521 research outputs found

    Evaluating the potential of programmable multiprocessor cache controllers

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    technical reportThe next generation of scalable parallel systems (e.g., machines by KSR, Convex, and others) will have shared memory supported in hardware, unlike most current generation machines (e.g., offerings by Intel, nCube, and Thinking Machines). However, current shared memory architectures are constrained by the fact that their cache controllers are hardwired and inflexible, which limits the range of programs that can achieve scalable performance. This observation has led a number of researchers to propose building programmable multiprocessor cache controllers that can implement a variety of caching protocols, support multiple communication paradigms, or accept guidance from software. To evaluate the potential performance benefits of these designs, we have simulated five SPLASH benchmark programs on a virtual multiprocessor that supports five directory-based caching protocols. When we compared the off-line optimal performance of this design, wherein each cache line was maintained using the protocol that required the least communication, with the performance achieved when using a single protocol for all lines, we found that use of the "optimal" protocol reduced consistency traffic by 10-80%, with a mean improvement of 25-35%. Cache miss rates also dropped by up to 25%. Thus, the combination of programmable (or tunable) hardware and software able to exploit this added flexibility, e.g., via user pragmas or compiler analysis, could dramatically improve the performance of future shared memory multiprocessors

    Analysis of avalanche's shared memory architecture

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    technical reportIn this paper, we describe the design of the Avalanche multiprocessor's shared memory subsystem, evaluate its performance, and discuss problems associated with using commodity workstations and network interconnects as the building blocks of a scalable shared memory multiprocessor. Compared to other scalable shared memory architectures, Avalanchehas a number of novel features including its support for the Simple COMA memory architecture and its support for multiple coherency protocols (migratory, delayed write update, and (soon) write invalidate). We describe the performance implications of Avalanche's architecture, the impact of various novel low-level design options, and describe a number of interesting phenomena we encountered while developing a scalable multiprocessor built on the HP PA-RISC platform

    Reducing consistency traffic and cache misses in the avalanche multiprocessor

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    Journal ArticleFor a parallel architecture to scale effectively, communication latency between processors must be avoided. We have found that the source of a large number of avoidable cache misses is the use of hardwired write-invalidate coherency protocols, which often exhibit high cache miss rates due to excessive invalidations and subsequent reloading of shared data. In the Avalanche project at the University of Utah, we are building a 64-node multiprocessor designed to reduce the end-to-end communication latency of both shared memory and message passing programs. As part of our design efforts, we are evaluating the potential performance benefits and implementation complexity of providing hardware support for multiple coherency protocols. Using a detailed architecture simulation of Avalanche, we have found that support for multiple consistency protocols can reduce the time parallel applications spend stalled on memory operations by up to 66% and overall execution time by up to 31%. Most of this reduction in memory stall time is due to a novel release-consistent multiple-writer write-update protocol implemented using a write state buffer

    Avalanche: A communication and memory architecture for scalable parallel computing

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    technical reportAs the gap between processor and memory speeds widens?? system designers will inevitably incorpo rate increasingly deep memory hierarchies to maintain the balance between processor and memory system performance At the same time?? most communication subsystems are permitted access only to main memory and not a processor s top level cache As memory latencies increase?? this lack of integration between the memory and communication systems will seriously impede interprocessor communication performance and limit e ective scalability In the Avalanche project we are re designing the memory architecture of a commercial RISC multiprocessor?? the HP PA RISC ?? to include a new multi level context sensitive cache that is tightly coupled to the communication fabric The primary goal of Avalanche s integrated cache and communication controller is attack ing end to end communication latency in all of its forms This includes cache misses induced by excessive invalidations and reloading of shared data by write invalidate coherence protocols and cache misses induced by depositing incoming message data in main memory and faulting it into the cache An execution driven simulation study of Avalanche s architecture indicates that it can reduce cache stalls by and overall execution times b

    Parallel software caches

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    We investigate the construction and application of parallel software caches in shared memory multiprocessors. In contrast to maintaining a private cache for each thread, a parallel cache allows the re-use of results of lengthy computations by other threads. This is especially important in irregular applications where the re-use of intermediate results by scheduling is not possible. Example applications are the computation of intersections between a scanline and a polygon in computational geometry, and the computation of intersections between rays and objects in ray tracing. A parallel software cache is based on a readers/writers lock, i.e. as long as no thread alters the cache data structure, multiple threads may read simultaneously. If a thread wants to alter the cache because of a cache miss, it waits until all other threads have left the data structure, then it can update the contents of the cache. Other threads can access the cache only after the writer has finished its work. To increase utilization, the cache has a number of slots that can be locked separately. We investigate the tradeoff between slot size, search time in the cache, and the time to re-compute a cache entry. Another major difference between sequential and parallel software caches is the replacement strategy. We adapt classic replacement strategies such as LRU and random replacement for parallel caches. As execution platform, we use the SB-PRAM, but the concepts might be portable to machines such as NYU Ultracomputer, Tera MTA, and Stanford DASH

