1,471 research outputs found

    Integrated SMAP and SMOS Soil Moisture Observations

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    Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission and the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) missions provide brightness temperature and soil moisture estimates every 2-3 days. SMAP brightness temperature observations were compared with SMOS observations at 40o incidence angle. The brightness temperatures from the two missions are close to each other but SMAP observations show a warmer TB bias (about 0.64 K: V pol and 1.14 K: H pol) as compared to SMOS. SMAP and SMOS missions use different retrieval algorithms and ancillary datasets which result in further inconsistencies between their soil moisture products. The reprocessed constant-angle SMOS brightness temperatures (SMOS-SMAP) were used in the SMAP soil moisture retrieval algorithm to develop a consistent multi-satellite product. The integrated product has an increased global revisit frequency (1 day) and period of record that is unattainable by either one of the satellites alone. The SMOS-SMAP soil moisture retrievals compared with in situ observations show a retrieval accuracy of less than 0.04 m3/m3. Results from the development and validation of the integrated soil moisture product will be presented

    Integration of SMAP and SMOS Observations

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    Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission and the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) missions provide brightness temperature and soil moisture estimates every 2-3 days. SMAP brightness temperature observations were compared with SMOS observations at 40o incidence angle. The brightness temperatures from the two missions are not consistent. SMAP observations show a warmer TB bias (about 1.27 K: V pol and 0.62 K: H pol) as compared to SMOS. SMAP and SMOS missions use different retrieval algorithms and ancillary datasets which result in further inconsistencies between their soil moisture products. The reprocessed constant-angle SMOS brightness temperatures were used in the SMAP soil moisture retrieval algorithm to develop a consistent multi-satellite product. The integrated product has an increased global revisit frequency (1 day) and period of record that is unattainable by either one of the satellites alone. Results from the development and validation of the integrated soil moisture product will be presented

    SMOS/SMAP Synergy for SMAP Level 2 Soil Moisture Algorithm Evaluation

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    Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite has been proposed to provide global measurements of soil moisture and land freeze/thaw state at 10 km and 3 km resolutions, respectively. SMAP would also provide a radiometer-only soil moisture product at 40-km spatial resolution. This product and the supporting brightness temperature observations are common to both SMAP and European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission. As a result, there are opportunities for synergies between the two missions. These include exploiting the data for calibration and validation and establishing longer term L-band brightness temperature and derived soil moisture products. In this investigation we will be using SMOS brightness temperature, ancillary data, and soil moisture products to develop and evaluate a candidate SMAP L2 passive soil moisture retrieval algorithm. This work will begin with evaluations based on the SMOS product grids and ancillary data sets and transition to those that will be used by SMAP. An important step in this analysis is reprocessing the multiple incidence angle observations provided by SMOS to a global brightness temperature product that simulates the constant 40 degree incidence angle observations that SMAP will provide. The reprocessed brightness temperature data provide a basis for evaluating different SMAP algorithm alternatives. Several algorithms are being considered for the SMAP radiometer-only soil moisture retrieval. In this first phase, we utilized only the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA), which is based on the radiative transfer equation and uses the channel that is most sensitive to soil moisture (H-pol). Brightness temperature is corrected sequentially for the effects of temperature, vegetation, roughness (dynamic ancillary data sets) and soil texture (static ancillary data set). European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) estimates of soil temperature for the top layer (as provided as part of the SMOS ancillary data) were used to correct for surface temperature effects and to derive microwave emissivity. ECMWF data were also used for precipitation forecasts, presence of snow, and frozen ground. Vegetation options are described below. One year of soil moisture observations from a set of four watersheds in the U.S. were used to evaluate four different retrieval methodologies: (1) SMOS soil moisture estimates (version 400), (2) SeA soil moisture estimates using the SMOS/SMAP data with SMOS estimated vegetation optical depth, which is part of the SMOS level 2 product, (3) SeA soil moisture estimates using the SMOS/SMAP data and the MODIS-based vegetation climatology data, and (4) SeA soil moisture estimates using the SMOS/SMAP data and actual MODIS observations. The use of SMOS real-world global microwave observations and the analyses described here will help in the development and selection of different land surface parameters and ancillary observations needed for the SMAP soil moisture algorithms. These investigations will greatly improve the quality and reliability of this SMAP product at launch

    Assessment of SMOS Soil Moisture Retrieval Parameters Using Tau-Omega Algorithms for Soil Moisture Deficit Estimation

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    Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is the latest mission which provides flow of coarse resolution soil moisture data for land applications. However, the efficient retrieval of soil moisture for hydrological applications depends on optimally choosing the soil and vegetation parameters. The first stage of this work involves the evaluation of SMOS Level 2 products and then several approaches for soil moisture retrieval from SMOS brightness temperature are performed to estimate Soil Moisture Deficit (SMD). The most widely applied algorithm i.e. Single channel algorithm (SCA), based on tau-omega is used in this study for the soil moisture retrieval. In tau-omega, the soil moisture is retrieved using the Horizontal (H) polarisation following Hallikainen dielectric model, roughness parameters, Fresnel's equation and estimated Vegetation Optical Depth (tau). The roughness parameters are empirically calibrated using the numerical optimization techniques. Further to explore the improvement in retrieval models, modifications have been incorporated in the algorithms with respect to the sources of the parameters, which include effective temperatures derived from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) downscaled using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-NOAH Land Surface Model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) while the s is derived from MODIS Leaf Area Index (LAI). All the evaluations are performed against SMD, which is estimated using the Probability Distributed Model following a careful calibration and validation integrated with sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. The performance obtained after all those changes indicate that SCA-H using WRF-NOAH LSM downscaled ECMWF LST produces an improved performance for SMD estimation at a catchment scale

    A Novel Bias Correction Method for Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Soil Moisture: Retrieval Ensembles

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    Bias correction is a very important pre-processing step in satellite data assimilation analysis, as data assimilation itself cannot circumvent satellite biases. We introduce a retrieval algorithm-specific and spatially heterogeneous Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV) bias correction method for Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) soil moisture. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to present the probabilistic presentation of SMOS soil moisture using retrieval ensembles. We illustrate that retrieval ensembles effectively mitigated the overestimation problem of SMOS soil moisture arising from brightness temperature errors over West Africa in a computationally efficient way (ensemble size: 12, no time-integration). In contrast, the existing method of Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) matching considerably increased the SMOS biases, due to the limitations of relying on the imperfect reference data. From the validation at two semi-arid sites, Benin (moderately wet and vegetated area) and Niger (dry and sandy bare soils), it was shown that the SMOS errors arising from rain and vegetation attenuation were appropriately corrected by ensemble approaches. In Benin, the Root Mean Square Errors (RMSEs) decreased from 0.1248 m3/m3 for CDF matching to 0.0678 m3/m3 for the proposed ensemble approach. In Niger, the RMSEs decreased from 0.14 m3/m3 for CDF matching to 0.045 m3/m3 for the ensemble approach.open

    Influence of vegetation on SMOS mission retrievals

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    International audienceUsing the proposed Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission as a case study, this paper investigates how the presence and nature of vegetation influence the values of geophysical variables retrieved from multi-angle microwave radiometer observations. Synthetic microwave brightness temperatures were generated using a model for the coherent propagation of electromagnetic radiation through a stratified medium applied to account simultaneously for the emission from both the soil and any vegetation canopy present. The synthetic data were calculated at the look-angles proposed for the SMOS mission for three different soil-moisture states (wet, medium wet and dry) and four different vegetation covers (nominally grass, crop, shrub and forest). A retrieval mimicking that proposed for SMOS was then used to retrieve soil moisture, vegetation water content and effective temperature for each set of synthetic observations. For the case of a bare soil with a uniform profile, the simpler Fresnel model proposed for use with SMOS gave identical estimates of brightness temperatures to the coherent model. However, to retrieve accurate geophysical parameters in the presence of vegetation, the opacity coefficient (one of two parameters used to describe the effect of vegetation on emission from the soil surface) used within the SMOS retrieval algorithm needed to be a function of look-angle, soil-moisture status, and vegetation cover. The effect of errors in the initial specification of the vegetation parameters within the coherent model was explored by imposing random errors in the values of these parameters before generating synthetic data and evaluating the errors in the geophysical parameters retrieved. Random errors of 10% result in systematic errors (up to 0.5°K, 3%, and ~0.2 kg m-2 for temperature, soil moisture, and vegetation content, respectively) and random errors (up to ~2°K, ~8%, and ~2 kg m-2 for temperature, soil moisture and vegetation content, respectively) that depend on vegetation cover and soil-moisture status. Keywords: passive microwave, soil moisture, vegetation, SMOS, retrieva

    Comparing surface-soil moisture from the SMOS mission and the ORCHIDEE land-surface model over the Iberian Peninsula

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    The aim of this study is to compare the surface soil moisture (SSM) retrieved from ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission (SMOS) with the output of the ORCHIDEE (ORganising Carbon and Hydrology In Dynamic EcosystEm) land surface model forced with two distinct atmospheric data sets for the period 2010 to 2012. The comparison methodology is first established over the REMEDHUS (Red de Estaciones de MEDición de la Humedad def Suelo) soil moisture measurement network, a 30 by 40. km catchment located in the central part of the Duero basin, then extended to the whole Iberian Peninsula (IP). The temporal correlation between the in-situ, remotely sensed and modelled SSM are satisfactory (r. >. 0.8). The correlation between remotely sensed and modelled SSM also holds when computed over the IP. Still, by using spectral analysis techniques, important disagreements in the effective inertia of the corresponding moisture reservoir are found. This is reflected in the spatial correlation over the IP between SMOS and ORCHIDEE SSM estimates, which is poor (¿. ~. 0.3). A single value decomposition (SVD) analysis of rainfall and SSM shows that the co-varying patterns of these variables are in reasonable agreement between both products. Moreover the first three SVD soil moisture patterns explain over 80% of the SSM variance simulated by the model while the explained fraction is only 52% of the remotely sensed values. These results suggest that the rainfall-driven soil moisture variability may not account for the poor spatial correlation between SMOS and ORCHIDEE products.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multi-temporal evaluation of soil moisture and land surface temperature dynamics using in situ and satellite observations

