22 research outputs found

    Model checking embedded system designs

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    We survey the basic principles behind the application of model checking to controller verification and synthesis. A promising development is the area of guided model checking, in which the state space search strategy of the model checking algorithm can be influenced to visit more interesting sets of states first. In particular, we discuss how model checking can be combined with heuristic cost functions to guide search strategies. Finally, we list a number of current research developments, especially in the area of reachability analysis for optimal control and related issues

    A Cook’s Tour of Equational Axiomatizations for Prefix Iteration

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    Prefix iteration is a variation on the original binary version of theKleene star operation P*Q, obtained by restricting the first argument to be an atomic action, and yields simple iterative behaviours that can be equationally characterized by means of finite collections of axioms. In this paper, we present axiomatic characterizations for a significant fragment of the notions of equivalence and preorder in van Glabbeek's linear-time/branching-time spectrum over Milner's basic CCS extended with prefix iteration. More precisely, we consider ready simulation, simulation, readiness, trace and language semantics, and provide complete (in)equational axiomatizations for each of these notions over BCCS with prefix iteration. All of the axiom systems we present are finite, if so is the set of atomic actions under consideration

    A Benchmarks Library for Extended Parametric Timed Automata

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    Parametric timed automata are a powerful formalism for reasoning on concurrent real-time systems with unknown or uncertain timing constants. In order to test the efficiency of new algorithms, a fair set of benchmarks is required. We present an extension of the IMITATOR benchmarks library, that accumulated over the years a number of case studies from academic and industrial contexts. We extend here the library with several dozens of new benchmarks; these benchmarks highlight several new features: liveness properties, extensions of (parametric) timed automata (including stopwatches or multi-rate clocks), and unsolvable toy benchmarks. These latter additions help to emphasize the limits of state-of-the-art parameter synthesis techniques, with the hope to develop new dedicated algorithms in the future.Comment: This is the author (and extended) version of the manuscript of the same name published in the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2021

    Testing Hennessy-Milner Logic with Recursion

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    This study offers a characterization of the collection of propertiesexpressible in Hennessy-Milner Logic (HML) with recursion that can be testedusing finite LTSs. In addition to actions used to probe the behaviour of thetested system, the LTSs that we use as tests will be able to perform a distinguished action nok to signal their dissatisfaction during the interaction with the tested process. A process s passes the test T iff T does not perform the action nok when it interacts with s. A test T tests for a property phi in HML with recursion iff it is passed by exactly the states that satisfy phi. The paper gives an expressive completeness result offering a characterization of the collection of properties in HML with recursion that are testable in the above sense

    Fixpoint Alternation: Arithmetic, Transition Systems, and the Binary Tree

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    We provide an elementary proof of the fixpoint alternationhierarchy in arithmetic, which in turn allows us to simplify the proof of the modal mu-calculus alternation hierarchy. We further show that the alternation hierarchy on the binary tree is strict, resolving a problem of Niwinski

    How to stop time stopping

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    Zeno-timelocks constitute a challenge for the formal verification of timed automata: they are difficult to detect, and the verification of most properties (e.g., safety) is only correct for timelock-free models. Some time ago, Tripakis proposed a syntactic check on the structure of timed automata: If a certain condition (called strong non-zenoness) is met by all the loops in a given automaton, then zeno-timelocks are guaranteed not to occur. Checking for strong non-zenoness is efficient, and compositional (if all components in a network of automata are strongly non-zeno, then the network is free from zeno-timelocks). Strong non-zenoness, however, is sufficient-only: There exist non-zeno specifications which are not strongly non-zeno. A TCTL formula is known that represents a sufficient-and-necessary condition for non-zenoness; unfortunately, this formula requires a demanding model-checking algorithm, and not all model-checkers are able to express it. In addition, this algorithm provides only limited diagnostic information. Here we propose a number of alternative solutions. First, we show that the compositional application of strong non-zenoness can be weakened: Some networks can be guaranteed to be free from Zeno-timelocks, even if not every component is strongly non-zeno. Secondly, we present new syntactic, sufficient-only conditions that complement strong non-zenoness. Finally, we describe a sufficient-and-necessary condition that only requires a simple form of reachability analysis. Furthermore, our conditions identify the cause of zeno-timelocks directly on the model, in the form of unsafe loops. We also comment on a tool that we have developed, which implements the syntactic checks on Uppaal models. The tool is also able to derive, from those unsafe loops in a given automaton (in general, an Uppaal model representing a product automaton of a given network), the reachability formulas that characterise the occurrence of zeno-timelocks. A modified version of the CSMA/CD protocol is used as a case-study

    Testing Hennessy-Milner Logic with Recursion

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    A compositional analysis of broadcasting embedded systems

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    This work takes as its starting point D Kendall's CANdle/bCANdle algebraic framework for formal modelling and specification of broadcasting embedded systems based on CAN networks. Checking real-time properties of such systems is beset by problems of state-space explosion and so a scheme is given for recasting systems specified in Kendall's framework as parallel compositions of timed automata; a CAN network channel is modelled as an automaton. This recasting is shown to be bi-similar to the original bCANdle model. In the recast framework,"compositionality" theorems allow one to infer that a model of a system is simulated by some abstraction of the model, and hence that properties of the model expressible in ACTL can be inferred from analogous properties of the abstraction. These theorems are reminiscent of "assume-guarantee" reasoning allowing one to build simulations component-wise although, unfortunately, components participating in a "broadcast" are required to be abstracted "atomically". Case studies are presented to show how this can be used in practice, and how systems which take impossibly long to model-check can tackled by compositional methods. The work is of broader interest also, as the models are built as UPPAAL systems and the compositionality theorems apply to any UPPAAL system in which the components do not share local variables. The method could for instance extend to systems using some network other than CAN, provided it can be modelled by timed automata. Possibilities also exist for building it into an automated tool, complementing other methods such as counterexample- guided abstraction refinement