56,107 research outputs found

    Project Management Tools as Boundary Objects in Agile Software Development

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    In agile software development (ASD) teams, it is essential to overcome knowledge boundaries to prevent product delays. The theory of boundary objects suggests that using the objects can help bridging knowledge boundaries within ASD teams in collaborations. Although prior research has reported that the use of boundary objects within traditional software development (TSD) teams is helpful, this topic in agile background still needs more exploration. Additionally, findings on the effects of boundary objects in bridging knowledge gaps are mixed. In this in-progress study, we conceptually explored the role of project management tools as boundary objects in ASD teams. Empirical study was conducted by using eight student teams, each consisting of four to five team members, which were asked to deliver a software using project management tools. Preliminary data analysis showed that PMTs indeed have positive influence in agile context

    Hybrid Project Management: Agile with Discipline

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    Effective management of software projects will always be important regardless of the software development method (agile, iterative or waterfall) used. A recent movement in the software development industry towards adopting Agile practices have left many questioning the role of traditional project management. However, in practice companies often struggle with changing established practices. Many companies have adopted hybrid methods to adjust to changing requirements. For many of these companies these hybrid approaches are seen as the best of both worlds as they can leverage the advantages of Agile with the strengths of traditional practices. While researchers have begun proposing ways that these approaches can integrate there remains limited actual academic evidence that describes how these models are being integrated in practice. This research contributes to the knowledge by discussing findings based on a unique approach adopted by the IBM Center of Excellence called Agile with Discipline

    Coordinating Knowledge Work in Multi-Team Programs: Findings from a Large-Scale Agile Development Program

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    Software development projects have undergone remarkable changes with the arrival of agile development methods. While intended for small, self-managing teams, these methods are increasingly used also for large development programs. A major challenge in programs is to coordinate the work of many teams, due to high uncertainty in tasks, a high degree of interdependence between tasks and because of the large number of people involved. This revelatory case study focuses on how knowledge work is coordinated in large-scale agile development programs by providing a rich description of the coordination practices used and how these practices change over time in a four year development program with 12 development teams. The main findings highlight the role of coordination modes based on feedback, the use of a number of mechanisms far beyond what is described in practitioner advice, and finally how coordination practices change over time. The findings are important to improve the outcome of large knowledge-based development programs by tailoring coordination practices to needs and ensuring adjustment over time.Comment: To appear in Project Management Journa

    Modelling Security Requirements Through Extending Scrum Agile Development Framework

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    Security is today considered as a basic foundation in software development and therefore, the modelling and implementation of security requirements is an essential part of the production of secure software systems. Information technology organisations are moving towards agile development methods in order to satisfy customers' changing requirements in light of accelerated evolution and time restrictions with their competitors in software production. Security engineering is considered difficult in these incremental and iterative methods due to the frequency of change, integration and refactoring. The objective of this work is to identify and implement practices to extend and improve agile methods to better address challenges presented by security requirements consideration and management. A major practices is security requirements capture mechanisms such as UMLsec for agile development processes. This thesis proposes an extension to the popular Scrum framework by adopting UMLsec security requirements modelling techniques with the introduction of a Security Owner role in the Scrum framework to facilitate such modelling and security requirements considerations generally. The methodology involved experimentation of the inclusion of UMLsec and the Security Owner role to determine their impact on security considerations in the software development process. The results showed that overall security requirements consideration improved and that there was a need for an additional role that has the skills and knowledge to facilitate and realise the benefits of the addition of UMLsec

    Looking for Reasons behind Success in Dealing with Requirements Change

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    During development, requirements of software systems are subject to change. Unfortunately, managing changing requirements can take a lot of time and effort. Yet some companies show a better management of changes in requirements than others. Why? What is it that makes some projects deal with changing requirements better than others? We pursue the long term goal of understanding the mechanisms used to successfully deal with change in requirements. In this paper we gather knowledge about the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice. We studied eight software development projects in four different companies --large and small, inclined toward structured and toward agile principles of development--, interviewing their project managers and analyzing their answers. Our findings include a list of practical (rather than theoretical) factors affecting the ability to cope with small changes in requirements. Results suggest a central role of size as a factor determining the flexibility showed either by the organization or by the software development team. We report the research method used and validate our results via expert interviews, who could relate to our findings

