13 research outputs found

    The Role of ICT as a Double-Edged Sword in Fostering Societal Transformations

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    Information and communication technologies (ICT) have been central to economies seeking improvements in societal conditions. The impacts of ICT advancements manifest themselves in both socioeconomic and sociopolitical changes. While socioeconomic restructuring and, more recently, sociopolitical changes have often been attributed to ICT, research on its impacts and nuances in countries differentiated by economic levels remains sparse. The focus has been on the two ends of the strata for developing and developed economies and restricted to the impacts of ICT on economic metrics like GDP growth. In this study, we explore the pivotal role of ICT in societal transformations for countries categorized as developing, transition, and developed economies. Leveraging endogenous growth theory and social network theory, we hypothesize about the different impacts of ICT across the three economic classifications. Using panel data from 1995 to 2012 for 37 countries belonging to the three economic groups, we empirically investigate the associations between ICT investments and societal outcomes. Our results reveal that ICT has an impact on societal outcomes for transformations, but the nature of its contributions to social change varies with the stage of a country’s economic development. The analysis suggests that developing economies benefit the most from ICT investments with an overall improvement in socioeconomic and sociopolitical conditions, while the ICT effects are either insignificant or negatively inclined for developed economies. Transition economies show mixed ICT effects in stimulating socioeconomic and sociopolitical transformations. These results provide insights for actionable policies and suggest directions for building an ICT-enabled Bright Society

    Exploratory study of Responsible Innovation: Toward a Holistic Approach to Sustainability

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    The Information Systems (IS) community has been called to address the important challenge of sustainable development, but progress continues to be slow. Elsewhere, responsible innovation (RI) has emerged as a framework to support the integration of sustainability considerations into the innovation process. The aim of this paper is to explore how organizations operationalize the main RI principles – anticipation, inclusion, responsiveness, and reflexivity. Based on a qualitative exploratory study, this paper develops insights into practices taken by organizations to address sustainability issues through their IS innovation processes. Our findings suggest that organizations operationalize RI principles highly or partially under the influence of five factors. A new understanding of the RI principles operationalization and its applicability to IS innovations is developed, which can serve to direct further research and guide organizations aiming to enhance their sustainability performance

    Emancipation Research in Information Systems: Integrating Agency, Dialogue, Inclusion, and Rationality Research

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    Emancipation is a key concept in critical theories. Prior work suggests that emancipation is a complex and multi-faceted concept. Many conceptualizations of emancipation exist, and emancipation is defined in different ways. Existing empirical studies mainly focus on one or few components of emancipation. To have an integrated understanding of emancipation, we review the literature on emancipation in information systems (IS), with a view toward developing a typology of components of emancipation in the IS field. The typology of emancipation components consists of four components: freedom to act, freedom to express, freedom to belong and freedom to think. These components relate to the concepts of agency, dialogue, inclusion, and rationality, respectively

    Digital transformation and organizational implications

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    Digital technologies surround us. Some technologies, such as platforms, help us book our holidays, others, like apps, transform our appearance, and more sophisticated technology, such as artificial intelligence, even translates texts for us. With that in mind, it seems almost unbelievable that there are yet areas in our lives that are not digital but require pen and paper. This dissertation aims to gain a better understanding of the ongoing digital transformation of organizations, with a specific focus on the following aspects: (1) understand what digital transformation is and how it affects firms, (2) shed light on the business value implications and contingencies in the SME context, and (3) to unravel different actions on how firms may deal with institutional pressure. Chapter 2 addresses the conceptual nature of digital transformation through a literature review and provides a process model for different stages of digital change and insights on transforming from the analog world into a digitally transformed organization. Chapter 3 deals with the business value implications of digital transformation for small to medium firms (SMEs) by focusing on the pressure between doing radically different activities and overcoming established routines is provided. Chapter 4 takes a broader perspective on the institutional arrangement and how digital transformation may promote legitimacy challenges. Finally, Chapter 5 ties everything together, presents a general discussion of the different studies and their outcomes, explores managerial and societal implications, and offers future research directions

