1,553 research outputs found

    The role of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 channels within an optimal estimation scheme for sea surface temperature

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    We present an analysis of information content for sea surface temperature (SST) retrieval from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2). We find that SST uncertainty of ∼0.37 K can be achieved within an optimal estimation framework in the presence of wind, water vapour and cloud liquid water effects, given appropriate assumptions for instrumental uncertainty and prior knowledge, and using all channels. We test all possible combinations of AMSR2 channels and demonstrate the importance of including cloud liquid water in the retrieval vector. The channel combinations, with the minimum number of channels, that carry most SST information content are calculated, since in practice calibration error drives a trade-off between retrieved SST uncertainty and the number of channels used. The most informative set of five channels is 6.9 V, 6.9 H, 7.3 V, 10.7 V and 36.5 H and these are suitable for optimal estimation retrievals. We discuss the relevance of microwave SSTs and issues related to them compared to SSTs derived from infra-red observations

    Optimal estimation of sea surface temperature from AMSR-E

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    The Optimal Estimation (OE) technique is developed within the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI) to retrieve subskin Sea Surface Temperature (SST) from AQUA’s Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer—Earth Observing System (AMSR-E). A comprehensive matchup database with drifting buoy observations is used to develop and test the OE setup. It is shown that it is essential to update the first guess atmospheric and oceanic state variables and to perform several iterations to reach an optimal retrieval. The optimal number of iterations is typically three to four in the current setup. In addition, updating the forward model, using a multivariate regression model is shown to improve the capability of the forward model to reproduce the observations. The average sensitivity of the OE retrieval is 0.5 and shows a latitudinal dependency with smaller sensitivity for cold waters and larger sensitivity for warmer waters. The OE SSTs are evaluated against drifting buoy measurements during 2010. The results show an average difference of 0.02 K with a standard deviation of 0.47 K when considering the 64% matchups, where the simulated and observed brightness temperatures are most consistent. The corresponding mean uncertainty is estimated to 0.48 K including the in situ and sampling uncertainties. An independent validation against Argo observations from 2009 to 2011 shows an average difference of 0.01 K, a standard deviation of 0.50 K and a mean uncertainty of 0.47 K, when considering the best 62% of retrievals. The satellite versus in situ discrepancies are highest in the dynamic oceanic regions due to the large satellite footprint size and the associated sampling effects. Uncertainty estimates are available for all retrievals and have been validated to be accurate. They can thus be used to obtain very good retrieval results. In general, the results from the OE retrieval are very encouraging and demonstrate that passive microwave observations provide a valuable alternative to infrared satellite observations for retrieving SST

    Investigation of passive atmospheric sounding using millimeter and submillimeter wavelength channels

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    Activities within the period from July 1, 1992 through December 31, 1992 by Georgia Tech researchers in millimeter and submillimeter wavelength tropospheric remote sensing have been centered around the calibration of the Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (MIR), preliminary flight data analysis, and preparation for TOGA/COARE. The MIR instrument is a joint project between NASA/GSFC and Georgia Tech. In the current configuration, the MIR has channels at 90, 150, 183(+/-1,3,7), and 220 GHz. Provisions for three additional channels at 325(+/-1,3) and 8 GHz have been made, and a 325-GHz receiver is currently being built by the ZAX Millimeter Wave Corporation for use in the MIR. Past Georgia Tech contributions to the MIR and its related scientific uses have included basic system design studies, performance analyses, and circuit and radiometric load design, in-flight software, and post-flight data display software. The combination of the above millimeter wave and submillimeter wave channels aboard a single well-calibrated instrument will provide unique radiometric data for radiative transfer and cloud and water vapor retrieval studies. A paper by the PI discussing the potential benefits of passive millimeter and submillimeter wave observations for cloud, water vapor and precipitation measurements has recently been published, and is included as an appendix

    On requirements for a satellite mission to measure tropical rainfall

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    Tropical rainfall data are crucial in determining the role of tropical latent heating in driving the circulation of the global atmosphere. Also, the data are particularly important for testing the realism of climate models, and their ability to simulate and predict climate accurately on the seasonal time scale. Other scientific issues such as the effects of El Nino on climate could be addressed with a reliable, extended time series of tropical rainfall observations. A passive microwave sensor is planned to provide information on the integrated column precipitation content, its areal distribution, and its intensity. An active microwave sensor (radar) will define the layer depth of the precipitation and provide information about the intensity of rain reaching the surface, the key to determining the latent heat input to the atmosphere. A visible/infrared sensor will provide very high resolution information on cloud coverage, type, and top temperatures and also serve as the link between these data and the long and virtually continuous coverage by the geosynchronous meteorological satellites. The unique combination of sensor wavelengths, coverages, and resolving capabilities together with the low-altitude, non-Sun synchronous orbit provide a sampling capability that should yield monthly precipitation amounts to a reasonable accuracy over a 500- by 500-km grid

    An Ocean Surface Wind Vector Model Function For A Spaceborne Microwave Radiometer And Its Application

