7 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Fifth International Mobile Satellite Conference 1997

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    Satellite-based mobile communications systems provide voice and data communications to users over a vast geographic area. The users may communicate via mobile or hand-held terminals, which may also provide access to terrestrial communications services. While previous International Mobile Satellite Conferences have concentrated on technical advances and the increasing worldwide commercial activities, this conference focuses on the next generation of mobile satellite services. The approximately 80 papers included here cover sessions in the following areas: networking and protocols; code division multiple access technologies; demand, economics and technology issues; current and planned systems; propagation; terminal technology; modulation and coding advances; spacecraft technology; advanced systems; and applications and experiments

    Use of V-band geostationary satellites to deliver multimedia services

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Performance evaluation of a 40 GHz broadband cellular system

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrónicaO trabalho apresentado nesta tese enquadra-se na área das comunicações móveis celulares e tem subjacente a utilização de um protótipo de um sistema de comunicações móveis de banda larga desenvolvido no âmbito do projecto Europeu SAMBA. Este protótipo apresenta como principais características inovadoras as taxas de transmissão, a frequência de operação, a mobilidade e os protocolos de handover rádio. Inicialmente são descritos aspectos relacionados com a evolução das comunicações móveis ao longo do tempo e apresentados conceitos teóricos fundamentais para compreender o comportamento do canal rádio móvel e os mecanismos de propagação. São identificados os tipos de desvanecimento e descritos os vários parâmetros que permitem caracterizar o canal rádio. A descrição do impacto do desvanecimento e as formas de o mitigar são apresentadas para contextualizar o trabalho desenvolvido em termos da especificação do protótipo e as opções escolhidas. As características globais do protótipo são apresentadas o que inclui a descrição do interface rádio, da arquitectura, dos módulos de RF, dos módulos de processamento de banda base, protocolos e algoritmo de transferência rádio. O protótipo foi avaliado em vários cenários com diferentes características. No cenário exterior foi analisada uma rua urbana típica do tipo canyon. Em termos de configuração do sistema foram consideradas e analisadas várias alturas da Estação Base, anglos de inclinação das antenas, várias velocidades da Terminal Móvel, operação com e sem linha de vista e a penetração do sinal rádio em ruas transversais. No cenário interior foram realizados testes similares e medidas relativas às transferências que só foram executadas para este cenário por questões logísticas. Numa primeira abordagem foi analisada a cobertura oferecida por cada célula e posteriormente activada a funcionalidade de transferência. Foram também efectuados estudos com uma única Estação Base cobrindo toda a área. Em termos de caracterização do canal rádio em banda larga são apresentadas medidas da resposta impulsiva para dois cenários interiores e complementados por outros estudos via simulação utilizando uma ferramenta de ray tracing. Nas medidas foi utilizado um método de medição do canal no domínio da frequência. A relação entre o Espalhamento do Atraso e a Banda de Coerência em diferentes cenários foi analisada em detalhe e feita a verificação em termos da violação do limite teórico de Fleury. Como consequência dos tópicos abordados, esta tese apresenta um estudo abrangente de aspectos relacionados com o comportamento do canal rádio na faixa dos 40 GHz e a análise das opções técnicas do protótipo em termos do seu desempenho no âmbito dos sistemas de comunicações móveis 4G.The work presented in this thesis addresses the area of mobile cellular broadband communications and encompasses the utilization of a prototype developed in the framework of the European project SAMBA. This prototype has as main innovative characteristics the transmission rates, the frequency band of operation, the mobility and the radio handover protocols. Initially are described aspects related with the historical evolution of the mobile communications and presented fundamental theoretical concepts to understand the behaviour of the radio channel and the propagation mechanisms. The different types of fading are identified as well as the various parameters that allow the characterisation of the radio channel. The fading impact and its mitigation techniques are presented to contextualise the work developed in terms of the specification of the features implemented in the prototype and the options available. The global characteristic of the prototype are presented namely the radio interface, the architecture, the RF modules, the baseband modules, protocols and the algorithm for the radio handover. The prototype was evaluated in various scenarios with different characteristics. In the outdoor scenario a canyon type street was analysed. Several heights of the Base Station, antenna tilting angles, Mobile Terminal velocities, operation in line-of-sight and non line-of-sight and the penetration of the signal in a transversal street. In the indoor scenario similar measurements were performed. The handover feature was analysed just for this scenario due to logistic reasons. In a first phase the coverage provided by each Base Station was analysed and subsequently activated the handover functionality. Studies using a single Base Station to cover the whole pavilion were also performed. In terms of broadband analysis, channel impulse response measurements were performed using a frequency domain technique in two scenarios and complemented by others analysed only using a ray tracing simulation tool. The relationship between the radio channel Delay Spread and the Coherence Bandwidth was analysed in different scenarios and the possible violation of the Fleury lower bond checked. As a consequence of the several topics covered in this thesis, a deep study of the aspects related with the behaviour of the radio channel in the 40 GHz band and the performance of the technical options implemented in the prototype is presented in the framework of 4G mobile communication systems

