13 research outputs found

    The effects of intensive listening through podcast on speaking accuracy of the third semester students of English education in IAIN Palangka Raya in academic year 2015/2016.

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    ABSTRACT The study was aimed at measuring the effect of intensive listening through podcast on speaking accuracy of the third semester students of English education in IAIN palangka raya in academic year 2015/2016. The problem of the study was’’Is there any effect of intensive listening through podcast on speaking accuracy of the third semester students of English education in IAIN Palangka Raya?’’ The type of the study was quantitative approach, especially non-randomized control group, pre-test and post-test; the design of the study was quasi-experiment. There were two classes becoming sample of the study, they were class A as the experimental group and D as the control group, and the total number was 32 students. The writer gave a pre-test to gain the first students’ speaking score. After gaining the pre-test score, the writer gave treatment by using Intensive Listening through podcast to the experimental group, while gave the lesson as usual to the control group. After that, the writer gave post-test to the both experimental and control group to gain the students’ final score. To examine the hypothesis, the writer used t-test formula. In addition, the writer used SPSS 16.0 program to compare the data. The result of t test using manual calculation showed that the calculated value (tobserved) was higher than ttable at 5% significance level or 2.042<2.495. The result of t-test using SPSS 16.0 calculation indicated that the calculated value (tobserved) was also higher than ttable at 5% significance level or 2.042<2.570. This indicated that the alternative hypothesis stating there is effect of intensive listening through podcast on speaking accuracy of the third semester students of English education in IAIN Palangka Raya was accepted and Ho stating that there is no effect of intensive listening through podcast on speaking accuracy of the third semester students of English education in IAIN Palangka Raya was rejected. Therefore, teaching listening by using Intensive listening through podcast at the at third semester students of English Education of State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya was effective at 5% significance level. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh mendengarkan intensif melalui podcast pada ketepatan berbicara mahasiswa semester III jurusan bahasa inggris di institute agama islam negeri palangka raya thuan ajaran 2015/2016. Masalah penelitian adalah’’ apakah ada pengaruh mendengarkan intensif melalui podcast pada ketepatan berbicara mahasiswa semester III jurusan bahasa inggris di institute agama islam negeri palangka raya tahun ajaran 2015/2016?’’ Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, khususnya desain tanpa pengacakan, kelompok kontrol, pra-uji, pasca uji dan design yang digunakan adalah kuasi-eksperimen. Terdapat dua kelas yang menjadi sampel penelitian, yaitu kelas A sebagai group experiment dan D sebagai group kontrol. Dan jumlah keseluruhan adalah 32 mahasiswa. Kedua kelompok diberikan pra-uji untuk memperoleh nilai pertama. Setelah mendapatkan nilai pra uji, mahasiswa di kelompok eksperimen diajarkan dengan media mendengarkan intensif sementara kontrol group di berikan pelajaran seperti biasa tanpa media mendengarkan intensif. Kemudian, penulis memberikan pasca uji kepada kedua kelompok experimen dan kontrol untuk memperoleh nilai akhir. Untuk menguji hipotesis, penulis menggunakan rumus t-test. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan SPSS 16,0 program untuk membandingkan data. Hasil t-test menggunakan perhitungan manual menunjukkan bahwa nilai yang dihitung (t-test) lebih besar dari t-tabel sebesar pada tingkat signifikansi 5% atau 2.042<2.495. Hasil t-test menggunakan SPSS 16,0 perhitungan mengindikasikan bahwa nilai yang dihitung (t-hitung) juga lebih besar dari t-tabel pada 5% atau tingkat signifikansi 2.042<2.570. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis alternative menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh mendengarkan intensif melalui podcast terhadap ketepatan berbicara mahasiswa semester III jurusan bahasa inggris di institute agama islam negeri palangka raya tahun ajaran 2015/2016 diterima dan hipotesis nol yang menyatakan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh mendengarkan intensif melalui podcast terhadap ketepatan berbicara mahasiswa semester III jurusan bahasa inggris di institute agama islam negeri palangka raya tahun ajaran 2015/2016 tditolak. Oleh karena itu, mengajarkan listening menggunakan mendengarkan intensif melalui podcast pada ketepatan berbicara mahasiswa semester III jurusan bahasa inggris di institute agama islam negeri palangka raya tahun ajaran 2015/2016 adalah efektif pada tingkat signifikansi 5%

    Does Going Mobile Always Make Learning Better?