    evidence from a South American country

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    Pazmiño-Sarango, M., Naranjo-Zolotov, M., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2021). Assessing the drivers of the regional digital divide and their impact on eGovernment services: evidence from a South American country. Information Technology and People. [Advanced online publication in 21 September 2021]. https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-09-2020-0628Purpose: The paper explores the main drivers of the regional-level digital divide in Ecuadorian cities and the extent to which the information and communication technology (ICT) adoption by citizens influences local-level policymakers' decisions to develop eGovernment services. Design/methodology/approach: The paper used an exploratory approach. The authors empirically assessed the provision of eGovernment services in each of the 36 Ecuadorian local governments following the Local Online Service Index (LOSI) measurement scale proposed by the United Nations, and then evaluated the drivers of the eGovernment divide at a local level. Ordinary least squares regression analysis was used. Findings: The findings indicate that the digital divide is driven by income and education disparities, and that eGovernment availability is driven by ICT use. It appears that proper attention to technology use by its citizens is not being given by local-level policymakers in Ecuador when they devise their eGovernment strategy. Research limitations/implications: Because the data were available at different levels of aggregation, there may be some inaccuracy of the indicators and lack of generalizability. Researchers are encouraged to test this hypotheses with data at lower levels of aggregation and from different latitudes to provide a comparative view between countries. Practical implications: The paper includes implications for policymakers and local authorities regarding how the limitations on eGovernment development may be mitigated. Originality/value: This study fulfils the need to assess digital development and its impact on eGovernment services at a city level in a developing country.authorsversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    The criticality of ICT-trade nexus on economic and inclusive growth

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    This paper contributes to the ICT-growth and trade-growth literature by investigating the ICT-trade nexus on economic and inclusive growth. That is, does ICT adoption enhance or distort the impact of trade on growth? With data on 53 African countries from 2005 to 2015 using mobile phones and fixed telephone subscriptions as indicators of ICT, findings provide evidence that (1) trade is a significant and positive predictor of growth, (2) the impact of trade on growth differs significantly across Africa’s sub-regions, (3) the effect of ICT adoption differs significantly across sub-regions, (4) ICT innovation enhances the impact of trade on growth, and (5) the ICT-trade nexus differ significantly across sub-regions. The study submits that these variables are critical drivers of economic and inclusive growth in Africa. However, the lack of consistency of the results across the sub-regions suggests that the level of ICT is still undeveloped. Policy implications are discusse

    Las TIC'S y rendimiento laboral en la Municipalidad Provincial de San Román, Región Puno-2021

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    El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como finalidad determinar la relación existente entre las TIC’S y en rendimiento laboral en los colaboradores en la municipalidad provincial de San Román, región Puno 2021. Con respecto a las teorías del uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación citamos a Fernández, (2013), por otro lado. Con relación al desempeño laboral citamos a Manene, (2013) El enfoque de investigación fue cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental, de corte transaccional y de alcance correlacional. La población y muestra fue un total de 56 colaboradores del área de desarrollo social, se realizó la presente investigación a través del análisis de los datos, recolectados mediante una encuesta aplicada, instrumento validado por expertos y validado por alpha de cronbach, en el cual se utilizó el paquete estadístico SPSS, para el efectivo desarrollo de este trabajo. Se concluyó: Con un valor de (0,502) de significancia en Correlación de Pearson Sig. (Bilateral) que se encuentra dentro de los valores 0,4 a 0,69 (Correlación positiva moderada) afirmando lo siguiente: existe una relación positiva moderada entre las Tics y en rendimiento laboral en los colaboradores en la Municipalidad Provincial de San Román, región Puno 2021

    Bringing light into the dark side of digitalization : consequences, antecedents, and mitigation mechanisms

