634 research outputs found

    The Use of digital games to enhance the physical exercise activity of the elderly : a case of Finland

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), population ageing is a global phenomenon, which brings both challenges and opportunities for society. The current longer expected lifespan can create opportunities for the elderly to contribute in many ways to their families and communities. However, it greatly depends on their quality of life, which is affected by many factors, including physical and functional health, social well-being, and cognitive abilities. The WHO (2012) states that physical health is one of the indicators for the elderly’s quality of life, and it declines with increasing age. Participation in regular physical exercises can help the elderly improve their physical and mental health, and this has been aided by the use of modern technologies to promote the elderly’s physical and functional health. Of these latest technologies, digital games have shown promise to improve and enhance the elderly’s physical activities through fun and engaging gameplay. The literature highlights that some commercial games in the market (e.g. Microsoft Kinect- Sports and Nintendo Wii Sports games) have the potential to improve the elderly’s physical health such as gait, balance, and fall prevention. However, researchers argue that these commercial games are not designed specifically for the elderly and their physical exercise activities. They state that most commercial games are not user-friendly for the elderly whose functional and physical abilities are limited due to their advanced years. The literature points out that more studies need to be undertaken to understand the usability and usefulness of digital games for physical exercise activities so that game designers can create elderly-friendly digital games in the future. In Finland, the government has been focusing on promoting healthy ageing and increasing home care services for the elderly. In recent years, Finnish researchers have used digital games to promote older Finns’ healthy and active ageing. The existing literature, whilst showing the potential of digital games for elderly Finns’ physical health, also acknowledges further research is needed particularly in the context of Finland. Thus, in this study, we aimed at investigating digital games to specifically assess their applications for older Finns’ physical activities, focusing on the quality of users’ experiences, and their reported ease of use and perceived usefulness. We used the mixed methods approach, which applies both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study design included four stages: requirements gathering, analysis and design, prototyping, and evaluation. Firstly, we conducted pre-studies to elicit users’ requirements. This was followed by the analysis of the resulting data to identify trends and patterns, which fuelled ideas in the brainstorming game design and development phases. The final product was a digital game-based physical exercise called the Skiing Game. We then evaluated the Skiing Game in Finland with 21 elderly Finns (M=7, F=14, Average Age =76). By using questionnaires, observation, and interviews, we investigated user experiences, focusing on the game’s usability, and usefulness for enhancing the physical activity and wellbeing of the elderly. We also conducted a comparative test of the Skiing Game in Japan with 24 elderly Japanese participants (M=12, F=12, Average Age = 72) to further understand non-Finnish elderly users’ experiences. The findings from the usability study of the Skiing Game in Finland demonstrated that elderly Finns had a positive experience in the gameplay, and their motivation was noticeably high. It also confirmed that elderly Finns have a genuine interest in digital game-based exercises and strong intentions to play digital games as a form of physical exercise in the future. Although prior to the study most of them had negative views and misconceptions about digital games, after the gameplay their attitudes were decidedly positive. They acknowledged that whilst playing digital games could be an alternative way of exercising for them their use would primarily be when they don’t have access to their usual non-digital physical exercise. The Japanese usability of the Skiing Game showed that the elderly Japanese people also had positive user experiences in playing digital games, and also intend to use them in the future. Similarly, after playing the game they reported that their attitudes towards digital games become positive, and indicated playing digital games could be an alternative way of exercising. Although the comparison of the two studies suggests that the elderly Finns had relatively more positive experiences whilst playing the Skiing Game, compared to their Japanese counterparts, in general, both groups had a positive experience in the gameplay and showed interest in digital games as an alternative exercise. Based on the usability lessons learned from these two studies, recommendations for practitioners and designers regarding improvements in game design and development are made in this report. Implementing these modifications into future designs and further development of digital games for the elderly will improve their commercial viability and user uptake. The findings from this study can provide valuable insights, particularly for Finnish policymakers and healthcare practitioners who are keen to introduce digital games into the aged-care sector in Finland. The studies have also provided valuable insights into the optimal methods for introducing Finnish digital games to international markets, in particular, digital games tailored specifically for the physical exercise needs and motivations of the elderly. By taking into consideration the limitations of the study, we provide our future studies and further improvements of the game to be conducted

    Design for Transfer:figural transfer through metaphorical recontextualization in Games for Health

