while meeting the competence aspects in the form of competition . This study is a survey to describe a systematic, factual , and accurate information on the facts , properties , and relationships in Student Welding Skill Competition phenomena. The steps are: (1) establish guidelines, modules, technical instructions and SOPs ; (2) set a piece of observation, (3) collect data, (4) analyzing the data, (5) discussion of the results of data analysis, and (6) concluded that the results analysis in the form of data description and recommendation. Quantitative data analysis techniques, to calculate the frequency, average, and percentage. In addition another trend seen from the median, mode and standard deviation that occurs, then concluded qualitatively. Conclusion : (1) the implementation model of Student Welding Skill Competition learning module contains teaching materials, SOP, evaluation procedures, training and competency testing, (2) the implementation of the model shows that there is an increased learning outcomes with a significant difference between before and after the learning activities, (3) management aspects of Student Welding Skill Competition is good towards very good, but there are findings : inadequate rewards for participants and teachers, lack of coordination among the stakeholders, the place of training in school workshops with inadequate facilities, (4) Student Welding Skill Competition results are : weaknesses in the knowledge and understanding of the participants to determine the requirements of welding, the error in the set up SMAW machine, set the welding current, the awareness of the importance of occupational health and safety equipment, as well as the presence of welding defects in welds. It is not able to accommodate the interests of welding practices while meeting the learning aspect of competence in the form of competition / certification

    Pembelajaran Kju!:atif-kjutis Bermuatan Hard-skill dan Soft-skill Mata Kuliah Ilmu Pendidikan

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    The purpose of the teaching through critical-creative learningmodel grant for educational science subject is to improve student \u27sawareness of hard skill and .~·oft skill as two significant elemrnts ofcompetencies that non formal education students must have. Tl.egrant results, which is a learning model to gain hard skill and softskill a11d a critical-creative learning model, is appiicable for othersubjects and even other study programs. Critical-creative learningmodel is able to develop student \u27s mastery in hard skill and softskill. The implementation of critical-creative learning model can beref er to woup di.\cu:;sion approach, concept understandir.gassignments, and problem solving assignments either individually orin groups. Howevu, further elaboration of hard skill and soft skillcompetency and critical-creative learning model must always bedone through other subject using different model, strategy, method·and approach

    The Problem Based Learning (PBL)-Based Entrepreneurship Learning Model Development to Improve the Life Skills of the Teacher Training Students in Private Universities throughout Solo Raya

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    Purpose – This research aims at providing a PBL-based Entrepreneurship learning model to improve the student life skills in Private Faculties of Teacher Training and Educationin Solo Raya. Method – This research was a “research and development”. The research and development model consists of three steps: preliminary study, model development, and model testing. The research study stage employed a qualitative research; techniques of collecting data used were observation, interview, and content analysis and archive, while the data validation was done using data (source), method and theory triangulations, and informant review; data analysis was done using an interactive model of analysis. Findings – The implementation of life skills education in FKIP of UNISRI was not based on specific curriculum yet; the curriculum is integrated into all courses existing in the Study Program. The life skill content of each course is different but proportional and consistent with the characteristics of the course. Life skill education was given to the students in terms of the thinking and working skill, knowledge, and attitude the students to prepare themselves as independent members of society. Significance – The Problem Based Learning (PBL)-Based Entrepreneurship learning model development could improve the life skills of the private Teacher Training and Education Faculty’s Students throughout Solo Raya


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    Abstrak Penggunaan LKS dalam proses pembelajaran dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami konsep. Lembar Kegiatan Siswa yang cocok untuk materi hereditas manusia adalah LKS berbasis life skill (kecakapan hidup). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan LKS berbasis life skill yang layak dari segi kepraktisan. Pengembangan LKS ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D yang terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu define, design, develop, dan disseminate, akan tetapi penelitian ini hanya sampai tahap develop. Kepraktisan LKS ditentukan berdasarkan keterlaksanaan LKS, aktivitas kecakapan personal siswa dan aktivitas kecakapan sosial siswa. Berdasarkan keterlaksanaan LKS yang mencapai 97,65%, aktivitas kecakapan personal dengan rata-rata skor 3,87, dan aktivitas kecakapan sosial dengan rata-rata skor 3,75 maka LKS ini dikategori praktis dan dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.   Kata kunci:  LKS, life skill, kepraktisan.   Abstract Implementation of student sheets activity in the learning process can facilitate students to understand the concept. Student sheets activity suitable for human heredity material is student sheets activity based on life skill. Based on this, the research aims to produce student sheets activity based on life skill in term of practicality. The development of the student sheets activity used 4-D model that consists of four steps. Those are define, design, develop, and disseminate. The disseminate was not conducted in this study. The practicality of the student sheets activity was determined based on the implementation, personal skill activity, and social skill activity. Based on the results of the implementation of that the student sheets activity was practically with average score of 97,65%, the personal skill activity with average score of 3,87%, and social skill activity with average score of 3,75 so that it practical and can used in the learning process.   Keyword: Student sheets activity, life skill, practicality


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    The rule of education ministry and BSNP strengthen that the curriculum of formal and non-formal educations have the importance to develop learning which is oriented to life skill. The skill has its purpose to reach the students’ competence for their survival and adaptation in order to be successful in their life. Based on this explanation, the researcher developed a student worksheet which is oriented to life skill using 4-D model. The goal of the development of the student worksheet oriented to life skill which is practiced and can be prepared at school. The results showed that the worksheet valid from identity component, technical, construction, content and the life skill characteristics. The students’ positive response to the student worksheet which is oriented to life skill reach 84% with a good category. Keyword: Student Worksheet, Life skill, Human Sens

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Berbantukan Lks Inkuiri Terintegrasi Generik Sains (Itgs) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Keterampilan Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Awal Fisika Siswa

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate difference of influence between guided inquiry learning model that assisted by inquiry integrated science generic (IIBSG) student\u27s work sheet and guided inquiry learning model that assisted by experiment verification (EV) student\u27s work sheet on students\u27s fhysics skill learning outcomes that viewed by student\u27s physics prerequisite. Design of this research was tru-experimental design. Hypothesis analyzed with anacova. The result of this study is there was difference of influence between between guided inquiry learning model that assisted by inquiry integrated science generic (IIBSG) student\u27s work sheet and guided inquiry learning model that assisted by experiment verification (EV) student\u27s work sheet on students\u27s fhysics skill learning outcomes that viewed by student\u27s physics prerequisite
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