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    As digital technologies permeate all aspects of our professional and private lives, digitalization causes profound changes for individuals, organizations, and societies. The use of digital technologies makes many activities easier, safer, faster, or more comfortable. In addition to many positive changes, digital technologies are also associated with numerous risks and side effects. The use of digital technologies might come along with severe negative consequences for individuals, organizations, and societies. The negative consequences can be triggered by various antecedents. In addition to identifying the negative consequences of digitalization and their antecedents, it is particularly important to develop appropriate mitigation mechanisms. This dissertation provides novel insights for IS researchers to better understand the negative consequences of using digital technologies. It contains a broad overview of the risks and side effects of digitalization and investigates related antecedents and mitigation mechanisms. To reach this goal, regarding research methods, this dissertation relies on the structured analysis of (scientific) literature and (expert) interviews as well as the analysis and interpretation of empirical data. Chapter 2 contributes to the research on the negative consequences of digitalization. Section 2.1 provides a comprehensive multi-level taxonomy of the risks and side effects of digitalization (RSEDs). Section 2.2 builds on Section 2.1 and is a substantial expansion and improvement of Section 2.1. The iterative taxonomy development process was complemented by four additional cycles. The final taxonomy comprises 11 RSEDs and their 39 subtypes. Both articles show that there is a wide range of risks and side effects of digitalization that need to be explored in more detail in the future. Chapter 3 focuses on the antecedents of digitalizations negative consequences. Section 3.1 sheds light on individuals concerns towards automated decision-making. The concerns are derived from academic literature and semi-structured interviews with potential users of algorithm-based technologies. Section 3.2 focuses on the evaluation of specific mHealth app features by potential users in Germany and Denmark. The study draws on survey data from both countries analyzed using the Kano method. Further, it comprises a quartile-based sample split approach to identify the underlying relationships between users characteristics and their perceptions of the mHealth app features. The results show significant differences between Germans and Danes in the evaluation of the app features and demonstrate which of the user characteristics best explain these differences. Both articles shed light on possible antecedents of negative consequences (i.e., user dissatisfaction, non-use) and thus contribute to a better understanding of the occurrence of negative consequences. Chapter 4 shows exemplary mitigation mechanisms to cope with the negative consequences of digitalization. Section 4.1 takes an organizational perspective and identifies data privacy measures that can be implemented by organizations to protect the personal data of their customers and address their privacy concerns. These measures were evaluated by analyzing data from two independent online surveys with the help of the Kano method. Section 4.2 focuses on an individual perspective by presenting the concept of a privacy bot that contributes to strengthening the digital sovereignty of internet users. With the help of the privacy bot, page-long privacy statements can be checked against previously stored individual data protection preferences. Both articles provide appropriate mitigation mechanisms to cope with users privacy concerns. These two examples show that there are a variety of ways to counter the risks and side effects of digitalization. The research articles included in this dissertation identify various risks and side effects of digitalization that need to be explored in more detail in future research. The two articles on antecedents help to better understand the occurrence of negative consequences of digitalization. The development of appropriate countermeasures, two of which are exemplified in this dissertation, should result in the benefits of digital technologies outweighing their risks.Da digitale Technologien alle Bereiche unseres beruflichen und privaten Lebens durchdringen, bewirkt die Digitalisierung tiefgreifende Veränderungen für Individuen, Organisationen und Gesellschaften. Viele Aktivitäten werden durch den Einsatz digitaler Technologien einfacher, sicherer, schneller oder bequemer. Neben vielen positiven Veränderungen sind digitale Technologien aber auch mit zahlreichen Risiken und Nebenwirkungen verbunden. Der Einsatz digitaler Technologien kann mit schwerwiegenden negativen Folgen für Individuen, Organisationen und Gesellschaften einhergehen. Diese negativen Folgen können durch verschiedene Einflussfaktoren ausgelöst werden. Zusätzlich zur Identifizierung