1,090,067 research outputs found

    Teacher Behaviors and Their Effect on Student Behavior: An Inservice Project

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    This project was developed as a means to provide meaningful inservice for school staff in the area of classroom management as it relates to student behavior. This project established inservice activities providing staff with simple strategies to develop a positive classroom climate and to foster effective management of the learning environment while minimizing off task and disruptive student behavior

    A Framework to Evaluate Software Developer’s Productivity The VALORTIA Project

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    Currently, there is a lack in companies developing software in relation to assessing their staff’s productivity before executing software projects, with the aim of improving effectiveness and efficiency. QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) is a framework that allows defining quality management tasks based on a model. The main purpose of this framework is twofold: improve an entity’s continuous quality, and given a context, decide between a set of entity’s instances on the most appropriate one. Thus, the aim of this paper is to make this framework available to evaluate productivity of professionals along software development and select the most appropriate experts to implement the suggested project. For this goal, Valortia platform, capable of carrying out this task by following the QuEF framework guidelines, is designed. Valortia is a platform to certify users' knowledge on a specific area and centralize all certification management in its model by means of providing protocols and methods for a suitable management, improving efficiency and effectiveness, reducing cost and ensuring continuous quality.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-


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    Although project managers are in high public-sector demand, the Navy Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) command studied has yet to adopt a project management requirement. With multiple facilities, acquisition elements, and mission-essential projects, cross-departmental dependencies exist that require proper project oversight. Without project management, mission-essential projects are done in a vacuum; personnel are often unaware of the impacts of specific tasks. By requiring a specific type of project management structure, Navy METOC commands would have an avenue to implement a hybrid project management office. This research examined a hypothetical group of projects within a Navy METOC command’s area of the Department of Defense using the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) standards. From requirements initiation to project schedules, this analysis identified gaps throughout a Navy METOC command’s ad-hoc project management process. Using the PMBOK as a baseline, we recommend: 1) designate a person or position to support the ongoing creation, command support, and maintenance of project-based documents/templates, 2) implement a hybrid project management office where a position exists to support the command with information, techniques, and tools, and 3) encourage and authorize regular foundational training for one person in each department. With the insertion of project management, the command and its personnel would be more efficient, task-oriented, and aligned.Civilian, Department of the NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Prioritization Matrices for Digital Preservation Planning

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    Appraisal strategies can be leveraged to inform decision-making around digital preservation planning, lending curatorial oversight to an area that is often perceived as highly technical. A prioritization matrix is a project management tool to help you narrow down multiple project or task options, and identify the highest-priority areas. They facilitate decision making, are customizable, and easy to read. This poster presentation explores the prioritization matrix methodology used by GVSU Special Collections & University Archives in digital preservation planning

    International cooperation for developmen: Design of a competence-based model for managing programmes and projects

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    Managing international cooperation for development projects is a complex task that involves technical, political, socio-economic and cultural variables. The technical, contextual and performance competences of those who manage these kinds of projects must take this complexity as their starting point and tackle it with all their accumulated experience to decide what actions need to be carried out. This research includes an analysis of the theory and application of the project management methodologies currently used by development organisations; an analysis that takes a critical look at the success or failure of development interventions, assessing the components of competences and the essential skills for project managers. It also examines how proposals for cooperation project management methodology are drawn up, speciïŹ c training programmes in this area, the coordination between players, and knowledge management, with the purpose of enhancing the impact of development intervention

    Capability-based software project scheduling with system dynamics and heuristic search

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    Software project management, a peculiar area in project management, is concerned with activities involved in ensuring that software is delivered on time and on schedule. Software project management is unique because software products are perceived as intangible and flexible. In software projects, the capability of people is the most important factor to determine whether a project will succeed of fail. During the software project management process, scheduling can be influenced by a lot of dynamics elements such as the skills of engineers, the growth of skills and experiences, cooperation, and leadership. Our objective is to help project managers to assign human resources automatically and realistically based on personnel/team capability. This thesis proposed a framework for scheduling and monitoring in software project management. Based on this framework, dynamic elements in software project management, especially personnel capability, are simulated in System Dynamics models. The genetic algorithms for previous work (i.e., task-based model and timeline-based model) are revised to reduce the computation in the new model. Experiments are also reported including the procedure on tuning GA parameters, results of several example tests, and discussion on the results. Experiments on comparison of GA and Hill-Climbing method help us build the confidence that GA is a good choice in software project scheduling problems

    Knowledge Era: Knowledge Management in Multinational Company – Role of KM in Project Management Scenario

