12 research outputs found

    The Secure Shell (SSH) Session Channel Break Extension

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    Analisis Perbandingan Kecepatan Download File Pada Berbagai Protokol Jaringan

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    Download file memerlukan koneksi terus-menerus yang berpotensi menghabiskan bandwidth jaringan. Hal ini dapat mengganggu aktivitas Internet lain. Oleh karena itu perlu ditentukan cara paling baik dalam melakukan download file. Pemilihan protokol jaringan paling cepat dalam melakukan download file menjadi sesuatu yang penting. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan kecepatan download file menggunakan bermacam-macam protokol jaringan. Download file dapat dilakukan menggunakan bermacam-macam protokol jaringan. Protokol jaringan yang biasa dipakai untuk download file adalah HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, SCP dan TFTP. Masing-masing protokol jaringan punya perilaku yang berbeda dalam melakukan proses download file. Suatu protokol perlu proses login sebelum download, Protokol lain memerlukan proses enkripsi pada saat proses download. Secara keseluruhan, perilaku tersebut akan mempengaruhi kecepatan dalam melakukan proses download file. Protokol TFTP menunjukkan hasil kecepatan paling tinggi. Untuk protokol yang umum dipakai pada jaringan Internet, protokol SCP menunjukkan kecepatan download file paling tinggi

    Proposal and Implementation of SSH Client System Using Ajax

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    Abstract. Technology called Ajax gives web applications the functionality and operability of desktop applications. In this study, we propose and implement a Secure Shell (SSH) client system using Ajax, independent of the OS or Java execution environment. In this system, SSH packets are generated on a web browser by using JavaScript and a web server works as a proxy in communication with an SSH server to realize end-to-end SSH communication. We implemented a prototype program and confirmed by experiment that it runs on several web browsers and mobile phones. This system has enabled secure SSH communication from a PC at an Internet cafe or any mobile phone. By measuring the processing performance, we verified satisfactory performance for emergency use, although the speed was unsatisfactory in some cases with mobile phone. The system proposed in this study will be effective in various fields of E-Business

    Elliptic Curve Algorithm Integration in the Secure Shell Transport Layer

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    Ssh Attacks Detection on Netflow Layer

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    Práce krátce popisuje základní principy protokolu SSH, jeho architekturu a používané šifrování. Dále se práce zabývá dolováním dat z nižších vrstev síťové komunikace a využitím těchto informací k detekci útoků. Také popisuje použité slovníkové útoky na službu SSH a s využitím NetFlow ukazuje možnosti dalšího zvýšení síťové bezpečnosti.This bachelor's thesis briefly describes the basic principles of SSH protocol, its architecture and used encryption. The thesis is mainly focused on datamining information from low-level network communication and usage of its results for attacks detection. It also describes dictionary attacks used on SSH service and with NetFlow shows further possibilities of increasing network security.

    Diseño de una interfaz gráfica para la conexión y configuración de drones

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    Aprovechando la tecnología UDP/IP para el control remoto de los UAV, en este trabajo se desarrolla un software, basado en la arquitectura cliente-servidor, capaz de configurar diversos aspectos de los UAV y automatizar procesos habitualmente hechos a mano desde el terminal. Esta memoria contiene todo el proceso desde el trato con el cliente hasta la instalación del software ad hoc. El software desarrollado cuenta con una interfaz gráfica intuitiva, por lo que ya no se requerirán usuarios expertos para configurar los UAV: se mejora el tiempo malgastado en la configuración y se expande el horizonte tradicional de personal capacitado. Adicionalmente, al considerarse los UAV un sistema crítico, se hace especial hincapié en el tratamiento y recuperación de errores. Se espera que este software sirva de base para futuras ampliaciones de funcionalidades –sobre el mismo software- o escalados a otros modelos UAV -más allá de SIVA y MILANO- u otros sistemas operativos como Windows, Mac y Android. Todo según las necesidades que vayan surgiendo con los nuevos modelos o los ya presentes.Taking advantage of UDP / IP technology for the remote control of unmanned aerial vehicles, in this work we develop a software, based on client-server architecture, capable of configuring the various aspects of unmanned aerial vehicles and automate the processes traditionally done by hand from the terminal. This memory contains the entire process from customer service to the ad hoc software installation. The developed software has an intuitive graphical interface. Thus we do not require expert users to configure the UAV anymore: time wasted on configuration is improved and the horizon of trained personnel is expanded. Additionally, being UAV considered as a critical system, we lay emphasis on error treatment and recovery. This software is expected to serve as a base for future expansions of functions –on the same software- or scaled to other UAV models –beyond SIVA and MILANO- or other operating systems such as Windows, Mac or Android. All according to the needs that arise from the new models or the ones already present.Doble Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Administración de Empresa

    Development of a software framework for transforming RFID data in value-added information for the fashion supply chain