    Development of a GPU-based Monte Carlo dose calculation code for coupled electron-photon transport

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    Monte Carlo simulation is the most accurate method for absorbed dose calculations in radiotherapy. Its efficiency still requires improvement for routine clinical applications, especially for online adaptive radiotherapy. In this paper, we report our recent development on a GPU-based Monte Carlo dose calculation code for coupled electron-photon transport. We have implemented the Dose Planning Method (DPM) Monte Carlo dose calculation package (Sempau et al, Phys. Med. Biol., 45(2000)2263-2291) on GPU architecture under CUDA platform. The implementation has been tested with respect to the original sequential DPM code on CPU in phantoms with water-lung-water or water-bone-water slab geometry. A 20 MeV mono-energetic electron point source or a 6 MV photon point source is used in our validation. The results demonstrate adequate accuracy of our GPU implementation for both electron and photon beams in radiotherapy energy range. Speed up factors of about 5.0 ~ 6.6 times have been observed, using an NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU card against a 2.27GHz Intel Xeon CPU processor.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, and 1 table. Paper revised. Figures update

    Exploring the value of supporting multiple DSM protocols in Hardware DSM Controllers

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    Journal ArticleThe performance of a hardware distributed shared memory (DSM) system is largely dependent on its architect's ability to reduce the number of remote memory misses that occur. Previous attempts to solve this problem have included measures such as supporting both the CC-NUMA and S-COMA architectures is the same machine and providing a programmable DSM controller that can emulate any DSM mechanism. In this paper we first present the design of a DSM controller that supports multiple DSM protocols in custom hardware, and allows the programmer or compiler to specify on a per-variable basis what protocol to use to keep that variable coherent. This simulated performance of this DSM controller compares favorably with that of conventional single-protocol custom hardware designs, often outperforming the conventional systems by a factor of two. To achieve these promising results, that multi-protocol DSM controller needed to support only two DSM architectures (CC-NUMA and S-COMA) and three coherency protocols (both release and sequentially consistent write invalidate and release consistent write update). This work demonstrates the value of supporting a degree of flexibility in one's DSM controller design and suggests what operations such a flexible DSM controller should support

    HPP : a high performance PRAM

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    We present a fast shared memory multiprocessor with uniform memory access time. A first prototype (SB-PRAM) is running with 4 processors, a 128 processor version is under construction. A second implementation (HPP) using latest VLSI technology and optical links shall run at a speed of 96 MHz. To achieve this speed, we first investigate the re-design of ASICs and network links. We then balance processor speed and memory bandwidth by investigating the relation between local computation and global memory access in several benchmark applications. On numerical codes such as linpack, 2 and 8 GFlop/s shall be possible with 128 and 512 processors, respectively, thus approaching processor performance of Intel Paragon XPS. As non-numerical codes we consider circuit simulation and raytracing. We achieve speedups over a one processor SGI challenge of 35 and 81 for 128 processors and 140 and 325 for 512 processors

    Avalanche: A communication and memory architecture for scalable parallel computing

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    technical reportAs the gap between processor and memory speeds widens, system designers will inevitably incorporate increasingly deep memory hierarchies to maintain the balance between processor and memory system performance. At the same time, most communication subsystems are permitted access only to main memory and not a processor's top level cache. As memory latencies increase, this lack of integration between the memory and communication systems will seriously impede interprocessor communication performance and limit effective scalability. In the Avalanche project we are redesigning the memory architecture of a commercial RISC multiprocessor, the HP PA-RISC 7100, to include a new multi-level context sensitive cache that is tightly coupled to the communication fabric. The primary goal of Avalanche's integrated cache and communication controller is attacking end to end communication latency in all of its forms. This includes cache misses induced by excessive invalidations and reloading of shared data by write-invalidate coherence protocols and cache misses induced by depositing incoming message data in main memory and faulting it into the cache. An execution-driven simulation study of Avalanche's architecture indicates that it can reduce cache stalls by 5-60% and overall execution times by 10-28%