der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung und ihrer Ursachen ist es besonders wichtig, geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Diese Dissertation liefert neue Erkenntnisse für IS-Forscher:innen, um die negativen Folgen der Nutzung digitaler Technologien besser zu verstehen. Sie enthält einen breiten Überblick über die Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung und untersucht die damit verbundenen Ursachen und Schutzmaßnahmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, stützt sich die Dissertation forschungsmethodisch auf die strukturierte Analyse von (wissenschaftlicher) Literatur und (Expert:innen-)Interviews sowie auf die Auswertung und Interpretation empirischer Daten. Kapitel 2 leistet einen Beitrag zur Forschung über die negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 2.1 liefert eine umfassende mehrstufige Taxonomie der Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung (RSEDs). Abschnitt 2.2 baut auf Abschnitt 2.1 auf und ist eine wesentliche Erweiterung und Verbesserung von Abschnitt 2.1. Der iterative Taxonomieentwicklungsprozess wurde durch vier weitere Zyklen ergänzt. Die endgültige Taxonomie umfasst 11 RSED und 39 Untertypen. Beide Artikel zeigen, dass es ein breites Spektrum an Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung gibt, das in Zukunft noch genauer erforscht werden muss. Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit den Ursachen der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 3.1 beleuchtet die Bedenken von Individuen gegenüber automatisierten Entscheidungen. Die Bedenken wurden aus wissenschaftlicher Literatur und halbstrukturierten Interviews mit potenziellen Nutzer:innen algorithmusbasierter Technologien abgeleitet. Abschnitt 3.2 konzentriert sich auf die Bewertung spezifischer Funktionen von mHealth-Apps durch potenzielle Nutzer in Deutschland und Dänemark. Die Studie basiert auf Umfragedaten aus beiden Ländern, die mit der Kano-Methode analysiert wurden. Darüber hinaus umfasst sie einen quartil-basierten Stichproben-Split-Ansatz, um die zugrundeliegenden Beziehungen zwischen den Merkmalen der Nutzer (z.B. Bedenken hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes) und ihrer Wahrnehmung der Funktionen von mHealth-Apps zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse zeigen signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Deutschen und Dänen bei der Bewertung der App-Funktionen und zeigen, welche der Nutzermerkmale diese Unterschiede am besten erklären. Beide Artikel beleuchten mögliche Ursachen negativer Folgen (z.B. Unzufriedenheit der Nutzer, Nichtnutzung) und tragen so zu einem besseren Verständnis des Auftretens negativer Folgen bei. Kapitel 4 zeigt beispielhafte Schutzmaßnahmen zur Bewältigung der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 4.1 nimmt eine organisationale Perspektive ein und identifiziert Datenschutzmaßnahmen, die von Unternehmen umgesetzt werden können, um die personenbezogenen Daten ihrer Kund:innen zu schützen und deren Datenschutzbedenken zu berücksichtigen. Diese Maßnahmen wurden durch die Analyse von Daten aus zwei unabhängigen Online-Umfragen mit Hilfe der Kano-Methode evaluiert. In Abschnitt 4.2 wird eine individuelle Perspektive eingenommen, indem das Konzept eines Privacy Bots vorgestellt wird, der zur Stärkung der digitalen Souveränität von Internetnutzer:innen beiträgt. Mithilfe des Privacy Bots können seitenlange Datenschutzerklärungen mit zuvor gespeicherten individuellen Datenschutzpräferenzen abgeglichen werden. Beide Artikel beschreiben geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen, um den Datenschutzbedenken der Nutzer:innen gerecht zu werden. Diese beiden Beispiele zeigen, dass es eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten gibt, den Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung zu begegnen. Die in dieser Dissertation enthaltenen Forschungsartikel zeigen verschiedene Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung auf, die in der zukünftigen Forschung noch genauer untersucht werden müssen. Die beiden Artikel zu den Ursachen helfen, das Auftreten von negativen Konsequenzen der Digitalisierung besser zu verstehen. Die Entwicklung geeigneter Schutzmaßnahmen, von denen zwei in dieser Dissertation beispielhaft vorgestellt werden, sollte dazu führen, dass die Vorteile der digitalen Technologien ihre Risiken überwiegen

    Supporting and Scaling Up Youth Agripreneurship in Kenya

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    This analytical document on rural youth agribusiness is a source of evidence-based knowledge for youth in agriculture, or those doing agribusiness as well as organisations or entities implementing or supporting youth agribusiness in Kenya. The 9 articles in this document cover themes such as access to finance, business mentorship, ICTs and social media for agribusiness, market linkages and access that effectively shape-up and enhance rural youth agribusiness in Kenya and beyond. The articles were submitted by authors who responded to a call for articles launched by the project