18 research outputs found

    Transformation of Spatial Structure of Ion Trajectories into Iconic Representation

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    This paper discusses a technique designed to represent the spatial structure of ion trajectories by transforming the vector series from two-dimensional to three-dimensional space. There are four techniques available to represent spatial structures, such as orientation, direction and velocity. These techniques are iconic representation, the navigation function, the halo function and the transparency scheme. Iconic representation is a technique used to transform data sets into three-dimensional iconic shapes where each data set is transformed into cylindrical and conical shapes; these shapes are then used to represent ion trajectories. Additionally, to improve representation the navigation function, halo function and transparency scheme have been proposed. The navigation function is a technique for navigating in three-dimensional space around the iconic representation. The halo function is a technique used to enhance the representation of iconic shapes by adding a subtle halo around an icon and the transparency scheme is a technique used to represent a zoom-in effect during navigation around an iconic representation in order to visualize the cone located inside the cylinder. The result shows an iconic representation technique have been developed to transform a vector series from two-dimensional line graph in order to visualize the orientation, direction and magnitude of ion trajectories in three-dimensional space

    Reducing Occlusion in Cinema Databases through Feature-Centric Visualizations

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    In modern supercomputer architectures, the I/O capabilities do not keep up with the computational speed. Image-based techniques are one very promising approach to a scalable output format for visual analysis, in which a reduced output that corresponds to the visible state of the simulation is rendered in-situ and stored to disk. These techniques can support interactive exploration of the data through image compositing and other methods, but automatic methods of highlighting data and reducing clutter can make these methods more effective. In this paper, we suggest a method of assisted exploration through the combination of feature-centric analysis with image space techniques and show how the reduction of the data to features of interest reduces occlusion in the output for a set of example applications

    Compute and Visualize Discontinuity Among Neighboring Integral Curves of 2D Vector Fields

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    PREPRINT: Comparison of deep learning and hand crafted features for mining simulation data

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    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are a very important tool for many industrial applications, such as aerodynamic optimization of engineering designs like cars shapes, airplanes parts etc. The output of such simulations, in particular the calculated flow fields, are usually very complex and hard to interpret for realistic three-dimensional real-world applications, especially if time-dependent simulations are investigated. Automated data analysis methods are warranted but a non-trivial obstacle is given by the very large dimensionality of the data. A flow field typically consists of six measurement values for each point of the computational grid in 3D space and time (velocity vector values, turbulent kinetic energy, pressure and viscosity). In this paper we address the task of extracting meaningful results in an automated manner from such high dimensional data sets. We propose deep learning methods which are capable of processing such data and which can be trained to solve relevant tasks on simulation data, i.e. predicting drag and lift forces applied on an airfoil. We also propose an adaptation of the classical hand crafted features known from computer vision to address the same problem and compare a large variety of descriptors and detectors. Finally, we compile a large dataset of 2D simulations of the flow field around airfoils which contains 16000 flow fields with which we tested and compared approaches. Our results show that the deep learning-based methods, as well as hand crafted feature based approaches, are well-capable to accurately describe the content of the CFD simulation output on the proposed dataset

    Topological Segmentation of 2D Vector Fields

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    Vector field topology has a long tradition as a visualization tool. The separatrices segment the domain visually into canonical regions in which all streamlines behave qualitatively the same. But application scientists often need more than just a nice image for their data analysis, and, to best of our knowledge, so far no workflow has been proposed to extract the critical points, the associated separatrices, and then provide the induced segmentation on the data level. We present a workflow that computes the segmentation of the domain of a 2D vector field based on its separatrices. We show how it can be used for the extraction of quantitative information about each segment in two applications: groundwater flow and heat exchange

    Interpreting Galilean Invariant Vector Field Analysis via Extended Robustness

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    The topological notion of robustness introduces mathematically rigorous approaches to interpret vector field data. Robustness quantifies the structural stability of critical points with respect to perturbations and has been shown to be useful for increasing the visual interpretability of vector fields. However, critical points, which are essential components of vector field topology, are defined with respect to a chosen frame of reference. The classical definition of robustness, therefore, depends also on the chosen frame of reference. We define a new Galilean invariant robustness framework that enables the simultaneous visualization of robust critical points across the dominating reference frames in different regions of the data. We also demonstrate a strong connection between such a robustness-based framework with the one recently proposed by Bujack et al., which is based on the determinant of the Jacobian. Our results include notable observations regarding the definition of stable features within the vector field data

    An Interactive Approach for Identifying Structure Definitions

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    Our ability to grasp and understand complex phenomena is essentially based on recognizing structures and relating these to each other. For example, any meteorological description of a weather condition and explanation of its evolution recurs to meteorological structures, such as convection and circulation structures, cloud fields and rain fronts. All of these are spatiotemporal structures, defined by time-dependent patterns in the underlying fields. Typically, such a structure is defined by a verbal description that corresponds to the more or less uniform, often somewhat vague mental images of the experts. However, a precise, formal definition of the structures or, more generally, concepts is often desirable, e.g., to enable automated data analysis or the development of phenomenological models. Here, we present a systematic approach and an interactive tool to obtain formal definitions of spatiotemporal structures. The tool enables experts to evaluate and compare different structure definitions on the basis of data sets with time-dependent fields that contain the respective structure. Since structure definitions are typically parameterized, an essential part is to identify parameter ranges that lead to desired structures in all time steps. In addition, it is important to allow a quantitative assessment of the resulting structures simultaneously. We demonstrate the use of the tool by applying it to two meteorological examples: finding structure definitions for vortex cores and center lines of temporarily evolving tropical cyclones. Ideally, structure definitions should be objective and applicable to as many data sets as possible. However, finding such definitions, e.g., for the common atmospheric structures in meteorology, can only be a long-term goal. The proposed procedure, together with the presented tool, is just a first systematic approach aiming at facilitating this long and arduous way. Keywords: Visual data analysis; Coherent and persistent structures; Atmospheric vortices; Tropical storms;