6,325 research outputs found

    Introductory programming: a systematic literature review

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    As computing becomes a mainstream discipline embedded in the school curriculum and acts as an enabler for an increasing range of academic disciplines in higher education, the literature on introductory programming is growing. Although there have been several reviews that focus on specific aspects of introductory programming, there has been no broad overview of the literature exploring recent trends across the breadth of introductory programming. This paper is the report of an ITiCSE working group that conducted a systematic review in order to gain an overview of the introductory programming literature. Partitioning the literature into papers addressing the student, teaching, the curriculum, and assessment, we explore trends, highlight advances in knowledge over the past 15 years, and indicate possible directions for future research

    Retention in Introductory Programming

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    The introductory programming course is one of the very first courses that computer science students encounter. The course is challenging not only because of the content, but also due to the challenges related to finding a place in a new community. Many have little knowledge of what to expect from university studies, some struggle to adjust their study behavior to match the expected pace, and a few simply cannot attend instruction due to e.g. family or work constraints. As a consequence, a considerable number of students end up failing the course, or pass the course with substandard knowledge. This leads to students failing to proceed in their studies at a desirable pace, to students who struggle with the subsequent courses, and to students who completely drop out from their studies. This thesis explores the issue of retention in introductory programming courses through multiple viewpoints. We first analyze how the teaching approaches reported in literature affect introductory programming course pass rates. Then, changes on the retention at the University of Helsinki are studied using two separate approaches. The first approach is the use of a contemporary variant of Cognitive Apprenticeship called the Extreme Apprenticeship method, and the second approach is the use of a massive open online course (MOOC) in programming for recruiting students before they enter their university studies. Furthermore, data from an automatic assessment system implemented for the purposes of this thesis is studied to determine how novices write their first lines of code, and what factors contribute to the feeling of difficulty in learning programming. On average, the teaching approaches described in the literature improve the course pass rates by one third. However, the literature tends to neglect the effect of intervention on the subsequent courses. In both studies at the University of Helsinki, retention improved considerably, and the students on average also fare better in subsequent courses. Finally, the data that has been gathered with the automatic assessment system provides an excellent starting point for future research.Ohjelmointi on nykyajan käsityöläistaito, jolle on akuutti tarve työelämässä. Tämän taidon opettelua harkitseva tietää harvoin, kuinka riippuvainen yhteiskuntamme on ohjelmoinnin tuotoksista eli ohjelmistoista. Ilman ohjelmointia esimerkiksi yhteydenpito, kaupankäynti, matkustaminen ja terveydenhuolto olisivat heikommalla tasolla. Puhelimet eivät toimisi, internettiä ei olisi, eikä lääketeollisuus pystyisi käsittelemään yhtä suuria datamassoja uusia parannuskeinoja etsiessä. Kukaan ei olisi kirjoittanut ohjelmaa, joka auttoi avaruuteen pääsemisessä. Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan ohjelmoinnin opetusmenetelmiä ja niiden toimivuutta korkeakouluissa sekä esitellään kognitiiviseen oppipoikamalliin (Cognitive Apprenticeship) perustuva “ajatuskäsityöläisten” opetusmenetelmä tehostettu kisällioppiminen (Extreme Apprenticeship). Tehostetussa kisällioppimisessa oppimista edesauttava yksilöllinen ohjaus on mahdollista skaalata satoja opiskelijoita sisältäville kursseille. Väitöskirjatyössä ehdotetaan lisäksi kaikille avoimen verkkokurssin (MOOC) käyttöä yliopisto-opiskelijoiden valintaan sekä tarkastellaan tällaisen valintaväylän toimivuutta tietojenkäsittelytieteen alalla. Väitöskirja käsittelee myös ohjelmointitehtävien automaattista arviointia ja esittelee tähän tarkoitetun Test My Code -järjestelmän, jota voidaan käyttää askeleittaisten ohjeiden ja palautteen antamiseen aloitteleville ohjelmoijille sekä tiedon keräämiseen ohjelmointiprosessissa esiintyvistä ongelmista. Tällaista tietoa voidaan tutkia oppimisanalytiikan menetelmin. Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan myös aloittelevien ohjelmoijien ensimmäisten ohjelmien kirjoittamisessa esiintyviä ongelmia sekä esitellään ohjelmointitehtävien vaikeuden ennustamiseen sopivia menetelmiä

