878 research outputs found

    Star-topology decoupled state-space search in AI planning and model checking

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    State-space search is a widely employed concept in many areas of computer science. The well-known state explosion problem, however, imposes a severe limitation to the effective implementation of search in state spaces that are exponential in the size of a compact system description, which captures the state-transition semantics. Decoupled state-space search, decoupled search for short, is a novel approach to tackle the state explosion. It decomposes the system such that the dependencies between components take the form of a star topology with a center and several leaf components. Decoupled search exploits that the leaves in that topology are conditionally independent. Such independence naturally arises in many kinds of factored model representations, where the overall state space results from the product of several system components. In this work, we introduce decoupled search in the context of artificial intelligence planning and formal verification using model checking. Building on common formalisms, we develop the concept of the decoupled state space and prove its correctness with respect to capturing reachability of the underlying model exactly. This allows us to connect decoupled search to any search algorithm, and, important for planning, adapt any heuristic function to the decoupled state representation. Such heuristics then guide the search towards states that satisfy a desired goal condition. In model checking, we address the problems of verifying safety properties, which express system states that must never occur, and liveness properties, that must hold in any infinite system execution. Many approaches have been proposed in the past to tackle the state explosion problem. Most prominently partial-order reduction, symmetry breaking, Petri-net unfolding, and symbolic state representations. Like decoupled search, all of these are capable of exponentially reducing the search effort, either by pruning part of the state space (the former two), or by representing large state sets compactly (the latter two). For all these techniques, we prove that decoupled search can be exponentially more efficient, confirming that it is indeed a novel concept that exploits model properties in a unique way. Given such orthogonality, we combine decoupled search with several complementary methods. Empirically, we show that decoupled search favourably compares to state-of-the-art planners in common algorithmic planning problems using standard benchmarks. In model checking, decoupled search outperforms well-established tools, both in the context of the verification of safety and liveness properties.Die Zustandsraumsuche ist ein weit verbreitetes Konzept in vielen Bereichen der Informatik, deren effektive Anwendung jedoch durch das Problem der Zustandsexplosion deutlich erschwert wird. Die Zustandsexplosion ist dadurch charakterisiert dass kompakte Systemmodelle exponentiell große Zustandsräume beschreiben. Entkoppelte Zustandsraumsuche (entkoppelte Suche) beschreibt einen neuartigen Ansatz der Zustandsexplosion entgegenzuwirken indem die Struktur des Modells, insbesondere die bedingte Unabhängigkeit von Systemkomponenten in einer Sterntopologie, ausgenutzt wird. Diese Unabhängigkeit ergibt sich bei vielen faktorisierten Modellen deren Zustandsraum sich aus dem Produkt mehrerer Komponenten zusammensetzt. In dieser Arbeit wird die entkoppelte Suche in der Planung, als Teil der Künstlichen Intelligenz, und der Verifikation mittels Modellprüfung eingeführt. In etablierten Formalismen wird das Konzept des entkoppelten Zustandsraums entwickelt und dessen Korrektheit bezüglich der exakten Erfassung der Erreichbarkeit von Modellzuständen bewiesen. Dies ermöglicht die Kombination der entkoppelten Suche mit beliebigen Suchalgorithmen. Wichtig für die Planung ist zudem die Nutzung von Heuristiken, die die Suche zu Zuständen führen, die eine gewünschte Zielbedingung erfüllen, mit der entkoppelten Zustandsdarstellung. Im Teil zur Modellprüfung wird die Verifikation von Sicherheits- sowie Lebendigkeitseigenschaften betrachtet, die unerwünschte Zustände, bzw. Eigenschaften, die bei unendlicher Systemausführung gelten müssen, beschreiben. Es existieren diverse Ansätze um die Zustandsexplosion anzugehen. Am bekanntesten sind die Reduktion partieller Ordnung, Symmetriereduktion, Entfaltung von Petri-Netzen und symbolische Suche. Diese können, wie die entkoppelte Suche, den Suchaufwand exponentiell reduzieren. Dies geschieht durch Beschneidung eines Teils des Zustandsraums, oder durch die kompakte Darstellung großer Zustandsmengen. Für diese Verfahren wird bewiesen, dass die entkoppelte Suche exponentiell effizienter sein kann. Dies belegt dass es sich um ein neuartiges Konzept handelt, das sich auf eigene Art der Modelleigenschaften bedient. Auf Basis dieser Beobachtung werden, mit Ausnahme der Entfaltung, Kombinationen mit entkoppelter Suche entwickelt. Empirisch kann die entkoppelte Suche im Vergleich zu modernen Planern zu deutlichen Vorteilen führen. In der Modellprüfung werden, sowohl bei der Überprüfung von Sicherheit-, als auch Lebendigkeitseigenschaften, etablierte Programme übertroffen.Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft; Star-Topology Decoupled State Space Searc

    Integrating Partial Order Reduction and Symmetry Elimination for Cost-Optimal Classical Planning

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    Pruning techniques based on partial order reduction and symmetry elimination have recently found increasing attention for optimal planning. Although these techniques appear to be rather different, they base their pruning decisions on similar ideas from a high level perspective. In this paper, we propose safe integrations of partial order reduction and symmetry elimination for cost-optimal classical planning. We show that previously proposed symmetrybased search algorithms can safely be applied with strong stubborn sets. In addition, we derive the notion of symmetrical strong stubborn sets as a more tightly integrated concept. Our experiments show the potential of our approaches

    Stubborn Sets for Fully Observable Nondeterministic Planning

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    Pruning techniques based on strong stubborn sets have recently shown their potential for SAS+ planning as heuristic search. Strong stubborn sets exploit operator independency to safely prune the search space. Like SAS + planning, fully observable nondeterministic (FOND) planning faces the state explosion problem. However, it is unclear how stubborn set techniques carry over to the nondeterministic setting. In this paper, we introduce stubborn set pruning to FOND planning. We lift the notion of strong stubborn sets and introduce the conceptually more powerful notion of weak stubborn sets to FOND planning. Our experimental analysis shows that weak stubborn sets are beneficial to an LAO* search, and in particular show favorable performance when combined with symmetries and active operator pruning

    Sleep Sets Meet Duplicate Elimination

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    The sleep sets technique is a path-dependent pruning method for state space search. In the past, the combination of sleep sets with graph search algorithms that perform duplicate elimination has often shown to be error-prone. In this paper, we provide the theoretical basis for the integration of sleep sets with common search algorithms in AI that perform du- plicate elimination. Specifically, we investigate approaches to safely integrate sleep sets with optimal (best-first) search algorithms. Based on this theory, we provide an initial step towards integrating sleep sets within A∗ and additional state pruning techniques like strong stubborn sets. Our experiments show slight, yet consistent improvements on the number of generated search nodes across a large number of standard domains from the international planning competitions

    Stackelberg Planning: Towards Effective Leader-Follower State Space Search

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    Inspired by work on Stackelberg security games, we introduce Stackelberg planning, where a leader player in a classical planning task chooses a minimum-cost action sequence aimed at maximizing the plan cost of a follower player in the same task. Such Stackelberg planning can provide useful analyses not only in planning-based security applications like network penetration testing, but also to measure robustness against perturbances in more traditional planning applications (eg with a leader sabotaging road network connections in transportation-type domains). To identify all equilibria–exhibiting the leader's own-cost-vs.-follower-cost tradeoff–we design leader-follower search, a state space search at the leader level which calls in each state an optimal planner at the follower level. We devise simple heuristic guidance, branch-and-bound style pruning, and partial-order reduction techniques for this setting. We run experiments on Stackelberg variants of IPC and pentesting benchmarks. In several domains, Stackelberg planning is quite feasible in practice

