629 research outputs found

    Acoustic and perceptual correlates of Vietnamese folk poetry rhythmic structure

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    This paper reports a study on the acoustic realization and the perception of the rhythmic structure of Vietnamese folk poetry. Ten speakers of Sài Gòn dialect recite four folk poems that were made up of three-word, five-word, six-word, seven-word, and eightword lines. The acoustic analysis showed that the duration and intensity results mirror each other in indicating a strong iambic pattern of prominence, supporting the literature that a line of folk verse with even number of syllables tend to have a series of iambs and when there is an odd number of syllables, the line usually ends with an iamb, not an anapaest (Durand and Nguyễn, 1985Fhe perception results showed that listeners relied on duration cues in judging the rhythmic patterns of the poetic lines while intensity was not used. Also, majority of listeners were not finely tuned to these acoustic cues and only a few listeners could detect them in parsing the poetic lines into detail bi-syllabic iambic units.Australian National Universit

    Vyacheslav V. Ivanov (1929–2017) and his Studies in Prosody and Poetics

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    Vyacheslav V. Ivanov was an outstanding scholar who excelled in almost all disciplines related to linguistic and literary studies. This article analyses his accomplishments in the fields of prosody and poetics

    The Finnic Tetrameter – A Creolization of Poetic Form?

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    This article presents a new theory on the origins of the common Finnic tetrameter as a poetic form (also called the Kalevala-meter, regilaul meter, etc.). It argues that this verse form emerged as a creolization of the North Germanic alliterative verse form during a period of intensive language contacts, and that the Finnic ethnopoetic ecology made it isosyllabic. Previous theories have focused on the trochaic, tetrametric structure and viewed other features of poetic form as secondary or incidental. This is the first theory to offer a metrically driven explanation for the distinctive features of the poetic form: the systematic placement of lexically stressed short syllables in metrically unstressed positions and systematic yet unmetricalized use of verse-internal alliteration. The emergence of the poetic form may be viewed simply in terms of hybridization, but its formation as a central mode for epic and ritual poetry demands consideration of social factors. Creolization is considered a social process of hybridization at the level of sign systems that is characterized by a salient asymmetrical relation of power, authority or other value in the cultural sign systems being reconfigured from the perspective of the society or groups involved. An argument is presented that North Germanic contacts also produced systematic verse-internal alliteration in Finnic languages. Discussion then turns to the distinction between the origin and spread of the poetic form. The poetic form’s uniformity across Finnic language areas in spite of its ‘foreign’ metrical features along with the range of genres with which it was used are considered indicators of the poetic form’s spread with language, forming an argument that the tetrameter emerged within an environment that also produced Late Proto-Finnic, and then spread with Late Proto-Finnic language and culture through areas where other Finnic language forms were spoken

    Pontes ad Fontes – Bridges to Sources

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    From Sementovskij to the 20th century. Notes on the Lutsis in the Latvian press

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    The Lutsis, a historically South Estonian-speaking language island community located near the town of Ludza in southeastern Latvia, have come increasingly into public awareness in Latvia over the last decade with the release of books on Lutsi history and language suitable for both professional and lay audiences as well as other new works relating to Lutsi folk culture. However, even before this recent burst of activity, the Lutsis have been mentioned in the Latvian and Estonian press and have also appeared in the field notes of researchers whose work was connected with the Lutsis. This article traces the descriptions of the Lutsis in a variety of sources from the first descriptions in the mid-19th century, through the interwar independence of Latvia, and as late as the 1970s when important expeditions by Latvian researchers documented the impressions of the last Lutsi speakers on the state of their language and culture. Kokkuvõte. Hannes Korjus: Sementovskijst 20. sajandisse. Märkmeid lutsidest Läti ajakirjanduses. Kunagine lõunaeestikeelne lutside kogukond elas Kagu-Lätis Ludza linna ümbruses. Lätis on nad saanud suurema avaliku tähelepanu osalisteks alles viimastel kümnenditel, kui on ilmunud raamatuid nende ajaloo ja keele kohta nii asjatundjatele kui ka laiemale huvirühmale ning on hakatud elavdama lutsi rahvakultuuri. Siiski ka enne seda viimast aktiivsuse tõusu on lutsidest kirjutatud Läti ja Eesti ajakirjanduses ja on ilmunud välitööde märkmeid lutsidega seotud uurimuste tegijatelt. Antud artikkel jälgib lutside kirjeldusi erinevates allikates alates varastest mainimistest 19. sajandi keskel, jätkates maailmasõdadevahelise perioodiga ning jõudes viimaks 1970. aastateni, kui Läti uurijad dokumenteerisid oma ekspeditsioonidel viimaste lutsi kõnelejate keelelist ja kultuurilist olukorda

