39,203 research outputs found

    An FPT Algorithm for Directed Spanning k-Leaf

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    An out-branching of a directed graph is a rooted spanning tree with all arcs directed outwards from the root. We consider the problem of deciding whether a given directed graph D has an out-branching with at least k leaves (Directed Spanning k-Leaf). We prove that this problem is fixed parameter tractable, when k is chosen as the parameter. Previously this was only known for restricted classes of directed graphs. The main new ingredient in our approach is a lemma that shows that given a locally optimal out-branching of a directed graph in which every arc is part of at least one out-branching, either an out-branching with at least k leaves exists, or a path decomposition with width O(k^3) can be found. This enables a dynamic programming based algorithm of running time 2^{O(k^3 \log k)} n^{O(1)}, where n=|V(D)|.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Improving Optimization Bounds using Machine Learning: Decision Diagrams meet Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Finding tight bounds on the optimal solution is a critical element of practical solution methods for discrete optimization problems. In the last decade, decision diagrams (DDs) have brought a new perspective on obtaining upper and lower bounds that can be significantly better than classical bounding mechanisms, such as linear relaxations. It is well known that the quality of the bounds achieved through this flexible bounding method is highly reliant on the ordering of variables chosen for building the diagram, and finding an ordering that optimizes standard metrics is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we propose an innovative and generic approach based on deep reinforcement learning for obtaining an ordering for tightening the bounds obtained with relaxed and restricted DDs. We apply the approach to both the Maximum Independent Set Problem and the Maximum Cut Problem. Experimental results on synthetic instances show that the deep reinforcement learning approach, by achieving tighter objective function bounds, generally outperforms ordering methods commonly used in the literature when the distribution of instances is known. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first paper to apply machine learning to directly improve relaxation bounds obtained by general-purpose bounding mechanisms for combinatorial optimization problems.Comment: Accepted and presented at AAAI'1

    Are there any good digraph width measures?

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    Several different measures for digraph width have appeared in the last few years. However, none of them shares all the "nice" properties of treewidth: First, being \emph{algorithmically useful} i.e. admitting polynomial-time algorithms for all \MS1-definable problems on digraphs of bounded width. And, second, having nice \emph{structural properties} i.e. being monotone under taking subdigraphs and some form of arc contractions. As for the former, (undirected) \MS1 seems to be the least common denominator of all reasonably expressive logical languages on digraphs that can speak about the edge/arc relation on the vertex set.The latter property is a necessary condition for a width measure to be characterizable by some version of the cops-and-robber game characterizing the ordinary treewidth. Our main result is that \emph{any reasonable} algorithmically useful and structurally nice digraph measure cannot be substantially different from the treewidth of the underlying undirected graph. Moreover, we introduce \emph{directed topological minors} and argue that they are the weakest useful notion of minors for digraphs

    On The Power of Tree Projections: Structural Tractability of Enumerating CSP Solutions

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    The problem of deciding whether CSP instances admit solutions has been deeply studied in the literature, and several structural tractability results have been derived so far. However, constraint satisfaction comes in practice as a computation problem where the focus is either on finding one solution, or on enumerating all solutions, possibly projected to some given set of output variables. The paper investigates the structural tractability of the problem of enumerating (possibly projected) solutions, where tractability means here computable with polynomial delay (WPD), since in general exponentially many solutions may be computed. A general framework based on the notion of tree projection of hypergraphs is considered, which generalizes all known decomposition methods. Tractability results have been obtained both for classes of structures where output variables are part of their specification, and for classes of structures where computability WPD must be ensured for any possible set of output variables. These results are shown to be tight, by exhibiting dichotomies for classes of structures having bounded arity and where the tree decomposition method is considered