    'Old' and 'new' professionals in Austrian vocational education

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    'Die vorliegende Studie ist im Rahmen eines europäischen Projektes im Leonardo-da-Vinci-Programm über die Entwicklung eines europäischen Profils der Fachkräfte im Bereich der Berufsbildung entstanden. Es wird untersucht, in welchen Formen die 'Professionalisierung' der Fachkräfte in der Berufsbildung (VET-Professionals) vor sich geht, welche Veränderungen in der Arbeitsteilung zwischen den verschiedenen Kategorien von Fachkräften zu beobachten sind, und welche Rolle diese Veränderungen in spezifischen Aspekten der Entwicklung des Berufsbildungssystems spielen. Näher untersucht wird erstens die Einbindung und Rolle der Forschung in den Prozessen des Wandels und der Innovation im Zusammenspiel mit den Strukturen der Arbeitsteilung unter den Fachkräften der Berufsbildung. Die Politik im Bereich der Lehrlingsausbildung und die Einrichtung des Fachhochschulsektors werden als zwei spezifische Fälle analysiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass zwischen traditionellen und neuen Kategorien von Fachkräften unterschieden werden kann. Während unter den traditionellen Fachkräften der Berufsbildung (LehrerInnen, AdministratorInnen, PolitikerInnen und LobbyistInnen, ForscherInnen) eine stark spezialisierte und fragmentierte Struktur vorherrscht, die deren gleichwertige Einbindung in die Veränderungs- und Innovationsprozesse erschwert, sind unter den neuen Fachkräften (Human-Resource-Development, ErwachsenenbildnerInnen, Intermediäre) komplexere Profile zu beobachten. Das neue System der Fachhochschulen unterscheidet sich von der traditionellen fragmentierten Struktur einerseits durch stärker integrierte Aufgabenprofile und erfordert entsprechend komplexe Profile von Fachkräften, für die es jedoch nur bedingt ein Angebot gibt.' (Autorenreferat)'The present study was carried out in the framework of a European project of the Leonardo da Vinci programme on the development of a European profile of skilled workers in the field of vocational training. It investigates the form in which the professionalization of skilled workers in the field of vocational training is structured, the changes in the division of labor which can be observed among the different categories of skilled workers and the role of these changes play for specific aspects of the development of the system of vocational training. A closer analysis is made of the integration and the role of research within the processes of change as well as of the importance of innovation in the interlinking of structures of labor division among skilled workers in the field of vocational training. The apprenticeship training policy and the establishment of the sphere of higher technical education are analyzed as two specific cases. It is shown that traditional categories of skilled workers can be differentiated from new ones. While a highly specialized and fragmented structure impeding an equal integration in the processes of change and innovation can be made out among traditional skilled workers in the field of vocational training (teachers, administrative staff, politicians and lobbyists, researchers), more complex profiles are to be detected among the new skilled workers (human resource development, adult education, intermediaries). The new system of higher technical education differs from the fragmented traditional structure on the one hand by a stronger integration of responsibility profiles and the demand of an accordingly complex profile of skilled workers, who, on the other hand, do not always find adequate job opportunities.' (author's abstract)

    Conflict-Affected Youth Livelihoods Programming: Bridging The Gap Between Research & Practice

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    The current thesis project consists of a programmatic mapping of existing policy and programming related to conflict-affected youth livelihoods and a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) of the literature to identify the evidence base for effective interventions. The programmatic mapping identified key actors in the field and existing policy and programming, revealing a need for: data regarding evidence-based interventions; demand-driven intervention strategies; cross-sectoral partnerships providing holistic programming approaches; increased outreach to vulnerable sub-populations; and increased youth participation in program design, implementation, management, and evaluation. The REA revealed a severe shortage of evidence-based practice in this area, but sheds light on the value of cash grants for startup businesses, on-the-job training, demand-side market-driven programs, and combination strategies for increased employment. The joint findings diagnose a nonfunctioning system in which agencies continue to invest in youth livelihoods in conflict settings despite lacking data about effective interventions. The thesis concludes with a set of recommendations for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to increase accountability in the provision of humanitarian and development assistance for youth livelihoods in conflict to improve youth development outcomes (including health)

    Replacing exam with self-assessment : Reflection-centred learning environment as a tool to promote deep learning

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    A new blended learning environment encompassing a wide variety of formative assessment was developed for a large undergraduate mathematics course to promote deep learning approach. In order to enhance reflection, the final exam was replaced by students’ self-assessment. At the end of the course, a cluster analysis found four student clusters differing in their deep and surface learning approaches. Analysis of open feedback questions suggests that the contextual factor most commonly associated with deep learning approach was innovative assessment. Our findings lead us towards understanding how to foster deep learning approach in different kinds of learners.Peer reviewe

    Music Learning with Massive Open Online Courses

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    Steels, Luc et al.-- Editors: Luc SteelsMassive Open Online Courses, known as MOOCs, have arisen as the logical consequence of marrying long-distance education with the web and social media. MOOCs were confidently predicted by advanced thinkers decades ago. They are undoubtedly here to stay, and provide a valuable resource for learners and teachers alike. This book focuses on music as a domain of knowledge, and has three objectives: to introduce the phenomenon of MOOCs; to present ongoing research into making MOOCs more effective and better adapted to the needs of teachers and learners; and finally to present the first steps towards 'social MOOCs’, which support the creation of learning communities in which interactions between learners go beyond correcting each other's assignments. Social MOOCs try to mimic settings for humanistic learning, such as workshops, small choirs, or groups participating in a Hackathon, in which students aided by somebody acting as a tutor learn by solving problems and helping each other. The papers in this book all discuss steps towards social MOOCs; their foundational pedagogy, platforms to create learning communities, methods for assessment and social feedback and concrete experiments. These papers are organized into five sections: background; the role of feedback; platforms for learning communities; experiences with social MOOCs; and looking backwards and looking forward. Technology is not a panacea for the enormous challenges facing today's educators and learners, but this book will be of interest to all those striving to find more effective and humane learning opportunities for a larger group of students.Funded by the European Commission's OpenAIRE2020 project.Peer reviewe

    Teaching and learning introductory programming : a model-based approach

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    The dissertation identifies and discusses impact of a model-based approach to teaching and learning introductory object-oriented programming both for practitioners and for computer science education research.Learning to program is notoriously difficult. This dissertation investigates ways to teach introductory object-oriented programming at the university level. It focuses on a model-based approach, describes and argues for this approach and investigates several of its aspects. It gives an overview of the research in teaching introductory programming in an objects-first way. The dissertation also investigates ways for university teachers to share and document best practices in teaching introductory object-oriented programming through pedagogical patterns. The dissertation addresses both traditional young full-time students and experienced programmers (although not in object-orientation) participating in part-time education. It examines whether the same success factors for learning programming apply to a model-based approach as to introductory programming courses in general for full-time students and gives a general overview of research in success factors for introductory programming. Some factors are the same, because students‘ math competence is positively correlated with their success. The dissertation examines how experienced programmers link a model-based programming course to their professional practices. The general answer is that the part-time students do not need to have a direct link to their specific work-practice, they expect to create the link themselves; but the teacher must be aware of the conditions facing the part-time students in industry. Furthermore, the dissertation addresses interaction patterns for part-time students learning model-based introductory programming in a net-based environment. A previously prepared solution to an exercise is found to mediate the interaction in three different ways. Design patterns have had a major impact on the quality of object-oriented software. Inspired by this, researchers have suggested pedagogical patterns for sharing best practices in teaching introductory object-oriented programming. It was expected that university teachers‘ knowledge of pedagogical patterns was limited, but this research proved that to be wrong; about half of the teachers know pedagogical patterns. One of the problems this dissertation identifies is the lack of a structuring principle for pedagogical patterns; potential users have problems identifying the correct patterns to apply. An alternative structuring principle based on a constructivist learning theory is suggested and analysed