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    Ocean surface wind vectors over the ocean present vital information for scientists and forecasters in their attempt to understand the Earth\u27s global weather and climate. As the demand for global wind velocity information has increased, the number of satellite missions that carry wind-measuring sensors has also increased; however, there are still not sufficient numbers of instruments in orbit today to fulfill the need for operational meteorological and scientific wind vector data. Over the last three decades operational measurements of global ocean wind speeds have been obtained from passive microwave radiometers. Also, vector ocean surface wind data were primarily obtained from several scatterometry missions that have flown since the early 1990\u27s. However, other than SeaSat-A in 1978, there has not been combined active and passive wind measurements on the same satellite until the launch of the second Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS-II) in 2002. This mission has provided a unique data set of coincident measurements between the SeaWinds scatterometer and the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR). AMSR observes the vertical and horizontal brightness temperature (TB) at six frequency bands between 6.9 GHz and 89.0 GHz. Although these measurements contain some wind direction information, the overlying atmospheric influence can easily obscure this signal and make wind direction retrieval from passive microwave measurements very difficult. However, at radiometer frequencies between 10 and 37 GHz, a certain linear combination of vertical and horizontal brightness temperatures causes the atmospheric dependence to be nearly cancelled and surface parameters such as wind speed, wind direction and sea surface temperature to dominate the resulting signal. This brightness temperature combination may be expressed as ATBV-TBH, where A is a constant to be determined and the TBV and TBH are the brightness temperatures for the vertical and horizontal polarization respectively. In this dissertation, an empirical relationship between the AMSR\u27s ATBV-TBH and SeaWinds\u27 surface wind vector retrievals was established for three microwave frequencies: 10, 18 and 37 GHz. This newly developed model function for a passive microwave radiometer could provide the basis for wind vector retrievals either separately or in combination with scatterometer measurements


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    Clouds strongly affect the energy balance and water cycle, two dominant processes in the climate system. Low-level liquid clouds have the most significant influence on cloud radiative forcing due to their areal extent and frequency. Estimation of atmospheric liquid water contained in low-level clouds and the precipitation underneath them is very important in meteorology, hydrology, and climatology. Space-borne remote sensing data are widely used for global estimation of atmospheric liquid water, given that they have a wider spatial coverage than other data sources and are spanning many years. However, previous space-borne remote sensing techniques have some limitations for estimation of atmospheric liquid water in low-level liquid clouds, namely, the vertical variation of droplet effective radius (DER) is neglected in the calculation of cloud liquid water path (LWP) and the rain underneath low-level liquid clouds can be overlooked. Comprising many state-of-art passive and active instruments, the recently launched NASA A-Train series of satellites provides comprehensive simultaneous information about cloud and precipitation processes. Utilizing A-Train satellite data and ship-borne data from the East Pacific Investigation of Climate (EPIC) campaign, in this study investigated is the estimation of liquid water in low-level liquid clouds, and assessed is the potential of cloud microphysical parameters in the estimation of rain from low-level liquid clouds. This study demonstrates that assuming a constant cloud DER can cause biases in the calculation of LWP. It is also shown that accounting for the vertical variation of DER can reduce the mean biases. This study shows that DER generally increases with height in non-drizzling clouds, consistent with aircraft observations. It is found that in drizzling clouds, the vertical gradient of DER is significantly smaller than that in non-drizzling clouds, and it can become negative when the drizzle is heavier than approximately 0.1 mm hr-1. It is shown that the warm rain underneath low-level liquid clouds accounts for 45.0% of occurrences of rain and 27.5% of the rainfall amount over the global ocean areas. Passive microwave techniques underestimate the warm rain over oceans by nearly 48%. Among the cloud microphysical parameters, LWP calculated with DER profile shows the best potential for estimating warm rain, which is neglected by traditional techniques of precipitation estimation

    An experimental 2D-Var retrieval using AMSR2

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    A two-dimensional variational retrieval (2D-Var) is presented for a passive microwave imager. The overlapping antenna patterns of all frequencies from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) are explicitly simulated to attempt retrieval of near-surface wind speed and surface skin temperature at finer spatial scales than individual antenna beams. This is achieved, with the effective spatial resolution of retrieved parameters judged by analysis of 2D-Var averaging kernels. Sea surface temperature retrievals achieve about 30 km resolution, with wind speed retrievals at about 10 km resolution. It is argued that multi-dimensional optimal estimation permits greater use of total information content from microwave sensors than other methods, with no compromises on target resolution needed; instead, various targets are retrieved at the highest possible spatial resolution, driven by the channels\u27 sensitivities. All AMSR2 channels can be simulated within near their published noise characteristics for observed clear-sky scenes, though calibration and emissivity model errors are key challenges. This experimental retrieval shows the feasibility of 2D-Var for cloud-free retrievals and opens the possibility of stand-alone 3D-Var retrievals of water vapour and hydrometeor fields from microwave imagers in the future. The results have implications for future satellite missions and sensor design, as spatial oversampling can somewhat mitigate the need for larger antennas in the push for higher spatial resolution

    Ocean remote sensing techniques and applications: a review (Part II)

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    As discussed in the first part of this review paper, Remote Sensing (RS) systems are great tools to study various oceanographic parameters. Part I of this study described different passive and active RS systems and six applications of RS in ocean studies, including Ocean Surface Wind (OSW), Ocean Surface Current (OSC), Ocean Wave Height (OWH), Sea Level (SL), Ocean Tide (OT), and Ship Detection (SD). In Part II, the remaining nine important applications of RS systems for ocean environments, including Iceberg, Sea Ice (SI), Sea Surface temperature (SST), Ocean Surface Salinity (OSS), Ocean Color (OC), Ocean Chlorophyll (OCh), Ocean Oil Spill (OOS), Underwater Ocean, and Fishery are comprehensively reviewed and discussed. For each application, the applicable RS systems, their advantages and disadvantages, various RS and Machine Learning (ML) techniques, and several case studies are discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version