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    Why are serious games often less attractive to play? How is it possible that since the 70's it has seldom been possible to design really good and attractive Games for Health (G4H)? And why isn't serious gaming an essential part of our medical curricula, knowing that it is a learning tool with enormous potential? This dissertation shows that G4Hs are almost always simulations of reality, in which an attempt is made to approach a certain degree of similarity with professional practice. Yet games do not always have to be literal representations of reality. By linking an educational theory about figural transfer that has fallen into oblivion to the manifestations of serious games, this research argues for a 'design for transfer-rationale' with which different, and perhaps even better, serious games can be designed. This way of thinking requires a design research approach, necessary to recontextualize existing insights in a research-based manner towards new game contexts. This dissertation also makes concrete recommendations regarding educational innovation, the need for design-oriented research, and the importance of good design in Health

    Exergames experience in physical education : a review

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    Exergames are consoles that require a higher physical effort to play when compared to traditional video games. Active video games, active gaming, interactive games, movement-controlled video games, exertion games, and exergaming are terms used to define the kinds of video games in which the exertion interface enables a new experience. Exergames have added a component of physical activity to the otherwise motionless video game environment and have the potential to contribute to physical education classes by supplementing the current activity options and increasing student enjoyment. The use of exergames in schools has already shown positive results in the past through their potential to fight obesity. As for the pedagogical aspects of exergames, they have attracted educators’ attention due to the large number of games and activities that can be incorporated into the curriculum. In this way, the school must consider the development of a new physical education curriculum in which the key to promoting healthy physical activity in children and youth is enjoyment, using video games as a tool. In this context, the aim is to conduct a brief review of the use of exergames in physical education curriculum, exploring school curriculum, digital culture, and motivation and enjoyment for the learning processes in the video game environmen

    Transactions of 2015 International Conference on Health Information Technology Advancement Vol.3, No. 1

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    The Third International Conference on Health Information Technology Advancement Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 30-31, 2015 Conference Chair Bernard Han, Ph.D., HIT Pro Department of Business Information Systems Haworth College of Business Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Transactions Editor Dr. Huei Lee, Professor Department of Computer Information Systems Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Volume 3, No. 1 Hosted by The Center for Health Information Technology Advancement, WM

    The use os xbox kinect TM in the paediatric burns unit at Chris Hani Baragwanath academic hospital