    Trys latvių vertimo kritikos etapai

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    The article provides insight into the development of translation criticism from 1920s to 1980s in Latvia by offering translations of excerpts from theoretical texts that map important events in translation history. We start with the book, published in 1924, which evaluated the 1689 translation of the Bible into Latvian, then concentrate on a polemical article by Rainis (1925) on his innovative 1897 rendition of Goethe’s Faust and finish the analysis with a discussion of a work written in 1984. The latter stood out during the Soviet era by drawing attention to the aesthetic values of translation, contrasting with the prevailing focus on linguistic aspects, specifically the quality of the Latvian language. Each of these three works, in its own manner, exerted influence both on the historico-philosophical ideas of its era and on the evolution of translation in Latvia. The review and translations of these three excerpts are contextualized through an analysis of Latvian translation history. It is stressed that despite censorship, the Soviet-time translations spread the ideas that often contradicted the Soviet ideology as well as opened new broader vistas for language use.Straipsnyje, pasitelkiant svarbiems Latvijos vertimo istorijos įvykiams skirtų vertimo kritikos straipsnių ištraukų vertimus, brėžiama Latvijos vertimo kritikos raida XX amžiaus 3-iuoju–9-uoju dešimtmečiais. Pirmiausia aptariama 1924 m. išleista knyga apie pirmąjį Biblijos vertimą į latvių kalbą (1689 m.), toliau pristatomas poleminis Jānio Rainio straipsnis (1925 m.) apie jo novatorišką 1897 m. Goethe’ės Fausto vertimą ir galiausiai pateikiama sovietmečiu (1984 m.) paskelbto vertimo kritikos teksto ištraukos analizė. Ši trečioji ištrauka – tai dėmesiu estetinėms vertimo vertybėms išsiskiriantis vertimo kritikos tekstas, priešpriešintinas iki tol tik lingvistinius aspektus, t. y. latvių kalbos kokybę, nagrinėjusiems vertimo kritikos darbams. Visi trys darbai savaip veikė laikmečio istorines ir filosofines idėjas ir vertimo raidą Latvijoje. Trijų ištraukų apžvalga ir vertimai pristatomi platesniame Latvijos vertimo istorijos kontekste. Pabrėžiama, kad net veikiant cenzūrai, sovietmečio vertimai skleidė dažnai sovietinei ideologijai prieštaraujančias idėjas ir vėrė naujas, platesnes kalbos vartojimo galimybes

    Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture, Vol.10

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    Kontorslokaler nyttjas generellt cirka 2500 av årets 8760 timmar. Ett vanligt problem med kontorslokaler är det termiska klimatet, antingen är det för varmt, för kallt, eller så drar det. Höga temperaturer, över ca 26°C, bidrar till trötthet, nedsatt koncentration och gör att luften känns mindre fräsch. Stora variationen av lasten mellan dag och nattetid kan också resultera i att lokalerna överventileras under nattetid och underventileras under dagtid. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka och jämföra Ecoclimes komforttaks lösning med andra olika värme och kylsystem i kontorslokaler. Att undersöka vilka eventuella fördelar Ecoclimes komforttak har gällande komfort, kyla, ventilation och ur energisynpunkt. Simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE har använts för att simulera komforten och rumstemperaturer för ett kontor och ett konferensrum i en byggnad placerad i centrala Umeå. Resultaten från simuleringar indikerar att Ecoclimes komforttak, sänker den operativa temperaturen och höjer komforten med en mindre andel missnöjda i sitt rum jämfört med andra system trots samma rumstemperatur. För att bedömma andelen missnöjda i ett rum har komfortindexet PMV(Predicted mean vote) och PPD(Predicted percentage dissatisfied) använts. Den höga passiva effekten bidrar också till mindre energianvändning av ventilationsfläktar ifall ett VAV-system med rumstempertaurreglering används. Vidare har en känslighetsanalys genomförts på komforttaken där det undersöks hur kyleffekten påverkar kyltider, temperatur och komfort. Känslighetsanalysen visar att en ökning eller minskning av kyleffekten med 10% påverkar resultaten mest under en mycket varm dag jämfört med en normalvarm. Skillnaden i komfort var dock liten, endast 0,2 procentenheter från grundfallet

    Acta kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis. 13(Supplement)

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