915 research outputs found

    Constructing a global counterterrorist legislation database: dilemmas, procedures, and preliminary analyses

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    Counterterrorist legislation is one of the main ways in which countries, particularly democracies, respond to terror attacks. Yet, there is to date no comprehensive cross-national database of counterterrorist legislation. This article introduces an overarching global counterterrorist legislation database (GCLD), covering more than 1,000 laws in 219 countries and territories over the years 1850-2009. I present the dilemmas and difficulties involved in constructing a global terrorism database and explain how these difficulties were addressed when assembling the current database. The article also brings descriptive statistics and analyses of the data, focusing on the historical development of global counterterrorist legislation and on the regional distribution of this legislation. It concludes with some recommendations for future researchers who may want to use the database.Publisher PD

    Realist Evaluation of the Early-Stage Implementation of a Smartphone-Based Disease Surveillance Project in Two Armed-Conflict Communities in Nigeria

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    We investigate the early-stage implementation of a smartphone-based acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance project in communities experiencing armed conflicts in Nigeria. We aim to expose factors influencing the early-stage implementation of smartphone-based AFP surveillance in two rural communities experiencing armed conflicts in Northern Nigeria. Thus, exploring “what works, for whom and under what contextual conditions?” in the early-stage implementation of a smartphone-based AFP surveillance project, given the involvement of multiple stakeholders. We adopted stakeholder theory as a lens to guide the study. We adopted a qualitative case study method, realist philosophy, semi-structured interview, participatory observation, and thematic data analysis. The findings reveal mechanisms (sense of connectedness, ownership, fear) and contextual conditions (infrastructural challenges, healthcare workforce, security constraints) influencing early-stage implementation. We postulate a model that explains the factors influencing the early-stage implementation of the smartphone-based AFP surveillance project in security-constrained communities

    Multilingual Cross-domain Perspectives on Online Hate Speech

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    In this report, we present a study of eight corpora of online hate speech, by demonstrating the NLP techniques that we used to collect and analyze the jihadist, extremist, racist, and sexist content. Analysis of the multilingual corpora shows that the different contexts share certain characteristics in their hateful rhetoric. To expose the main features, we have focused on text classification, text profiling, keyword and collocation extraction, along with manual annotation and qualitative study.Comment: 24 page

    mHealth: A Mediating Tool for Community Health Workers’ Transformation in Armed Conflict Zones

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    Communities affected by armed conflict are striving to provide access to effective healthcare services in countries like Nigeria, where there exists a fragile healthcare system with an acute deficit of manpower and resources. This fragility has a negative impact on child health service delivery. mHealth is considered an excellent platform for enhancing/transforming the activities of community health workers (CHWs) in the delivery of effective health services. This paper aims to explore how mHealth implementation mediates and transforms the activities of CHWs in an armed conflict setting using activity theory as a lens. An interpretive research methodology was used, and the method of data collection was done mainly by participatory observations and interviews. The findings show that the introduction of an mHealth tool can transform the activities of CHWs in various ways. The study contributes to information systems research by broadening our understanding of the implementation of mHealth in armed conflict settings

    Virality, informatics, and critique; or, can there be such a thing as radical computation?

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    'This essay, which is deeply indebted to the approach set out by Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello in The New Spirit of Capitalism and taken up by Nancy Fraser in her commanding “Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History,” aims to interrogate certain notions of radical political practice and the theoretical models that might be derived from them in the context of post-Fordist, neoliberal economics and the ubiquitous informatic culture that is tightly bound up with it.' (Taken from the article pp.153-4.

    al-Shabaab and Boko Haram: Recruitment Strategies

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    This paper is an examination of the membership recruitment strategies of two violent extremist organizations (VEOs), namely al-Shabaab and Boko Haram. The majority of the literature on VEOs concentrates on the conceptualization of terrorism, motivations for terrorism and counter-terrorism strategies, as well as a focus on the frequency of VEO attacks, number of fatalities and funding sources. The literature tends to portray poverty as the main driver of recruitment. The focus on recruitment strategies has been relatively recent. There is therefore still a lack of in-depth analyses on the processes of recruitment of specific extremist groups, and this impacts on the development of effective counter-insurgency policies and practices. We conclude that there is a need for more nuanced studies of recruitment practices, including radicalization strategies, of specific VEOs in Africa. This understanding of recruitment practices, particularly by VEOs such as Boko Haram and al-Shabaab, will enable more context specific counter-insurgency programmes that target the ability of these organizations to recruit and expand. There can be no one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with the challenge of violent extremism in Africa

    Smartphone Addictions: A Review of Themes, Theories and Future Research Directions

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    This research work presents a literature review on Smartphone Addiction (SA). The papers used for this review were retrieved from AIS (All Repositories), Elsevier, Wiley Online, Tailor and Francis and JSTOR databases using the phrase Smartphone Addiction . In all, 13 AIS top conferences and 31 peer-reviewed journals searched from 2007 to July 2018 returned 1572 papers. This paper details the findings based on the literature assessment of 128 publications. In terms of context and geographical gaps, Asia leads the chart with 39 articles representing 30.5percent and Africa recorded only 1 paper used for this work. Online data collection with global focus had 37 articles representing 28.9percent and quantitative methodology was adopted by 91 articles representing 71.1percent. SA research was more at the micro and meso levels. This review has demonstrated that literature offers several perspectives on SA but failed to establish a causal theory or a model that fully accounted for urge and craving phenomena from an IS design principle perspective to mitigate SA. Also, smartphones are devices (artifacts) that enable users to access and become addicted to applications such as video games, SNSs, emails, etc. Future research should, therefore, focus more on addictive activities and applications on these devices

    Social Media Exploitation by Covert Networks: A Case Study of ISIS

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    Social media has quickly become a dominant mode of professional and personal communication. Unfortunately, groups who intend to perform illegal and/or harmful activities (such as gangs, criminal groups, and terrorist groups) also use it. These covert networks use social media to foster membership, communicate among followers and non-followers, and obtain ideological and financial support. This exploitation of social media has serious political, cultural, and societal repercussions that go beyond stolen identities, hacked systems, or loss of productivity. There are literal life-and-death consequences of the actions of the groups behind these covert networks. However, through tracking and analyzing social media content, government agencies (in particular those in the intelligence community) can mitigate this threat by uncovering these covert networks, their communication, and their plans. This paper introduces common social media analysis techniques and the current approaches of analyzing covert networks. A case study of the Syrian conflict, with particular attention on ISIS, highlights this exploitation and the process of using social media analysis for intelligence gathering. The results of the case study show that covert networks are resilient and continually adapt their social media use and presence to stay ahead of the intelligence community

    A Realist Evaluation of the Sustainability of Disease Surveillance Intervention Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    In recent years, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and to improve disease surveillance has been on the increase. This is in line with the notion that ICTs improve timeliness, availability and quality of public health data. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is burdened with increasing health challenges and poor health infrastructure. Thus, an explosion of ICT-based health surveillance interventions to curb these challenges. However, despite the implementation of these interventions, important questions around the effectiveness and sustainability still remain. This study proposes a realist evaluation of disease surveillance intervention outcomes from a sustainability perspective to uncover what works, for whom, under what conditions and why? We also discuss how the complex adaptive systems theory and affordance theory provide a lens for investigating this phenomenon. The results of this study will contribute to the evidence based movement for Information Systems (IS) research and practice in SSA