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    Human society passed various stages like hunting and gathering society, peasant society, Industrial society and post- industrial society. Post – industrial society is recognized as ‘Knowledge Society’. Knowledge is more valuable product than any other goods in knowledge society. Today information is in the finger tips with the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Information gathering, storage and dissemination are the basic features of knowledge society. Due to the crucial role of knowledge 21st century is recognized as ‘Knowledge Era’. Information gathering, storage and dissemination to the right people are the central poles of Knowledge Era. Knowledge management is widening its area and it is one of the key task in multinational companies. Project Management has been growing as a discipline for decades. From basic task of planning to modern complexity management, it has evolved with the society. Today, project management is integrated in many companies and governmental organisms with strategy, via the portfolio or program management, and with the other departments, like manufacturing, human resources, legal and financial. It is a question of managing multiple products, multiple projects with interrelated resources from one or many companies, under the multiple constraints of the customers, the legal environment and the financial and market objectives. This paper presents the results of study into Knowledge Management (KM) performed at one of the multinational company called Perot Systems Consulting and Application Solutions (CAS) India (Bangalore and Noida). Keywords: Knowledge Era, Knowledge Management, Project Management, Knowledge Creatio

    An Integrated Assessment Framework for Water Resources Management: A DSS Tool and a Pilot Study Application

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    Decision making for the management of water resources is a complex and difficult task. This is due to the complex socio-economic system that involves a large number of interest groups pursuing multiple and conflicting objectives, within an often intricate legislative framework. Several Decision Support Systems have been developed but very few have indeed proved to be effective and truly operational. MULINO (Multisectoral, Integrated and Operational Decision Support System for Sustainable Use of Water Resources at the Catchment Scale) is a project funded under the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Research and the key action line dedicated to operational management schemes and decision support system for sustainable use of water resources. The MULINO DSS (mDSS) integrates hydrological models with multi-criteria decision methods and adopts the DPSIR (Driving Force – Pressure – State – Impact – Response) framework developed by the European Environment Agency. The DPSIR was converted from a static reporting scheme into a dynamic framework for integrated assessment modelling (IAM) and multi-criteria evaluation procedures. This paper presents the methodological framework and the intermediate results of the mDSS tool through its application in a pilot study area located in the Watershed of the Lagoon of Venice.Integrated water resources management, Spatial decision-making, Decision support system, Catchment, Environmental modelling

    A geomatic application for water management in precision farming for a LIFE European project

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    The activities and the approaches described in this work are carried out in the frame of the current European LIFE project AGROWETLANDS II (Principal Investigator: M. Speranza, University of Bologna). This multidisciplinary project aims at the integration of multi-source data, to provide a valuable support for a more efficient and sustainable management of territorial resources, through an innovative approach to precision farming. The implementation of a smart irrigation management system is a central task of AGROWETLANDS II. A pilot system is operational in a study area located close to the Northern coast of the Adriatic Sea, in the Ravenna province (Italy). It is a farming area affected by soil and groundwater salinization, due to the ingression of sea water. The permanent monitoring network records several parameters for the weather, soil and groundwater. The expected results of the project include: a mitigation in the soil salinity, an improvement in the productivity of the crops, a reduction of the environmental impact and the implementation of a decision support system (DSS), which is able to advise farmers on the management of their agricultural activities (LIFE AGROWETLANDS II, 2019). In fact, one of the main goals of the project is to reduce the water use for crop production and to ensure a sustainable water management for an efficient agricultural production. In order to achieve significant results in precision farming and water management, an accurate survey is needed to create precise numerical models which are the necessary base for each subsequent analysis

    Carbon and Climate Gaming

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    The issue of carbon use and possible associated climatic change has received growing attention in the last few years as an important aspect of assessing the impacts of various energy options. At IIASA that attention has been reflected in the Energy Systems Program and in the Global Climate Task of the Resources and Environment (REN) Area. As explained in this paper, the problem of climatic change can be viewed both as a problem of societal risk management and as a problem in strategic gaming behavior of the various decision makers involved. It is natural, then, that a joint working group at IIASA has formed, quite spontaneously, from representatives of the IIASA climate task (REN), the IIASA risk management project (Management and Technology Area, MMT), and the IIASA gaming project (MMT and Systems and Decision Sciences Area, SDS). This research group benefits from the multidisciplinary character of IIASA, which, along with its neutral scientific stance and long-standing interest in climate and energy, puts IIASA in an excellent position to increase our understanding of the problem of carbon use and climatic change. A list of IIASA papers and publications relating to climate is included here. This paper describes an effort which began in March of 1980 and is expected to continue for another year or more. The paper consists primarily of material developed for a research proposal intended to assure continuation of the project. Two other working papers describing the project are also available. The paper entitled "An Interactive Model for Determining Coal Costs for a CO2-Game" (WP-80-154) describes in more detail the logic and a possible framework for parts of the proposed computer game. The paper "CO2: An Introduction and Possible Board Game" (WP-80-153) offers a non-technical sketch of the question and a description of the second proposed game. The development of the carbon and climate games described in these papers is being carried out at IIASA, while the actual gaming experiments are expected to take place both at IIASA and at other locations convenient for interested groups