    Conflict-driven learning in AI planning state-space search

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    Many combinatorial computation problems in computer science can be cast as a reachability problem in an implicitly described, potentially huge, graph: the state space. State-space search is a versatile and widespread method to solve such reachability problems, but it requires some form of guidance to prevent exploring that combinatorial space exhaustively. Conflict-driven learning is an indispensable search ingredient for solving constraint satisfaction problems (most prominently, Boolean satisfiability). It guides search towards solutions by identifying conflicts during the search, i.e., search branches not leading to any solution, learning from them knowledge to avoid similar conflicts in the remainder of the search. This thesis adapts the conflict-driven learning methodology to more general classes of reachability problems. Specifically, our work is placed in AI planning. We consider goal-reachability objectives in classical planning and in planning under uncertainty. The canonical form of "conflicts" in this context are dead-end states, i.e., states from which the desired goal property cannot be reached. We pioneer methods for learning sound and generalizable dead-end knowledge from conflicts encountered during forward state-space search. This embraces the following core contributions: When acting under uncertainty, the presence of dead-end states may make it impossible to satisfy the goal property with absolute certainty. The natural planning objective then is MaxProb, maximizing the probability of reaching the goal. However, algorithms for MaxProb probabilistic planning are severely underexplored. We close this gap by developing a large design space of probabilistic state-space search methods, contributing new search algorithms, admissible state-space reduction techniques, and goal-probability bounds suitable for heuristic state-space search. We systematically explore this design space through an extensive empirical evaluation. The key to our conflict-driven learning algorithm adaptation are unsolvability detectors, i.e., goal-reachability overapproximations. We design three complementary families of such unsolvability detectors, building upon known techniques: critical-path heuristics, linear-programming-based heuristics, and dead-end traps. We develop search methods to identify conflicts in deterministic and probabilistic state spaces, and we develop suitable refinement methods for the different unsolvability detectors so to recognize these states. Arranged in a depth-first search, our techniques approach the elegance of conflict-driven learning in constraint satisfaction, featuring the ability to learn to refute search subtrees, and intelligent backjumping to the root cause of a conflict. We provide a comprehensive experimental evaluation, demonstrating that the proposed techniques yield state-of-the-art performance for finding plans for solvable classical planning tasks, proving classical planning tasks unsolvable, and solving MaxProb in probabilistic planning, on benchmarks where dead-end states abound.Viele kombinatorisch komplexe Berechnungsprobleme in der Informatik lassen sich als Erreichbarkeitsprobleme in einem implizit dargestellten, potenziell riesigen, Graphen - dem Zustandsraum - verstehen. Die Zustandsraumsuche ist eine weit verbreitete Methode, um solche Erreichbarkeitsprobleme zu lösen. Die Effizienz dieser Methode hängt aber maßgeblich von der Verwendung strikter Suchkontrollmechanismen ab. Das konfliktgesteuerte Lernen ist eine essenzielle Suchkomponente für das Lösen von Constraint-Satisfaction-Problemen (wie dem Erfüllbarkeitsproblem der Aussagenlogik), welches von Konflikten, also Fehlern in der Suche, neue Kontrollregeln lernt, die ähnliche Konflikte zukünftig vermeiden. In dieser Arbeit erweitern wir die zugrundeliegende Methodik auf Zielerreichbarkeitsfragen, wie sie im klassischen und probabilistischen Planen, einem Teilbereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz, auftauchen. Die kanonische Form von „Konflikten“ in diesem Kontext sind sog. Sackgassen, Zustände, von denen aus die Zielbedingung nicht erreicht werden kann. Wir präsentieren Methoden, die es ermöglichen, während der Zustandsraumsuche von solchen Konflikten korrektes und verallgemeinerbares Wissen über Sackgassen zu erlernen. Unsere Arbeit umfasst folgende Beiträge: Wenn der Effekt des Handelns mit Unsicherheiten behaftet ist, dann kann die Existenz von Sackgassen dazu führen, dass die Zielbedingung nicht unter allen Umständen erfüllt werden kann. Die naheliegendste Planungsbedingung in diesem Fall ist MaxProb, das Maximieren der Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Zielbedingung erreicht wird. Planungsalgorithmen für MaxProb sind jedoch wenig erforscht. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, erstellen wir einen umfangreichen Bausatz für Suchmethoden in probabilistischen Zustandsräumen, und entwickeln dabei neue Suchalgorithmen, Zustandsraumreduktionsmethoden, und Abschätzungen der Zielerreichbarkeitswahrscheinlichkeit, wie sie für heuristische Suchalgorithmen gebraucht werden. Wir explorieren den resultierenden Gestaltungsraum systematisch in einer breit angelegten empirischen Studie. Die Grundlage unserer Adaption des konfliktgesteuerten Lernens bilden Unerreichbarkeitsdetektoren. Wir konzipieren drei Familien solcher Detektoren basierend auf bereits bekannten Techniken: Kritische-Pfad Heuristiken, Heuristiken basierend auf linearer Optimierung, und Sackgassen-Fallen. Wir entwickeln Suchmethoden, um Konflikte in deterministischen und probabilistischen Zustandsräumen zu erkennen, sowie Methoden, um die verschiedenen Unerreichbarkeitsdetektoren basierend auf den erkannten Konflikten zu verfeinern. Instanziiert als Tiefensuche weisen unsere Techniken ähnliche Eigenschaften auf wie das konfliktgesteuerte Lernen für Constraint-Satisfaction-Problemen. Wir evaluieren die entwickelten Methoden empirisch, und zeigen dabei, dass das konfliktgesteuerte Lernen unter gewissen Voraussetzungen zu signifikanten Suchreduktionen beim Finden von Plänen in lösbaren klassischen Planungsproblemen, Beweisen der Unlösbarkeit von klassischen Planungsproblemen, und Lösen von MaxProb im probabilistischen Planen, führen kann

    A Survey on Consensus Mechanisms and Mining Strategy Management in Blockchain Networks

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    © 2013 IEEE. The past decade has witnessed the rapid evolution in blockchain technologies, which has attracted tremendous interests from both the research communities and industries. The blockchain network was originated from the Internet financial sector as a decentralized, immutable ledger system for transactional data ordering. Nowadays, it is envisioned as a powerful backbone/framework for decentralized data processing and data-driven self-organization in flat, open-access networks. In particular, the plausible characteristics of decentralization, immutability, and self-organization are primarily owing to the unique decentralized consensus mechanisms introduced by blockchain networks. This survey is motivated by the lack of a comprehensive literature review on the development of decentralized consensus mechanisms in blockchain networks. In this paper, we provide a systematic vision of the organization of blockchain networks. By emphasizing the unique characteristics of decentralized consensus in blockchain networks, our in-depth review of the state-of-the-art consensus protocols is focused on both the perspective of distributed consensus system design and the perspective of incentive mechanism design. From a game-theoretic point of view, we also provide a thorough review of the strategy adopted for self-organization by the individual nodes in the blockchain backbone networks. Consequently, we provide a comprehensive survey of the emerging applications of blockchain networks in a broad area of telecommunication. We highlight our special interest in how the consensus mechanisms impact these applications. Finally, we discuss several open issues in the protocol design for blockchain consensus and the related potential research directions

    Simulated penetration testing and mitigation analysis

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    Da Unternehmensnetzwerke und Internetdienste stetig komplexer werden, wird es immer schwieriger, installierte Programme, Schwachstellen und Sicherheitsprotokolle zu überblicken. Die Idee hinter simuliertem Penetrationstesten ist es, Informationen über ein Netzwerk in ein formales Modell zu transferiern und darin einen Angreifer zu simulieren. Diesem Modell fügen wir einen Verteidiger hinzu, der mittels eigener Aktionen versucht, die Fähigkeiten des Angreifers zu minimieren. Dieses zwei-Spieler Handlungsplanungsproblem nennen wir Stackelberg planning. Ziel ist es, Administratoren, Penetrationstestern und der Führungsebene dabei zu helfen, die Schwachstellen großer Netzwerke zu identifizieren und kosteneffiziente Gegenmaßnahmen vorzuschlagen. Wir schaffen in dieser Dissertation erstens die formalen und algorithmischen Grundlagen von Stackelberg planning. Indem wir dabei auf klassischen Planungsproblemen aufbauen, können wir von gut erforschten Heuristiken und anderen Techniken zur Analysebeschleunigung, z.B. symbolischer Suche, profitieren. Zweitens entwerfen wir einen Formalismus für Privilegien-Eskalation und demonstrieren die Anwendbarkeit unserer Simulation auf lokale Computernetzwerke. Drittens wenden wir unsere Simulation auf internetweite Szenarien an und untersuchen die Robustheit sowohl der E-Mail-Infrastruktur als auch von Webseiten. Viertens ermöglichen wir mittels webbasierter Benutzeroberflächen den leichten Zugang zu unseren Tools und Analyseergebnissen.As corporate networks and Internet services are becoming increasingly more complex, it is hard to keep an overview over all deployed software, their potential vulnerabilities, and all existing security protocols. Simulated penetration testing was proposed to extend regular penetration testing by transferring gathered information about a network into a formal model and simulate an attacker in this model. Having a formal model of a network enables us to add a defender trying to mitigate the capabilities of the attacker with their own actions. We name this two-player planning task Stackelberg planning. The goal behind this is to help administrators, penetration testing consultants, and the management level at finding weak spots of large computer infrastructure and suggesting cost-effective mitigations to lower the security risk. In this thesis, we first lay the formal and algorithmic foundations for Stackelberg planning tasks. By building it in a classical planning framework, we can benefit from well-studied heuristics, pruning techniques, and other approaches to speed up the search, for example symbolic search. Second, we design a theory for privilege escalation and demonstrate the applicability of our framework to local computer networks. Third, we apply our framework to Internet-wide scenarios by investigating the robustness of both the email infrastructure and the web. Fourth, we make our findings and our toolchain easily accessible via web-based user interfaces

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access two-volume set constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2020, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2020, and was held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020. The total of 60 regular papers presented in these volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 155 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Program verification; SAT and SMT; Timed and Dynamical Systems; Verifying Concurrent Systems; Probabilistic Systems; Model Checking and Reachability; and Timed and Probabilistic Systems. Part II: Bisimulation; Verification and Efficiency; Logic and Proof; Tools and Case Studies; Games and Automata; and SV-COMP 2020