    Algorithmic Aspects of Switch Cographs

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    This paper introduces the notion of involution module, the first generalization of the modular decomposition of 2-structure which has a unique linear-sized decomposition tree. We derive an O(n^2) decomposition algorithm and we take advantage of the involution modular decomposition tree to state several algorithmic results. Cographs are the graphs that are totally decomposable w.r.t modular decomposition. In a similar way, we introduce the class of switch cographs, the class of graphs that are totally decomposable w.r.t involution modular decomposition. This class generalizes the class of cographs and is exactly the class of (Bull, Gem, Co-Gem, C_5)-free graphs. We use our new decomposition tool to design three practical algorithms for the maximum cut, vertex cover and vertex separator problems. The complexity of these problems was still unknown for this class of graphs. This paper also improves the complexity of the maximum clique, the maximum independant set, the chromatic number and the maximum clique cover problems by giving efficient algorithms, thanks to the decomposition tree. Eventually, we show that this class of graphs has Clique-Width at most 4 and that a Clique-Width expression can be computed in linear time

    Solving MaxSAT and #SAT on structured CNF formulas

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    In this paper we propose a structural parameter of CNF formulas and use it to identify instances of weighted MaxSAT and #SAT that can be solved in polynomial time. Given a CNF formula we say that a set of clauses is precisely satisfiable if there is some complete assignment satisfying these clauses only. Let the ps-value of the formula be the number of precisely satisfiable sets of clauses. Applying the notion of branch decompositions to CNF formulas and using ps-value as cut function, we define the ps-width of a formula. For a formula given with a decomposition of polynomial ps-width we show dynamic programming algorithms solving weighted MaxSAT and #SAT in polynomial time. Combining with results of 'Belmonte and Vatshelle, Graph classes with structured neighborhoods and algorithmic applications, Theor. Comput. Sci. 511: 54-65 (2013)' we get polynomial-time algorithms solving weighted MaxSAT and #SAT for some classes of structured CNF formulas. For example, we get O(m2(m+n)s)O(m^2(m + n)s) algorithms for formulas FF of mm clauses and nn variables and size ss, if FF has a linear ordering of the variables and clauses such that for any variable xx occurring in clause CC, if xx appears before CC then any variable between them also occurs in CC, and if CC appears before xx then xx occurs also in any clause between them. Note that the class of incidence graphs of such formulas do not have bounded clique-width

    Solving Vertex Cover in Polynomial Time on Hyperbolic Random Graphs

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    The VertexCover problem is proven to be computationally hard in different ways: It is NP-complete to find an optimal solution and even NP-hard to find an approximation with reasonable factors. In contrast, recent experiments suggest that on many real-world networks the run time to solve VertexCover is way smaller than even the best known FPT-approaches can explain. Similarly, greedy algorithms deliver very good approximations to the optimal solution in practice. We link these observations to two properties that are observed in many real-world networks, namely a heterogeneous degree distribution and high clustering. To formalize these properties and explain the observed behavior, we analyze how a branch-and-reduce algorithm performs on hyperbolic random graphs, which have become increasingly popular for modeling real-world networks. In fact, we are able to show that the VertexCover problem on hyperbolic random graphs can be solved in polynomial time, with high probability. The proof relies on interesting structural properties of hyperbolic random graphs. Since these predictions of the model are interesting in their own right, we conducted experiments on real-world networks showing that these properties are also observed in practice. When utilizing the same structural properties in an adaptive greedy algorithm, further experiments suggest that, on real instances, this leads to better approximations than the standard greedy approach within reasonable time

    A graph rewriting programming language for graph drawing

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    This paper describes Grrr, a prototype visual graph drawing tool. Previously there were no visual languages for programming graph drawing algorithms despite the inherently visual nature of the process. The languages which gave a diagrammatic view of graphs were not computationally complete and so could not be used to implement complex graph drawing algorithms. Hence current graph drawing tools are all text based. Recent developments in graph rewriting systems have produced computationally complete languages which give a visual view of graphs both whilst programming and during execution. Grrr, based on the Spider system, is a general purpose graph rewriting programming language which has now been extended in order to demonstrate the feasibility of visual graph drawing
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