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    In order to understand what mobile learning (mLearning) can contribute to the educational experience and learning outcomes of university students, an examination is made of three mLearning applications - lecture podcasting, interactive classroom systems, and studentgenerated mLearning. These are analyzed in the light of pedagogic theory and compared to the traditional, didactic lecture and to typical implementations of eLearning. The application of concepts such as student-centred learning, active experiential learning, situated learning, learning conversations and the affordances offered by mobile devices reveal that mLearning can be fundamentally different from the forms of learning that preceded it. However, it is also noted that not all mLearning leads to better educational outcomes and that more emphasis needs to be placed on learner engagement and student-centred learning as fundamental concepts of any mLearning adoption

    Mobile Learning in the Institution of Higher Learning for Malaysia students : Culture Perspectives

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    Mobile learning usage in a developing country like Malaysia can be considered new. This literature research  is a state of art overview to discuss current issues. The emerging issues come from: types of mobile learning and learning styles; implementation issues of mobile learning; culture dimensions; and user readiness to accept the mobile learning technology. Currently, there is a lack of research about culture aspects to improve mobile learning and university students’ engagement in Malaysia. The objective of this research is to find the gap from the culture perspectives of mobile learning in Malaysia at public institutions of higher learning. The discussions have found that the culture dimensions are not a suitable approach to tackle mobile learning. It is therefore suggested to use a more grounded and sensible cultural  approach for local context

    Advancing the m-learning research agenda for active, experiential learning: Four case studies

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    This article reports on an m-learning research agenda instituted at our university in order to explore how mobile technology can enhance active, experiential learning. Details of the implementation and results of four areas of m-learning are presented: mobile supported fieldwork, fostering interactivity in large lectures with mobile technology, using mobile devices to learn about mobile technology and, finally, podcasting. These directions are informed by a concern for achieving m-learning practices consistent with sound educational theory and the needs of the contemporary, technologically aware student body. All four implementations have been successfully embedded in mainstream subjects on a continuing basis. Therefore they represent a departure from the project based approach of much m-learning reported in the literature. This outcome was achieved through a focus on the economic sustainability and feasibility of each case. An evaluation focusing on how well each case assisted students' learning found that, with the exception of lecture podcasting, all supported high quality experiential learning

    The College Experience Podcast: Connecting Student Services for College Success

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    What do we know about orienting college students on how to successfully manage the college experience? With this podcast, I aim to answer that question. The podcast aims to serve two purposes. The first purpose is to transmit the information to the students. The secondary purpose is to support student development by increasing knowledge about a wide range of topics as well as available services and resources. The goal is for students to become more aware of how they can access and use these services most effectively and how to manage their time to access essential services that support their success in college. Use this link to access the podcast: https://archive.org/details/thecollegeexperiencepodcas

    Public Relations Models and Dialogic Communication in the Twitterverse: An Analysis of How Colleges and Universities are Engaging Their Publics Through Twitter