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    Nella primavera 2010 RFID Lab, laboratorio dell'Università di Parma, in collaborazione con un Board of Advisors composto da aziende del settore moda, ha avviato il progetto RFID Fashion Pilot per reingegnerizzare tramite tecnologia RFID una supply chain fashion. Questo lavoro tratta lo sviluppo e la validazione sperimentale di moduli software in grado di generare informazioni a valore aggiunto a partire dai dati RFID acquisiti lungo la catena logistica. Il sistema realizzato recupera i dati RFID tramite l'infrastruttura standard dell'EPCglobal Network, interrogando due sistemi EPCIS remoti. Questi dati sono poi elaborati in informazioni di Business Intelligence ed inseriti in un sistema data warehouse. È stata poi realizzata un'applicazione web con cui l'utente può accedere a queste informazioni. Questa interfaccia fornisce diversi moduli specializzati per l'analisi di Track and Trace, Inventari e altri tipi di dati.In Spring 2010 the RFID Lab at University of Parma, together with a Board of Advisors of fashion companies, started a research project called RFID Fashion Pilot. The project's goal is the reengineering of the fashion supply chain processes using RFID technology. This work discusses the development and in-field testing of a software framework designed to transform RFID raw data in value-added information. The system retrieves the data generated by RFID logistics processes using the standard EPCglobal Network architecture, querying two remote EPC Information Services (EPCIS). The EPCIS events are then parsed to extract valuable information for Business Intelligence, and loaded into a data warehouse system. A web application has been developed through which the user can query, filter and sort the BI information. This web interface provides specialized modules for analyzing Track and Trace, Inventories, Replenishment and other data

    The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Assigned Numbers

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    Evaluating the Proliferation and Pervasiveness of Leaking Sensitive Data in the Secure Shell Protocol and in Internet Protocol Camera Frameworks

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    In George Orwell’s `nineteen eighty-four: A novel', there is fear regarding what “Big Brother”, knows due to the fact that even thoughts could be “heard”. Though we are not quite to this point, it should concern us all in what data we are transferring, both intentionally and unintentionally, and whether or not that data is being “leaked”. In this work, we consider the evolving landscape of IoT devices and the threat posed by the pervasive botnets that have been forming over the last several years. We look at two specific cases in this work. One being the practical application of a botnet system actively executing a Man in the Middle Attack against SSH, and the other leveraging the same paradigm as a case of eavesdropping on Internet Protocol (IP) cameras. For the latter case, we construct a web portal for interrogating IP cameras directly for information that they may be exposing

    Diseño de una solución de outsourcing de infraestructuras basado en tecnologías TIC

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    A través del presente proyecto trataremos de desarrollar una solución práctica a las necesidades de una empresa actual, en la que se verán implicadas diferentes tecnologías, todas ellas punteras, que permitirán a través de las telecomunicaciones un ahorro en costes y una eficiencia superior a los modelos tradicionales. Basándonos principalmente en las tecnologías de virtualización y aprovechando las economías de escala, podremos disponer de servidores de alta capacidad, integrados en un entorno de control avanzado, además de una provisión en muy corto tiempo en caso de necesitar un aumento en las capacidades de la planta, y una comunicación entre sedes de alta velocidad, a pesar de la distancia geográfica real. Estos servicios se ven complementados además con una navegación segura por internet y un backup a distancia de los equipos que, por necesidades legales, no pueden ser sacados de las sedes de la empresa. Como ventaja principal, cabe destacar el hecho de que no será necesaria una inversión elevada para la modernización de la planta, dado que los servicios se basan en un pago por uso. Aunque se trata de un escenario ficticio, el documento está elaborado siguiendo un índice muy similar al que suelen seguir las ofertas presentadas a los clientes en el mundo empresarial. Para conseguir cumplir los requerimientos del cliente recurriremos a los servicios de catálogo que ofrece la empresa española de telecomunicaciones Telefónica, aún a pesar de que no es la única presente en el sector capaz de cumplir las necesidades planteadas, pero si una de las que puede conseguir mejores precios debido a su nivel de negocio, sus economías de escala y a que es la única que lo puede hacer desde la posición de operadora. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Through this Project, I have tried to develop a practical solution to the current needs on a fictional company. It involves different edge technologies, enabling cost saving and a higher efficiency compared to traditional models. Mainly based on virtualization technologies and scale economies, we can be provided with high capacity servers, embedded in an advanced control environment and a short provision time in case of requirements. It also provides a high speed communication between locations, even though large geographical distances. These services are completed with safe internet navigation and online remote backup services, for those computers which cannot be removed from the company’s headquarters due to law reasons. As these services are based on “pay per use” models, no great investments are needed to carry out a modernization plan, which is this environment’s main advantage. Although this is a fictional scenario, this document is based on similar indexes used on commercial bids. In order to accomplish customer’s requirements, we are drawing on Telefonica’s services catalogue. Telefónica is a Spanish telecommunication company, which is not the only one capable to acquire proper results, but the one that could provide best prices. This position is obtained thanks to their great economy scales and due to its operator position.Ingeniería Técnica en Sonido e Image