    An agile based integrated framework for software development.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Management. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2018.Software development practice has been guided by practitioners and academics along an evolutionary path that extends from a Waterfall approach, characterised as highly prescriptive, to an approach that is agile, embracing the dynamic context in which software is developed. Agile Methodology is informed by a set of generic principles and agile methods that are customised by practitioners to meet the requirements of the environment in which it is used. Insight into the customisation of agile methods is pivotal to uphold the evolutionary trajectory of software development methodology. The study adopted a ‘socio-technical’ orientation to enhance the implementation of Agile Methodology. The social component of the study was aligned to the role played by organisational culture in the adoption of software development methodology. The amorphous concept of organisational culture has been operationalised by implementing the Competing Values Framework to develop a model that aligns organisational culture to an optimal methodology for software development. The technical component of the study has a software engineering focus. The study leveraged experiential knowledge of software development by South African software practitioners to develop a customised version of a prominent agile software development method. The model has been developed so that it is compatible with a variant of organisational culture that is aligned with agile methodology. The study implemented a sequential research design strategy consisting of two phases. The first phase was qualitative consisting of a phenomenological approach to develop the study’s main models. The second phase was quantitative, underpinned by technology acceptance theory, consisting of a survey based approach to determine South African software practitioners’ acceptance of the agile-oriented technical model that was developed in the study. The results from the survey indicated an 80% acceptance of the model proposed in study. Structural Equation Modelling was used to demonstrate that the inclusion of organisational culture as an independent construct improved the predictive capacity of technology acceptance theory in the context of software development methodology adoption. The study’s overall theoretical contribution was to highlight the significance of organisational culture in the implementation of agile methodology and to extend the evolutionary path of software development methodology by proposing an agile oriented model that scales the software process to an organisational infrastructure level

    Compulsory Liability Insurance for Commercial Motor Vehicles

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    With its core in adaptability and change responsiveness, the Agile methodology has become a popular application of the project process within the often volatile environment of today’s software development projects. The Agile methodology emphasizes interaction between project roles over documentation and formal processes. This higher interaction increases the need for functioning information dissemination throughout the entire project process. The study was carried out at a small sized Swedish IT consultancy firm. The company wished to acquire a project management and planning software tool to support the entire project process and all involved project roles. However, awareness of areas in the project process in need of support was not entirely clear. Therefore, the objective of the study was to investigate the company’s application of the Agile project process and identify potential challenges. Furthermore, the objective was to investigate how a project management and planning software tool can support the Agile project process within software development. The thesis was carried out as an abductive case study, where qualitative data collection methods and literature studies were combined. As a result from the study, two main conclusions have been drawn. Firstly: requirements engineering, the customer role, communication, and knowledge transfer were concluded as prominent challenges in the project process in need of increased support. Secondly, a project management and planning software tool can support the project process by: increasing the communication and collaboration abilities, providing holistic and historical project overview, providing a single storage location, and providing structure. Furthermore, the study has also shown that the project management and planning software tool needs to interact with the Agile project process in order to provide successful support. As final contribution, the Interaction model was created. The model visualizes the main areas in which a project management and planning software tool must interact with the Agile process, in order to support the entire project process successfully.Genom dess anpassningsförmĂ„ga och förĂ€ndringsmottaglighet har den Agila metodiken blivit en populĂ€r tillĂ€mpning för projektprocessen inom mjukvaruutveckling, en miljö dĂ€r snabba förĂ€ndringar tillhör vardagen. Den Agila metodiken framhĂ€ver interaktion mellan projektroller  framför  dokumentation  och  formella  processer,  vilket  ökar  behovet  av fungerande informationsspridning genom hela projektprocessen. Studien  har  utförts  hos  ett  mindre  svenskt  IT-konsultföretag,  vilket  önskade  att införskaffa en programvara för ett projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg som kan stötta hela  projektprocessen  och  alla  involverade  projektroller.  Medvetenheten  kring  de omrĂ„den i projektprocessen som Ă€r i behov av stöd var dĂ€remot inte helt tydlig. MĂ„let med   studien   var   dĂ€rför   att   undersöka   företagets   tillĂ€mpning   av   den   Agila projektprocessen  och  identifiera  eventuella  utmaningar.  Vidare  var  mĂ„let  ocksÄ  att undersöka hur en programvara för ett projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg kan stödja den Agila projektprocessen inom mjukvaruutveckling. Examensarbetet utfördes som en abduktiv fallstudie dĂ€r flera kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder anvĂ€ndes tillsammans med litteraturstudier. Som resultat av studien har tvĂ„ huvudslutsatser dragits. För det första; kravhantering, kundrollen, kommunikation  och  kunskapsöverföring  identifierades som framtrĂ€dande utmaningar i projektprocessen i behov av ökat stöd. För det andra, att en programvara för ett projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg kan stödja projektprocessen genom att; förbĂ€ttra  kommunikations-  och  samarbetsmöjligheterna,  ge  en  övergripande  och historisk projektöverblick, fungera som en gemensam lagringsplats och tillhandahĂ„lla struktur.  Vidare  har  studien  visat  att  en  programvara  för  ett  projektlednings-  och planeringsverktyg  mĂ„ste  interagera  med  den  Agila  projektprocessen  för  att  ge  ett effektivt  stöd.  Som  ett  slutligt  bidrag  skapades  "the  Interaction  model",  vilken visualiserar huvudomrĂ„dena inom vilka en programvara för ett  projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg mĂ„ste interagera med projektprocessen för att ge ett fullt stöd till processen

    An ontological model of experience-based knowledge management in agile software development environment

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    Agile software development (ASD) involves more in discussion and communication between team members compared to documentation; it is difficult for team members to share knowledge among them. In this matter, knowledge management (KM) plays critical role in managing and capturing the knowledge especially experience-based knowledge. This research main purpose is to create ontology to represent the knowledge that has been stored in knowledge repository after capturing the experience knowledge from the development team in ASD. This ontology model will help by describing a relationship that will later on help in sharing the experience knowledge easily among Community of Practice (CoP). A literature review of the common things in the ASD been conducted, we then creating ontology model by using a tools called Protégé. This ontology called as Experience-Based Knowledge Management (EBKM) Ontology Model. The model is deployed to apply to the reality as a prototype to demonstrate its real value

    Suorituskyvyn mittaaminen ketterÀssÀ ohjelmistoliiketoiminnassa

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    Performance measurement has a significant role in agile software business. The academic literature of performance measurement is broad, but the most part of the research does not cover the perspectives of agile software business. Phenomena such as digitalization and globalization are reshaping many industries which makes software development more and more meaningful. Agile and lean models have become the major models of development and their use is growing all the time. The traditional ways of development are becoming inefficient in today’s hectic market environment and that forces to reactive and proactive management in order to respond changes in the customers’ needs. This master’s thesis analyzes performance measurement in the agile software business. The theoretical part covers the different control systems of companies, measurement activities in software business, and practical agile development indicators. The literature review enables to build the performance measurement framework which establishes the structured understanding of performance measurement and management. The empirical part consists of interviews and workshops which deepen the understanding of performance measurement in the agile software business environment. Different indicators are evaluated from the perspective of agile software development and their mutual relation-ships are investigated. There have been achieved findings in the focus areas of this research. Agile industry has its own characteristics and the most meaningful of them are efficient and predictable process in deliveries and customer’s continuous feedback during software development. Those characteristics impact to the performance measurement which needs to consider process and product perspectives. A process needs to be optimized in order to minimize waste and produce software with the best possible flow. A product needs to concentrate on customers’ feedback and satisfaction with the aim of ensuring that all development work will be in demand after completion. According to the results, metrics and indicator selection need to be done with the knowledge of organizational impacts and by respecting team level autonomy in agile models. Key performance indicators are followed by the management, but furthermore there should exist supportive metrics to team’s independent improvement activities. Agile development enables the aggregation of metrics with the short development cycles and the clear structure of organization. Financial indicators usually have a dominating status at the management level, but also nonfinancial indicators should be analyzed. All metrics have to be implemented with the comprehensive understanding of process and business objectives

    Management of quality requirements in agile and rapid software development: A systematic mapping study

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    Context: Quality requirements (QRs) describe the desired quality of software, and they play an important role in the success of software projects. In agile software development (ASD), QRs are often ill-defined and not well addressed due to the focus on quickly delivering functionality. Rapid software development (RSD) approaches (e.g., continuous delivery and continuous deployment), which shorten delivery times, are more prone to neglect QRs. Despite the significance of QRs in both ASD and RSD, there is limited synthesized knowledge on their management in those approaches. Objective: This study aims to synthesize state-of-the-art knowledge about QR management in ASD and RSD, focusing on three aspects: bibliometric, strategies, and challenges. Research method: Using a systematic mapping study with a snowballing search strategy, we identified and structured the literature on QR management in ASD and RSD. Results: We found 156 primary studies: 106 are empirical studies, 16 are experience reports, and 34 are theoretical studies. Security and performance were the most commonly reported QR types. We identified various QR management strategies: 74 practices, 43 methods, 13 models, 12 frameworks, 11 advices, 10 tools, and 7 guidelines. Additionally, we identified 18 categories and 4 non-recurring challenges of managing QRs. The limited ability of ASD to handle QRs, time constraints due to short iteration cycles, limitations regarding the testing of QRs and neglect of QRs were the top categories of challenges. Conclusion: Management of QRs is significant in ASD and is becoming important in RSD. This study identified research gaps, such as the need for more tools and guidelines, lightweight QR management strategies that fit short iteration cycles, investigations of the link between QRs challenges and technical debt, and extension of empirical validation of existing strategies to a wider context. It also synthesizes QR management strategies and challenges, which may be useful for practitioners.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