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    Colleges and universities throughout this world are realizing the importance of engaging in and building mutually-beneficial relationships with their key publics through social media. The introduction of the microblogging tool known as Twitter extends the use of social media in higher education, beyond the classroom, and into the realm of public relations where it can be just as effective. Now, colleges and universities are capitalizing off of its potential as a public relations tool. Twitter allows colleges and universities to better connect with their technology-consumed publics trough dialogic and interactive two-way communication. This study examines how 155 colleges and universities use Twitter as a relationship-building and communication tool. Grounded in Kent and Taylor’s (1998) dialogic principles and Grunig and Hunt’s (1984) four models of public relations, this dissertation is based on a content analysis that examined higher education use of Twitter as a means of communication. This study analyzed the individual tweets (N = 1,550) of 155 colleges and universities during a two-week sampling period. The data revealed that 38.5% of the tweets aligned with the dialogic principle of Conservation of Return Visitors, while 49.7% of the tweets aligned with the Press Agentry/Publicity model of public relations. Medium interactivity was featured in the majority of the tweets. In addition, the general community was the most targeted public of the tweets, while self-promotion was the most featured theme of the tweets. When analyzing the individual tweets, it was confirmed that many colleges and universities are not following the most-commonly accepted relationship-building strategies, such as dialogic and two-way communication. As one of the first studies of its kind, this dissertation offers insight into how colleges and universities are using Twitter to communicate and build relationships with their key publics. It extends upon the existing knowledge of how social media, such as Twitter, can be used in a dialogic public relations context. Furthermore, it offers insight into how Twitter can be used in collaboration with traditional public relations theories, such as the four models of public relations. It concludes with implications of how colleges and universities can use Twitter to build and maintain mutually-beneficial relationships

    Podcast educacional aplicado às Ciências Naturais: o sistema nervoso

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    O processo ensino-aprendizagem das ciências naturais é desafiado para se adaptar às necessidades e estilo de vida atual dos alunos. Este desafio, para os docentes, é a inovação das estratégias pedagógicas orientadas para a mudança conceptual. As escolas podem estar equipadas com vários recursos tecnológicos, mas a sua integração no processo ensino-aprendizagem, como práticas inovadoras e promotoras de uma utilização efetiva por parte dos discentes, é ainda limitada. Cabe ao professor do século XXI incrementar a utilização das Tecnologias de Inovação e Comunicação nas suas práticas letivas permitindo aos alunos, que temos na sala de aula, e que nasceram na era digital, uma maior motivação e potenciação das suas aprendizagens. O conteúdo “O Sistema Nervoso”, só abordado no 9º ano de escolaridade, temática incluída no tema organizador “Viver Melhor na Terra”, envolve termos científicos complexos, sendo sempre um grande desafio para os docentes a sua abordagem em contexto educativo. Neste contexto enunciou-se o seguinte problema de estudo: o podcast aplicado como auxiliar de aprendizagem do segmento de conteúdo “O Sistema Nervoso”, levará a uma melhoria dos resultados escolares dos alunos do 9º ano? Para este estudo utilizou-se uma metodologia mista, envolvendo 19 alunos, permitindo a utilização de vários métodos e diferentes formas de obter dados e os analisar. É um estudo de caso e os resultados mostram o impacto da utilização de um podcast educacional como auxiliar de aprendizagem de um conteúdo, “O Sistema Nervoso”. O ensino-aprendizagem deixou de estar confinado à sala de aula, podendo ocorrer em qualquer lugar e a todo o momento, de acordo com a escolha dos alunos e respeitando o ritmo de aprendizagem de cada um. A audição do podcast revelou-se um instrumento facilitador do trabalho autónomo, já que é um reforço pedagógico e/ou estratégia de ensino diferenciado, funcionando como um auxiliar esclarecedor, através do qual os alunos clarificam as suas dúvidas, o que não conseguiriam fazer sozinhos. Permite, ainda, recriar o ambiente de sala de aula na explicação dos conteúdos

    Podcasts na visita de estudo ao Museu e no apoio ao estudo autónomo: uma iniciação ao mobile learning no 6º ano de escolaridade