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    Soil moisture (SM) is an important component of the Earth’s surface water balance and by extension the energy balance, regulating the land surface temperature (LST) and evapotranspiration (ET). Nowadays, there are two missions dedicated to monitoring the Earth’s surface SM using L-band radiometers: ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP). LST is remotely sensed using thermal infrared (TIR) sensors on-board satellites, such as NASA’s Terra/Aqua MODIS or ESA & EUMETSAT’s MSG SEVIRI. This study provides an assessment of SM and LST dynamics at daily and seasonal scales, using 4 years (2011–2014) of in situ and satellite observations over the central part of the river Duero basin in Spain. Specifically, the agreement of instantaneous SM with a variety of LST-derived parameters is analyzed to better understand the fundamental link of the SM–LST relationship through ET and thermal inertia. Ground-based SM and LST measurements from the REMEDHUS network are compared to SMOS SM and MODIS LST spaceborne observations. ET is obtained from the HidroMORE regional hydrological model. At the daily scale, a strong anticorrelation is observed between in situ SM and maximum LST (R ˜ -0.6 to -0.8), and between SMOS SM and MODIS LST Terra/Aqua day (R ˜ - 0.7). At the seasonal scale, results show a stronger anticorrelation in autumn, spring and summer (in situ R ˜ -0.5 to -0.7; satellite R ˜ -0.4 to -0.7) indicating SM–LST coupling, than in winter (in situ R ˜ +0.3; satellite R ˜ -0.3) indicating SM–LST decoupling. These different behaviors evidence changes from water-limited to energy-limited moisture flux across seasons, which are confirmed by the observed ET evolution. In water-limited periods, SM is extracted from the soil through ET until critical SM is reached. A method to estimate the soil critical SM is proposed. For REMEDHUS, the critical SM is estimated to be ~0.12 m3/m3 , stable over the study period and consistent between in situ and satellite observations. A better understanding of the SM–LST link could not only help improving the representation of LST in current hydrological and climate prediction models, but also refining SM retrieval or microwave-optical disaggregation algorithms, related to ET and vegetation status.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Comparison of SMOS vegetation optical thickness data with the proposed SMAP algorithm

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    Soil moisture is important to agriculture, weather, and climate. Current soil moisture networks measure at single points, while large spatial averages are needed for some crop, weather, and climate models. Large spatial average soil moisture can be measured by microwave satellites. Two missions, the European Space Agency\u27s Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity mission (SMOS) and NASA\u27s Soil Moisture Active Passive mission (SMAP), can or will measure L-band microwave radiation, which can see through denser vegetation and deeper in to the soil than previous missions that used X-band or C-band measurements. Both SMOS and SMAP require knowledge of vegetation optical thickness (τ) to retrieve soil moisture. SMOS is able to measure τ directly through multi-angular measurements. SMAP, which will measure at a single incidence angle, requires an outside source of τ data. The current SMAP baseline algorithm will use a climatology of optical vegetation measurements, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), to estimate τ. SMAP will convert the NDVI climatology to vegetation water content (VWC), then convert VWC to τ through the b parameter. This dissertation aimed to validate SMOS τ using county crop yield estimates in Iowa. SMOS τ was found to be noisy while still having a clear response to vegetation. Counties with higher yields had higher increases in $tau; over growing seasons, so it appears that SMOS τ is valid during the growing season. However, SMOS τ had odd behavior outside of growing seasons which can be attributed to soil tillage and residue management. Next, this dissertation attempted to estimate values of the b parameter at the satellite scale using SMOS τ data, county crop yields, and allometric relationships, such as harvest index. A new allometric relationship was defined, theta_gv_max, which is the ratio of maximum VWC to maximum dry biomass. While uncertainty in the estimated values of b was large, the values were close in magnitude to those found in literature for field-based studies. Finally, this dissertation compared SMOS τ to τ from SMAP\u27s NDVI-based algorithm. At the peak of the growing season, SMAP τ was similar in timing to SMOS τ, while SMAP τ was larger in magnitude than SMOS τ. The larger SMAP τ could be attributed to SMAP\u27s handling of vegetation scattering in its soil moisture retrieval algorithm. For one example case, the difference between SMAP τ and SMOS τ at the peak of the growing season did not appear to cause a large difference in retrieved soil moisture