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Physiotherapy Johannesburg, 2017Background: Burns are a significant cause of paediatric injuries, particularly in low and middle-income countries, where more than 90% of burn-related paediatric deaths occur. Physiotherapy is an essential, sometimes painful, component of burn rehabilitation therapy. The popularity of the video game use in burns rehabilitation has grown because, in addition to facilitating range of motion (ROM) in an effort to prevent joint contracture formation, the virtual imaging characteristics of these games provides additional benefit of distraction from pain. Video games provide a more efficient, effective and enjoyable method training, and are a helpful adjunct to rehabilitation. Aim: To investigate the effect of using the Xbox Kinect™ on discharge outcomes and early activity levels of children in the Paediatric Burns Unit (PBU) at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH) Methods: This non-equivalent post-test only control group design study took place over a period of time until the total number of children required was achieved for each group. The control group was the first group of children recruited to the study and received standard physiotherapy treatment and rehabilitation. The experimental group was the second group of children recruited to the study who received standard physiotherapy treatment and rehabilitation as well as the Xbox Kinect™. Comparisons were made only after the intervention and analysed. Outcome measures for each participant were ROM, Activities Scale for Kids© participation (ASK©p) and a modified Wong-Baker FACES® enjoyment rating scale. On discharge from the unit, ROM assessments and the modified Wong-Baker FACES® enjoyment rating scale were administered. On follow-up one week post discharge, ROM re-assessments were done and the ASK©p was administered. A questionnaire regarding the use of the Xbox Kinect™ was completed by health professionals working within the PBU. Results: Seventy children were recruited into the study of which the data for 66 were analysed. Thirty five children were part of the control group and 31 were part of the Xbox intervention group. No significant difference was found between groups regarding demographic characteristics, the median age was seven years old and 55% of the participants were male. There was one mortality and five children in total were lost to follow up. The majority burns were as a result of hot water attributing to more than 50% of admissions, followed by flame burns (30%) and electrical burns (12%). This study population showed an overall total burn surface area (TBSA) of nine percent which were superficial partial in depth; this is seen as a minor burn injury. Forty percent were seen to have moderate-severe injury and three children were considered to have severe major burns > 30 % TBSA. We observed a greater proportion of injury involving the lower limbs (23.10%) and upper limbs (21.10%), followed by injury involving the trunk (11.40%), buttocks and genitalia (7.50%) and the head and neck regions (6.80%). There was no difference in length of stay (LoS) or the chance of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) stay between the two groups. In the intervention group 75% of the children received 2 or more Xbox Kinect™ sessions. The Xbox Kinect™ was shown to be significant in achieving higher active range of movement (AROM) at discharge (p< 0.01) and at follow up (p< 0.01), and highlights the advantages it has in providing a more amusing and comfortable option as part of the burns rehabilitation process. By allowing the children to be more engaged in the Xbox Kinect™ experience and games, they were distracted and thus experienced less pain. In this study we found that TBSA% was a predictor of ASK©p scores (p= 0.03), thus the higher the burn percentage the lower the ASK©p scores. We also found that age (p= 0.05) and AROM (p= 0.04) were associated with ASK©p scores, thus the younger the child or a child with reduced AROM would have lower ASK©p scores. Fun and enjoyment (p<0.01) was found to be significant in this study, thus highlighting the fun and enjoyment factor the Xbox Kinect™ offers as part of therapy and as an adjunct to burns rehabilitation. Thirty one questionnaires regarding the value and use of the Xbox Kinect™ were completed by health professionals working within the PBU. Many highlighted the value of fun, enjoyment and distraction the Xbox Kinect™ offered as part of the rehabilitation, as well as assisting in achieving more AROM but also indicated that the Xbox Kinect™ sessions still needed to be supervised and guided. Conclusion: This study was the first study done in South Africa involving video game technology during physiotherapy within the paediatric burns population. The use of the Xbox Kinect™ as seen in this study has proven to be beneficial and a useful adjunct to burns rehabilitation within in the paediatric burns population. This distraction and decline in pain assists in reducing the fear associated with movement these burns children experience and assist in improvements related to activity and ultimately age-appropriate play and activities of daily living (ADLs).MT201

    A Systematic Review of Augmented Reality Game-Based Applications in Primary Education

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    Augmented Reality game-based learning (ARGBL) is quickly gaining momentum in the education sector worldwide as it has the potential to enable new forms of learning and transform the learning experience. However, it remains unclear how ARGBL applications can impact students’ motivation and performance in primary education. This study addresses that topic by providing a systematic review, which analyses and critically appraises the current state of knowledge and practice in the use of ARGBL applications in primary education. In total, seventeen (17) studies that used either qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods to collect their data were analysed and were published between 2012 and 2017. The study results indicated that ARGBL applications are mainly used to document the design and development process, as well as to share preliminary findings and student feedback. Based on a comprehensive taxonomy of application areas for AR in primary education, ARGBL can potentially influence the students’ attendance, knowledge transfer, skill acquisition, hands-on digital experience, and positive attitudes in laboratory experimental exercises for different courses. This review aims to offer new insights to researchers and provide educators with effective advice and suggestions on how to improve learning outcomes, as well as increase students’ motivation and learning performance by incorporating this instructional model into their teaching

    Improving Assessment and Evaluation Strategies on Online Learning

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    ICLI is an annual International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI) hosted byUniversitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Indonesian Consortium for Learning Innovation Research (ICLIR) as well as Univerisiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perlis, Malaysia serving as co-organizer this year. The conference aims to gather researchers, practitioners, students, experts, consultants, teachers and lecturers to share their insights and experiences on research not only in constructing innovations in learning but also the knowledge of learner’s capability. The learners who are characterized as creative and competent by having the ability to understand what they have learned and capable of taking initiative and thinking critically. In addition, ICLI is organized on the basis of the trend in the 21st century, categorized by the increasing complexity of technology and the emergence of a corporate restructuring movement. This book is the proceeding of ICLI 2021, containing a selection of articles presented at this conference as the output of the activity. Various topics around education are covered in this book and some literature studies around specific topics on learning and education are covered as well. This proceeding book will be beneficial to students, scholars, and practitioners who have a deep concern in education. It is also futuristic with a lot of practical insights for students, faculty, and practitioners, and also a description of the Indonesian educational system in today’s era
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