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa)A necessidade de motivar alunos e familiares para a visita a museus por sua iniciativa, de orientar de forma adequada essas visitas e de prestar um apoio suplementar aos alunos no estudo autónomo, conduziu-nos a tirar partido das potencialidades do podcast na aprendizagem móvel. A investigação analisou as potencialidades do podcast numa visita de estudo a um museu, as vantagens da utilização de dispositivos móveis na audição do podcast, o impacto do podcast no apoio ao estudo autónomo, a contribuição do podcast para a promoção de uma aprendizagem ativa e significativa e auscultou a opinião dos alunos no que respeita à motivação para a disciplina através dos podcasts. Para a consecução destes objetivos foram delineadas distintas atividades curriculares em que se recorreu a podcasts produzidos pela docente e pelos alunos. Dada a natureza complexa e multifacetada do fenómeno educativo, optou-se pela realização de uma investigação qualitativa, sendo a metodologia adotada o estudo de caso. Participaram trinta e oito alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade do ensino básico, de uma escola do ensino público. As técnicas de recolha de dados selecionadas foram o inquérito e a observação. Foram criados e validados cinco instrumentos de recolha de dados: um questionário inicial, um pré/pós-teste, um questionário de opinião e entrevistas aos alunos e aos pais. Os resultados do estudo mostram que a realização de um podcast sobre o museu motivou os alunos para o visitarem. O podcast orientou a visita de estudo, fornecendo informações sobre o acervo e orientando a observação a realizar. No estudo autónomo, o podcast foi considerado como um apoio eficaz pelos alunos, que o utilizaram para compreender e estudar os conteúdos curriculares. Permitiu dar resposta a alunos com diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, surgindo como alternativa às tradicionais atividades de leitura e escrita. Ao proporcionar novas situações de aprendizagem, motivou os alunos para a disciplina e permitiu estabelecer uma ligação afetiva pela audição das próprias vozes, dos colegas e da professora. A utilização do telemóvel permitiu associar um caráter lúdico à aprendizagem e identificá-lo como uma ferramenta pedagógica disponível e acessível a alunos e docentes. O recurso a podcasts e telemóvel evidenciou novas possibilidades de aprendizagem em situações de mobile learning, pela inserção em contextos autênticos e significativos, pela oportunidade de poderem ocorrer em qualquer momento e lugar.The need to motivate students and their families to visit museums on their own will, to guide appropriately those visits and to offer them extra support in their autonomous work lead us to the exploration of podcast in mobile learning. The study analyzed the podcast's potential in a field trip to a museum, the advantages of using mobile devices in the hearing of the podcast, the podcast's impact in supporting autonomous study, and its contribution to promote an active and significant learning. The students were inquired about their opinion in what concerns the use of podcasts and their motivation towards the discipline through podcasts. To achieve these goals several curricular activities were defined, in which the used podcasts were produced both by the teacher and the students. Due to the complex and multifaceted nature of the learning phenomenon, it was decided to carry out a qualitative research, particularly a case study. Thirty eight sixth grade students from the public school integrated the study. It was chosen to use both inquiry and observation to gather the data. Five instruments were used with that purpose: an initial questionnaire, a pre and post test, a questionnaire of opinion and interviews to the students and to their parents. The study results reveal that the use of a podcast in the museum has motivated the students and their families to visit it. The podcast oriented the field trip, offering information on the collection and guiding the observation. In the autonomous study matter, the podcast was considered an efficient support by the students, who used it to understand and study the curricular contents. It has allowed to reach out to different students, presenting itself as an alternative to the traditional activities of reading and writing. By proposing new learning situations, it has motivated the students towards the discipline of History and permitted to establish an affective connection throughout the audition of their own voices, as well as their colleagues' and teacher’s voices. The use of mobile phone has allowed to associate communication and fun to the learning process and to recognize it as a pedagogical tool. The use of podcasts and mobile phones has pointed out new learning possibilities in mobile learning situations, through its insertion in real and significant contexts, anytime and anywhere

    Podcasts e uso de dispositivos móveis no contexto do ensino de música no 2º ciclo