    Performance of Adaptive Satellite Antenna Array Processing and Comparison with Optimal Multi-User Communications

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    Eine Methode eine hohe spektrale Effizienz in Satellitenkommunikationssystemen zu erzielen, ist die koordinierte Wiederverwendung von Frequenzen in ausreichend voneinander entfernten geographischen Regionen. Die Frequenzwiederverwendung und damit die spektrale Effizienz können durch den Einsatz von Maßnahmen maximiert werden, die die Interferenz von nahe benachbarten Gleichkanal-Nutzern effizienter unterdrücken. In der Literatur kann man zwei fundamental unterschiedliche Ansätze finden, die eine bessere Unterdrückung der Interferenz von Gleichkanal-Nutzern ermöglichen. Der erste Ansatz fußt auf Dekodierungsmethoden, die durch die informationstheoretische Beschreibung des Mehrfachzugriffskanals (multiple access channel (MAC)) nahegelegt werden. Als eine der Möglichkeiten stellt Sukzessive Dekodierung (successive decoding) dabei eine attraktive Alternative zu komplexeren Verfahren dar, weil die Komplexität einerseits nur linear mit der Zahl der Quellen ansteigt und weil mit gewissen Einschränkungen dieselben Informationsraten erreicht werden können wie mit der optimalen Verbunddekodierung. Der zweite Ansatz versucht die räumliche Verteilung der interferierenden Gleichkanal-Nutzer effizient zu nutzen, indem eine Gruppenantenne (antenna array) zusammen mit adaptiver Strahlformung (adaptive beamforming) am Satelliten eingesetzt wird. Folgende Fragestellungen ergeben sich innerhalb des oben beschriebenen Rahmens: Ist es möglich, die oben beschriebenen Empfängervarianten, die entweder feste oder adaptive Strahlformung, bzw. entweder unabhängige oder sukzessive Dekodierung anwenden, in einer einheitlichen Weise zu beschreiben? Gibt es eine einfache Lösung für das Problem der Ressourcenzuteilung, die Sendeleistungen den Quellen zuzuordnen, welche notwendig sind, um eine bestimmte Informationsrate für alle Quellen zu erzielen? Wie ist die Leistungsfähigkeit eines Empfängers, der adaptive Strahlformung und/oder sukzessive Dekodierung anwendet, im Vergleich zu einem Empfänger, der feste Strahlformung und unabhängige Dekodierung einsetzt, wie es heutzutage der Standard ist? Wie nahe liegt die Leistung des Empfängers, der sowohl adaptive Strahlformung, als auch sukzessive Dekodierung verwendet, an der des Empfängers, der nur entweder adaptive Strahlformung oder sukzessive Dekodierung verwendet? Ist der Empfänger, der feste Strahlformung mit sukzessiver Dekodierung implementiert, besser als der, der adaptive Strahlformung mit unabhängiger Dekodierung implementiert, oder umgekehrt? Wie hängen die Antworten auf obige Fragen ab von der jeweiligen Quellenverteilung und dem daraus resultierenden Interferenzszenario

    The SECOMS broadband satellite network in the multimedia services and multi-environment coverage scenario

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    Providing multimedia services is one of the major key issues in the world of telecommunications. If mobility and ubiquity is required, the satellite assumes an essential role due to its flexibility and to the possibility of global coverage. The paper briefly describes the SECOMS satellite system aiming at providing multimedia services to ubiquitous and mobile users. This will be fully addressed in a wide range of environments, from the open country to heavily dense cities and built-up areas as well as the indoor environment. The possibility to create a global broadband mobile communication system consisting of multiple system components with different characteristics will be investigated