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    Mestrado em Multimédia em EducaçãoHoje em dia os alunos transportam, naturalmente, para dentro da sala de aula, todo um manancial de tecnologia móvel. A facilidade com que ficheiros multimédia são transferidos para estes dispositivos, aliada à possibilidade destes serem reproduzidos em qualquer lugar e momento, surge como um excelente recurso a explorar no contexto educativo. Este modelo de aprendizagem, vulgarmente conhecido por m- Learning, impõe uma nova postura e mentalidade por parte dos professores nestes contextos, fruto da promoção e da dinamização de ambientes de aprendizagem diferentes dos reconhecidos como sendo mais tradicionais. A presente dissertação apresenta os resultados obtidos num estudo de caso que incidiu na implementação de podcasts, suportados por dispositivos móveis, nos processos de ensinoaprendizagem na disciplina de Educação Musical. Os objectivos do mesmo incidiram essencialmente em perceber de que forma é que os podcasts e os dispositivos móveis poderiam ser utilizados no ensino de música no 2º Ciclo. Participaram neste estudo vinte e quatro alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade, de uma escola pública, situada no Concelho de Santa Maria da Feira. A recolha dos dados foi realizada com base em observações directas e participantes, questionários e entrevistas individuais. Os resultados deste estudo fornecem indicadores sobre a potencialidade dos podcasts como recurso no suporte de actividades musicais, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento dos trabalhos de casa, como complemento para reforçar a compreensão dos conteúdos, bem como para o aperfeiçoamento da execução musical. Com a presente investigação, pretende-se, portanto, contribuir para o estudo da utilização de dispositivos móveis, aplicados para a audição de podcasts, como uma oportunidade para os professores transformarem a sala de aula, diversificando estratégias, possibilitando ambientes educativos criativos e inovadores. ABSTRACT: Today, students bring into the classroom, a considerable variety of mobile technology. The ease with which multimedia files are transferred to and between these devices, combined with the possibility of playing them in any place and time, turns these mobile devices into an excellent resource worth being looked into from an educational point of view. This model of learning, commonly known as m-Learning, requires however the need for a attitude and mentality shift of teachers involved in these contexts. This is understandable if considered that these new activities oblige the teachers to promote and stimulate learning environments different from those commonly recognized as being more traditional. This dissertation presents the results of a case study that focused on the implementation of podcasts, supported by mobile devices, in the processes of teaching and learning in the class of Music Education. Its objectives focused mainly on the understanding of how podcasts and mobile devices could be used in music education in the 2nd stage. In this study participated twenty-four students from the 6th grade, in a public school, located in the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. The results of this study suggest that podcasts can be quite interesting resource in the support of musical activities, including the development of homework, a complement for enhancing the understanding of content as well as for the improvement of musical performance. The present dissertation aims to contribute to the study of the use of mobile devices, and their use as Podcast players, as an opportunity for teachers to transform the classroom, by diversifying strategies and enabling creative and innovative learning environments

    Actas do Encontro sobre Podcasts

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    Os podcasts surgem em 2004 e, desde então, têm vindo a impor-se na sociedade e no ensino. Inicialmente o termo era sinónimo de um ficheiro áudio, mas rapidamente outros formatos surgem como o vídeo – o vodcast e o screencast, que consiste na captura do ecrã com locução, sendo adequado para tutoriais - e a combinação de imagem com locução - o enhanced podcast. É o renascer do áudio e do vídeo no ensino, fomentado pela facilidade em editar e em publicar online, a que se associa a facilidade em descarregar para dispositivos móveis que permitem que os alunos os ouçam ou vejam em qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. Os podcasts constituem um recurso a não menosprezar no ensino presencial e a distância. A forma como podem ser usados é muito variada, dependendo da criatividade do professor que os reutiliza ou que os cria. O Encontro sobre Podcasts constitui um reflexo da investigação e das experiências que se fazem no país e no estrangeiro.Universidade do Minho. Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd